“Declare the Rightful Winner or…Have a New Election” – President Trump on the FBI Covering Up Hunter’s Laptop and Altering 2020 Election

I wonder if anyone remembers that the FBI was investigating Hillary just a couple of weeks before the election, and the doubt thrown on her about her e-mails is what could have very well cost her the election? And even now, almost a decade later, nothing has come from that investigation no matter how much conservatives and Trump supporters wish it would have. That actually happened to Clinton, but all we have from Trump and his supporters is speculation and hearsay.

Not only that, but I wonder if anyone else remembers Trump telling everyone who would listed BEFORE the 2016 election, that if Hillary won, it would be because the election was "rigged"?

News article from the wayback machine........................

She was/is guilty of violating the espionage act, thousands of counts of such, she was caught in the actual act, comparing that against the lawful presidents ability to possess, and declassify anything he desires, is so removed from analogous or defensible that it plows into the realm of the ludicrously removed from reality! She possessed no such authority, she was never president, she literally should be in a federal dungeon for the duration of her life, if not hanged for high treason!
For that to be believed by his voters they have to have belief that the accusers are about. We do not believe Prog politicians anymore. Along with the Prog dominated media and entertainers. The elites of the nation and world are telling us what they are. They are demonic. And if you follow them what does that make you? Many of the weapons China is building look a lot like ours. Somebody is giving them technologies and/or they are stealing it by their own living here.
This is what happens when you mix politics into religion.

Don’t do it. It’s bad for you. And the country.
I say do it. He'd win again in a heartbeat like he did in 2020.

Trump is really sick. Be careful.
I wonder if anyone remembers that the FBI was investigating Hillary just a couple of weeks before the election, and the doubt thrown on her about her e-mails is what could have very well cost her the election? And even now, almost a decade later, nothing has come from that investigation no matter how much conservatives and Trump supporters wish it would have. That actually happened to Clinton, but all we have from Trump and his supporters is speculation and hearsay.

Not only that, but I wonder if anyone else remembers Trump telling everyone who would listed BEFORE the 2016 election, that if Hillary won, it would be because the election was "rigged"?

News article from the wayback machine........................

You nailed it. Also, remember how Gore lost the election?

On December 8, the Florida Supreme Court had ordered a statewide recount of all undervotes, over 61,000 ballots that the vote tabulation machines had missed. The Bush campaign immediately asked the U.S. Supreme Court to stay the decision and halt the recount.

Justice Antonin Scalia, convinced that all the manual recounts being performed in Florida's counties were illegitimate, urged his colleagues to grant the stay immediately.[2] On December 9, the five conservative justices on the Court granted the stay for Bush, with Scalia citing "irreparable harm" that could befall Bush, as the recounts would cast "a needless and unjustified cloud" over Bush's legitimacy.

In dissent, Justice John Paul Stevens wrote that "counting every legally cast vote cannot constitute irreparable harm."[2] Oral arguments were scheduled for December 11.

In a 5-4 per curiam decision, the Court ruled, strictly on equal protection grounds, that the recount be stopped.

Did the Dems riot in the street? Did we storm the Capitol? Try to hang any available VP?
You nailed it. Also, remember how Gore lost the election?

On December 8, the Florida Supreme Court had ordered a statewide recount of all undervotes, over 61,000 ballots that the vote tabulation machines had missed. The Bush campaign immediately asked the U.S. Supreme Court to stay the decision and halt the recount.

Justice Antonin Scalia, convinced that all the manual recounts being performed in Florida's counties were illegitimate, urged his colleagues to grant the stay immediately.[2] On December 9, the five conservative justices on the Court granted the stay for Bush, with Scalia citing "irreparable harm" that could befall Bush, as the recounts would cast "a needless and unjustified cloud" over Bush's legitimacy.

In dissent, Justice John Paul Stevens wrote that "counting every legally cast vote cannot constitute irreparable harm."[2] Oral arguments were scheduled for December 11.

In a 5-4 per curiam decision, the Court ruled, strictly on equal protection grounds, that the recount be stopped.

Did the Dems riot in the street? Did we storm the Capitol? Try to hang any available VP?

Trump needs to be Baker Acted.
I say do it. He'd win again in a heartbeat like he did in 2020.

A bit late for that. If Trump had not been so F-ing naive and got rid of Comey, Fauci and a couple of hundred other assholes in Jan 2017 he might still be in office.
Seriously. I'm sure people have been Baker Acted for less. How delusional do you have to be to imagine there's any sort of scenario where you get retroactively declared the winner of the 2020 election. It's bonkers but all these clowns are in fantasy land.

Trump lies so manically and so outrageously.. yeah, he's delusional. He may also be physically ill. Nobody could stop Elvis either. Some stories are just tragic.
I wonder if anyone remembers that the FBI was investigating Hillary just a couple of weeks before the election, and the doubt thrown on her about her e-mails is what could have very well cost her the election? And even now, almost a decade later, nothing has come from that investigation no matter how much conservatives and Trump supporters wish it would have. That actually happened to Clinton, but all we have from Trump and his supporters is speculation and hearsay.

Not only that, but I wonder if anyone else remembers Trump telling everyone who would listed BEFORE the 2016 election, that if Hillary won, it would be because the election was "rigged"?

News article from the wayback machine........................

You're right about the FBI's treatment of Hillary. Trump was right to fire Comey for it.

That doesn't justify the FBI/DOJ treatment of Trump which has been to subject him to seven year a witch hunt that was so desperate that it seemed hysterical at times.

The home invasion/fishing trip they staged makes it far less likely Biden can win in 2024.
Is that all? Okay Dear Donnie here it is. I declare Joe Biden the rightful winner of the 2020 election

There, ya happy. Good luck in 2024 ya jackass!
We will have a new election soon enough. There is almost no chance Hunter Biden's corrupt father will win it. If the Dems manage to dump Joe, and replace him with a real candidate it's possible they can keep the White House.

Dems, who do you have?
We will have a new election soon enough. There is almost no chance Hunter Biden's corrupt father will win it. If the Dems manage to dump Joe, and replace him with a real candidate it's possible they can keep the White House.

Dems, who do you have?

Hunter Biden is not running
Bottom line, the FBI and big tech meddled in our elections causing Biden to win due to suppressing the story. Polling showed that 7% of Biden voters in key states wouldn’t have voted for Biden had they known about the massive corruption it revealed. 7% less gives Trump Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona
Bottom line, the FBI and big tech meddled in our elections causing Biden to win due to suppressing the story. Polling showed that 7% of Biden voters in key states wouldn’t have voted for Biden had they known about the massive corruption it revealed. 7% less gives Trump Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona
Outside of Fox Nation, nobody cares about Hunter Biden
Trump is really sick. Be careful.
No, you are, most of you are psychotically detached from reality, Trump speaks funny and you hate him, just as you hate everything good and decent about the United States, everything you cretins touch, is tainted, often destroyed, you are totally intolerant of traditional western morality because most of you are members of a deviant subclass of one kind or another, and you seek to retaliate upon that morality because you cannot exist as is under it, that explains you and your kind to perfection... :banana:
I wonder if anyone remembers that the FBI was investigating Hillary just a couple of weeks before the election, and the doubt thrown on her about her e-mails is what could have very well cost her the election? And even now, almost a decade later,
Six years is almost a decade?

nothing has come from that investigation no matter how much conservatives and Trump supporters wish it would have.
Naturally. Every investigation is killed, obstructed or blocked except when a republican is involved. Several Trump allies are facing jail or already in prison for things that Hillary and her friends did multiple times with immunity.

Then there is the matter of her private server where she kept all her dealings with foreign powers, who all got big favors granted after donating bigly to the Clintons.

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