Debate winners -

Christie did well but does not have the sand, imo, to pick up steam. And neither does Kasich. Rubio and Cruz and Christie did very well, with Trump right behind them.

All Trump has to do is survive IA and NH. If he can get to SC and win it, he will be the hands on favorite to win it, with much of Carson's votes going to Cruz.
Drudge Report

Thank you for voting!
TRUMP 72.3% (58,727 votes)

CRUZ 12.9% (10,478 votes)

RUBIO 5.8% (4,711 votes)

CARSON 2.81% (2,282 votes)

PAUL 2.29% (1,861 votes)

FIORINA 1.57% (1,278 votes)

KASICH 0.79% (645 votes)

CHRISTIE 0.69% (560 votes)

HUCKABEE 0.43% (348 votes)

BUSH 0.41% (336 votes)

Total Votes: 81,226

Looks like the voters are fed up and want a president that will return the country to the people it was founded for..................white people. Trump is that man and the poll shows it.

Is this the same type of source in your prior post that said Trump was leading Hillary in all those states even though he was actually leading in none?

Election 2016: CBS/NYT Poll: Ben Carson edges out Donald Trump
in my OPINION, all the candidates were winners and the liberscum media is the biggest loser of all. :up:

Typical brainwashed tea drinker, you lack the intellect and critical thinking skills to be on an online forum, but come here and vomit your stupidity anyway.

Free speech, yea! Now any joker with an internet connection gets voice.
Kasich and Christie were the only two who talked to the reality of SS, medicare, and medicaid.

The rest, who condemn BHO's debts, are talking about tax cuts that would add trillions of dollars to the debt structure.
Typical whining tea bagger. Blame everything on someone else.
The part of persona responsibility. What laugh that is.


Rubio did very well tonight, Cruz and Trump OK.

Rubio said dems not need a super pace, 'cause they got the Mainstream Media.

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