Death Toll Going to Double and Triple...Thanks Socialist China

Don't forget that only 25% of the people in the toyota plant are actual toyota workers. The rest are temps making jack shit.

It appears that you forgot to include your reliable source and working link supporting your statement. Please add that so we can all be informed.
And I sell pot. It's not a drug, really.

Where in the world did you get an idea it was other than the lying orange blob. I know that the right now no longer takes responsibility for any thing and creates flat out lies and conspriacy theories to cover up thier ineptness but soory not dealing with zero iq here. Viruses come from nature but thanks for the horse shit mr. gold suporting member.

How is President Donald Trump responsible for the COVID-19? What ineptness is being covered up?

What are you talking about the viruses come from nature? What does that have to do with this thread? As an aside, do you not believe that viruses can be created and/or altered in the lab?
he is not responsible for the virus either. He is how ever responsible for the response to the virus with in his own country. his response was slow and has never had a consistent message. Guess what china is not responsible for the well being of america trump is. They did not create the virus, they may have with held things they knew about the virus but our intellegence knew what was going on and trump ignored them.
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.
China delayed the response?
China spent 2 months telling us it wasn't a big deal?
China told their faithful followers it was a hoax?
China ignored warnings for months?
China failed to stock up on PPE?
China refused to use the WHO's test and insisted on developing their own which was faulty and took weeks to fix? China failed to issue a coordinated response to the crisis? China waited to long to shut down the states?
China still hasn't managed to test significant numbers of the population?
China is opening up the states too early?
China is ignoring the advice of the medical experts?
China put their useless fucking son in law in charge of shit?

Was all of that China?

Those bastards?
Its pointless to argue with hyper partisans like you

trump did a good job of responding to the chinese disease

now its time to return to work, and play, and worship

1. He acted too late. Or didn't act soon enough and now America has the most deaths from Corona. We are number one in the world again. LOL.

2. He suggested injecting bleach into the body and/or ultriviolet light. That news conference proved he does not have what it takes to be president.

3. He dismantled the team Obama put together that dealt with infectious diseases.

What more proof do you need that Republicans shouldn't run the government because they don't believe in government.

And he held up those checks insisting his name be put on the checks. What a fucking asshole.
He did not act too late

there had been no deaths in january when trump had already unleashed dr fauci the virus fighter on the problem

but the states were unprepared and so was fauci
You really can't gaslight your way out of this. There's too much video of Trump claiming that 15 cases would go down to zero, tweets comparing Covid19 to the seasonal flu, video of Trump claiming Covid19 is a Democrat hoax, and on and on.
trump is a cheerleader much the way FDR and Churchill were in WWII

its fauci’s job to scare the hell out of us
tRump is a drooling idiot.
In your mind I suppose so
In anyone's who is even remotely in touch with reality.
China is 100% responsible for this pandemic. Time to cut them off from our markets.
China is weak and vulnerable right now

its time for trump to learn from his early mistakes and work with our allies against china
Which allies specifically do you think will be willing to go to bat with a Trump-led U.S.A. against China?
All of them. China, Iran, and North Korea are bandit nations and world needs to deal with them . We learned that from appeasement of Hitler in 1930's.
No. Not with Trump leading the way. That's a pipe dream. Trump has alienated our allies and they no longer trust him. And besides that he has no interest in creating a coalition. He's all about nationalism, remember? We'll have to go it alone.

I hope the next president can deal with China when Trump leaves office. For real, when we have someone competent in charge. All Trump managed to do was bankrupt a bunch of US farmers.
Their argument was that Trump started a trade war with China at a time when the US economy was strong. That this was the best time to do it. I told them this trade war could cost me thousands and they said I would need to sacrifice now so we could even out the trade deal. And that it would bring jobs back home. So they really want to isolate from the rest of the world. I don't think this is realistic at this point.

But it is a good argument. We should fix our unfair trade deals. If Trump really does make our trade deals more fair, that'll be one thing good he did.

But still, his decision to start a trade war made him fail another campaign promise. He said he would have way over 3% growth. He said Obama was a failure for having less. And in 2019 trump had 2.3% growth. Mostly because of the trade war he started.

Maybe that's why other presidents never started a trade war with China. They knew it would hurt growth.
Not to mention the fact that we lost.

china is the one on the edge of disaster and needs America far more than we need china
I think China WAS on the edge of disaster.

Now we are all on the edge of disaster.

I don't call that winning.

China will NOT come crawling to America for help. No way.
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.
China delayed the response?
China spent 2 months telling us it wasn't a big deal?
China told their faithful followers it was a hoax?
China ignored warnings for months?
China failed to stock up on PPE?
China refused to use the WHO's test and insisted on developing their own which was faulty and took weeks to fix? China failed to issue a coordinated response to the crisis? China waited to long to shut down the states?
China still hasn't managed to test significant numbers of the population?
China is opening up the states too early?
China is ignoring the advice of the medical experts?
China put their useless fucking son in law in charge of shit?

Was all of that China?

Those bastards?
Its pointless to argue with hyper partisans like you

trump did a good job of responding to the chinese disease

now its time to return to work, and play, and worship

1. He acted too late. Or didn't act soon enough and now America has the most deaths from Corona. We are number one in the world again. LOL.

2. He suggested injecting bleach into the body and/or ultriviolet light. That news conference proved he does not have what it takes to be president.

3. He dismantled the team Obama put together that dealt with infectious diseases.

What more proof do you need that Republicans shouldn't run the government because they don't believe in government.

And he held up those checks insisting his name be put on the checks. What a fucking asshole.
He did not act too late

there had been no deaths in january when trump had already unleashed dr fauci the virus fighter on the problem

but the states were unprepared and so was fauci
You really can't gaslight your way out of this. There's too much video of Trump claiming that 15 cases would go down to zero, tweets comparing Covid19 to the seasonal flu, video of Trump claiming Covid19 is a Democrat hoax, and on and on.
trump is a cheerleader much the way FDR and Churchill were in WWII

its fauci’s job to scare the hell out of us
tRump is a drooling idiot.
In your mind I suppose so
In anyone's who is even remotely in touch with reality.
China is 100% responsible for this pandemic. Time to cut them off from our markets.
China is weak and vulnerable right now

its time for trump to learn from his early mistakes and work with our allies against china
Those are china’s allies

which makes them no threat to democrats

libs have a vested interest in the success of china

trump voters do not
What is the vested interest? Because I certainly am not pulling for the success of China under their current murderous, brutal, lying, oppressive government. I'm not interested in letting them continue their constant cyber-attacks on our country. gmafb.

You know why I believe China's Covid19 numbers? Because in China, if you leave your home without permission you are likely to be shot and killed.
I know every lib claims to be the exception

but in general the left hates trump far more than any minor discomfort they may feel towards china

what about the menace from china?

they are like Scarlet O’Hara in Gone With The Wind

they’ll think about that tomorrow, after trump is gone
Oh please. Hillary Clinton went to China and called them out for their human rights abuses DECADES ago.

Diaper Don cozies up to Xi like they are secret lovers, complete with lover's spats.

I'll tell you why we don't deal with China. American corporations make BILLIONS AND BILLIONS of $$$$$ by having their manufacturing located in China. They make enough to employ many lobbyists on K street, who will ensure money keeps flowing to the politicians.

Don't blame 'the left'. That's a lame-ass cop-out that ignores reality.
Plus if we middle class fools stopped voting for the top 20%, then they top 20% would stop being in control of our government. Only Bernie and Obama were broke. Campaign finance and all that bullshit. But we can't agree because they have successfully divided us.

Bernie with all his homes built off the backs of his constituents, who voted for him and he supposedly served. Funny how the guy that is supposed to be serving others is the rich guy. Obama was so broke he went to Harvard and Columbia? Give me a break, you Regressives have no clue, do you.

So earlier you said you we’re rich and now you claim middle class? I think you make up crap as you go.
If you look on the chart it says I'm upper class. Based on what I made last year and the year before. All that has to happen is another great recession and I'm back to middle class again.

I'm only upper class because I have zero kids. 1 person home, over $75K is upper class. Hence, I am upper class. But 6 years ago I was just middle class. Before that there was a couple years I ran a music school I was probably lower middle class. I was like a lot of you. Paycheck to paycheck.

In a week or two I have a $20,000 CD coming due. I think I made like $150 interest last year on that $20K. Fuck that. I'd rather lose it in the stock market. So I'm going to put it in 10 stocks that are all recession proof but not doing well right now. I should be able to make more than $150 a year in interest on $20K huh?

See, these are things upper class people discuss. You don't have an extra $20K lying around ya broke ass. LOL.

I don’t find any benefit in bragging however if you are insecure and lying, then go for it.
I think my story has been pretty consistent. You can even go back and find a thread I started about accepting the job I have now and how much I should ask for. I asked for $40K to start. I said that would be the minimum I would need to start but would want more if I was successful. After a year I made $50K. Still less than Unkotare. But then one year my boss gave me a $15K base plus commission raise and now with my side business I make over $100K.

And I have no kids, no debt, no college to pay for, I'm not black, lazy, broke, gay, a woman and yet I still don't see what you see in the Republican party.

And their way actually benefits me. I'm not in a union and I went from being one of the lowest to highest paid workers at my company. Every man for himself and I thrived.

But still I know better than to vote for Republicans. It's not good for the masses. For the middle class. Republicanism benefits me personally but not the masses who now live paycheck to paycheck and none of you are saving enough to retire. Hell, even I wish I could save more. It's going to take forever to get to 1 milion dollars. I don't know how people with mortgages and kids do it.

Selling drugs is a side business now? Lol! I can tell you are a good Democrat by putting everyone down because you believe they are inferior to you. You telegraph your BS quite well.
Mary jane is legal now boomer

Medical is but not recreational plus we all know you deal drugs. You admitted it.
Perfect ignorant post. Recreational is!!!! So you don't even know what you are talking about.

And I sell pot. It's not a drug, really. It's like dealing beer or cigarettes. I know we can debate about is it or isn't it a drug but whatever. An American should, and is, free to smoke pot. And in a "free" market I should be able to sell it freely. You want me to pay taxes while Trump figures out ways to avoid paying them? I promise if I ever get big enough I think I need to register my business, I will. Until then, it's just a side hustle. And because of it I easily make 6 figures. And $20K of it is tax free. Don't hate the player hate the game.

Ps. I would never brag if your con buddies on here didn't say us liberals are just looking for handouts. And that we are all losers.

I also hate it when you say rich liberals are hypocrites. Like Gore can't have 3 homes and push for global warming solutions. Or that I should not benefit from every man for himself. Fuck it. I told you guys every man for himself benefits me and Warren Buffet personally but that doesn't mean we think it's the right way for the American middle class as a hole.

Consider this. GM used to be all union GM employees with full benefits. Today, Toyota is 25% GM worker and 75% of the people in the factory are temp workers. That's great for Toyota and maybe the southern states are happy with those low paying jobs but that's not good for the American middle class.

Same way buying from China isn't good for us but it's good for the corporations.

Do you see how your policies hurt the middle class? I do even though I'm not in a union. Republican ways haven't hurt me personally but they have hurt the American middle class.

And you don't see it. You only know the Democratic party isn't perfect. Trust me, it's more on your side economically than the GOP is.

You sell drugs illegally. That is the difference between you and I, I play by the rules and you skirt around them. That is why I am against illegal immigration, it is a rule and I don't skirt the rules, I pay my taxes, I work over and not under the table. Your unproven BS about Trump and his taxes are pure BS and you just use it as an excuse to steal from the government.

I don't know about the rest of your silly rant. You generalize and then go to your specific beliefs. GM's average pay is $69 per hour vs. Toyota's $48 per hour. So a person at Toyota makes $100,000 a year and you think that is low pay? 30% of the workforce in Japan is temporary, the numbers in the US show higher percentage as full-time.

Lefties have always been out for themselves, nothing new. Rich Democrats and rich Republicans write laws for the rich, they have both been that way for many years. Vote them out.
Don't forget that only 25% of the people in the toyota plant are actual toyota workers. The rest are temps making jack shit.

And look. The GM guy makes. Don't you like labor making more?

85-90% of Toyota workers are full time. So lets see your proof of 25%. I don't care what you negotiate to make, do right by yourself.
Is that percent true? I don't know what the exact number is did you pull 85-90% out of your butt?

Toyota Motor Corporation, one of the most successful outsourcing companies in the world, may for the first time go outside the company for a diesel engine. ... The company estimates sales of the new vehicle to top 250,000 units per year, which is double its current rate.Sep 20, 2006

Toyota considers outsourcing engines for the first time

Toyota to outsource more production, report says

Outsourcing may lead to failure in tough times ... and even in good

Don’t Mourn. Organize!
Can manufacturing unions like the UAW survive outsourcing and right-to-work laws?

So you are to blame for wages going down. You even said earlier Big 3 employees made more. But you looked at the Toyota wages and said good enough. So your attitude is how they made the middle class take a huge step backward.

Where in the world did you get an idea it was other than the lying orange blob. I know that the right now no longer takes responsibility for any thing and creates flat out lies and conspriacy theories to cover up thier ineptness but soory not dealing with zero iq here. Viruses come from nature but thanks for the horse shit mr. gold suporting member.

How is President Donald Trump responsible for the COVID-19? What ineptness is being covered up?

What are you talking about the viruses come from nature? What does that have to do with this thread? As an aside, do you not believe that viruses can be created and/or altered in the lab?
he is not responsible for the virus either. He is how ever responsible for the response to the virus with in his own country. his response was slow and has never had a consistent message. Guess what china is not responsible for the well being of america trump is. They did not create the virus, they may have with held things they knew about the virus but our intellegence knew what was going on and trump ignored them.

President Trump's response was slow? Why then were the left saying he was being racist when he halted flights from China in January?

Published February 1, 2020
China slams Trump's coronavirus travel limits: 'Not a gesture of goodwill'

By Joe McDonald, Sam McNeil | Associated Press
On Friday, the United States declared a public health emergency and President Donald Trump and an order barring entry to foreign nationals, other than immediate family of American citizens and permanent residents, who visited China within the last 14 days, which scientists say is the virus’s longest incubation period.

'Unfriendly comments'
China criticized the U.S. controls, which it said contradicted the WHO’s appeal to avoid travel bans, and “unfriendly comments” that Beijing was failing to cooperate.

“Just as the WHO recommended against travel restrictions, the U.S. rushed to go in the opposite way. Certainly not a gesture of goodwill,” said foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying.

WHO Secretary-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in Geneva that despite the emergency declaration, there is “no reason for measures that unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade.”
China slams Trump's coronavirus travel limits: 'Not a gesture of goodwill'

China slams Trump's coronavirus travel limits: 'Not a gesture of goodwill'


1 hour ago [03/17/20]
Dr. Ronny Jackson says Trump prevented American coronavirus pandemic on level of Italy, Iran
By Yael Halon | Fox News

Former White House physician Dr. Ronny Jackson praised President Trump Monday night after he announced a list of guidelines that he and the White House coronavirus task force hoped will slow the spread of the pandemic within 15 days.

"The president has done everything he needed to do in this case," Jackson told "Hannity". "He’s acted quickly and decisively. He did what he always has done ... he went with his instincts."

"He put together a top-notch team and he was criticized.... despite that, he carried on and did what he needed to do for our country. He put the [China] travel ban in place," he added.

Jackson said he does not expect the virus to spread at the rate that it has in places like Italy and Iran due to the president's "quick and decisive actions," notably his decision to restrict travel into the U.S. from China in late January.

Dr. Ronny Jackson says Trump prevented American coronavirus pandemic on level of Italy, Iran


Published March 18, 2020
WHO haunted by January tweet saying China found no human transmission of coronavirus

The World Health Organization (WHO) is now haunted by a tweet it sent earlier this year when it cited Chinese health officials who claimed there had been no human transmissions of the novel coronavirus within the country yet.

The Jan. 14 tweet came less than two months before WHO declared COVID-19 to be a global pandemic.

"Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China," the organization had said.

It also relied on information from Chinese health authorities who have been accused of obscuring facts and figures during the course of the outbreak.

WHO haunted by January tweet saying China found no human transmission of coronavirus


De Blasio, Cuomo go on defensive over initial responses to coronavirus outbreak

NEW YORK DAILY NEWS |MAR 29, 2020 | 6:15 PM

Mayor de Blasio went on the defensive Sunday over weeks of statements in which he urged New Yorkers to go about their daily lives as usual even as the coronavirus spread.(Luiz C. Ribeiro/for New York Daily News)

Mayor de Blasio and Gov. Cuomo went on the defensive Sunday over their initial responses to the coronavirus outbreak.

“We should not be focusing, in my view, on anything looking back on any level of government right now,” Hizzoner said on CNN. “This is just about how we save lives going forward.”

As recently as March 13, de Blasio told New Yorkers, “We want people still to go on about their lives. We want people to rest assured that a lot is being done to protect them.”

But the mayor refused to take any blame for contributing to the spread of the highly contagious virus, which had infected at least 30,765 New Yorkers and killed 672 as of Saturday afternoon.

De Blasio, Cuomo go on defensive over initial responses to coronavirus outbreak


What did we know from the intelligence agencies? Please include your reliable source and working links as I have above. Thank you, thank you so much!
Don't forget that only 25% of the people in the toyota plant are actual toyota workers. The rest are temps making jack shit.

It appears that you forgot to include your reliable source and working link supporting your statement. Please add that so we can all be informed.
The fact is this is why the American worker makes less today then they did back when America was great.

Toyota registers record profit through ruthless restructuring

It now employs about 12,000 contract and temporary agency workers, about 15 percent of its 80,000-strong work force

Read more at:
Questions rise about temps, overwork at Toyota

OK so it's 15%. Does that allow you to completely miss the point?

You guys like companies hiring temp workers? Then don't wonder why the rich got richer and the middle class poorer. Don't wonder. You voted for it. You supported it. You attacked unions because you yourselves were not in unions. Well now you're a temp at Toyota. LOL You all are.
Plus if we middle class fools stopped voting for the top 20%, then they top 20% would stop being in control of our government. Only Bernie and Obama were broke. Campaign finance and all that bullshit. But we can't agree because they have successfully divided us.

Bernie with all his homes built off the backs of his constituents, who voted for him and he supposedly served. Funny how the guy that is supposed to be serving others is the rich guy. Obama was so broke he went to Harvard and Columbia? Give me a break, you Regressives have no clue, do you.

So earlier you said you we’re rich and now you claim middle class? I think you make up crap as you go.
If you look on the chart it says I'm upper class. Based on what I made last year and the year before. All that has to happen is another great recession and I'm back to middle class again.

I'm only upper class because I have zero kids. 1 person home, over $75K is upper class. Hence, I am upper class. But 6 years ago I was just middle class. Before that there was a couple years I ran a music school I was probably lower middle class. I was like a lot of you. Paycheck to paycheck.

In a week or two I have a $20,000 CD coming due. I think I made like $150 interest last year on that $20K. Fuck that. I'd rather lose it in the stock market. So I'm going to put it in 10 stocks that are all recession proof but not doing well right now. I should be able to make more than $150 a year in interest on $20K huh?

See, these are things upper class people discuss. You don't have an extra $20K lying around ya broke ass. LOL.

I don’t find any benefit in bragging however if you are insecure and lying, then go for it.
I think my story has been pretty consistent. You can even go back and find a thread I started about accepting the job I have now and how much I should ask for. I asked for $40K to start. I said that would be the minimum I would need to start but would want more if I was successful. After a year I made $50K. Still less than Unkotare. But then one year my boss gave me a $15K base plus commission raise and now with my side business I make over $100K.

And I have no kids, no debt, no college to pay for, I'm not black, lazy, broke, gay, a woman and yet I still don't see what you see in the Republican party.

And their way actually benefits me. I'm not in a union and I went from being one of the lowest to highest paid workers at my company. Every man for himself and I thrived.

But still I know better than to vote for Republicans. It's not good for the masses. For the middle class. Republicanism benefits me personally but not the masses who now live paycheck to paycheck and none of you are saving enough to retire. Hell, even I wish I could save more. It's going to take forever to get to 1 milion dollars. I don't know how people with mortgages and kids do it.

Selling drugs is a side business now? Lol! I can tell you are a good Democrat by putting everyone down because you believe they are inferior to you. You telegraph your BS quite well.
Mary jane is legal now boomer

Medical is but not recreational plus we all know you deal drugs. You admitted it.
Perfect ignorant post. Recreational is!!!! So you don't even know what you are talking about.

And I sell pot. It's not a drug, really. It's like dealing beer or cigarettes. I know we can debate about is it or isn't it a drug but whatever. An American should, and is, free to smoke pot. And in a "free" market I should be able to sell it freely. You want me to pay taxes while Trump figures out ways to avoid paying them? I promise if I ever get big enough I think I need to register my business, I will. Until then, it's just a side hustle. And because of it I easily make 6 figures. And $20K of it is tax free. Don't hate the player hate the game.

Ps. I would never brag if your con buddies on here didn't say us liberals are just looking for handouts. And that we are all losers.

I also hate it when you say rich liberals are hypocrites. Like Gore can't have 3 homes and push for global warming solutions. Or that I should not benefit from every man for himself. Fuck it. I told you guys every man for himself benefits me and Warren Buffet personally but that doesn't mean we think it's the right way for the American middle class as a hole.

Consider this. GM used to be all union GM employees with full benefits. Today, Toyota is 25% GM worker and 75% of the people in the factory are temp workers. That's great for Toyota and maybe the southern states are happy with those low paying jobs but that's not good for the American middle class.

Same way buying from China isn't good for us but it's good for the corporations.

Do you see how your policies hurt the middle class? I do even though I'm not in a union. Republican ways haven't hurt me personally but they have hurt the American middle class.

And you don't see it. You only know the Democratic party isn't perfect. Trust me, it's more on your side economically than the GOP is.

You sell drugs illegally. That is the difference between you and I, I play by the rules and you skirt around them. That is why I am against illegal immigration, it is a rule and I don't skirt the rules, I pay my taxes, I work over and not under the table. Your unproven BS about Trump and his taxes are pure BS and you just use it as an excuse to steal from the government.

I don't know about the rest of your silly rant. You generalize and then go to your specific beliefs. GM's average pay is $69 per hour vs. Toyota's $48 per hour. So a person at Toyota makes $100,000 a year and you think that is low pay? 30% of the workforce in Japan is temporary, the numbers in the US show higher percentage as full-time.

Lefties have always been out for themselves, nothing new. Rich Democrats and rich Republicans write laws for the rich, they have both been that way for many years. Vote them out.
Don't forget that only 25% of the people in the toyota plant are actual toyota workers. The rest are temps making jack shit.

And look. The GM guy makes. Don't you like labor making more?

85-90% of Toyota workers are full time. So lets see your proof of 25%. I don't care what you negotiate to make, do right by yourself.
Is that percent true? I don't know what the exact number is did you pull 85-90% out of your butt?

Toyota Motor Corporation, one of the most successful outsourcing companies in the world, may for the first time go outside the company for a diesel engine. ... The company estimates sales of the new vehicle to top 250,000 units per year, which is double its current rate.Sep 20, 2006
Toyota considers outsourcing engines for the first time

Toyota to outsource more production, report says

Outsourcing may lead to failure in tough times ... and even in good

Don’t Mourn. Organize!
Can manufacturing unions like the UAW survive outsourcing and right-to-work laws?

So you are to blame for wages going down. You even said earlier Big 3 employees made more. But you looked at the Toyota wages and said good enough. So your attitude is how they made the middle class take a huge step backward.

NOTHING in any of your sources indicates that 75% of Toyota workers are temporary.

You lied.

Please show us your source for your allegation.
Toyota registers record profit through ruthless restructuring

It now employs about 12,000 contract and temporary agency workers, about 15 percent of its 80,000-strong work force

Wow, sure doesn't look like 75% to me. You lied.
Plus if we middle class fools stopped voting for the top 20%, then they top 20% would stop being in control of our government. Only Bernie and Obama were broke. Campaign finance and all that bullshit. But we can't agree because they have successfully divided us.

Bernie with all his homes built off the backs of his constituents, who voted for him and he supposedly served. Funny how the guy that is supposed to be serving others is the rich guy. Obama was so broke he went to Harvard and Columbia? Give me a break, you Regressives have no clue, do you.

So earlier you said you we’re rich and now you claim middle class? I think you make up crap as you go.
If you look on the chart it says I'm upper class. Based on what I made last year and the year before. All that has to happen is another great recession and I'm back to middle class again.

I'm only upper class because I have zero kids. 1 person home, over $75K is upper class. Hence, I am upper class. But 6 years ago I was just middle class. Before that there was a couple years I ran a music school I was probably lower middle class. I was like a lot of you. Paycheck to paycheck.

In a week or two I have a $20,000 CD coming due. I think I made like $150 interest last year on that $20K. Fuck that. I'd rather lose it in the stock market. So I'm going to put it in 10 stocks that are all recession proof but not doing well right now. I should be able to make more than $150 a year in interest on $20K huh?

See, these are things upper class people discuss. You don't have an extra $20K lying around ya broke ass. LOL.

I don’t find any benefit in bragging however if you are insecure and lying, then go for it.
I think my story has been pretty consistent. You can even go back and find a thread I started about accepting the job I have now and how much I should ask for. I asked for $40K to start. I said that would be the minimum I would need to start but would want more if I was successful. After a year I made $50K. Still less than Unkotare. But then one year my boss gave me a $15K base plus commission raise and now with my side business I make over $100K.

And I have no kids, no debt, no college to pay for, I'm not black, lazy, broke, gay, a woman and yet I still don't see what you see in the Republican party.

And their way actually benefits me. I'm not in a union and I went from being one of the lowest to highest paid workers at my company. Every man for himself and I thrived.

But still I know better than to vote for Republicans. It's not good for the masses. For the middle class. Republicanism benefits me personally but not the masses who now live paycheck to paycheck and none of you are saving enough to retire. Hell, even I wish I could save more. It's going to take forever to get to 1 milion dollars. I don't know how people with mortgages and kids do it.

Selling drugs is a side business now? Lol! I can tell you are a good Democrat by putting everyone down because you believe they are inferior to you. You telegraph your BS quite well.
Mary jane is legal now boomer

Medical is but not recreational plus we all know you deal drugs. You admitted it.
Perfect ignorant post. Recreational is!!!! So you don't even know what you are talking about.

And I sell pot. It's not a drug, really. It's like dealing beer or cigarettes. I know we can debate about is it or isn't it a drug but whatever. An American should, and is, free to smoke pot. And in a "free" market I should be able to sell it freely. You want me to pay taxes while Trump figures out ways to avoid paying them? I promise if I ever get big enough I think I need to register my business, I will. Until then, it's just a side hustle. And because of it I easily make 6 figures. And $20K of it is tax free. Don't hate the player hate the game.

Ps. I would never brag if your con buddies on here didn't say us liberals are just looking for handouts. And that we are all losers.

I also hate it when you say rich liberals are hypocrites. Like Gore can't have 3 homes and push for global warming solutions. Or that I should not benefit from every man for himself. Fuck it. I told you guys every man for himself benefits me and Warren Buffet personally but that doesn't mean we think it's the right way for the American middle class as a hole.

Consider this. GM used to be all union GM employees with full benefits. Today, Toyota is 25% GM worker and 75% of the people in the factory are temp workers. That's great for Toyota and maybe the southern states are happy with those low paying jobs but that's not good for the American middle class.

Same way buying from China isn't good for us but it's good for the corporations.

Do you see how your policies hurt the middle class? I do even though I'm not in a union. Republican ways haven't hurt me personally but they have hurt the American middle class.

And you don't see it. You only know the Democratic party isn't perfect. Trust me, it's more on your side economically than the GOP is.

You sell drugs illegally. That is the difference between you and I, I play by the rules and you skirt around them. That is why I am against illegal immigration, it is a rule and I don't skirt the rules, I pay my taxes, I work over and not under the table. Your unproven BS about Trump and his taxes are pure BS and you just use it as an excuse to steal from the government.

I don't know about the rest of your silly rant. You generalize and then go to your specific beliefs. GM's average pay is $69 per hour vs. Toyota's $48 per hour. So a person at Toyota makes $100,000 a year and you think that is low pay? 30% of the workforce in Japan is temporary, the numbers in the US show higher percentage as full-time.

Lefties have always been out for themselves, nothing new. Rich Democrats and rich Republicans write laws for the rich, they have both been that way for many years. Vote them out.
Don't forget that only 25% of the people in the toyota plant are actual toyota workers. The rest are temps making jack shit.

And look. The GM guy makes. Don't you like labor making more?

85-90% of Toyota workers are full time. So lets see your proof of 25%. I don't care what you negotiate to make, do right by yourself.
And that 85% is the last time we checked. It's probably closer to 80% now. So another 5% I'll be right. And I just pulled that number out of my ass. What number would be too much for you? What if 50% of GM workers were actually high paid GM workers and the rest were temps? I actually like this idea. If I owned a company I would do it too so on this I'm actually on the corporations side.

Why should the HR department be GM employees? There are companies GM can hire to do their HR. My company does this.

We also hired an IT company. We don't have an IT guy who's a full time employee. But I bet the unions at GM insist that the IT guys are union GM full time employees.

Ok, so I agree corporations should be allowed to outsource and hire as many temps as they want. But this is not going to be good for blue collar America.

And since I'm not blue collar America, and I don't think they can outsource what I provide, I'm all for it.

They could hire a temp sales guy and see if he works out but you can't replace me because I'm a proven success at selling. My company has tried to hire temp sales and they never lasted. They were not good salespeople. They found me because I lived close. I didn't even know this industry one bit when I started. The owner took a chance on me because of how aggressive and fearless I was asking him for a job. He figured if I could do that I could sell aftermarket and I exceeded his expectations x 2.
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.
China delayed the response?
China spent 2 months telling us it wasn't a big deal?
China told their faithful followers it was a hoax?
China ignored warnings for months?
China failed to stock up on PPE?
China refused to use the WHO's test and insisted on developing their own which was faulty and took weeks to fix? China failed to issue a coordinated response to the crisis? China waited to long to shut down the states?
China still hasn't managed to test significant numbers of the population?
China is opening up the states too early?
China is ignoring the advice of the medical experts?
China put their useless fucking son in law in charge of shit?

Was all of that China?

Those bastards?
Its pointless to argue with hyper partisans like you

trump did a good job of responding to the chinese disease

now its time to return to work, and play, and worship

1. He acted too late. Or didn't act soon enough and now America has the most deaths from Corona. We are number one in the world again. LOL.

2. He suggested injecting bleach into the body and/or ultriviolet light. That news conference proved he does not have what it takes to be president.

3. He dismantled the team Obama put together that dealt with infectious diseases.

What more proof do you need that Republicans shouldn't run the government because they don't believe in government.

And he held up those checks insisting his name be put on the checks. What a fucking asshole.
He did not act too late

there had been no deaths in january when trump had already unleashed dr fauci the virus fighter on the problem

but the states were unprepared and so was fauci
You really can't gaslight your way out of this. There's too much video of Trump claiming that 15 cases would go down to zero, tweets comparing Covid19 to the seasonal flu, video of Trump claiming Covid19 is a Democrat hoax, and on and on.
trump is a cheerleader much the way FDR and Churchill were in WWII

its fauci’s job to scare the hell out of us
tRump is a drooling idiot.
In your mind I suppose so
In anyone's who is even remotely in touch with reality.
China is 100% responsible for this pandemic. Time to cut them off from our markets.
China is weak and vulnerable right now

its time for trump to learn from his early mistakes and work with our allies against china
Which allies specifically do you think will be willing to go to bat with a Trump-led U.S.A. against China?
All of them. China, Iran, and North Korea are bandit nations and world needs to deal with them . We learned that from appeasement of Hitler in 1930's.
No. Not with Trump leading the way. That's a pipe dream. Trump has alienated our allies and they no longer trust him. And besides that he has no interest in creating a coalition. He's all about nationalism, remember? We'll have to go it alone.

I hope the next president can deal with China when Trump leaves office. For real, when we have someone competent in charge. All Trump managed to do was bankrupt a bunch of US farmers.
Their argument was that Trump started a trade war with China at a time when the US economy was strong. That this was the best time to do it. I told them this trade war could cost me thousands and they said I would need to sacrifice now so we could even out the trade deal. And that it would bring jobs back home. So they really want to isolate from the rest of the world. I don't think this is realistic at this point.

But it is a good argument. We should fix our unfair trade deals. If Trump really does make our trade deals more fair, that'll be one thing good he did.

But still, his decision to start a trade war made him fail another campaign promise. He said he would have way over 3% growth. He said Obama was a failure for having less. And in 2019 trump had 2.3% growth. Mostly because of the trade war he started.

Maybe that's why other presidents never started a trade war with China. They knew it would hurt growth.
Not to mention the fact that we lost.

china is the one on the edge of disaster and needs America far more than we need china
I think China WAS on the edge of disaster.

Now we are all on the edge of disaster.

I don't call that winning.

China will NOT come crawling to America for help. No way.
We are in jeopardy because of the chinese disease
Plus if we middle class fools stopped voting for the top 20%, then they top 20% would stop being in control of our government. Only Bernie and Obama were broke. Campaign finance and all that bullshit. But we can't agree because they have successfully divided us.

Bernie with all his homes built off the backs of his constituents, who voted for him and he supposedly served. Funny how the guy that is supposed to be serving others is the rich guy. Obama was so broke he went to Harvard and Columbia? Give me a break, you Regressives have no clue, do you.

So earlier you said you we’re rich and now you claim middle class? I think you make up crap as you go.
If you look on the chart it says I'm upper class. Based on what I made last year and the year before. All that has to happen is another great recession and I'm back to middle class again.

I'm only upper class because I have zero kids. 1 person home, over $75K is upper class. Hence, I am upper class. But 6 years ago I was just middle class. Before that there was a couple years I ran a music school I was probably lower middle class. I was like a lot of you. Paycheck to paycheck.

In a week or two I have a $20,000 CD coming due. I think I made like $150 interest last year on that $20K. Fuck that. I'd rather lose it in the stock market. So I'm going to put it in 10 stocks that are all recession proof but not doing well right now. I should be able to make more than $150 a year in interest on $20K huh?

See, these are things upper class people discuss. You don't have an extra $20K lying around ya broke ass. LOL.

I don’t find any benefit in bragging however if you are insecure and lying, then go for it.
I think my story has been pretty consistent. You can even go back and find a thread I started about accepting the job I have now and how much I should ask for. I asked for $40K to start. I said that would be the minimum I would need to start but would want more if I was successful. After a year I made $50K. Still less than Unkotare. But then one year my boss gave me a $15K base plus commission raise and now with my side business I make over $100K.

And I have no kids, no debt, no college to pay for, I'm not black, lazy, broke, gay, a woman and yet I still don't see what you see in the Republican party.

And their way actually benefits me. I'm not in a union and I went from being one of the lowest to highest paid workers at my company. Every man for himself and I thrived.

But still I know better than to vote for Republicans. It's not good for the masses. For the middle class. Republicanism benefits me personally but not the masses who now live paycheck to paycheck and none of you are saving enough to retire. Hell, even I wish I could save more. It's going to take forever to get to 1 milion dollars. I don't know how people with mortgages and kids do it.

Selling drugs is a side business now? Lol! I can tell you are a good Democrat by putting everyone down because you believe they are inferior to you. You telegraph your BS quite well.
Mary jane is legal now boomer

Medical is but not recreational plus we all know you deal drugs. You admitted it.
Perfect ignorant post. Recreational is!!!! So you don't even know what you are talking about.

And I sell pot. It's not a drug, really. It's like dealing beer or cigarettes. I know we can debate about is it or isn't it a drug but whatever. An American should, and is, free to smoke pot. And in a "free" market I should be able to sell it freely. You want me to pay taxes while Trump figures out ways to avoid paying them? I promise if I ever get big enough I think I need to register my business, I will. Until then, it's just a side hustle. And because of it I easily make 6 figures. And $20K of it is tax free. Don't hate the player hate the game.

Ps. I would never brag if your con buddies on here didn't say us liberals are just looking for handouts. And that we are all losers.

I also hate it when you say rich liberals are hypocrites. Like Gore can't have 3 homes and push for global warming solutions. Or that I should not benefit from every man for himself. Fuck it. I told you guys every man for himself benefits me and Warren Buffet personally but that doesn't mean we think it's the right way for the American middle class as a hole.

Consider this. GM used to be all union GM employees with full benefits. Today, Toyota is 25% GM worker and 75% of the people in the factory are temp workers. That's great for Toyota and maybe the southern states are happy with those low paying jobs but that's not good for the American middle class.

Same way buying from China isn't good for us but it's good for the corporations.

Do you see how your policies hurt the middle class? I do even though I'm not in a union. Republican ways haven't hurt me personally but they have hurt the American middle class.

And you don't see it. You only know the Democratic party isn't perfect. Trust me, it's more on your side economically than the GOP is.

You sell drugs illegally. That is the difference between you and I, I play by the rules and you skirt around them. That is why I am against illegal immigration, it is a rule and I don't skirt the rules, I pay my taxes, I work over and not under the table. Your unproven BS about Trump and his taxes are pure BS and you just use it as an excuse to steal from the government.

I don't know about the rest of your silly rant. You generalize and then go to your specific beliefs. GM's average pay is $69 per hour vs. Toyota's $48 per hour. So a person at Toyota makes $100,000 a year and you think that is low pay? 30% of the workforce in Japan is temporary, the numbers in the US show higher percentage as full-time.

Lefties have always been out for themselves, nothing new. Rich Democrats and rich Republicans write laws for the rich, they have both been that way for many years. Vote them out.
Don't forget that only 25% of the people in the toyota plant are actual toyota workers. The rest are temps making jack shit.

And look. The GM guy makes. Don't you like labor making more?

85-90% of Toyota workers are full time. So lets see your proof of 25%. I don't care what you negotiate to make, do right by yourself.
Is that percent true? I don't know what the exact number is did you pull 85-90% out of your butt?

Toyota Motor Corporation, one of the most successful outsourcing companies in the world, may for the first time go outside the company for a diesel engine. ... The company estimates sales of the new vehicle to top 250,000 units per year, which is double its current rate.Sep 20, 2006
Toyota considers outsourcing engines for the first time

Toyota to outsource more production, report says

Outsourcing may lead to failure in tough times ... and even in good

Don’t Mourn. Organize!
Can manufacturing unions like the UAW survive outsourcing and right-to-work laws?

So you are to blame for wages going down. You even said earlier Big 3 employees made more. But you looked at the Toyota wages and said good enough. So your attitude is how they made the middle class take a huge step backward.

So auto sourcing is now considered part time? I thought you could show us how Toyota's US manufacturing plants have only 25 % full time workers like you claim. The rest is just your diverting. You seem to care so much for the car industry, you contact all the unions. I personally feel unions are up to the workers that actually work in that industry.

So lets see your claim that only 25% of US employees at Toyota are only part time.
Toyota registers record profit through ruthless restructuring

It now employs about 12,000 contract and temporary agency workers, about 15 percent of its 80,000-strong work force

Wow, sure doesn't look like 75% to me. You lied.
So whenever trump says something wrong he's lying? Thank you. Then yes, I was lying.

You claimed that 75% of Toyota workers were TEMPORARY. In fact, as you know, it is 15% that's not an exaggeration, that's a flat out lie intended to mislead.
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.
China delayed the response?
China spent 2 months telling us it wasn't a big deal?
China told their faithful followers it was a hoax?
China ignored warnings for months?
China failed to stock up on PPE?
China refused to use the WHO's test and insisted on developing their own which was faulty and took weeks to fix? China failed to issue a coordinated response to the crisis? China waited to long to shut down the states?
China still hasn't managed to test significant numbers of the population?
China is opening up the states too early?
China is ignoring the advice of the medical experts?
China put their useless fucking son in law in charge of shit?

Was all of that China?

Those bastards?
Its pointless to argue with hyper partisans like you

trump did a good job of responding to the chinese disease

now its time to return to work, and play, and worship

1. He acted too late. Or didn't act soon enough and now America has the most deaths from Corona. We are number one in the world again. LOL.

2. He suggested injecting bleach into the body and/or ultriviolet light. That news conference proved he does not have what it takes to be president.

3. He dismantled the team Obama put together that dealt with infectious diseases.

What more proof do you need that Republicans shouldn't run the government because they don't believe in government.

And he held up those checks insisting his name be put on the checks. What a fucking asshole.
He did not act too late

there had been no deaths in january when trump had already unleashed dr fauci the virus fighter on the problem

but the states were unprepared and so was fauci
You really can't gaslight your way out of this. There's too much video of Trump claiming that 15 cases would go down to zero, tweets comparing Covid19 to the seasonal flu, video of Trump claiming Covid19 is a Democrat hoax, and on and on.
trump is a cheerleader much the way FDR and Churchill were in WWII

its fauci’s job to scare the hell out of us
tRump is a drooling idiot.
In your mind I suppose so
In anyone's who is even remotely in touch with reality.
China is 100% responsible for this pandemic. Time to cut them off from our markets.
China is weak and vulnerable right now

its time for trump to learn from his early mistakes and work with our allies against china
Which allies specifically do you think will be willing to go to bat with a Trump-led U.S.A. against China?
All of them. China, Iran, and North Korea are bandit nations and world needs to deal with them . We learned that from appeasement of Hitler in 1930's.
No. Not with Trump leading the way. That's a pipe dream. Trump has alienated our allies and they no longer trust him. And besides that he has no interest in creating a coalition. He's all about nationalism, remember? We'll have to go it alone.

I hope the next president can deal with China when Trump leaves office. For real, when we have someone competent in charge. All Trump managed to do was bankrupt a bunch of US farmers.
Their argument was that Trump started a trade war with China at a time when the US economy was strong. That this was the best time to do it. I told them this trade war could cost me thousands and they said I would need to sacrifice now so we could even out the trade deal. And that it would bring jobs back home. So they really want to isolate from the rest of the world. I don't think this is realistic at this point.

But it is a good argument. We should fix our unfair trade deals. If Trump really does make our trade deals more fair, that'll be one thing good he did.

But still, his decision to start a trade war made him fail another campaign promise. He said he would have way over 3% growth. He said Obama was a failure for having less. And in 2019 trump had 2.3% growth. Mostly because of the trade war he started.

Maybe that's why other presidents never started a trade war with China. They knew it would hurt growth.
Not to mention the fact that we lost.

china is the one on the edge of disaster and needs America far more than we need china
I think China WAS on the edge of disaster.

Now we are all on the edge of disaster.

I don't call that winning.

China will NOT come crawling to America for help. No way.
We are in jeopardy because of the chinese disease
Yes. That is my point. It has occurred to me that perhaps the CCP saw this virus as a way to bring us to our knees.

But that's a conspiracy theory. But the Chinese government are evil mother fuckers. So you decide.

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