“Declare the Rightful Winner or…Have a New Election” – President Trump on the FBI Covering Up Hunter’s Laptop and Altering 2020 Election

Is that all? Okay Dear Donnie here it is. I declare Joe Biden the rightful winner of the 2020 election

There, ya happy. Good luck in 2024 ya jackass!
And something this insane, this asinine, is just fine with the cult. This is a former President of the United States of America, acting out online like a damaged, needy child who is off his fucking meds.

Among the many shitty things he has done, is that he has forced this country to take his madness, his pathology, for granted. It doesn't even fucking phase us any more. It's just another raindrop in the hurricane. How do we recover from that?
We will have a new election soon enough. There is almost no chance Hunter Biden's corrupt father will win it. If the Dems manage to dump Joe, and replace him with a real candidate it's possible they can keep the White House.

Dems, who do you have?
Seems you would better use your time deciding if you want to bite the bullet and dump trump for a sane candidate who has a chance or go down the drain with that spoiled child. Either way, we'll worry about our own. You have enough to deal with on your own side.
I say do it. He'd win again in a heartbeat like he did in 2020.

Woah!!! He won in 2020??? Why ain't he in the White House??? Has he been to the courts about this? Has he been to the Supreme Court of the United States of America? What is going on? IF HE WON, WHY AIN'T HE IN THE WHITE HOUSE??

Was it because he lost the popular vote in a landslide?
Was it because he lost the Electoral College in a landslide?

What an injustice! Now he has to pay his own way to play golf, instead of having the government pay as he did before.
Naturally. Every investigation is killed, obstructed or blocked except when a republican is involved. Several Trump allies are facing jail or already in prison for things that Hillary and her friends did multiple times with immunity.
They’re not in jail. Trump pardoned them.
And something this insane, this asinine, is just fine with the cult. This is a former President of the United States of America, acting out online like a damaged, needy child who is off his fucking meds.

Among the many shitty things he has done, is that he has forced this country to take his madness, his pathology, for granted. It doesn't even fucking phase us any more. It's just another raindrop in the hurricane. How do we recover from that?
We recover by consigning his sorry ass to the dustbin of history and ignoring his current gripes and bitches about how "he has been treated so unfairly"
I say do it. He'd win again in a heartbeat like he did in 2020.

Lol, hey retard the rightful winner is sitting in the Whitehouse. What a retard. By the way retard how long have ya supposedly had this laptop now? All the Republican prosecutors and judges out there are just turning a blind eye to the evidence right. What fucking retard!
No, you are, most of you are psychotically detached from reality, Trump speaks funny and you hate him, just as you hate everything good and decent about the United States, everything you cretins touch, is tainted, often destroyed, you are totally intolerant of traditional western morality because most of you are members of a deviant subclass of one kind or another, and you seek to retaliate upon that morality because you cannot exist as is under it, that explains you and your kind to perfection... :banana:
We like Presidents who aren't subject to espionage felonies.
Lol, hey retard the rightful winner is sitting in the Whitehouse. What a retard. By the way retard how long have ya supposedly had this laptop now? All the Republican prosecutors and judges out there are just turning a blind eye to the evidence right. What fucking retard!
Biden was installed as a Usurper through fraud.
For that to be believed by his voters they have to have belief that the accusers are about. We do not believe Prog politicians anymore. Along with the Prog dominated media and entertainers. The elites of the nation and world are telling us what they are. They are demonic. And if you follow them what does that make you? Many of the weapons China is building look a lot like ours. Somebody is giving them technologies and/or they are stealing it by their own living here.
That right thar is both classic paranoia, and dangerously autocratic spawning ground.
Biden was installed as a Usurper through fraud.
Lol, according to your retarded ass. Hilarious. Meanwhile over 400 court cases, how many audits found the rightful winner is sitting in the Whitehouse. He'll the Maricopa County audit paid for and bought by Republicans found Buden the winner. Same thing in Wisconsin again bought and paid for by Republicans. But your retarded ass says so. Hilarious what a retard. Did I mention you are a retard?
I just cannot buy into the concept of an American billionaire (especially one from NewYork), being independent of the establishment deep state.

Something just feels wrong.
My best wag is that Trump will win in 2024 but he will be a very different president than his base is expecting.
One who repeatedly goes along establishment lines when his base clearly wants him to do something else.

Also, I don't believe he would still be around if they really wanted him gone as badly as they portend to (and all outward indications are they do)

Time will tell. But I've only been wrong once before.
Only been wrong once, ha. I've never seen you post a single thing that was correct. You're as full of shit and over the top as Berg or IM2.

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