Death In Ghayil, Yemen...

A perspective most Americans aren't exposed to. Yes we did lose a US Soldier, but several others including innocent women and children were also killed in the attack. As Americans, we're indoctrinated to only care about Americans being killed. We're taught that it's only American lives that count. But an American life isn't any more 'valuable' than a Yemeni child's life. We should think about that more often. Maybe more Americans would stop supporting the Endless War agenda?


On January 29, 5-year-old Sinan al Ameri was asleep with his mother, his aunt, and 12 other children in a one-room stone hut typical of poor rural villages in the highlands of Yemen. A little after 1 a.m., the women and children awoke to the sound of a gunfight erupting a few hundred feet away. Roughly 30 members of Navy SEAL Team 6 were storming the eastern hillside of the remote settlement.

According to residents of the village of al Ghayil, in Yemen’s al Bayda province, the first to die in the assault was 13-year-old Nasser al Dhahab. The house of his uncle, Sheikh Abdulraouf al Dhahab, and the building behind it, the home of 65-year-old Abdallah al Ameri and his son Mohammed al Ameri, 38, appeared to be the targets of the US forces, who called in air support as they were pinned down in a nearly hourlong firefight.

With the SEALs taking heavy fire on the lower slopes, attack helicopters swept over the hillside hamlet above. In what seemed to be blind panic, the gunships bombarded the entire village, striking more than a dozen buildings, razing stone dwellings where families slept, and wiping out more than 120 goats, sheep, and donkeys.

Three projectiles tore through the straw and timber roof of the home where Sinan slept. Cowering in a corner, Sinan’s mother, 30-year-old Fatim Saleh Mohsen, decided to flee the bombardment. Grabbing her 18-month-old son and ushering her terrified children into the narrow outdoor passageway between the tightly packed dwellings, she headed into the open...

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Death in Ghayil
Nice propaganda piece. DEATH TO INFIDELS!

The children killed were not 'Terrorists.'
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Look, most of us take issue with collateral damage to property and human life, that's why the U.S.Military tries (unlike many other countries) to avoid or minimize it. But it happens relative often in the heat of battle. However, when enemy combatants hide, and fight, among a civilian population, bad shit gonna happen. There really is no way around it.

American soldiers have died trying to avoid collateral damage.

Sorry, but i can't buy that. Most Americans could care less how many children are murdered in these attacks. They've been indoctrinated to believe that those lives are less 'valuable' than American lives. They've been taught to think of those people as not being human. And that's very sad and disturbing. If Americans were shown the ugly reality, they would likely reconsider this Permanent War agenda.

I disagree. Most Americans wish we could avoid it all together. But they realize that the way of modern warfare, especially against terrorist organization, is such that all we can do is try to minimize it. As I said in my previous post, as long as enemy combatant hide and fight amongst a civilian population, it's nearly impossible to avoid civilian casualties.

We (you) may not like it, hate it even, but the reality is that it is going to happen.
Now if the U.S. was cavalier about civilian casualties, like Russia, we would have a huge problem and the American people wouldn't stand for it.

I, as a veteran, don't like it but I accept that it is a fact of war.

We learned our lesson during WWII where there was indiscriminate bombing of civilians. That's why the Geeva Convention outlawed the practice. That's why the terrorist are breaking international law by hiding in population centers, and that's why, I believe, they do it. They know we won't bomb them up to the stone age while they're there.

The US/West owns the International Court System. When's the last time you saw an American or Westerner tried for War Crimes? Here's a hint, it doesn't happen. Only those deemed 'Enemies' of the US/West are tried for 'War Crimes.' It's a rigged system. The US/West can commit all the atrocities they want. They'll never be held accountable. They own the system for God's sake.

good----the RIGHT people "own" the system. -----

Depends on perspective. The System is 'great' for those who own it. They never get held accountable for their atrocities. They have free reign to kill at will.
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It all gets back to indoctrination. Most American truly feel a Yemeni's life isn't as 'valuable' as an American's life. They see them as not being human. They've been taught to see them as 'Sub-Human.' Their lives don't mean anything. A Yemeni child being brutally slaughtered, really doesn't mean much to the average American. As shocking as that is, it is the ugly reality.

It would probably be correct to say that most americans never heard of the
country called YEMEN-------or have heard of it but have NO OPINION about
the nature of its population or where it exists on the planet. In general---americans are very sensitive to the DEATHS of children ----in plague or storm or war <<<<

Most don't even know that several women and children were killed in this attack. But you can bet most do know that one US Soldier was killed. They're thoroughly propagandized.

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