Declare victory in Afghanistan,And pull troops out

Yep, already a few nmonths past my doctors estimates.
But still above ground and sucking air.

Ugh that sucks I'm sorry to hear that, hang in there.

Cancer? How old are you?

Yep cancer. How old? Older than some dirt but younger than most rocks.

over 60.

Same thing got my grandpa when he was 72, but he drank and smoke a big portion of his life so he a lot more than a little to do with it.

Are you still doing chemo?
And have to re-invade both Pakistan and Afghanistan here in 5 years anyways when we lose a city to one of Pakistan's nukes. Brilliant!
No, we just nuke them right back. No troops needed.

If it were only that simple rogue nations might behave
their neighbors to the east would just love all the nuclear fallout on their countries.
India and Pakistan are supp0osed allies of ours. Not a nice way to treat allies.
And both India and Pakistan have "the bomb".
And they hate each other. India would probably nuke Pakistan themselves if PK ever used its nukes on anyone. They're just waiting for ANY pretext to do so, just like President Obama told O'Reilly in their first interview.

However the idea that PK would nuke one of our cities, or even could get that job done, is so silly I shouldn't have even answered it. They can't.

Obama has the political capital - it's a perishable item with short shelf life - he should use it. Pull us out of that shithole now, declare victory (because it is) and walk away. I think he would get almost universal support from the folks on that. The hyper-partisans though, no matter. They're not going to support anything he says, does or thinks no matter what. So it's a no-lose scenario both for Obama politically and for the country overall. There's no downside that I can see.

But yeah, let's de-ass Afghanistan with all possible speed.

Sure sound good,but how long before the sewer backs up again and another turd like this last one floats up??
There's always going to be turds in the overall terrorist punchbowl, doesn't matter where they're headquartered. So what? We can get them without having 50,000 troops or more in the shithole of Afghanistan. That cesspool is not worth one further drop of our blood and not one further dime of our treasure.

Obama has a chance here to truly make transformative change by completely withdrawing from the middle east. This in no way means we won't still be effective against extremists when need be. But we GOT the guy who knocked those buildings down. We are NEVER going to see any secular democratic governments form in the region - they will always be Sharia law, religious based. Those people, like us and like all people in the world have the right of self-determination and just because we might not like what they determine cuts no foss at all. It's THEIR land, their country. And now that we got UBL? Really none of our business anymore either.
And have to re-invade both Pakistan and Afghanistan here in 5 years anyways when we lose a city to one of Pakistan's nukes. Brilliant!

Like it or not, we're in deep with both Afghanistan and Pakistan. Abandon Afghanistan and it'll revert to being a having for drug traders and terrorists and we'll face another major attack based out of there inside a decade. Abandon Pakistan and the extremists will seize control of the government, sell the nukes off to other extremists, and start WWIII with India.

Like it or not, we're in there until we win, or we come back and do it all again.

Problem is we will never win.
We did win. Already.

We did. OBL-Gone.

And upon our exit? Release thousands of leaflets with pictures of the bloody corpse of OBL with a warning that WE will be back if we are attacked again and this is the fate that awaits them...But the WOT will go on...
To hell with Nation building.Al qaeda is in Packistan.Osama Bin Laden is dead.
The CIA and Special Ops can handle future threats from terrorist cells in Aghanistan and
Packistan.Cut off all aid to Packistan as well.They were hiding that terrorist pig.
Pull all Troops out of Afghanistan and save Billions.

I SUSPECT if Obama pulled the troops out of Afghanistan and Iraq, and if those places didn't immediately fall apart (something I am not entirely sure of) he'd secure his job for another 4 years.

I think there's no shortage of agreement on either side of the great political divide about those wars.

I suspect that the majority of Americans want us OUT of Asia, don't give a fig what happens to those places and would reward Obama for finally doing what should have been done a long time ago.
To hell with Nation building.Al qaeda is in Packistan.Osama Bin Laden is dead.
The CIA and Special Ops can handle future threats from terrorist cells in Aghanistan and
Packistan.Cut off all aid to Packistan as well.They were hiding that terrorist pig.
Pull all Troops out of Afghanistan and save Billions.

I SUSPECT if Obama pulled the troops out of Afghanistan and Iraq, and if those places didn't immediately fall apart (something I am not entirely sure of) he'd secure his job for another 4 years.

I think there's no shortage of agreement on either side of the great political divide about those wars.

I suspect that the majority of Americans want us OUT of Asia, don't give a fig what happens to those places and would reward Obama for finally doing what should have been done a long time ago.

My only worry is who Obomba's next victim would be if we pull out of Afghanistan and Syria, he's a status quo warmonger who knows where he's going to launch his next horde of cruise missiles, who would have guessed Syria a couple months ago?
Now that Osama Bin Laden has been eliminated,i believe it's time to bring all of our Cash & Kids back home. Most if not all Pakistan "Foreign Aid" should be rescinded and ended. We can still help Afghanistan out but only in a purely Humanitarian sense. Mission Accomplished. So lets give a big hand for our brave Men & Women in our Military and welcome them Home. This is how i feel anyway. How bout you?
Now that Osama Bin Laden has been eliminated,i believe it's time to bring all of our Cash & Kids back home. Most if not all Pakistan "Foreign Aid" should be rescinded and ended. We can still help Afghanistan out but only in a purely Humanitarian sense. Mission Accomplished. So lets give a big hand for our brave Men & Women in our Military and welcome them Home. This is how i feel anyway. How bout you?

I could not disagree more. Killing Osama did not end the threat from Radical Islamic Terrorism, nor did it end the problems in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The Terrorist organizations we are at war with, are still going strong. Killing one man did not put an end to them. Deciding it is over, and packing up shop and going home. Is exactly what our enemies are hoping we will do.
bin who ? there are wars of conquest to be fought and nation building to be ones going home until the empire falls
The Afghan War is the longest War in our nation's History. What are the Goals now? What were the Goals originally? These Goals seem to change daily. And now it just seems like some want to keep moving those "Goal" Posts. Bin Laden is gone. Mission Accomplished. Time to bring that Cash and our Kids back Home. And Pakistan can go to Hell. No more "Foreign Aid" for them. There is nothing more to be gained in either Afghanistan or Pakistan. Can't people see that? Should we stay there forever?
Its time we established our energy independence and stopped constantly involving ourselves in foreign wars.
That's a bleak outlook and i hope you're wrong. But i am hearing Pakistan could be next to be invaded. God lets hope that doesn't happen. We've achieved all we can or should want to achieve other there. Time to come home.
Now that Osama Bin Laden has been eliminated,i believe it's time to bring all of our Cash & Kids back home. Most if not all Pakistan "Foreign Aid" should be rescinded and ended. We can still help Afghanistan out but only in a purely Humanitarian sense. Mission Accomplished. So lets give a big hand for our brave Men & Women in our Military and welcome them Home. This is how i feel anyway. How bout you?

I could not disagree more. Killing Osama did not end the threat from Radical Islamic Terrorism, nor did it end the problems in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The Terrorist organizations we are at war with, are still going strong. Killing one man did not put an end to them. Deciding it is over, and packing up shop and going home. Is exactly what our enemies are hoping we will do.

Those were the goals originally in Afghanistan? I thought it was to get those responsible for 911? Looks like some are always trying to move the "Goal" Posts. We got the Bastards responsible,now lets get the Hell out of there. And to Hell with Pakistan too. Time to rescind and end "Foreign Aid" to them. Bring the Cash & Kids Home. It's time.
That's a bleak outlook and i hope you're wrong. But i am hearing Pakistan could be next to be invaded. God lets hope that doesn't happen. We've achieved all we can or should want to achieve other there. Time to come home.

I'm hearing people are bored with the warmongering in Afghanistan and Libya and beating the War with Iran drum again.
That's a bleak outlook and i hope you're wrong. But i am hearing Pakistan could be next to be invaded. God lets hope that doesn't happen. We've achieved all we can or should want to achieve other there. Time to come home.

I don't think invading Pakistan would help, as a matter a fact it would just make everything worse. If we have learned anything from the Iraq war its that the devil you know is better than the devil you don't, invading Pakistan would crush the Pakistani Military and basically give the Pakistani Taliban and other Islamic extremist groups the power in that country, there are no easy answers. The only reason we are not walking away from Pakistan is because they have nuclear weapons, a unstable country like Pakistan with nukes doesn't do anyone any good. I definently want us out of Afghanistan but it can't happen right away, a transfer of power has to take place and that can take years unfortunatly, even in Iraq people are debating behind the scenes about keeping some troops there for a longer time. We definently need to take another look at our billion dollar aid packages to Pakistan though because right now they look complacent and incompetent.

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