Debunking the Sandy Hook Debunkers


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
Debunking the Sandy Hook Debunkers​

By Jack Cashill
January 21, 2013

During the age of Obama, the major media have gone fully AWOL. If they fear that their reporting will lead to inconvenient discoveries, they simply stop their advance, lay down their notebooks, and disappear. This trend began in the Clinton years and picked up momentum after the 1994 electoral debacle, but the Clintons at least worried that the media might turn on them.

If Barack Obama ever had any such anxiety, the nonreporting on Fast and Furious, Benghazi and now Sandy Hook has had to reassure him. Sandy Hook is particularly disturbing because the truth is, or at least should have been, so accessible. This tragedy should never have spawned anything like a conspiracy theory, but it obviously has.

Protecting the major media's flank during retreat are many and sundry well-funded leftist blogs -- Huffington Post, The Daily Kos, Media Matters, and TPM among others. While the major media withdraw, the blogs attack those who might challenge the "narrative" the majors have left behind.

A case in point is a recent multi-media Huffington Post piece titled "Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theory Video Debunked By Experts." In the video intro, HuffPo editor Meredith Bennett-Smith laughingly dismisses the various alternate theories of what transpired at Sandy Hook. Says Bennett-Smith, "That is what conspiracy theorists love to do. They put out a lot of questions, but they don't necessarily provide a lot of answers." When there is a Democrat in the White House, alas, anyone who asks a question becomes a conspiracy theorist.

Like too many alleged fact checkers, Bennett-Smith addresses only the least significant of the challenges to the Sandy Hook narrative: the alleged use of crisis actors, the memorials that predated the shooting, the confusion about what weapon was in Adam Lanza's trunk. The "experts" she promises in the headline turn out to be other Obama-friendly fact checkers like David Mikkelson, founder of Snopes, and Robert Blaskiewicz, editor of a comparable blog called Skeptical Humanities. Absent in the piece is anyone who knows anything about guns or police work.

Predictably, what the HuffPo piece does not address are the two most troubling inconsistencies in the Sandy Hook reporting: the nature of the guns used and the presence or absence of a second shooter. Both questions have gained importance because of the White House's obvious political exploitation of a ginned up "assault weapon" hysteria.

As to the guns, on December 15, one day after the shooting, NBC's chief justice correspondent Pete Williams spoke with Today Show host Matt Lauer. Williams shared "new information" from a "couple of federal officials and state officials." Said Williams, "They say now that there were actually four handguns recovered inside the school, not just two as we were initially told; four handguns and apparently only handguns that were taken into the school." (Italics mine)


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