“Death Camps For Trump Supporters” Fliers Posted In New York

Leftist pussies with posters.

I wonder if they're willing to die for what they think they believe in?

(Billy wonders a moment ...)

Nahhhh ... :auiqs.jpg:

Just a thought.

To answer that question all we need do is look closely at the written and otherwise recorded history of the radical left since about 1700 A.D. Do that and you will have no doubt as to the lengths radical leftists will go to gain power here in America. We should be very worried.
Leftist pussies with posters.

I wonder if they're willing to die for what they think they believe in?

(Billy wonders a moment ...)

Nahhhh ... :auiqs.jpg:

Just a thought.

To answer that question all we need do is look closely at the written and otherwise recorded history of the radical left since about 1700 A.D. Do that and you will have no doubt as to the lengths radical leftists will go to gain power here in America. We should be very worried.
They have always been a bloodthirsty bunch.

Here is their plan:

Oh, my gosh! A little poster is a problem, yet torturing 50,000 in concentration camps is making US great!

Torture? Really? Concentration camps? Really?

You're funny.
Did you see IG Diana Shaw's investigation?
Forced migrants into standing room only areas for months without shower, or change of clothes for over a month Threw away all their possessions, restricted access to toilet, food & water.24 died there already this year.
Leftist pussies with posters.

I wonder if they're willing to die for what they think they believe in?

(Billy wonders a moment ...)

Nahhhh ... :auiqs.jpg:

Just a thought.

To answer that question all we need do is look closely at the written and otherwise recorded history of the radical left since about 1700 A.D. Do that and you will have no doubt as to the lengths radical leftists will go to gain power here in America. We should be very worried.

I once worried every day about my roof leaking for 20 years straight. Then, I grew tired of worrying. On the 21st year, it leaked!
Then I fixed it.
I learned that worrying does not change future outcomes.
“Death Camps For Trump Supporters” Fliers Posted In New York

“Death Camps For Trump Supporters” Fliers Posted In New York
Aug 07, 2019 · Numerous fliers that say “death camps for Trump supporters now!!!” have been posted on street posts and parking meters in Patchogue, New York. The fliers feature the threatening text in red and a stylized image of Trump’s face as a skeleton. Suffolk County police said they weren’t alerted to the fliers, which now appear to have been removed.

The viral meme-starved PMS/DSA left messes the bed once again. Is this the best you creative Leftist elites have? As long as the notion of concentration camps is now exposed, who on the Left in control will begin complaining about mass exterminations?
There is a war on free speech. These flyers are so outrageous that even Progressive Marxist Socialist far-left Democrats will denounce them.(sarc). The biased MSM will certainly not report this story. If word does leak out, you will hear nothing but crickets from the PMS/DSA left either. Most leftists claim don’t want death camps for Trump supporters. They’re more into the Chinese style re-education camp model.
At some point there comes a tipping point where words become actions...then what?
Actually, this is nothing new Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground made mention that about 20 to 25 million conservatives would have to be re-educated or eliminated for socialism/communism to take hold in this country.
Hmm..., Will Director Wray order the investigation of these poster people based upon hate crimes and take away their guns? This is exactly how it begins and escalates into a mass shooting at a Trump rally or other such kind of event. The red flag is flying here law enforcement people.

That was not a very nice thing to say
Did it hurt your feelings?

Maybe I can find you a safe space

Death Camps for Illegals would make you pee your panties

Don't lie now

Certainly this is an old attack, Progressives used the same attack with Bush 43. It's my impression that someone is trying to set up USA for civil unrest. It's not Trump because he's in the crosshairs, Just like CIA has done before in numerous nations around the world. The Progressive Marxist Socialist operatives that run the media are part and parcel to the ongoing psychological warfare game to divide the nation. It's sad that more people can't figure this out or see it for what it is. TWO back to back shootings from both extreme ends of the pendulum should be a major wake up call if nothing else has.
Meanwhile the PMS/DSA Commies continue preaching violence and Civil War. Eventually their prayers will be answered.
Leftist pussies with posters.

I wonder if they're willing to die for what they think they believe in?

(Billy wonders a moment ...)

Nahhhh ... :auiqs.jpg:

Just a thought.

To answer that question all we need do is look closely at the written and otherwise recorded history of the radical left since about 1700 A.D. Do that and you will have no doubt as to the lengths radical leftists will go to gain power here in America. We should be very worried.

I once worried every day about my roof leaking for 20 years straight. Then, I grew tired of worrying. On the 21st year, it leaked!
Then I fixed it.
I learned that worrying does not change future outcomes.

Sounds like the end of an ending.
Leftist pussies with posters.

I wonder if they're willing to die for what they think they believe in?

(Billy wonders a moment ...)

Nahhhh ... :auiqs.jpg:

Just a thought.

To answer that question all we need do is look closely at the written and otherwise recorded history of the radical left since about 1700 A.D. Do that and you will have no doubt as to the lengths radical leftists will go to gain power here in America. We should be very worried.

I once worried every day about my roof leaking for 20 years straight. Then, I grew tired of worrying. On the 21st year, it leaked!
Then I fixed it.
I learned that worrying does not change future outcomes.

Sounds like the end of an ending.

I came out of it dry.
“Death Camps For Trump Supporters” Fliers Posted In New York

“Death Camps For Trump Supporters” Fliers Posted In New York
Aug 07, 2019 · Numerous fliers that say “death camps for Trump supporters now!!!” have been posted on street posts and parking meters in Patchogue, New York. The fliers feature the threatening text in red and a stylized image of Trump’s face as a skeleton. Suffolk County police said they weren’t alerted to the fliers, which now appear to have been removed.

The viral meme-starved PMS/DSA left messes the bed once again. Is this the best you creative Leftist elites have? As long as the notion of concentration camps is now exposed, who on the Left in control will begin complaining about mass exterminations?
There is a war on free speech. These flyers are so outrageous that even Progressive Marxist Socialist far-left Democrats will denounce them.(sarc). The biased MSM will certainly not report this story. If word does leak out, you will hear nothing but crickets from the PMS/DSA left either. Most leftists claim don’t want death camps for Trump supporters. They’re more into the Chinese style re-education camp model.
At some point there comes a tipping point where words become actions...then what?
Actually, this is nothing new Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground made mention that about 20 to 25 million conservatives would have to be re-educated or eliminated for socialism/communism to take hold in this country.
Hmm..., Will Director Wray order the investigation of these poster people based upon hate crimes and take away their guns? This is exactly how it begins and escalates into a mass shooting at a Trump rally or other such kind of event. The red flag is flying here law enforcement people.

That was not a very nice thing to say
Did it hurt your feelings?

Maybe I can find you a safe space

Death Camps for Illegals would make you pee your panties

Don't lie now

Certainly this is an old attack, Progressives used the same attack with Bush 43. It's my impression that someone is trying to set up USA for civil unrest. It's not Trump because he's in the crosshairs, Just like CIA has done before in numerous nations around the world. The Progressive Marxist Socialist operatives that run the media are part and parcel to the ongoing psychological warfare game to divide the nation. It's sad that more people can't figure this out or see it for what it is. TWO back to back shootings from both extreme ends of the pendulum should be a major wake up call if nothing else has.
Meanwhile the PMS/DSA Commies continue preaching violence and Civil War. Eventually their prayers will be answered.

The Marxists who have embedded themselves deep within the Democratic Party require a traditional vanguard communist party to lead their way into the revolution. Combined, Antifa operations—seen and unseen—media and Hollywood propaganda, indoctrinated ultra-liberal university students and local government officials who have climbed into bed with radical grassroots organizations, are currently carrying out phase one of vanguard party operations. Phase two, if it goes down, will be a whole other level of madness. Political assassinations, bombings, cultural uprisings in the streets. For more info see Mao's Cultural Revolution. Don't believe it? Did you believe a decade ago they'd be trying to teach our kids men can become women? Or America is evil? Look at the day's headlines. No "official" or respected newspaper in prior American history would ever have dared run such anti-American, anti-truth lies and expect to survive the fallout. Ruination of all that is and was America is the prevailing wind of our day.
“Death Camps For Trump Supporters” Fliers Posted In New York

“Death Camps For Trump Supporters” Fliers Posted In New York
Aug 07, 2019 · Numerous fliers that say “death camps for Trump supporters now!!!” have been posted on street posts and parking meters in Patchogue, New York. The fliers feature the threatening text in red and a stylized image of Trump’s face as a skeleton. Suffolk County police said they weren’t alerted to the fliers, which now appear to have been removed.

The viral meme-starved PMS/DSA left messes the bed once again. Is this the best you creative Leftist elites have? As long as the notion of concentration camps is now exposed, who on the Left in control will begin complaining about mass exterminations?
There is a war on free speech. These flyers are so outrageous that even Progressive Marxist Socialist far-left Democrats will denounce them.(sarc). The biased MSM will certainly not report this story. If word does leak out, you will hear nothing but crickets from the PMS/DSA left either. Most leftists claim don’t want death camps for Trump supporters. They’re more into the Chinese style re-education camp model.
At some point there comes a tipping point where words become actions...then what?
Actually, this is nothing new Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground made mention that about 20 to 25 million conservatives would have to be re-educated or eliminated for socialism/communism to take hold in this country.
Hmm..., Will Director Wray order the investigation of these poster people based upon hate crimes and take away their guns? This is exactly how it begins and escalates into a mass shooting at a Trump rally or other such kind of event. The red flag is flying here law enforcement people.

That was not a very nice thing to say
Did it hurt your feelings?

Maybe I can find you a safe space

Death Camps for Illegals would make you pee your panties

Don't lie now

Certainly this is an old attack, Progressives used the same attack with Bush 43. It's my impression that someone is trying to set up USA for civil unrest. It's not Trump because he's in the crosshairs, Just like CIA has done before in numerous nations around the world. The Progressive Marxist Socialist operatives that run the media are part and parcel to the ongoing psychological warfare game to divide the nation. It's sad that more people can't figure this out or see it for what it is. TWO back to back shootings from both extreme ends of the pendulum should be a major wake up call if nothing else has.
Meanwhile the PMS/DSA Commies continue preaching violence and Civil War. Eventually their prayers will be answered.

The Marxists who have embedded themselves deep within the Democratic Party require a traditional vanguard communist party to lead their way into the revolution. Combined, Antifa operations—seen and unseen—media and Hollywood propaganda, indoctrinated ultra-liberal university students and local government officials who have climbed into bed with radical grassroots organizations, are currently carrying out phase one of vanguard party operations. Phase two, if it goes down, will be a whole other level of madness. Political assassinations, bombings, cultural uprisings in the streets. For more info see Mao's Cultural Revolution. Don't believe it? Did you believe a decade ago they'd be trying to teach our kids men can become women? Or America is evil? Look at the day's headlines. No "official" or respected newspaper in prior American history would ever have dared run such anti-American, anti-truth lies and expect to survive the fallout. Ruination of all that is and was America is the prevailing wind of our day.

They have no awareness that resistance is futile.
Death camps for supporting the President of the United States? I would never have imagined that a supporter of the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES would have threats like this made in public.
Death camps for supporting the President of the United States? I would never have imagined that a supporter of the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES would have threats like this made in public.

Welcome to todaysville.....
He sold every jew he could find to the nazis, and the progressive left here love him. Shows what despicable scum they are.

As a 9 year old he did this?

A teenager actually. You should look into the fucker. But only if you really want to know what a despicable piece of shit he is. if you don't care that he's a despicable piece of shit then that says a lot about you.
leftist can't stop bullets.
you realize of course that leftists have their own bullets too, right?

I seriously doubt that the left will win, but they are more organized than conservatives are for violent conflict, but that is an advantage that diminishes over time.

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