Death penalty

Great idea. How are you going to implement that? We have laws concerning trial procedure, jury discrimination, and all that other stuff to protect the innocent. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't complain about all that if you somehow got locked up for something you didn't do.

There is already a system in place. What I am saying is people seem only to care if the DP is involved, and care when the person is obviously guilty. So the whole "may be innocent" thing is a crock.

There are far more people doing life who are innocent that who face the DP, but the DP is a cause celebre for progressives, another way to "show the rubes how to think".

And its another loser.

That's because when you kill someone, it's too late to say oops.

And when they die 30 more years later in jail of old age, it's too late as well. Again, that guy gets ignored and the idiot who was ON VIDEO killing some clerk in a 7-eleven gets hundreds of thousands in appeals to prove he was too stupid to do it willfully, or his original lawyer sucked, or the jury was biased.

Liberals in their love of human kind do somehow always end up fighting for the bad guys who harm and murder people. Interesting, huh?

Again, if it was about the innocent, they would limit their DP fights to those who proclaim their innocence and that have even a shred of contradictory evidence to the conviction. They could use the rest of the $$ to investigate all those life without parole cases where someone actually innocent may be languishing.

Instead they use the "spaghetti on the wall" method of fighting the DP, attacking every little thing even in cases where is 100% known the perp did it.

Yes, clearly their standard is not the canard that they are concerned innocent people are being put to death. They repeatedly fight cases where there is no doubt. He had 15 people chopped up in his freezer, do you KNOW it wasn't the maid? Um ... YEAH!

I'm just against the death penalty and say so. I'd support the left on that if they would just say that. But to your point they just lie, and I won't support that. Just like in the Middle East where they say stupid shit like Bush lied instead of just saying we should have known better. Bush clearly believed in what he was doing and why, which means he didn't lie
If every executed person was as unquestionably guilty as Roof, I would say fry them all. Unfortunately, we have killed too many innocent people, and it's too late to find that out after they are dead. It's cheaper to just lock them up forever, and we don't take the chance of more guilty people going free because we killed an innocent person for their crime.
Are you saying that the science used to determine the DNA isn't sure enough? Are you saying that the science of Global Warming isn't sure enough?

No dumb ass. I'm talking about executing innocent people.
You are also talking about depraved mass murderers since you claim it is not possible for the system to distinguish between them.

I'm saying that there have been cases where we haven't been able to distinguish between innocent and guilty people. Either way. I wasn't talking about accuracy of DNA or Global Climate Change.
The point is no matter how careful we are, we have no way of knowing at the time of execution if exonerating evidence will emerge later, so the only way to avoid killing an innocent person is to allow depraved mass murderers to also escape the death penalty. So as a practical matter, you are saying no one should be executed.

To carry your argument further, since we know that innocent people are sometimes sent to prison, sometimes for long periods, and since no matter how careful we are, at the time of sentencing, we have no way of knowing if exonerating evidence will later emerge, the only way to avoid sending innocent people to prison is to send no one to prison.

Policy makers attempt most often to apply the philosophy that they should seek the greatest good for the greatest number because it is often impossible or impractical to look for policies that benefit everyone, so if you believe, as the majority of voters in some states do, that the death penalty improves public safety, then the actual number of innocent people who are executed has to be weighed against that perceived benefit, and most people in those states believe the death penalty does provide the greatest good for the greatest number.
Some crimes don't deserve three hots and a cot.

Executing prisoners reflects more poorly on our society than the person being executed

Eye for an eye justice is best saved for Sharia Law
So you would keep depraved mass murderers alive but support a woman's right to kill her baby?


Not even close to the same thing......Are you advocating the death penalty for women who get abortions?
No, but you are advocating the death penalty for babies who are guilty of the crime of being unwanted, and yet demand that depraved mass mass murderers be spared? You seem always to be on side of the killers.

Abortion is not a crime...murder is

I am not advocating they not be punished, only what the punishment should be
An execution is not murder under the law and perhaps abortion should be a crime.
The anti-death penalty nutters are mysteriously quiet on the Dylann roof trial…:dig:
Anti death nutters aren't really anti-death.

They approve of Roof's execution because they identify him with the Christian right wing. The characterization is wrong, but that's the way they see it and so they are going to want him dead, of course.

And if those killed in the church had been white churchgoers, they would be protesting against the death penalty as we speak.
There is already a system in place. What I am saying is people seem only to care if the DP is involved, and care when the person is obviously guilty. So the whole "may be innocent" thing is a crock.

There are far more people doing life who are innocent that who face the DP, but the DP is a cause celebre for progressives, another way to "show the rubes how to think".

And its another loser.

That's because when you kill someone, it's too late to say oops.

And when they die 30 more years later in jail of old age, it's too late as well. Again, that guy gets ignored and the idiot who was ON VIDEO killing some clerk in a 7-eleven gets hundreds of thousands in appeals to prove he was too stupid to do it willfully, or his original lawyer sucked, or the jury was biased.

Liberals in their love of human kind do somehow always end up fighting for the bad guys who harm and murder people. Interesting, huh?

Again, if it was about the innocent, they would limit their DP fights to those who proclaim their innocence and that have even a shred of contradictory evidence to the conviction. They could use the rest of the $$ to investigate all those life without parole cases where someone actually innocent may be languishing.

Instead they use the "spaghetti on the wall" method of fighting the DP, attacking every little thing even in cases where is 100% known the perp did it.

Yes, clearly their standard is not the canard that they are concerned innocent people are being put to death. They repeatedly fight cases where there is no doubt. He had 15 people chopped up in his freezer, do you KNOW it wasn't the maid? Um ... YEAH!

I'm just against the death penalty and say so. I'd support the left on that if they would just say that. But to your point they just lie, and I won't support that. Just like in the Middle East where they say stupid shit like Bush lied instead of just saying we should have known better. Bush clearly believed in what he was doing and why, which means he didn't lie

I can respect that.
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Executing prisoners reflects more poorly on our society than the person being executed

Eye for an eye justice is best saved for Sharia Law
So you would keep depraved mass murderers alive but support a woman's right to kill her baby?


Not even close to the same thing......Are you advocating the death penalty for women who get abortions?
No, but you are advocating the death penalty for babies who are guilty of the crime of being unwanted, and yet demand that depraved mass mass murderers be spared? You seem always to be on side of the killers.

Abortion is not a crime...murder is

I am not advocating they not be punished, only what the punishment should be
An execution is not murder under the law and perhaps abortion should be a crime.

It does create a quandary for a supposedly civilized society

Killing is if you do it, we will kill you

Most of the world and most of our states have moved away from executions. No way to enact justice with eye for an eye remedies
I suspect if the victims were a bunch of old white men, there would be a lot more sympathy for the piece of shit.

Really the piece of shit should've been executed about a year ago, someone should've taken him out back of the police station and shot him in the head with a 22. That would be real justice And it would not cost anything.

What really is the purpose of giving this guy a slap on the wrist... which is what that is by not giving him the death penalty.
He serves no purpose to anybody... just a reminder.

No one on the planet is going to miss having him around…:lmao:
If he does not get the death penalty… Corruption wins the day. Definitely:lmao:
So you would keep depraved mass murderers alive but support a woman's right to kill her baby?


Not even close to the same thing......Are you advocating the death penalty for women who get abortions?
No, but you are advocating the death penalty for babies who are guilty of the crime of being unwanted, and yet demand that depraved mass mass murderers be spared? You seem always to be on side of the killers.

Abortion is not a crime...murder is

I am not advocating they not be punished, only what the punishment should be
An execution is not murder under the law and perhaps abortion should be a crime.

It does create a quandary for a supposedly civilized society

Killing is if you do it, we will kill you

Most of the world and most of our states have moved away from executions. No way to enact justice with eye for an eye remedies

Just because others have done something doesn't make it the right thing, appeal to the masses.
So you would keep depraved mass murderers alive but support a woman's right to kill her baby?


Not even close to the same thing......Are you advocating the death penalty for women who get abortions?
No, but you are advocating the death penalty for babies who are guilty of the crime of being unwanted, and yet demand that depraved mass mass murderers be spared? You seem always to be on side of the killers.

Abortion is not a crime...murder is

I am not advocating they not be punished, only what the punishment should be
An execution is not murder under the law and perhaps abortion should be a crime.

It does create a quandary for a supposedly civilized society

Killing is if you do it, we will kill you

Most of the world and most of our states have moved away from executions. No way to enact justice with eye for an eye remedies
There is no quandary and and there is no rule that killing is bad. Clearly killing is allowed under some circumstances. As you have pointed out, killing babies is not a crime under some circumstances if you don't want them.

Not even close to the same thing......Are you advocating the death penalty for women who get abortions?
No, but you are advocating the death penalty for babies who are guilty of the crime of being unwanted, and yet demand that depraved mass mass murderers be spared? You seem always to be on side of the killers.

Abortion is not a crime...murder is

I am not advocating they not be punished, only what the punishment should be
An execution is not murder under the law and perhaps abortion should be a crime.

It does create a quandary for a supposedly civilized society

Killing is if you do it, we will kill you

Most of the world and most of our states have moved away from executions. No way to enact justice with eye for an eye remedies

Just because others have done something doesn't make it the right thing, appeal to the masses.

The US was the last civilized country to abandon slavery.
Looks like we will be the last to give up the death penalty
No, but you are advocating the death penalty for babies who are guilty of the crime of being unwanted, and yet demand that depraved mass mass murderers be spared? You seem always to be on side of the killers.

Abortion is not a crime...murder is

I am not advocating they not be punished, only what the punishment should be
An execution is not murder under the law and perhaps abortion should be a crime.

It does create a quandary for a supposedly civilized society

Killing is if you do it, we will kill you

Most of the world and most of our states have moved away from executions. No way to enact justice with eye for an eye remedies

Just because others have done something doesn't make it the right thing, appeal to the masses.

The US was the last civilized country to abandon slavery.
Looks like we will be the last to give up the death penalty
It is hard to call us civilized when we allow a baby who would be viable if delivered can have its brains suctioned out a few moments before it is out.
No, but you are advocating the death penalty for babies who are guilty of the crime of being unwanted, and yet demand that depraved mass mass murderers be spared? You seem always to be on side of the killers.

Abortion is not a crime...murder is

I am not advocating they not be punished, only what the punishment should be
An execution is not murder under the law and perhaps abortion should be a crime.

It does create a quandary for a supposedly civilized society

Killing is if you do it, we will kill you

Most of the world and most of our states have moved away from executions. No way to enact justice with eye for an eye remedies

Just because others have done something doesn't make it the right thing, appeal to the masses.

The US was the last civilized country to abandon slavery.
Looks like we will be the last to give up the death penalty

Nice attempt at comparison, but again fail.


China didn't give up Slavery until 1910, are you saying only European Countries are/were civilized?

Look at you, whitesplaining.
No, but you are advocating the death penalty for babies who are guilty of the crime of being unwanted, and yet demand that depraved mass mass murderers be spared? You seem always to be on side of the killers.

Abortion is not a crime...murder is

I am not advocating they not be punished, only what the punishment should be
An execution is not murder under the law and perhaps abortion should be a crime.

It does create a quandary for a supposedly civilized society

Killing is if you do it, we will kill you

Most of the world and most of our states have moved away from executions. No way to enact justice with eye for an eye remedies

Just because others have done something doesn't make it the right thing, appeal to the masses.

The US was the last civilized country to abandon slavery.
Looks like we will be the last to give up the death penalty
There is no reason for certain people to live like this piece of shit… There is no purpose for letting him stick around
Abortion is not a crime...murder is

I am not advocating they not be punished, only what the punishment should be
An execution is not murder under the law and perhaps abortion should be a crime.

It does create a quandary for a supposedly civilized society

Killing is if you do it, we will kill you

Most of the world and most of our states have moved away from executions. No way to enact justice with eye for an eye remedies

Just because others have done something doesn't make it the right thing, appeal to the masses.

The US was the last civilized country to abandon slavery.
Looks like we will be the last to give up the death penalty

Nice attempt at comparison, but again fail.


China didn't give up Slavery until 1910, are you saying only European Countries are/were civilized?

Look at you, whitesplaining.

I'm not calling China of 1910 civilized....are you?
Civilized is, getting rid of the shit… It's better off for all of society of this fucker Is dead... Fact
An execution is not murder under the law and perhaps abortion should be a crime.

It does create a quandary for a supposedly civilized society

Killing is if you do it, we will kill you

Most of the world and most of our states have moved away from executions. No way to enact justice with eye for an eye remedies

Just because others have done something doesn't make it the right thing, appeal to the masses.

The US was the last civilized country to abandon slavery.
Looks like we will be the last to give up the death penalty

Nice attempt at comparison, but again fail.


China didn't give up Slavery until 1910, are you saying only European Countries are/were civilized?

Look at you, whitesplaining.

I'm not calling China of 1910 civilized....are you?

How civilized was part of the american west, even in 1910?
An execution is not murder under the law and perhaps abortion should be a crime.

It does create a quandary for a supposedly civilized society

Killing is if you do it, we will kill you

Most of the world and most of our states have moved away from executions. No way to enact justice with eye for an eye remedies

Just because others have done something doesn't make it the right thing, appeal to the masses.

The US was the last civilized country to abandon slavery.
Looks like we will be the last to give up the death penalty

Nice attempt at comparison, but again fail.


China didn't give up Slavery until 1910, are you saying only European Countries are/were civilized?

Look at you, whitesplaining.

I'm not calling China of 1910 civilized....are you?
Then I guess you are not calling Thomas Jefferson or George Washington civilized either but you would call suctioning out the brains of a baby about to be delivered a civilized act.
Why is it any better to lock someone up for 50 years if they are innocent, than to execute them after 10-20? You probably operate under the assumption that it gives time to eventually exonerate them, but right now we have plenty of people doing life without parole, and unfortunately some of them may be innocent. What is the difference between them dying of old age or by a needle?

I think I would prefer the needle to anything else that might get stuck in me there.

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