Debunking White Racist Opinions


OK. So what do you do with these whiny black Americans ?
What I do in real life is ignore them. On this board, I poke fun at them (and by them I mean you, IM2 and Mariyam) all three of you are cheap entertainment with your absurd positions and cut and pastes trying to make anyone and everyone that doesn't agree with you look bad. The real world is the real world, either learn to get along in it or don't, only you will suffer if you don't. Your words on this board don't affect me at all. I still have a good life that I enjoy, peace and freedom. All you have is the internal hatred and stress that your incorrect beliefs get you.
Paul Essien
Again, if this were true, then why aren’t more Blacks being killed? Why are Blacks attacking Whites in such lopsided number, and not the other way around?
You are just repeating what you have already wrote. I answered those questions and you're repeating them again.

I am repeating the truth, which you have failed to address and upon whose denial you base your whole set of conspiracy theories.

You cannot refute this reality, so you concoct a twisted, black-hearted conspiracy to alleviate your own guilt and blame others for the failures of your own people. You need some deep therapy (which White people will provide to you for free) to learn to accept the reality which all people know, whether they say it or not. In your own way, you justify “White Supremacy.”

It does seem that a society of people who can take a rational and realistic look at the problems in society and address them in sensible ways is superior to those who use voodoo to deny responsibility and to keep from feeling bad about themselves. Blacks can’t seem to have rational thinking on issues like race. You are proof of that and you are at the end of your rope trying to explain away the failures and primitive community mores of Blacks. Denying irrefutable evidence and believing in unprovable, illogical conspiracy theories is the sign of a serious mental illness.

You wrote-- When I talk about black people being killed I talk about unarmed black people. I'm talking about unarmed black people.

Just as many unarmed White people are killed by the police as unarmed Black people. Are you claiming that those cops forgot about the conspiracies they are supposed to be adhering to? Are you claiming that they mistook unarmed White people for unarmed Black people?
I'll give you the statistics compiled by Eric Holder and Obama--both Black Supremacists. Their DOJ (2015) noted that there were 990 people shot by the police. Of that number 494 were white (including 32 unarmed White men) and just 258 were black (33 were unarmed). How do we know this is true? We know ALL OF THEIR NAMES.

You wrote--Why are Asians almost never arrested or shot by the cops compared to White people? Because Asian men are not a threat to white men the way black men are so Asians are not sabotaged the way black ppl are. even though they have deep criminal class.

Your claim is that Asians are not a threat to Whites, so the White supremacists decide to kill and arrest White people instead? Ahhh…that must make sense if your I.Q. is below the idiocy line, but to anybody with a brain, that sounds like the sort of ridiculous excuse a 3-yeat-old with his hand in the cookie jar would say to overindulgent parents.

And What "threat," do you claim Blacks pose and Asians do not ? I think your claim is that Blacks are the most intelligent, peaceful, god-fearing folks on earth.
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If you think they are stunning, you think they are stunning. I'm not going to knock anyone's taste. For me ? I think they very average looking white girls. But that's just my opinion.
Fair enough. However, if I had two daughters with blue eyes, blonde hair, creamy white skin, angular facial features, and a high I.Q. and moral disposition, I would be a very proud father. I'm engaged, so Someday soon, I suspect! 1488!!!
And What "threat," do you claim Blacks pose and Asians do not ?

Because the black man is the only man who can reproduce himself with any woman. A white man can only reproduce himself with a white woman.

So black men are the greatest threat to wipe out white ppl. I put my seed in any women. I'll get a black child. Black people can even have white children with black women and to make matters worse your women are not having kids to same extent.


The root of racism is fear is fear of white genetic annihilation. That is why during slavery and Jim Crow the black man's penis was cut off, that's why you had all the miscegenation laws

You put all the races into a pot and mix them up. You'd get a black man or women.

Whites are painfully aware of this numerical imbalance.

And uneasy about it. That's what the 14 words is about. That's why white supremacists are always wanting black women to stop having kids.

This unease can be seen in their efforts to constantly project themselves as victims when they are, more times than not, the aggressor.
  • Their attempt to portray themselves as superior beings.
  • The white man’s obsession with creating more weapons to use to fight wars against countries full of people of color.
  • The funneling of guns and drugs into black communities.
  • The funding and supplying of internecine warfare in Africa and Haiti.
  • White folks promoting abortion and contraception to black people
Racism is a behavioural system for the survival of White people. So the expectation white people will change this behaviour is highly unlikely.

Just as many unarmed White people are killed by the police as unarmed Black people.

Rarely do the police don't kill unarmed white people. If I'm wrong then show me videos like this of blk ppl doing the same thing and walking away alive

If cops were killing unarmed white people and white kids the way they do blacks ?

Whites would declare WAR on cops.

And guess what ? I RESPECT THAT

They would not be marching, or protesting they'd be finding out where the cops live and give that cops real street justice. They'd bombing every police station in the goddam state if unarmed whites were being hunted down like blks

White people have a STRONG "You ain't gonna treat us like negroes" mentality.

Are you claiming that they mistook unarmed White people for unarmed Black people?

I'm saying that all of a sudden cops have perfect training on how to de-escalate situations as long as the suspects are white. All of sudden their guns don't work.

Questions "Well but erm if these black people.....just erm..... complied and didn't resist arrest. Everything would be fine"

Really ?

Are you claiming that those cops forgot about the conspiracies they are supposed to be adhering to?

Another example to show the extent cops go out of their way to not kill whites is last year this white man (Jason Meisch) in Minneapolis shoots and kills his wife because she wasn't having sex with him............ YES you read thar correct.......He killed his wife because she was not gonna have sex with him.

But that wasn't bad enough.

He then thought to himself "Fk it. I'm gonna spend a long time in Shawshank so I might as well go next door and shoot and kill some young blk girls too"


How did the police respond ? Here is there statement


I mean this part of the story just kills me

"When authorities arrived, they engaged in a standoff with the man. He fired 40 shots before being arrested"

So he just committed murder, attempted murder, was now firing at officers, and he magically was arrested and allowed due process.

He fired 40 shots at the police and is still alive. I thought they always shoot people who have guns drawn I them. No ?

The two young black girls he shot in the head, by a miracle are still alive. But because he tried to murder to young black girls, they will reward him by having his sentence reduced.

The white community needs to address the problem of these white thugs in their communities from broken families, influenced by rock music which is anti-cop.

This is an epidemic. There must be legislation to stop this rock music that leads to mass shootings and murdering of these cops. White on white violence must be addressed.

I'll give you the statistics compiled by Eric Holder and Obama--both Black Supremacists. Their DOJ (2015) noted that there were 990 people shot by the police. Of that number 494 were white (including 32 unarmed White men) and just 258 were black (33 were unarmed). How do we know this is true? We know ALL OF THEIR NAMES.

Show me cases of unarmed white children getting shot and killed by the police.

I'll wait

If white people object to white people being harmed by the police then white people need to be as vociferous as black people are and protest about police brutality against white people on the same scale that black people do.

If all people get police brutality then wouldn’t you think that white people should be complaining about the police, rather than complaining about black people complaining out the police ?

But the fact is white people will support harsher policies from the police if they’ll hurt black people. White people (Generally) don't mind a few white sacrifices JUST AS LONG as the police harm black people (Especially young black men)

It’s an example of cutting off your nose to spite your face.

But you know white people (unarmed) are not targeted or getting by police

I am repeating the truth, which you have failed to address and upon whose denial you base your whole set of conspiracy theories.

All you are doing is repeating the same questions

You cannot refute this reality, so you concoct a twisted, black-hearted conspiracy to alleviate your own guilt and blame others for the failures of your own people. You need some deep therapy (which White people will provide to you for free) to learn to accept the reality which all people know, whether they say it or not. In your own way, you justify “White Supremacy.”

I just don’t fall for the false narrative that police who kill unarmed Black victims because they “lack police training”. As I said these people have PERFECT training on how to de-escalate situations as long as the suspects are WHITE

She attacked a police officer with a brick and lived to tell about it.

It does seem that a society of people who can take a rational and realistic look at the problems in society and address them in sensible ways is superior to those who use voodoo to deny responsibility and to keep from feeling bad about themselves.

Look the reason why so many unarmed black people get killed by police is because the Dred Scott Supreme Court ruling, which was NEVER overturned is still the law of the land.

So the U.S. Supreme Court is partly to blame for the persistent murders of blk Americans by police. The Court has enforced the doctrine of qualified immunity, which either prohibits or lessens civil and criminal penalties against cops who murder unarmed African Americans. The prevalence of these murders in the U.S. has risen to the level of torture.

Blk Americans could file a Human Rights Violations complaint against the U.S., as International leaders considered the U.S. to be a safe country.

The only way to stop this violence is to take collective action which entails stripping the U.S. of its reputation, this “safe country” mythology, and to further show American police are not different from the police in “non-democratic” regimes. Is it not ironic that countries that are considered “non-democratic” are those in which are not ran by White governments ?

Blacks can’t seem to have rational thinking on issues like race. You are proof of that and you are at the end of your rope trying to explain away the failures and primitive community mores of Blacks. Denying irrefutable evidence and believing in unprovable, illogical conspiracy theories is the sign of a serious mental illness.

There has to be humility on the part of white people. They have a lot to answer for. Racism won’t go away as long as they are too afraid to just sit down, be honest, and look at why it’s still a problem and actually help find a solution.

No I don’t mean find a solution as in tell black people what to think or think that being nice to a black waitress gets you a medal. I mean genuinely sitting down, looking at themselves and realizing that there’s a whole world out there beyond themselves and their culture and they don’t have the right to pretend the entire universe was reserved for only them.


As long as you and other whites just view the situation as a case of angry black people instead of viewing things from a perspective that does not favour the privilege you (deep in side) are too scared to lose, you won’t have that “Kumbaya” you keep asking for.

Your claim is that Asians are not a threat to Whites, so the White supremacists decide to kill and arrest White people instead?

Look. I know your trying hard to portray whites as victims but it's just not happening

Ahhh…that must make sense if your I.Q. is below the idiocy line, but to anybody with a brain, that sounds like the sort of ridiculous excuse a 3-yeat-old with his hand in the cookie jar would say to overindulgent parents.

OK. Well I'm 3 years old then
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Paul Essien Because black men carry the most melanin so we have the greatest threat to wipe out white ppl.
I put my seed in any women. I'll get a black child.

You will not have a “black child,” you would have a mixed-race child. Again, you display your ignorance of biology. If you had a child with a Japanese woman, you would not get a Black kid, you would get a half-Japanese kid. Blacks don’t have Japanese ancestors, dope.

If I have a kid with a Japanese woman, or a Black woman (as my cousin did) or a Jewish woman, etc…I would have a mixed-race child. I don’t want a mixed-race kid and would prefer a fully White kid. That is what 1488 is all about. I want my grandchildren to resemble my grandparents. Like Muhammad Ali said, if you mix your genes with other races, then, “You hate of your people.” I agree with him and unless you are a hypocrite, you would agree, too.

It was the Muslims who castrated slaves and a standard practice, not North American/Europeans. If that was happening in North America, as you claim, then how did 300,000 Black slaves turn into 40 million people? Yet, where are the millions and millions of descendants of the Black slaves that were sent to the middle east?! Hmmm….

You wrote-- You put all the races into a pot and mix them up. You'd get a black man or women.

Nope--you get a mixed-race person. Negroes do not have European. Asian, Jewish, etc....DNA, typically. Any who do are Mixed race. Puerto Ricans are close to that mix that you speak of, and they certainly aren’t Black.
One difference you might be noticing is that when Blacks mix with any other group, they get genetic enhancement, it is in their best interest to cut their blackness with anybody else other than another Black person in order to make their kids healthier and more intelligent.

Paul Essien Rarely do the police don't kill unarmed white people. If I'm wrong then show me videos like this of blk ppl doing the same thing and walking away alive

This statement of yours is proven wrong by the fact that the cops kill—just as many unarmed Whites as they do Blacks and TWICE the number of White people, in general, then Black each year.
The Washington Post keeps a running tally with photos of everybody who dies from police involvement.

In fact, a violent White person is more likely to be killed by his interaction with the police as a violent Black person is. MORE Likely. They treat Blacks BETTER than Whites in spite if the fact that Blacks resist arrest at 9.6 TIMES the rate of Whites and Hispanics COMBINED.
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Paul Essien Because black men carry the most melanin so we have the greatest threat to wipe out white ppl.
I put my seed in any women. I'll get a black child.

You will not have a “black child,” you would have a mixed-race child. Again, you display your ignorance of biology. If you had a child with a Japanese woman, you would not get a Black kid, you would get a half-Japanese kid. Blacks don’t have Japanese ancestors, dope.

If I have a kid with a Japanese woman, or a Black woman (as my cousin did) or a Jewish woman, etc…I would have a mixed-race child. I don’t want a mixed-race kid and would prefer a fully White kid. That is what 1488 is all about. I want my grandchildren to resemble my grandparents. Like Muhammad Ali said, if you mix your genes with other races, then, “You hate of your people.” I agree with him and unless you are a hypocrite, you would agree, too.

It was the Muslims who castrated slaves and a standard practice, not North American/Europeans. If that was happening in North America, as you claim, then how did 300,000 Black slaves turn into 40 million people? Yet, where are the millions and millions of descendants of the Black slaves that were sent to the middle east?! Hmmm….

You wrote-- You put all the races into a pot and mix them up. You'd get a black man or women.

Nope--you get a mixed-race person. Negroes do not have European. Asian, Jewish, etc....DNA, typically. Any who do are Mixed race. Puerto Ricans are close to that mix that you speak of, and they certainly aren’t Black.
One difference you might be noticing is that when Blacks mix with any other group, they get genetic enhancement, it is in their best interest to cut their blackness with anybody else other than another Black person in order to make their kids healthier and more intelligent.

Paul Essien Rarely do the police don't kill unarmed white people. If I'm wrong then show me videos like this of blk ppl doing the same thing and walking away alive

This statement of yours is proven wrong by the fact that the cops kill—just as many unarmed Whites as they do Blacks and TWICE the number of White people, in general, then Black each year.
The Washington Post keeps a running tally with photos of everybody who dies from police involvement.

In fact, a violent White person is more likely to be killed by his interaction with the police as a violent Black person is. MORE Likely. They treat Blacks BETTER than Whites in spite if the fact that Blacks resist arrest at 9.6 TIMES the rate of Whites and Hispanics COMBINED.
Give me a frigging break, "A black man is the only man who can reproduce with a white woman"? Just how stupid are you? When a black man impregnates a white woman, you get a mulatto (half black and half white), when a Latino man impregnates a white woman you get a mixed race Latino/White (I don't think there a name for that) When a Latino impregnates a Indian you get a Mestizo. When a White impregnates a Asian you get an Amerasian. Barak Obama was perfect example of a mulatto, black father white mother, he was a very light skinned mixed race man who claimed to be black. Oh by the way, it works the same way in reverse when a Black woman in impregnated by a White man you get a mulatto. That's why African blacks don't recognize American blacks as black. You've said a lot of really stupid things and copied even more stupid things on this forum, but this really takes the cake. It's simple genetics. Why do you think there were so many grades of slaves in the south? Every generation was whiter than the last. As the percentage of White genetics increased, the skin color got lighter until eventually you couldn't even tell someone had black genetics at all. That's why eventually there won't be any black, white, Brown, Red or Yellow people left on earth, everyone will be a nice light shade of tan.
That's why eventually there won't be any black, white, Brown, Red or Yellow people left on earth, everyone will be a nice light shade of tan.
I agree with most of what you wrote except the line above. Asains, Jews, and other groups will never mix themselves into oblivion. Asian countries do not believe in racial diversity. Jews in Israel have forced Blacks out of their country or risk imprisonment so that they cannot pollute their purity. That is a healthy attitude to take and White Westerners need to see it that way, too (as they once did not long ago) Loving who you are and who your ancestors were is not hatred of other people.
Your claim is that Asians are not a threat to Whites, so the White supremacists decide to kill and arrest White people instead?

Look. I know your trying hard to portray whites as victims but it's just not happening
The police arrest Asians at 0.25 the rates that they arrest Whites. The police shoot and Kill Asians at much, much lower rates than they shoot and Kill Whites. I ask you again, are the police hunting down white people for the sake of an Asian supremacist movement, or are the cops just arresting the people who are doing the crimes?
I agree with most of what you wrote except the line about. Asains, Jews, and other groups will never mix-themselves into oblivion. Asian countries do not believe in racial diversity. Jews in Israel have forced Blacks out of their country or risk imprisonment so that cannot pollute their purity. That is a healthy attitude to take and White Westerners need to see it that way, too. Loving who you are and who your ancestors were is not hatred of other people.
There are more Jews in the US than in Israel and American Jews have no problem with intermarriage. There are two women and two men in my wife's family in her generation. Only one married a Jew, the other guy married a Christian (nominally) (shiksa as Christian women are called) woman, both women married (nominally) Christian men. That may not be typical, but there are more interfaith marriages in the American Jewish community than intrafaith ones.
You will not have a “black child,” you would have a mixed-race child. Again, you display your ignorance of biology. If you had a child with a Japanese woman, you would not get a Black kid, you would get a half-Japanese kid. Blacks don’t have Japanese ancestors, dope.

No. You will have a black child. Tiger Woods has an Japanese mother and had a black father but what happens when he was arrested. What did they put on rap sheet ?


When it's time to ger SERIOUS. No one fks around with this half-shit.

That tennis players Naomi Osaka her mum was Japanese and father black. She is black.


No one in the world would look at her as Asian..

I'm talking about race from a phenotype perpective (the way certain genes are expressed outwardly) not a genotype perspective

If I have a kid with a Japanese woman, or a Black woman (as my cousin did) or a Jewish woman, etc…I would have a mixed-race child.

That kid would be Asian and that kid would be black. A kid with a Jewish woman, the kid would be white because the jews are white.

I don’t want a mixed-race kid and would prefer a fully White kid.

Because you know there is no half anything. You know that kid would be black.

That is what 1488 is all about. I want my grandchildren to resemble my grandparents.

OK. So because of that white people have had to create a system of white supremacy to ensure that is going happen. That;s why MLK was so hated. All his talk about


He was hated by the white supremacists because what he used to preadh was a threat to white survival

Like Muhammad Ali said, if you mix your genes with other races, then, “You hate of your people.” I agree with him and unless you are a hypocrite, you would agree, too.

I've seen that interview on the BBC. Great interview

It was the Muslims who castrated slaves and a standard practice, not North American/Europeans.


If that was happening in North America, as you claim, then how did 300,000 Black slaves turn into 40 million people?

Because most black people were already here. Most Black people who are foundational black americans descended from the Black aboriginal people that were already here.

Nope--you get a mixed-race person. Negroes do not have European. Asian, Jewish, etc....DNA, typically. Any who do are Mixed race. Puerto Ricans are close to that mix that you speak of, and they certainly aren’t Black.

My point is black man dominate all other races from a genetic perspertive. No one considers half black-half white people white. Hell even Meghan Markle who is the whitest looking black woman ever got ran out of England because the racism was so bad there

One difference you might be noticing is that when Blacks mix with any other group, they get genetic enhancement, it is in their best interest to cut their blackness with anybody else other than another Black person in order to make their kids healthier and more intelligent.


This statement of yours is proven wrong by the fact that the cops kill—just as many unarmed Whites as they do Blacks and TWICE the number of White people, in general, then Black each year. The Washington Post keeps a running tally with photos of everybody who dies from police involvement.

Whites outnumber blacks by about 6:1 in the USA. (You're so fking stupid you'd trip over a cordless phone)

By the same token, there are more whites than blacks in poverty. This was also true during the days of formal segregation and even enslavement.

But does that mean that it didn't pay to be white during both periods? Of course not.

When it comes to police killings, we know that on a per capita basis, Blk Americans are more likely than whites to be killed by police. This is not because we are much more likely to attack an officer or because of higher crime rates in black communities.

Fact is blacks killed by the police are more likely to be unarmed where as whites killed by the police were more likely to have been killed while attacking the officer. The fact there is more chance of being unarmed and black and killed by the police than there is being unarmed and white.

.Of course, it isn’t just the killing of Black people. Racism in law enforcement also shows in profiling and stop-and-frisk rates and this is true even though they rarely produce evidence of crime. And the funny thing is in stops of whites they are more likely to show whites doing crime.

The police are always stopping black people for minor B.S like busted tail lights or the failure to signal a lane change. And they do it in the hope they can bust blk ppl for more serious sh*t. But the vast majority of these stops reveal nothing.

Also remember. You can whine and moan all day about whites being killed by the police but that is white people's fault themselves.

Whites are the ones who want the United States to have the most aggressive and deadly police among all Western industrialized nations. So policing developed hand-in-glove with white supremacy and to defend it from those (especially blacks) who might challenge it.

But once you encourage that, even if you did it to mostly to control the blk folks on the other side of town eventually it will come back on whites from time to time. Police with a mindset that the public is the enemy sometimes don't can't turn off their aggression just because the person is white.

Oh sure, they’ll still take out their aggression mainly on blks. But white folks will get caught up in the crossfire too.

But we can talk stats all day. I want to see real life videos of black men doing this and not getting shot and killed

I'll wait
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Jared Taylor doesn't work for the DOJ. Those numbers came from the Obama and Eric Holder DOJ in 2013. Are you claiming that Obama is a liar?
Jared Taylor distorted DOJ nubers in a discredited "study."
"If that was happening in North America, as you claim, then how did 300,000 Black slaves turn into 40 million people?"

You are a clueless, ignorant, SOB.


This Mornings lesson:

Slave Breeding- An Original American Industry (99th Edition)
Another problem with the excuses is that America had every chance not to implement slavery. We are told how the so-called founders of this country created the way to end slavery when they wrote the constitution. Many will cite the fact they made the importation of slaves illegal by 1808 as evidence. But refusing to stop importing slaves did not end the slaving business in the United States. What it produced was an original American industry-slave breeding.

"During the fifty-three years from the prohibition of the African slave trade by federal law in 1808 to the debacle of the Confederate States of America in 1861, the Southern economy depended on the functioning of a slave-breeding industry, of which Virginia was the number-one supplier."

Ned & Constance Sublette, The American Slave Coast: A History of the Slave-Breeding Industry

You see, if America had continued to import slaves, it would have diluted the market thereby driving down the costs of slaves. Slave sellers could not have this. So instead of the truth, we are told that “our nearer to God than thee” founders in all their benevolent glory, looked towards a future whereby slavery would be no more. According to some, the so-called founders had a dream whereby little black boys and little black girls would no longer be enslaved because of the color of their skin. This is the story we are supposed to believe. However, reality does not show that.

“In fact, most American slaves were not kidnapped on another continent. Though over 12.7 million Africans were forced onto ships to the Western hemisphere, estimates only have 400,000-500,000 landing in present-day America. How then to account for the four million black slaves who were tilling fields in 1860? “The South,” the Sublettes write, “did not only produce tobacco, rice, sugar, and cotton as commodities for sale; it produced people.” Slavers called slave-breeding “natural increase,” but there was nothing natural about producing slaves; it took scientific management. Thomas Jefferson bragged to George Washington that the birth of black children was increasing Virginia’s capital stock by four percent annually.”

Ned & Constance Sublette, The American Slave Coast: A History of the Slave-Breeding Industry

To be blunt, America had slave breeding “factories” where slaves were forced to breed. I call them factories but in most cases they are described as farms. These “farms” generally had at least a 2:1 female to male ratio. In some states, slave production was the number 1 industry. Virginia led the nation in slave production and PRESIDENT Thomas Jefferson was one of the main producers. The slave breeding industry has been hidden and left out of the annals of American history. This was done on purpose.

According to the Sublettes, 400 to 500,000 slaves landed on the shores of what is now America. By 1860 there were 4 million slaves living here. The importation of slaves was made illegal in 1808. So from 1808 until 1860 the number of slaves increased by at least 1,000 percent. If we allow for the Africans selling each other, Africans would be responsible for between 400 to 500 thousand slaves. What about the 3.5 million additional slaves? Africans did not create them. Whites did this through forced human breeding for business and for pleasure..


Ned & Constance Sublette, The American Slave Coast: A History of the Slave-Breeding Industry, Chicago, Lawrence Hill Books, 2016
You are in no position to lecture me on what's White! The way you describe my kind is deplorable. The guy would stand out at a unite the right rally like a sore thumb he could not get into the KKK. They'd take one look at him and go no way, man! LOL
I am and I did.
You just keep proving that you HAVE NO CLUE how to read statistics. This is part of the problem, here. Blacks seem to have a very difficult time understanding basic statistical math and being able to look at data and get any information out of it.

Here is a perfect example---You wrote "
In 2019, race was reported for 6,406 known hate crime offenders. Of these offenders:
  • 52.5 percent were White.
  • 23.9 percent were Black or African American.
You don't even understand that these Stats PROVE MY POINT, do you? Blacks are just 12.4 percent of the population, and you show that they commit 23.9 percent of the hate Crimes---That is a HUGE OVERREPRENTATION, doubling what their share of the population is. Whites and Hispanics are COMBINED in this perpetrator category and they make up about 75-80 percent of the population, but commit only 52.5 Percent of the Hate crimes, which is a HUGE UNDERREPRESENTATION. Can't you see that?!!
If you look further into these stats, you see it says that Whites (when Hispanics are removed) committed just 33 percent of the Hate crimes, which is half of their representation in the population during those years.

So, Whites commit Hate crimes at HALF of their population rates, and Blacks commit them at DOUBLE their shares of the population, and this is what you show me in an effort to prove ME wrong??!!

This is why it is worthless discussing this stuff with you. You don't understand what you are looking at.
Do you need me to go through these stats one-by-one to show you how to read them all?


52 percent is more than 23 percent. Twice as much and then some. These percentages have numbers atached to them and if you take those numbers and make them a percentage of the American population as you are doing for blacks, you find that whites commit more hate crimes as a percentage of the population. Your simple math whereby you try using a population of people against a subset of a population, which are people committing hate crime, creates an inaccurate result because entire populations are not committing hate crimes. On top of that whites are not committing hate crimes at half their population because 105 percent of the American population is not white and 24 percent is not double 13 percent.

Junior, I know what I am looking at, you don't. There are black hispanics dumb ass so, your excuses just don't have any merit. If I want to be you, then I can blame black hispanics for 15 percent of the crimes and then say black hate crimes are 8 percent. Besides, there is one problem with your sad excuses


Ethnicity was reported for 5,443 known hate crime offenders. Of these:

  • 33.1 percent were in the ethnic category Not Hispanic or Latino.
  • 10.0 percent were Hispanic or Latino.
No, you can't. Nobody wants a Hypocrite. Lecturing to them & It took you days to come up with a response. You are not on my level!
I do actually have other things to do.


This is white.
And What "threat," do you claim Blacks pose and Asians do not ?

Because the black man is the only man who can reproduce himself with any woman. A white man can only reproduce himself with a white woman.

So black men are the greatest threat to wipe out white ppl. I put my seed in any women. I'll get a black child. Black people can even have white children with black women and to make matters worse your women are not having kids to same extent.

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The root of racism is fear is fear of white genetic annihilation. That is why during slavery and Jim Crow the black man's penis was cut off, that's why you had all the miscegenation laws

You put all the races into a pot and mix them up. You'd get a black man or women.

Whites are painfully aware of this numerical imbalance.

And uneasy about it. That's what the 14 words is about. That's why white supremacists are always wanting black women to stop having kids.

This unease can be seen in their efforts to constantly project themselves as victims when they are, more times than not, the aggressor.
  • Their attempt to portray themselves as superior beings.
  • The white man’s obsession with creating more weapons to use to fight wars against countries full of people of color.
  • The funneling of guns and drugs into black communities.
  • The funding and supplying of internecine warfare in Africa and Haiti.
  • White folks promoting abortion and contraception to black people
Racism is a behavioural system for the survival of White people. So the expectation white people will change this behaviour is highly unlikely.

Just as many unarmed White people are killed by the police as unarmed Black people.

Rarely do the police don't kill unarmed white people. If I'm wrong then show me videos like this of blk ppl doing the same thing and walking away alive

If cops were killing unarmed white people and white kids the way they do blacks ?

Whites would declare WAR on cops.

And guess what ? I RESPECT THAT

They would not be marching, or protesting they'd be finding out where the cops live and give that cops real street justice. They'd bombing every police station in the goddam state if unarmed whites were being hunted down like blks

White people have a STRONG "You ain't gonna treat us like negroes" mentality.

Are you claiming that they mistook unarmed White people for unarmed Black people?

I'm saying that all of a sudden cops have perfect training on how to de-escalate situations as long as the suspects are white. All of sudden their guns don't work.

Questions "Well but erm if these black people.....just erm..... complied and didn't resist arrest. Everything would be fine"

Really ?

Are you claiming that those cops forgot about the conspiracies they are supposed to be adhering to?

Another example to show the extent cops go out of their way to not kill whites is last year this white man (Jason Meisch) in Minneapolis shoots and kills his wife because she wasn't having sex with him............ YES you read thar correct.......He killed his wife because she was not gonna have sex with him.

But that wasn't bad enough.

He then thought to himself "Fk it. I'm gonna spend a long time in Shawshank so I might as well go next door and shoot and kill some young blk girls too"

View attachment 540637

How did the police respond ? Here is there statement

View attachment 540640

I mean this part of the story just kills me

"When authorities arrived, they engaged in a standoff with the man. He fired 40 shots before being arrested"

So he just committed murder, attempted murder, was now firing at officers, and he magically was arrested and allowed due process.

He fired 40 shots at the police and is still alive. I thought they always shoot people who have guns drawn I them. No ?

The two young black girls he shot in the head, by a miracle are still alive. But because he tried to murder to young black girls, they will reward him by having his sentence reduced.

The white community needs to address the problem of these white thugs in their communities from broken families, influenced by rock music which is anti-cop.

This is an epidemic. There must be legislation to stop this rock music that leads to mass shootings and murdering of these cops. White on white violence must be addressed.

I'll give you the statistics compiled by Eric Holder and Obama--both Black Supremacists. Their DOJ (2015) noted that there were 990 people shot by the police. Of that number 494 were white (including 32 unarmed White men) and just 258 were black (33 were unarmed). How do we know this is true? We know ALL OF THEIR NAMES.

Show me cases of unarmed white children getting shot and killed by the police.

I'll wait

If white people object to white people being harmed by the police then white people need to be as vociferous as black people are and protest about police brutality against white people on the same scale that black people do.

If all people get police brutality then wouldn’t you think that white people should be complaining about the police, rather than complaining about black people complaining out the police ?

But the fact is white people will support harsher policies from the police if they’ll hurt black people. White people (Generally) don't mind a few white sacrifices JUST AS LONG as the police harm black people (Especially young black men)

It’s an example of cutting off your nose to spite your face.

But you know white people (unarmed) are not targeted or getting by police

I am repeating the truth, which you have failed to address and upon whose denial you base your whole set of conspiracy theories.

All you are doing is repeating the same questions

You cannot refute this reality, so you concoct a twisted, black-hearted conspiracy to alleviate your own guilt and blame others for the failures of your own people. You need some deep therapy (which White people will provide to you for free) to learn to accept the reality which all people know, whether they say it or not. In your own way, you justify “White Supremacy.”

I just don’t fall for the false narrative that police who kill unarmed Black victims because they “lack police training”. As I said these people have PERFECT training on how to de-escalate situations as long as the suspects are WHITE

She attacked a police officer with a brick and lived to tell about it.

It does seem that a society of people who can take a rational and realistic look at the problems in society and address them in sensible ways is superior to those who use voodoo to deny responsibility and to keep from feeling bad about themselves.

Look the reason why so many unarmed black people get killed by police is because the Dred Scott Supreme Court ruling, which was NEVER overturned is still the law of the land.

So the U.S. Supreme Court is partly to blame for the persistent murders of blk Americans by police. The Court has enforced the doctrine of qualified immunity, which either prohibits or lessens civil and criminal penalties against cops who murder unarmed African Americans. The prevalence of these murders in the U.S. has risen to the level of torture.

Blk Americans could file a Human Rights Violations complaint against the U.S., as International leaders considered the U.S. to be a safe country.

The only way to stop this violence is to take collective action which entails stripping the U.S. of its reputation, this “safe country” mythology, and to further show American police are not different from the police in “non-democratic” regimes. Is it not ironic that countries that are considered “non-democratic” are those in which are not ran by White governments ?

Blacks can’t seem to have rational thinking on issues like race. You are proof of that and you are at the end of your rope trying to explain away the failures and primitive community mores of Blacks. Denying irrefutable evidence and believing in unprovable, illogical conspiracy theories is the sign of a serious mental illness.

There has to be humility on the part of white people. They have a lot to answer for. Racism won’t go away as long as they are too afraid to just sit down, be honest, and look at why it’s still a problem and actually help find a solution.

No I don’t mean find a solution as in tell black people what to think or think that being nice to a black waitress gets you a medal. I mean genuinely sitting down, looking at themselves and realizing that there’s a whole world out there beyond themselves and their culture and they don’t have the right to pretend the entire universe was reserved for only them.


As long as you and other whites just view the situation as a case of angry black people instead of viewing things from a perspective that does not favour the privilege you (deep in side) are too scared to lose, you won’t have that “Kumbaya” you keep asking for.

Your claim is that Asians are not a threat to Whites, so the White supremacists decide to kill and arrest White people instead?

Look. I know your trying hard to portray whites as victims but it's just not happening

Ahhh…that must make sense if your I.Q. is below the idiocy line, but to anybody with a brain, that sounds like the sort of ridiculous excuse a 3-yeat-old with his hand in the cookie jar would say to overindulgent parents.

OK. Well I'm 3 years old then

As long as your thinking is the Village, human civilization will eradicate most of its population to fit what survives in it. Without technologies, industrialists, tech giants, inventers, real scientists, men and women who work with detail and hiring the best for employment in many critical fields, the regression will be a disaster. To replace someone you are wary of or do not like for any reason means you have to be equal or better to keep the civilization going. So get with it...the clock is ticking...chop chop!
Give me a frigging break, "A black man is the only man who can reproduce with a white woman"? Just how stupid are you? When a black man impregnates a white woman, you get a mulatto (half black and half white)

They are black. Black men genetically dominate all other races of men. If a black man impreganates a white, Latino or Asian women. No one would look at the offspring as white, latino or Asian.
The police arrest Asians at 0.25 the rates that they arrest Whites. The police shoot and Kill Asians at much, much lower rates than they shoot and Kill Whites.

OK. Well that's what you are telling me.

I ask you again, are the police hunting down white people for the sake of an Asian supremacist movement

Once you asking me to respond to a lie. No one is hunting down white people.

Look at how respectful cops are to whites when they stop and search

Here we have a white female animal attacking. Once again. Cops guns dont work.

Another case.

or are the cops just arresting the people who are doing the crimes?

To be black is the crime.
As long as your thinking is the Village, human civilization will eradicate most of its population to fit what survives in it.

What are you talking about ? Stop trying to read my mind and read my words.

Without technologies, industrialists, tech giants, inventers, real scientists, men and women who work with detail and hiring the best for employment in many critical fields, the regression will be a disaster.

You're babbling

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