Debate #1 -- Clinton v Trump --- 2016 -- OFFICIAL THREAD.

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Donald deflected from every question and lost his cool quite a few times.

I can't remember what question it was, but I remember Clinton stumbling at one point and it looked pretty bad.
Someone just described Trump's performance as somewhere between incoherent and babble.
Why hasn't Holt brought up Hillary's bad health?

That's probably one of the taboo subjects.

Earlier, Robby Mook, Hillary's campaign manager, said that the moderator should debate Trump so Hillary can talk about things. She just wants to use this to give one of her speeches. She doesn't want to answer questions or debate. All along, she's had the attitude that she shouldn't have to prove herself and it's no different tonight. She spouts talking points and the fact checkers sleep during her lies.
When you are a billionaire , you're an idiot if you can't hire tax attorneys that will prevent you from paying taxes. If you can't do that, your not fit to be President.
The whole birther thing was a joke. Why not go after Hillary for her support of a sexual predator?

Trump had valid attacks which Hillary ignored, changed the subject, went off on a tangent as if he hadn't said anything.
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