“Declare the Rightful Winner or…Have a New Election” – President Trump on the FBI Covering Up Hunter’s Laptop and Altering 2020 Election

Trump is an America firster.
he's a piece of shit who tried to overthrow our country. He'll never win a popular vote since intelligent people have him figured out. Now either you're a dumb mother fucker or you're a piece of shit like trump who hates this country in it's present form.
he's a piece of shit who tried to overthrow our country. He'll never win a popular vote since intelligent people have him figured out. Now either you're a dumb mother fucker or you're a piece of shit like trump who hates this country in it's present form.
Trump was trying to stop election theft by Biden. He's a usurper illegally holding office in the White House.
A bit late for that. If Trump had not been so F-ing naive and got rid of Comey, Fauci and a couple of hundred other assholes in Jan 2017 he might still be in office.
Trump did this to himself. The guy has stepped on his own dick more times then any man in history.
Seems you would better use your time deciding if you want to bite the bullet and dump trump for a sane candidate who has a chance or go down the drain with that spoiled child. Either way, we'll worry about our own. You have enough to deal with on your own side.
Lot of words to say, "we got nobody."

The GOP has no problem with being short of candidates. If the armed wing of the Democratic Party finally loses patience and does a Hillary on Trump, there are plenty of candidates ready to take the baton.

Damn! I made another sports analogy to a liberal. Sorry about that.

Um . . . it would be like if your most popular tranny died of AIDS but you had plenty of others waiting to pick up her pancake makeup and hormone pill bottle.
Oh no, not the capitol, that could mean the peasants aren’t sufficiently beaten down. How dare these people question our power.
In other words, you don't have any problem with people rioting, invading the Capitol, trying to hang the VP, and generally breaking the law all because your orange douchebag lost the election?

Yeah, we know. :itsok:
We must return Trump to the office he duly won but was stolen through fraud.
Well golly gee. Why doesn't your boy take some of that $100 million he's collected from that "stop the steal" fundraiser & hire the best lawyers in the Country & take his complaints in front of any court who will listen?

Or could it be that Trump is a fucking liar & a whiny little bitch not man enough to admit that he got his ass beat?
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You fucking moron, "wilful violation" is not required within the act, importantly Comey knew that, even if your dumb ass does not, he merely used such as an excuse to do what he always intended to do, which was nothing! I find it inconceivable you do not recollect that "willfully violating the act" was aired out extensively in the media at the time of Clinton's treasonous breaching of the act, the entire nation was apprised of this fact, that intentions were not a requirement for charging, merely her reckless disregard, and again she was never president, Trump is immune "literally" to violating the espionage act, only morons such as yourself have embraced such a notion.... :banana:
See, you fall off the deep end when you claim, "Trump is immune", in what fawking universe, because certainly not this one. I am not going to waste my time explaining the differences. Damn Comey swung the election to Trump, now you want to pretend he was the bad guy. Trump and damn near every member of his family used a private email server, like Hillary--are you raising hell about that? No, because you are a stupid piece of shit. Damn white boy, scared absolutely shitless that you are going to lose your "majority", mostly because you are too sad a piece of shit to compete on a level playing field. Look it, I am 85% British and the other 15% Irish, bring it hoss, I don't have to be a majority, I don't depend on white privilege, I kick ass, period, and companies pay me the big bucks. I don't need a self-absorbed racist asshat to defend me.
People are becoming poorer, and you are proud of it. You are not that smart or benefit from it.
Inequality and upward mobility have been going to hell since Reagan dropped the top tax rate to 28% in 1987 period end of story. We need to tax the rich again and invest in America and Americans again.
For that to be believed by his voters they have to have belief that the accusers are about. We do not believe Prog politicians anymore. Along with the Prog dominated media and entertainers. The elites of the nation and world are telling us what they are. They are demonic. And if you follow them what does that make you? Many of the weapons China is building look a lot like ours. Somebody is giving them technologies and/or they are stealing it by their own living here.
Yes yes, everyone in the world is in on the conspiracy against you. Only bought off Murdoch pundits and Internet conspiracy nutjobs know the truth. And the orange clown of course. Who achieved nothing but parroting garbage propaganda and imaginary achievements and toughness. Gave the store away to North Korea and Putin.... And a big tax cut for his greedy idiot mega rich swine pals, dupe.
He isn’t above the law.
:omg: Yes, he literally is, all presidents are, such is established law! You people are impossibly ignorant, a tragedy really as obviously most of you were condemned to public schools where they essentially incinerated your youthful minds. A president by default has "declassified" any/all documents he takes with him, and he can do so, and Trump did, with a simple order to declassify whatever he wants declassified, and you know who else knows that, Merrick Garland, and the psychopathic Biden, what they were doing, the plan, was to seize all documents in Trump's possession, with a particular focus upon "crossfire hurricane" documents, which Trump had already declassified.

The objective was to then have Biden order them reclassified due to an ongoing investigation, thus preventing their release to the public, where the public would learn in absolute just what Obama and Biden did when they personally ordered the FBI to spy on, and feed utterly phony evidence against Trump and his team to a totally complicit media, in hopes of preventing his election, and later to upend his presidency after he was elected, you see they were taking Obama's orders even after he had left office, and Trump had declassified the documents that would prove this, the crossfire hurricane treason is exactly what you traitorous cretins have cheered on.... and it was treason!

That is what this is all about....
:omg: Yes, he literally is, all presidents are, such is established law! You people are impossibly ignorant, a tragedy really as obviously most of you were condemned to public schools where they essentially incinerated your youthful minds. A president by default has "declassified" any/all documents he takes with him, and he can do so, and Trump did, with a simple order to declassify whatever he wants declassified, and you know who else knows that, Merrick Garland, and the psychopathic Biden, what they were doing, the plan, was to seize all documents in Trump's possession, with a particular focus upon "crossfire hurricane" documents, which Trump had already declassified.

The objective was to then have Biden order them reclassified due to an ongoing investigation, thus preventing their release to the public, where the public would learn in absolute just what Obama and Biden did when they personally ordered the FBI to spy on, and feed utterly phony evidence against Trump and his team to a totally complicit media, in hopes of preventing his election, and later to upend his presidency after he was elected, you see they were taking Obama's orders even after he had left office, and Trump had declassified the documents that would prove this, the crossfire hurricane treason is exactly what you traitorous cretins have cheered on.... and it was treason!

That is what this is all about....
That's exactly what happened.
In other words, you don't have any problem with people rioting, invading the Capitol, trying to hang the VP, and generally breaking the law all because your orange douchebag lost the election?

Yeah, we know. :itsok:
Not since the BLM people were allowed to riot, arson, murder their way through town. You let that happen and now you expect me to be upset some people walked through the fucking capital? Who gives a shit.
I say do it. He'd win again in a heartbeat like he did in 2020.

Even if 100 % evidence came out ...: 30321618, member: 86719"] election/[/QUOTE]

The 2020 election 'ship' has 'sailed'.

Even is 100% undeniable evidence came out tomorrow and Biden admitted it there is no way a new election could be held....we would have a disastrous situation to have to try to un-fuck.
:omg: Yes, he literally is, all presidents are, such is established law! You people are impossibly ignorant, a tragedy really as obviously most of you were condemned to public schools where they essentially incinerated your youthful minds. A president by default has "declassified" any/all documents he takes with him, and he can do so, and Trump did, with a simple order to declassify whatever he wants declassified, and you know who else knows that, Merrick Garland, and the psychopathic Biden, what they were doing, the plan, was to seize all documents in Trump's possession, with a particular focus upon "crossfire hurricane" documents, which Trump had already declassified.

The objective was to then have Biden order them reclassified due to an ongoing investigation, thus preventing their release to the public, where the public would learn in absolute just what Obama and Biden did when they personally ordered the FBI to spy on, and feed utterly phony evidence against Trump and his team to a totally complicit media, in hopes of preventing his election, and later to upend his presidency after he was elected, you see they were taking Obama's orders even after he had left office, and Trump had declassified the documents that would prove this, the crossfire hurricane treason is exactly what you traitorous cretins have cheered on.... and it was treason!

That is what this is all about....
For one, Trump is a former president. He has no power anymore.

Two, no one with half a brain thinks that there was any order to “declassify” any document he took with them. There’s no evidence anything was codified and no one from his administration is corroborating it. Moreover, if he actually did declassify all those documents, he would have been allowing public disclosure of every detail from every one of those documents which apparently includes plenty of top secret programs as well as human sources and signals intelligence. No one with half a brain thinks Trump actually wants that information public.

This whole excuse about crossfire hurricane fails on so many levels of plausibility, including the fact that the known material taken from Mar a Lago clearly extends far beyond this one binder.
In a happier bygone era, someone acting like Trump and his followers would have been visited by the nice young men in white coats who wield oversized butterfly nets.

Yep, they're all that far gone.
Obama doesn’t have his documents, the archive does
The National Archives is an executive agency, it’s under every president
Biden had every right to see documents from Trump’s presidency

Obama does still have documents.... people that say he doesn't don't know what they are talking about....
This is the first time in history the National Archives officials office is down the hall from the Oval office....
Biden has no right to view the personal documents of his predecessor.... zero...
For one, Trump is a former president. He has no power anymore.
Trump is not below the law... as much as you hate him he is still protected by the bill of rights and our constitution....
Obama does still have documents.... people that say he doesn't don't know what they are talking about....
This is the first time in history the National Archives officials office is down the hall from the Oval office....
Biden has no right to view the personal documents of his predecessor.... zero...
You're just flat out lying

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