Debt Limit…….Let’s put a Work Requirement on CONGRESS!

Did you ever say that when Democrats were in the majority and did nothing about the deficit spending tax payer money like drunken sailors on pay day night? I think not.
September 30, 2017. Debt ceiling suspended to March 2019. No spending limit! Republicans controlled both Houses of Congress and did not threaten to shut down the government.

March 1, 2019
. Debt ceiling reinstated and raised by over $2 trillion above current debt. Republicans controlled the Senate and did not threaten to shut down the government.

August 2, 2019.
Debt ceiling suspended to July 2021, well after the 2020 election. No spending limit! Republicans controlled the Senate and did not threaten to shut down the government.

All of this was on Trump's watch and BEFORE the pandemic.

And yet the rubes magically bleev the GOP is fiscally responsible!!! :auiqs.jpg:
Be careful what you wish for. Apparently president Biden doesn't live up to the new job requirements the left wants to set and neither does senator Fetterman or Di Fi. Are they all exempt because of physical and/or mental disabilities?
Dock their pay till they do their jobs.
The congressional Republicans and the moderate Democrats across the aisles in both chambers work tirelessly to regularly deliver policies to further enrich their billionaire and corporate donors.

Those same policies are a detriment to average all Americans and have added millions of working families to state and local poverty and homeless lists nationwide. Voters of both parties are to blame for this because they are the gullible fools who still believe in Reagan's trickledown snake oil, even after more than forty years of data proving its failure.

Republicans have already passed a bill ... why are the Democrats waiting since they evidently seem to be concerned about default, and the president is considering a unilateral move under the guise of the 14th amendment?
Republicans passed a bill to cover money already spent?

What is Congress waiting for then. Raise the debt ceiling.

Once that is done they can create a bill for the upcoming budget.
Republicans passed a bill to cover money already spent?

What is Congress waiting for then. Raise the debt ceiling.

Once that is done they can create a bill for the upcoming budget.
They passed a bill in April, with provisions unsupported by Democrats,and they have had a tantrum and whined about potential default for the last couple months. This was after the democratically controlled House punted the problem over to Republicans as their term ended in 2022.

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