Deep State Chooses Its Nominee: Warren

No one has chosen Warren. She has no shot at the nomination.

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First, she is way too far left to win a national election. Second, even if she was capable of winning, there is no way in this world that Rodham would allow Warren to be the first women as President. It is not gonna happen. I don't think that the eventual Democratic nominee was on that stage tonight.

Warren is an absolute nightmare for the Dems in a general election.
Even if you grade the clown car occupants on a curve they are all losers next year. But the left live in a bubble world and think Warren is middle of the road.
No one has chosen Warren. She has no shot at the nomination.
She’s it. Other Dem candidates were ordered to not attack her and the media gave her the most airtime by far.
Just the fact that the Joe/Hunter/Ukraine
made it onto MSM told me the Dems want Joe out.

Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me
if Hunter 'od's' or 'commits suicide'

He's a liability and a ticking time bomb
Now that she's the frontrunner, she'll do what all Democrat frontrunners do. She'll hide and let the corrupt media cover for her. Democrats like hiding because they're good at it. Like Hillary hid when she collapsed in a drunken stupor during the last election. Or like Hunter did when he was busted shaking down China and Ukraine. Or like that sneaky bastard Soros does all the time.

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