Debate #1 -- Clinton v Trump --- 2016 -- OFFICIAL THREAD.

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You don't get it...the architect just designs the building...they don't BUILD it.
They hire also on to direct all the building as it goes along for big project. Hell many artist sell their artworks through these firms. Get an education before you talk about shit you apparently know nothing about.

They have to get things approved at EVERY stage of the building... is that a lie?

I'm making the point, how do you let a building get to being completely done to decide that the architect did a bad job? EVERY decision along the way has to get approved by the person having the building built. So how does Trump wait until the job is completely done to say the guy did a bad job and doesn't deserve to get paid? Trump approved all the decisions, including the plans, the amount, the materials, any changes...EVERYTHING until it was done. Then said, screw you I'm not paying you. If he wasn't happy, why didn't he get a different guy along the way?

Wrong. The contractor that is under contract to build the facility is in charge and is accountable to the owner, not the architect, for how the finished product turns out. The architect's job is to design it, not build it. Big difference. The contractor has a project manager/engineer on site that is in charge of overseeing all aspects of the build process. The contractor does not get the final payment if the building is not completed to the owner's satisfaction.
The guy that did a video online worked as both architect and contractor. Many do this. This guy explained his bitch and also explain what portion that Trump's firm refused to pay for. This particular guy overcharged by several hundred thousand dollars claiming that after the amounts were fixed.
Hillary hopes the fact checkers will turn up the volume!

Yeah because she could not force Holt to do her bidding.
Wow...What an elitist....
He is doing her bidding. He attacks What Trump says, but never what Hillary says.
Hillary had to be more believable tonight and I don't think repeating the same stuff she has said the last year is going to work.
A program overseen by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as part of the "reset" with Russia wound up enhancing Russia's military technology and funneling millions of dollar to the Clinton Foundation, according to a new report by investigative journalist Peter Schweizer and the Government Accountability Institute he heads.

The report says both the U.S. Army and the Federal Bureau of Investigation found that the program, intended to support Russia's version of Silicon Valley, was exploited to improve Russia's military capability.

The "innovation city" of Skolkovo on the outskirts of Moscow was center of the program. Its stated purpose was "identifying areas of cooperation and pursuing joint projects and actions that strengthen strategic stability, international security, economic well-being, and the development of ties between the American and Russian people."

Instead, the FBI warned several American technology companies in 2014 that Skolkovo "may be a means for the Russian government to access our nation's sensitive or classified research development facilities and dual-use technologies with military and commercial application." Indeed, it was. The Clinton-Kremlin Connection: How Killary funneled millions from Russia's 'Silicon Valley' --
This is Hillys cyber security policy,,,weaken it while enriching herself ......
She just lied about the agreement with Iraq to end the war. As if we couldn't get them to agree to our conditions. They were so powerful and 2009.
They are a sovereign nation. Thought you should know.

In 2007, Trump was demanding we impeach Bush and opposed the surge. He was demanding we cut and run from Iraq.
Trump is starting to say believe me...repeatedly

Tip that he is lying
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