December 7th Never Forget

Japan's casualties are Japan's fault.
Poke the beehive get stung to death.

if you kill a 100 people at Walmart it's murder
if you kill 100 people because the government said so its patriotic.
God said thou shalt not kill and I don't think there's an asterisk on that.
if you kill a 100 people at Walmart it's murder
if you kill 100 people because the government said so its patriotic.
God said thou shalt not kill and I don't think there's an asterisk on that.
And yet God commanded the Jews to slaughter their enemies down to the last man, woman, and child. Without mercy.
And yet God commanded the Jews to slaughter their enemies down to the last man, woman, and child. Without mercy.
so God came down from heaven and personally told the jews to kill the canaanites. Or did a man tell them to do it?
The Japanese had no intention of surrendering. They were preparing everyone on the mainland to fight to the death. Kids with wooden pitchforks were to be sent to their deaths against the pending invasion by the US.

Every battle of the Pacific demonstrated just how tenacious the Japanese were.

When defeated at Saipan, the Japanese civilians chose suicide over surrender.

The US was facing the possibility of another half million American deaths to take the mainland, with god knows how many Japanese deaths.

Nuking Hiroshima saved until millions of deaths on both sides. If I was Harry Truman, I would not have hesitated to give the order.

But even Hiroshima was not enough to convince the Empire to surrender. It took another nuke to finally bring them to their knees. The Emperor willingly allowed his people to die in a mushroom cloud.

Their deaths are on him.
if you kill a 100 people at Walmart it's murder
if you kill 100 people because the government said so its patriotic.
God said thou shalt not kill and I don't think there's an asterisk on that.

It says thou shall not murder. Big difference. If I kill someone who is attacking me I have not violated one of the 10 commandments.
if you believe the Bible Moses got the commandments straight from god. But it was Joshua who attacked the cannaanites.
Joshua got the command straight from God.
If you believe the Bible.
And, apparently, you do.

Fact remains: You win wars by killing people and breaking things.
That's not going to change.
All well proven, you just need to look for it.

Before Pearl Harbor, the US had not cracked Japanese military codes. They had only broken the diplomatic code.

On December 6, US codebreakers intercepted a message to the Japanese ambassador in Washington, DC to destroy their papers and code machines. This was an indication war was imminent but it gave no clue as to where the attack would be.

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