Death toll of Omicron

Right...You aint said shit...because you do not have the guts or confidence in your convictions to stand by your policies -whatever the fuck they are. Sounds like you're getting a bit rattled here. Get a grip.
This is not an omicron death. The opening post is a question, not a statement.
I didn't quote you . I interpreted you, You should be embarrassed by your evasivness [sic] and dishonesty but you are not bright enough to know that you should be. Now come clean! What the fuck is your end game in pushing this crap about Omicrom [sic] and what do you believe about the vaxx and the pandemic? Stop being a fucking coward!

See post 425.
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I heard there is ONE death recorded from it. In the uk. How does only ONE from millions die? I'll tell you how. He likely died from being a sickly fatass or some other type illness and the fact that he had this made it a covid death.
I didn't quote you . I interpreted you, You should be embarrassed by your evasivness and dishonesty but you are not bright enough to know that you should be. Now come clean! What the fuck is your end game in pushing this crap about Omicrom and what do you believe about the vaxx and the pandemic? Stop being a fucking coward!

You can't interpret anything because that requires an ability to think.

Something you have NEVER demonstrated.

Aaaaaaaand the death toll is still ZERO
You can't interpret anything because that requires an ability to think.

Something you have NEVER demonstrated.

Aaaaaaaand the death toll is still ZERO
OK Smart ass. I can't think? Lets hear what you think. What does EvMetro think/ want? What do you think?
Why is Omicron important to vaccine and general Covid polict/stragy and how ? What is your policy regarding Covid and why ? Lets see how well you can think. My guess is not very well. See if you can prove me wrong. I doubt it.
I heard there is ONE death recorded from it. In the uk. How does only ONE from millions die? I'll tell you how. He likely died from being a sickly fatass or some other type illness and the fact that he had this made it a covid death.
So even if true...and we don't know if it is-what are the implications for fighting covid.? What should we be doing ?
OK Smart ass. I can't think? Lets hear what you think. What does EvMetro think/ want? What do you think?
Why is Omicron important to vaccine and general Covid polict/stragy and how ? What is your policy regarding Covid and why ? Lets see how well you can think. My guess is not very well. See if you can prove me wrong. I doubt it.
OK Smart ass. I can't think? Lets hear what you think. What does EvMetro think/ want? What do you think?
Why is Omicron important to vaccine and general Covid polict/stragy and how ? What is your policy regarding Covid and why ? Lets see how well you can think. My guess is not very well. See if you can prove me wrong. I doubt it.

You've been told repeatedly, moron.
OK Smart ass. I can't think? Lets hear what you think. What does EvMetro think/ want? What do you think?
Why is Omicron important to vaccine and general Covid polict/stragy and how ? What is your policy regarding Covid and why ? Lets see how well you can think. My guess is not very well. See if you can prove me wrong. I doubt it.

So even if true...and we don't know if it is-what are the implications for fighting covid.? What should we be doing ?

Yes the op is a question. A stupid trolling question because you already knew what the answer was ( at the time) and thyen as now, you refuse to reveal what youe point was/is in asking it.

Thank you for confirming what I already knew. You are as brain dead as Metro. You do not have the guts. the character, maturity or the intelect to actually deal with the topic like an adult.

See Post 315. point is? Perhapps you would like to take a shot at explaining how -if true-that impacts Covid and vaccine policy. I don't think that you can actually provive a cojent and coherent answer

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