Deep State FBI Arrests Superstar GOP Gubernatorial Candidate -- WTF??

Good for the Cops. Any other time in history, he would be arrested, charged, tried and then shot. Traitors need to be handled better and expeditiously
Progtards, front and center. ^^^

These Stalinist pricks are throwing their political opponents in jail now.

Next they'll call em crazy and fill the mental institutions.

Questionable elections... ALL fits the Stalinist pattern.

There's only one thing that's different. And it's scary as hell.

The progtards have figured out how to get private and public corporations to do their bidding.

And that's not a commie thing, it's a NAZI thing.

Commies own their businesses, they don't have to worry about anyone doing their bidding.

But Nazis... well... the distinguishing characteristics of German economic fascism was it's relationship with the corporations.

Google the history of IG Farben.

They used to be like Monsanto, an all around chemical company. But before anyone could tell the shareholders they started mass producing Zyklon B. They had no choice. Why? Because the government became 2/3 of their business. They couldn't say no
Ryan Kelley is a certified nut job who has repeatedly stalked and harassed Gov Whitmer, including showing up at her primary residence and vacation home. Don’t know details, but I have no doubt he deserved it.

Witchmer deserves to be harassed.

People like that, we need to start making their lives twice as miserable as they make everyone else's.
Still and all she's doing exactly what se was hired to do.....Give the same heartburn to dems as that mess of a "soup" would.
You white folks have strange ways of running a country. So you elect people for no other reason than to fuck with “the other side?” Would make more sense to elect people who get things done. Oh well… nice country you got going.
You white folks have strange ways of running a country. So you elect people for no other reason than to fuck with “the other side?” Would make more sense to elect people who get things done. Oh well… nice country you got going.
Cloward / Piven , it’s what’s for Dinner

"Ryan Kelley, a Republican candidate for Michigan governor, was arrested by the FBI at his home in West Michigan on Thursday morning. The FBI also conducted a search warrant at the home, an FBI spokesperson confirmed to 7 Action News. According to a statement of facts from the FBI filed in federal court in Washington D.C., the arrest stems from Kelley's alleged attendance at the Jan. 6 insurrection. A complaint charges Kelley with knowingly entering or remaining in a restricted building or grounds, disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds, knowingly engaging in any act of physical violence against person or property in any restricted building or grounds, and willfully injury or commit any depredation against any property of the United States. Kelley attended the Jan. 6 insurrection at the United States Capitol, and last year he told MLive he was there but did not go through barricades and left when things started getting crazy.

Kelley is a real estate broker who gained prominence in Republican circles during the COVID-19 pandemic for organizing a protest at the Michigan Capitol over the lockdowns. Kelley is one of five Republicans left in the field after five other candidates were left off the August primary ballot due to invalid signatures."

So basically, the governor of Michigan has ordered the FBI to arrest her political this not fascism?? How can you be in favor of elected government officials arresting their political opponents -- is she afraid that she couldn't beat him in an election?? This is going to backfire big time on her...if she was worried about getting kidnapped and executed before, she is definitely setting herself up to get executed by courageous Christian Conservative patriots have forced their hand Gretchen, was bad enough that you used your tyrannical governmental power to force Americans to wear masks to go inside of Starbucks...but now you are using FBI Brownshirts to arrest your political opponents??

There is no evidence of that. You are just giving us more horseshit. Whitmer did not have her political opponent arrested. She did not manufacture the evidence that was used to arrest him. We call courageous Christian Conservative patriots right wing fascists. You try executing anyone and we will bring back capital punishment just for you thugs.
You white folks have strange ways of running a country. So you elect people for no other reason than to fuck with “the other side?” Would make more sense to elect people who get things done. Oh well… nice country you got going.
Well at least they elected someone that's not just another two-bit lawyer so there's that. ;)

"Ryan Kelley, a Republican candidate for Michigan governor, was arrested by the FBI at his home in West Michigan on Thursday morning. The FBI also conducted a search warrant at the home, an FBI spokesperson confirmed to 7 Action News. According to a statement of facts from the FBI filed in federal court in Washington D.C., the arrest stems from Kelley's alleged attendance at the Jan. 6 insurrection. A complaint charges Kelley with knowingly entering or remaining in a restricted building or grounds, disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds, knowingly engaging in any act of physical violence against person or property in any restricted building or grounds, and willfully injury or commit any depredation against any property of the United States. Kelley attended the Jan. 6 insurrection at the United States Capitol, and last year he told MLive he was there but did not go through barricades and left when things started getting crazy.

Kelley is a real estate broker who gained prominence in Republican circles during the COVID-19 pandemic for organizing a protest at the Michigan Capitol over the lockdowns. Kelley is one of five Republicans left in the field after five other candidates were left off the August primary ballot due to invalid signatures."

So basically, the governor of Michigan has ordered the FBI to arrest her political this not fascism?? How can you be in favor of elected government officials arresting their political opponents -- is she afraid that she couldn't beat him in an election?? This is going to backfire big time on her...if she was worried about getting kidnapped and executed before, she is definitely setting herself up to get executed by courageous Christian Conservative patriots have forced their hand Gretchen, was bad enough that you used your tyrannical governmental power to force Americans to wear masks to go inside of Starbucks...but now you are using FBI Brownshirts to arrest your political opponents??
Why doesn't anybody ever tell anyone who the superstars are supposed to be? I mean, aside from the obvious that obvious troll is being obvious, shouldn't there have been a memo or something? It seems that every other day a new "superstar" is identified that no one ever heard of.
Why doesn't anybody ever tell anyone who the superstars are supposed to be? I mean, aside from the obvious that obvious troll is being obvious, shouldn't there have been a memo or something? It seems that every other day a new "superstar" is identified that no one ever heard of.
Well, Republicans have gotten away from promoting their superstars like they use to....since Republicans are so fickle and turn against their own superstars within minutes of declaring them superstars..and then switch back and declare them superstars again minutes later...they are bi-polar....

I guess they don't to have another "Young Guns" moment.......because that promotion ended very badly...

Well, Republicans have gotten away from promoting their superstars like they use to....since Republicans are so fickle and turn against their own superstars within minutes of declaring them superstars..and then switch back and declare them superstars again minutes later...they are bi-polar....

I guess they don't to have another "Young Guns" moment.......because that promotion ended very badly...

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So where's the list of superstars you reference when you create threads like this? I would think everyone should know who they are. You know, so we all know who it is we're supposed to be outraged about.
We call courageous Christian Conservative patriots right wing fascists.

That's because leftists are two bit little pieces of shit that couldn't tie their own shoes without government assistance

And these fucktards ^^° think they're "morally superior".


You try executing anyone and we will bring back capital punishment just for you thugs.
You've done that already, shit for brains.

For every pound of flesh you extract, you'll lose two. You have my personal guarantee on that.
You white folks have strange ways of running a country. So you elect people for no other reason than to fuck with “the other side?” Would make more sense to elect people who get things done. Oh well… nice country you got going.
You're talking about the shit for brains partisan toadies we call "progtards".

They disguised themselves as Democrats. Just like the Neo-Cons disguised themselves as Republicans, a few years ago.

And, just as the gullible Republicans got hoodwinked by a bunch of war mongering lefties, the present day Democratic Party has been totally hoodwinked by a bunch of radical Stalinist communist fucktards.

These fucked up progtards though, are truly dangerous. The Neo-Cons were inside pissing out, they only wanted to nation build and meddle in foreign affairs.

These progfucks are inside pissing IN. They hate America and don't like what it stands for. All you have to do is read through these threads for proof

Me personally, I don't care about sides.

But I care a LOT about clear and present danger.

Progtards are Stalinists. They are a CLEAR and PRESENT danger

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