Death In Ghayil, Yemen...

the home of 65-year-old Abdallah al Ameri and his son Mohammed al Ameri, 38, appeared to be the targets of the US forces, who called in air support as they were pinned down in a nearly hourlong firefight./QUOTE]
So it was a bunch of women and children just sleeping that held off a seal team for an hour. That's a fucking tactical wet dream right there. How many ISIS men were killed? How many of your "innocent" victims were helping them?

You do know an actual fight in real life is a bit more complicated than when you roll the dice during your Dungeon's and Dragon's Saturday night with your friends right?

I'm just saying that Yemeni childrens' lives are valuable too. We lost one US Soldier. But several innocent Yemeni women and children were murdered in the process. It's very sad most Americans don't understand that disturbing reality.

You just ended all debate by using the term "murder" to define the unfortunate deaths of civilians during a time of self defense by American soldiers. Collateral damage, yes. But not murder. Using said term infers intent to seek out and kill innocent individual, which was, as we both know, was not the case.

Words have meaning. The improper use of words to try to describe actual events reflect poorly on the speaker. If you are offended by collateral damage, say so, but don't call it something it's not.
the home of 65-year-old Abdallah al Ameri and his son Mohammed al Ameri, 38, appeared to be the targets of the US forces, who called in air support as they were pinned down in a nearly hourlong firefight./QUOTE]
So it was a bunch of women and children just sleeping that held off a seal team for an hour. That's a fucking tactical wet dream right there. How many ISIS men were killed? How many of your "innocent" victims were helping them?

You do know an actual fight in real life is a bit more complicated than when you roll the dice during your Dungeon's and Dragon's Saturday night with your friends right?

I'm just saying that Yemeni childrens' lives are valuable too. We lost one US Soldier. But several innocent Yemeni women and children were murdered in the process. It's very sad most Americans don't understand that disturbing reality.
No they don't mean that much. They weren't innocent they were part of the ISIS clan. A fire fight occured. We lost one guy. Anytime we lose one we need a thousand of theirs to be even. That's how you win wars.

Sorry, but that's just sick. Read the article. Murdering a bunch of innocent Women and Children can't be justified. A Yemeni child's life is every bit as 'valuable' as a US Soldier's life is.
No it's not as valuable. We are there to stop this ISIS bullshit. Line up a thousand Yemeni women and children supporting ISIS on one side and on the other line up one US soldier wanting to go home to his wife and child. Then make me pick one side to die. The yemeni side get's strafed, twice. Fuck them.

Sorry, but that's a sick mentality. Unfortunately, most Americans have been indoctrinated on that sick mentality. We lost just one US Soldier in this massacre. But several innocent women and children were also slaughtered. Their lives mean something too.
Look, most of us take issue with collateral damage to property and human life, that's why the U.S.Military tries (unlike many other countries) to avoid or minimize it. But it happens relative often in the heat of battle. However, when enemy combatants hide, and fight, among a civilian population, bad shit gonna happen. There really is no way around it.

American soldiers have died trying to avoid collateral damage.
Look, most of us take issue with collateral damage to property and human life, that's why the U.S.Military tries (unlike many other countries) to avoid or minimize it. But it happens relative often in the heat of battle. However, when enemy combatants hide, and fight, among a civilian population, bad shit gonna happen. There really is no way around it.

American soldiers have died trying to avoid collateral damage.

Sorry, but i can't buy that. Most Americans could care less how many children are murdered in these attacks. They've been indoctrinated to believe that those lives are less 'valuable' than American lives. They've been taught to think of those people as not being human. And that's very sad and disturbing. If Americans were shown the ugly reality, they would likely reconsider this Permanent War agenda.
the home of 65-year-old Abdallah al Ameri and his son Mohammed al Ameri, 38, appeared to be the targets of the US forces, who called in air support as they were pinned down in a nearly hourlong firefight./QUOTE]
So it was a bunch of women and children just sleeping that held off a seal team for an hour. That's a fucking tactical wet dream right there. How many ISIS men were killed? How many of your "innocent" victims were helping them?

You do know an actual fight in real life is a bit more complicated than when you roll the dice during your Dungeon's and Dragon's Saturday night with your friends right?

I'm just saying that Yemeni childrens' lives are valuable too. We lost one US Soldier. But several innocent Yemeni women and children were murdered in the process. It's very sad most Americans don't understand that disturbing reality.
No they don't mean that much. They weren't innocent they were part of the ISIS clan. A fire fight occured. We lost one guy. Anytime we lose one we need a thousand of theirs to be even. That's how you win wars.

Sorry, but that's just sick. Read the article. Murdering a bunch of innocent Women and Children can't be justified. A Yemeni child's life is every bit as 'valuable' as a US Soldier's life is.
No it's not as valuable. We are there to stop this ISIS bullshit. Line up a thousand Yemeni women and children supporting ISIS on one side and on the other line up one US soldier wanting to go home to his wife and child. Then make me pick one side to die. The yemeni side get's strafed, twice. Fuck them.
---------------------------------------------------- MMike makes a very important point , the dead 'yeminis' were supporters of 'islamic state' . It not like they were innocent and the children , sorry to say were put in harms way by the parents / guardians .
no doubt the Yemenis are victims------but victims of WHOM???
right now Yemenis are the victims of IRAN

Of Saudi Arabia and the US too. It's a divided nation. But the US has no business meddling in its internal conflict. But than again, meddling is all we do nowadays. We just invaded Syria too. How many wars we up to now? Man, when will Americans have enough of this Endless War agenda?

Yemen and Saudi Arabia have been SIDE BY SIDE----thruout their history. ---in fact in the perception of some----Yemen is PART OF ARABIA (that would be
the perception of flatulent armchair intellectuals in London). Interestingly,
there is really no history of conflict between Yemen and what is today Saudi
Arabia---(other than the usual tribal crap) Even in modern times YEMEN and SAUDI ARABIA----were never involved in a conflict with each other until
VERY RECENTLY-------somehow COINCIDENT with Iranian interaction with the
small Shiite minority in Yemen. The issue in Yemen now----between Saudi Arabia and itself is-----IRANIAN IMPERIALISM----related to the very strategically important SEA PORTS of Yemen. IRANIAN IMPERIALISM----
sad but true. The USA did not create the problem of IRANIAN IMPERIALISM

Well, Shiites actually aren't a 'small minority' in Yemen. The country is split roughly 50/50 Shiite-Sunni. But regardless, we shouldn't be intervening. It's not our war.

nope----actually the majority is sunni. Wikki got the Shiite shit propaganda---talk to a real Yemeni
no doubt the Yemenis are victims------but victims of WHOM???
right now Yemenis are the victims of IRAN

Of Saudi Arabia and the US too. It's a divided nation. But the US has no business meddling in its internal conflict. But than again, meddling is all we do nowadays. We just invaded Syria too. How many wars we up to now? Man, when will Americans have enough of this Endless War agenda?

Yemen and Saudi Arabia have been SIDE BY SIDE----thruout their history. ---in fact in the perception of some----Yemen is PART OF ARABIA (that would be
the perception of flatulent armchair intellectuals in London). Interestingly,
there is really no history of conflict between Yemen and what is today Saudi
Arabia---(other than the usual tribal crap) Even in modern times YEMEN and SAUDI ARABIA----were never involved in a conflict with each other until
VERY RECENTLY-------somehow COINCIDENT with Iranian interaction with the
small Shiite minority in Yemen. The issue in Yemen now----between Saudi Arabia and itself is-----IRANIAN IMPERIALISM----related to the very strategically important SEA PORTS of Yemen. IRANIAN IMPERIALISM----
sad but true. The USA did not create the problem of IRANIAN IMPERIALISM

Well, Shiites actually aren't a 'small minority' in Yemen. The country is split roughly 50/50 Shiite-Sunni. But regardless, we shouldn't be intervening. It's not our war.

nope----actually the majority is sunni. Wikki got the Shiite shit propaganda---talk to a real Yemeni

Sunnis have a slight majority. But regardless, it isn't our war.
no doubt the Yemenis are victims------but victims of WHOM???
right now Yemenis are the victims of IRAN

Of Saudi Arabia and the US too. It's a divided nation. But the US has no business meddling in its internal conflict. But than again, meddling is all we do nowadays. We just invaded Syria too. How many wars we up to now? Man, when will Americans have enough of this Endless War agenda?

Yemen and Saudi Arabia have been SIDE BY SIDE----thruout their history. ---in fact in the perception of some----Yemen is PART OF ARABIA (that would be
the perception of flatulent armchair intellectuals in London). Interestingly,
there is really no history of conflict between Yemen and what is today Saudi
Arabia---(other than the usual tribal crap) Even in modern times YEMEN and SAUDI ARABIA----were never involved in a conflict with each other until
VERY RECENTLY-------somehow COINCIDENT with Iranian interaction with the
small Shiite minority in Yemen. The issue in Yemen now----between Saudi Arabia and itself is-----IRANIAN IMPERIALISM----related to the very strategically important SEA PORTS of Yemen. IRANIAN IMPERIALISM----
sad but true. The USA did not create the problem of IRANIAN IMPERIALISM

Well, Shiites actually aren't a 'small minority' in Yemen. The country is split roughly 50/50 Shiite-Sunni. But regardless, we shouldn't be intervening. It's not our war.

nope----actually the majority is sunni. Wikki got the Shiite shit propaganda---talk to a real Yemeni

Sunnis have a slight majority. But regardless, it isn't our war.

nope----not slight-----clear majority-----right now information coming out
of yemen is IRANIAN INFLUENCED------entirely because of IRANIAN

I'm just saying that Yemeni childrens' lives are valuable too. We lost one US Soldier. But several innocent Yemeni women and children were murdered in the process. It's very sad most Americans don't understand that disturbing reality.
No they don't mean that much. They weren't innocent they were part of the ISIS clan. A fire fight occured. We lost one guy. Anytime we lose one we need a thousand of theirs to be even. That's how you win wars.

Sorry, but that's just sick. Read the article. Murdering a bunch of innocent Women and Children can't be justified. A Yemeni child's life is every bit as 'valuable' as a US Soldier's life is.
No it's not as valuable. We are there to stop this ISIS bullshit. Line up a thousand Yemeni women and children supporting ISIS on one side and on the other line up one US soldier wanting to go home to his wife and child. Then make me pick one side to die. The yemeni side get's strafed, twice. Fuck them.

Sorry, but that's a sick mentality. Unfortunately, most Americans have been indoctrinated on that sick mentality. We lost just one US Soldier in this massacre. But several innocent women and children were also slaughtered. Their lives mean something too.

tens of thousands of Yemeni kids are dead as a RESULT OF IRANIAN AGGRESSION IN YEMEN--------of course in your view THEY don't count

I'm just saying that Yemeni childrens' lives are valuable too. We lost one US Soldier. But several innocent Yemeni women and children were murdered in the process. It's very sad most Americans don't understand that disturbing reality.
No they don't mean that much. They weren't innocent they were part of the ISIS clan. A fire fight occured. We lost one guy. Anytime we lose one we need a thousand of theirs to be even. That's how you win wars.

Sorry, but that's just sick. Read the article. Murdering a bunch of innocent Women and Children can't be justified. A Yemeni child's life is every bit as 'valuable' as a US Soldier's life is.
No it's not as valuable. We are there to stop this ISIS bullshit. Line up a thousand Yemeni women and children supporting ISIS on one side and on the other line up one US soldier wanting to go home to his wife and child. Then make me pick one side to die. The yemeni side get's strafed, twice. Fuck them.
---------------------------------------------------- MMike makes a very important point , the dead 'yeminis' were supporters of 'islamic state' . It not like they were innocent and the children , sorry to say were put in harms way by the parents / guardians .

which "Islamic state"? Isis is not all that big in Yemen amongst the sunnis-----of course the Shiites there support the IRANIAN ISLAMIC STATE----but they are
the minority
I'm just saying that Yemeni childrens' lives are valuable too. We lost one US Soldier. But several innocent Yemeni women and children were murdered in the process. It's very sad most Americans don't understand that disturbing reality.
No they don't mean that much. They weren't innocent they were part of the ISIS clan. A fire fight occured. We lost one guy. Anytime we lose one we need a thousand of theirs to be even. That's how you win wars.

Sorry, but that's just sick. Read the article. Murdering a bunch of innocent Women and Children can't be justified. A Yemeni child's life is every bit as 'valuable' as a US Soldier's life is.
No it's not as valuable. We are there to stop this ISIS bullshit. Line up a thousand Yemeni women and children supporting ISIS on one side and on the other line up one US soldier wanting to go home to his wife and child. Then make me pick one side to die. The yemeni side get's strafed, twice. Fuck them.

Sorry, but that's a sick mentality. Unfortunately, most Americans have been indoctrinated on that sick mentality. We lost just one US Soldier in this massacre. But several innocent women and children were also slaughtered. Their lives mean something too.

tens of thousands of Yemeni kids are dead as a RESULT OF IRANIAN AGGRESSION IN YEMEN--------of course in your view THEY don't count

Saudi Arabia and the US are also responsible for numerous massacres. Yemen is a divided nation. It's a Civil War. We shouldn't be involved.
my only thought would be that dead kids are the fault of the parents or the kids owners .
It's a shame that civilians were killed in the attack at Yemen but Bill Clinton's splendid little war in Bosnia wasn't that long ago. Most Americans can't even imagine why president Clinton would have authorized NATO bombers to kill Yugoslavians while 9-11 terrorists were attending flight school in the U.S. but that's another story. Clinton supporters estimate the civilian casualties at (only) 500 during the Bosnian bombing campaign but other estimates range up to 5,000. The criminal conspiracy known as the MSM was relatively silent about civilian casualties.
my only thought would be that dead kids are the fault of the parents or the kids owners .

It's also the fault of those who chose to kill them. They didn't have to kill them. They chose to.
no doubt the Yemenis are victims------but victims of WHOM???
right now Yemenis are the victims of IRAN

Of Saudi Arabia and the US too. It's a divided nation. But the US has no business meddling in its internal conflict. But than again, meddling is all we do nowadays. We just invaded Syria too. How many wars we up to now? Man, when will Americans have enough of this Endless War agenda?

Yemen and Saudi Arabia have been SIDE BY SIDE----thruout their history. ---in fact in the perception of some----Yemen is PART OF ARABIA (that would be
the perception of flatulent armchair intellectuals in London). Interestingly,
there is really no history of conflict between Yemen and what is today Saudi
Arabia---(other than the usual tribal crap) Even in modern times YEMEN and SAUDI ARABIA----were never involved in a conflict with each other until
VERY RECENTLY-------somehow COINCIDENT with Iranian interaction with the
small Shiite minority in Yemen. The issue in Yemen now----between Saudi Arabia and itself is-----IRANIAN IMPERIALISM----related to the very strategically important SEA PORTS of Yemen. IRANIAN IMPERIALISM----
sad but true. The USA did not create the problem of IRANIAN IMPERIALISM

Well, Shiites actually aren't a 'small minority' in Yemen. The country is split roughly 50/50 Shiite-Sunni. But regardless, we shouldn't be intervening. It's not our war.

nope----actually the majority is sunni. Wikki got the Shiite shit propaganda---talk to a real Yemeni

Sunnis have a slight majority. But regardless, it isn't our war.
my only thought would be that dead kids are the fault of the parents or the kids owners .

It's also the fault of those who chose to kill them. They didn't have to kill them. They chose to.

Just stop, our military doesnt choose to kill civilians
It all gets back to indoctrination. Most American truly feel a Yemeni's life isn't as 'valuable' as an American's life. They see them as not being human. They've been taught to see them as 'Sub-Human.' Their lives don't mean anything. A Yemeni child being brutally slaughtered, really doesn't mean much to the average American. As shocking as that is, it is the ugly reality.
Look, most of us take issue with collateral damage to property and human life, that's why the U.S.Military tries (unlike many other countries) to avoid or minimize it. But it happens relative often in the heat of battle. However, when enemy combatants hide, and fight, among a civilian population, bad shit gonna happen. There really is no way around it.

American soldiers have died trying to avoid collateral damage.

Sorry, but i can't buy that. Most Americans could care less how many children are murdered in these attacks. They've been indoctrinated to believe that those lives are less 'valuable' than American lives. They've been taught to think of those people as not being human. And that's very sad and disturbing. If Americans were shown the ugly reality, they would likely reconsider this Permanent War agenda.

I disagree. Most Americans wish we could avoid it all together. But they realize that the way of modern warfare, especially against terrorist organization, is such that all we can do is try to minimize it. As I said in my previous post, as long as enemy combatant hide and fight amongst a civilian population, it's nearly impossible to avoid civilian casualties.

We (you) may not like it, hate it even, but the reality is that it is going to happen.
Now if the U.S. was cavalier about civilian casualties, like Russia, we would have a huge problem and the American people wouldn't stand for it.

I, as a veteran, don't like it but I accept that it is a fact of war.

We learned our lesson during WWII where there was indiscriminate bombing of civilians. That's why the Geneva Convention outlawed the practice. That's why the terrorist are breaking international law by hiding in population centers, and that's why, I believe, they do it. They know we won't bomb them up to the stone age while they're there.
It all gets back to indoctrination. Most American truly feel a Yemeni's life isn't as 'valuable' as an American's life. They see them as not being human. They've been taught to see them as 'Sub-Human.' Their lives don't mean anything. A Yemeni child being brutally slaughtered, really doesn't mean much to the average American. As shocking as that is, it is the ugly reality.

Now youre just projecting....and repeating yourself
It all gets back to indoctrination. Most American truly feel a Yemeni's life isn't as 'valuable' as an American's life. They see them as not being human. They've been taught to see them as 'Sub-Human.' Their lives don't mean anything. A Yemeni child being brutally slaughtered, really doesn't mean much to the average American. As shocking as that is, it is the ugly reality.

And again, the term "brutally slaughtered" infers intent.
Look, most of us take issue with collateral damage to property and human life, that's why the U.S.Military tries (unlike many other countries) to avoid or minimize it. But it happens relative often in the heat of battle. However, when enemy combatants hide, and fight, among a civilian population, bad shit gonna happen. There really is no way around it.

American soldiers have died trying to avoid collateral damage.

Sorry, but i can't buy that. Most Americans could care less how many children are murdered in these attacks. They've been indoctrinated to believe that those lives are less 'valuable' than American lives. They've been taught to think of those people as not being human. And that's very sad and disturbing. If Americans were shown the ugly reality, they would likely reconsider this Permanent War agenda.

I disagree. Most Americans wish we could avoid it all together. But they realize that the way of modern warfare, especially against terrorist organization, is such that all we can do is try to minimize it. As I said in my previous post, as long as enemy combatant hide and fight amongst a civilian population, it's nearly impossible to avoid civilian casualties.

We (you) may not like it, hate it even, but the reality is that it is going to happen.
Now if the U.S. was cavalier about civilian casualties, like Russia, we would have a huge problem and the American people wouldn't stand for it.

I, as a veteran, don't like it but I accept that it is a fact of war.

We learned our lesson during WWII where there was indiscriminate bombing of civilians. That's why the Geeva Convention outlawed the practice. That's why the terrorist are breaking international law by hiding in population centers, and that's why, I believe, they do it. They know we won't bomb them up to the stone age while they're there.

The US/West owns the International Court System. When's the last time you saw an American or Westerner tried for War Crimes? Here's a hint, it doesn't happen. Only those deemed 'Enemies' of the US/West are tried for 'War Crimes.' It's a rigged system. The US/West can commit all the atrocities they want. They'll never be held accountable. They own the system for God's sake.

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