Defend Your Ground?


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2012
Here we go. "Pennsyltucky" folks know how to stand their ground and protect it from the dang gubmint, too! This guy's gonna' say he had a right to defend his ground. I bet he's a big Stand Your Ground fan, too:

Ross Township Shooting: Gunman With Scope Blasts Through Wall; 3 Dead
Three people are dead and at least six more injured in Ross Township, Penn., after a gunman opened fire during a board supervisors' meeting, authorities told the Pocono Record.

At least two of the victims were shot in the stomach, one was shot in the head, and another was shot in the leg, the Epoch Times reported.

The gunman has been identified as 59-year-old Rockne Newell. According to police, Newell was involved in an ongoing dispute with the Ross Township board of supervisors over the state of his land. Police are now searching the property.


Ross Township Shooting: Gunman With Scope Blasts Through Wall; 3 Dead (UPDATED/VIDEO)
Oh brother. Another lame thread. People are murdered and shot every day in America. If the mindset is there it will happen. They can get a gun just about anywhere if they have the money.

Me and my shotgun will stand our ground down here in Florida.
Here we go. "Pennsyltucky" folks know how to stand their ground and protect it from the dang gubmint, too! This guy's gonna' say he had a right to defend his ground. I bet he's a big Stand Your Ground fan, too:

Ross Township Shooting: Gunman With Scope Blasts Through Wall; 3 Dead
Three people are dead and at least six more injured in Ross Township, Penn., after a gunman opened fire during a board supervisors' meeting, authorities told the Pocono Record.

At least two of the victims were shot in the stomach, one was shot in the head, and another was shot in the leg, the Epoch Times reported.

The gunman has been identified as 59-year-old Rockne Newell. According to police, Newell was involved in an ongoing dispute with the Ross Township board of supervisors over the state of his land. Police are now searching the property.


Ross Township Shooting: Gunman With Scope Blasts Through Wall; 3 Dead (UPDATED/VIDEO)

What does this have to do with any "Stand your ground" law? Outside of your derranged mind that is.

Here is a real link to the story, as opposed to a Huff-job: Shooting reported at Ross Township, Monroe County, municipal building - Morning Call
Here we go. "Pennsyltucky" folks know how to stand their ground and protect it from the dang gubmint, too! This guy's gonna' say he had a right to defend his ground. I bet he's a big Stand Your Ground fan, too:

Ross Township Shooting: Gunman With Scope Blasts Through Wall; 3 Dead
Three people are dead and at least six more injured in Ross Township, Penn., after a gunman opened fire during a board supervisors' meeting, authorities told the Pocono Record.

At least two of the victims were shot in the stomach, one was shot in the head, and another was shot in the leg, the Epoch Times reported.

The gunman has been identified as 59-year-old Rockne Newell. According to police, Newell was involved in an ongoing dispute with the Ross Township board of supervisors over the state of his land. Police are now searching the property.


Ross Township Shooting: Gunman With Scope Blasts Through Wall; 3 Dead (UPDATED/VIDEO)

What does this have to do with any "Stand your ground" law? Outside of your derranged mind that is.

Here is a real link to the story, as opposed to a Huff-job: Shooting reported at Ross Township, Monroe County, municipal building - Morning Call

Guys like NoTeaParty are already scheduled to be the first layer of fertilizer if their party Bosses disarm US Citizens.
Oh brother. Another lame thread. People are murdered and shot every day in America. If the mindset is there it will happen. They can get a gun just about anywhere if they have the money.

Me and my shotgun will stand our ground down here in Florida.

SO right. La-de-dah. People are shot and killed every day in America. Will you still say that if it happens to you and yours? I didn't think so. Most people have to have first hand experience with something in order to understand what it means.

Yup, stand your ground down in Flori-DUH.

Yes, we know guns don't kill people, people kill people. But heavily armed people kill more people than anything else.
LMAO I'll still stand my ground with my shotgun you boob.

You can defend yourself, home and family with your good looks.

Should get you far. Your an idiot.
Here we go. "Pennsyltucky" folks know how to stand their ground and protect it from the dang gubmint, too! This guy's gonna' say he had a right to defend his ground. I bet he's a big Stand Your Ground fan, too:

Ross Township Shooting: Gunman With Scope Blasts Through Wall; 3 Dead
Three people are dead and at least six more injured in Ross Township, Penn., after a gunman opened fire during a board supervisors' meeting, authorities told the Pocono Record.

At least two of the victims were shot in the stomach, one was shot in the head, and another was shot in the leg, the Epoch Times reported.

The gunman has been identified as 59-year-old Rockne Newell. According to police, Newell was involved in an ongoing dispute with the Ross Township board of supervisors over the state of his land. Police are now searching the property.


Ross Township Shooting: Gunman With Scope Blasts Through Wall; 3 Dead (UPDATED/VIDEO)

What does this have to do with any "Stand your ground" law? Outside of your derranged mind that is.

Here is a real link to the story, as opposed to a Huff-job: Shooting reported at Ross Township, Monroe County, municipal building - Morning Call

Guys like NoTeaParty are already scheduled to be the first layer of fertilizer if their party Bosses disarm US Citizens.

Oooh...I can hear your balls tinkle from here. Like little bells though, because your beloved guns compensate for your other inadequate equipment.

Who would these party bosses be and how have they even hinted at disarmament? Registration is not taking your guns away, cry baby.

I know you won't answer that question. Because you can't.
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Tree of Liberty needed a watering

Yeah, and those people who just happened to be attending a townhall meeting were gonna' pay and pay big time, right Frank?

Thank god for guns and being able to use them to Defend Your Ground.

Whats this "defend your ground" you speak of?

I'm just yanking the chain of the pit bulls here who are actually puppies who wet themselves when someone points out another mindless mass shooting, as the one in the Poconos last night.

This clown Newell probably has a history and record for violent behavior, but by gum, he gets to own a gun. Yessir, dammit. You can be batshit crazy and keep deadly weapons cuz this here is Amerika!
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Tree of Liberty needed a watering

Yeah, and those people who just happened to be attending a townhall meeting were gonna' pay and pay big time, right Frank?

Thank god for guns and being able to use them to Defend Your Ground.
Further proof that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
Tree of Liberty needed a watering

Yeah, and those people who just happened to be attending a townhall meeting were gonna' pay and pay big time, right Frank?

Thank god for guns and being able to use them to Defend Your Ground.

Actually, we thank God people like you don't own guns because once Rome falls around you it will make your stuff easier for us to take.
I used to know Saylorsburg quite well. My great Aunt Katie owed the Saylorsburg Hotel and I used to summer there when I was a kid. We spent half our holddays in that town when I was a kid

First of all Saylorsburg is in Pennsylvania, not Pennsyltucky.

Pennsyltucky is the western part of the state not originally part of the treaty lands that Penn signed with the six tribes, okay?

No seriously, it does make a difference. It's a big state. Saylorburg is in the eastern part of the state not the western.

Now it reads to me like the county commissioners were throwing the guy out of his home of 18 years because he had no septic services.

Now I am not saying I approve of his actions, but when you throw somebody out of their home of 18 years because you do not approve of their lifestyle??


PA is a right to carry concealed state FYI.

Guns and the right to carry are a big part of the reaon that so many New Yorkers have moved to the Poconos.

Now the place is violent as hell.

It's filled with angry and frightened New York morons with guns, and now the place has plenty of deadly crime, too now, thanks to the new people.

Its 90 miles WEST from NYS and about 80 miles north of Phila.

It used to be a nice quite safe place to live.
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Yeah, and those people who just happened to be attending a townhall meeting were gonna' pay and pay big time, right Frank?

Thank god for guns and being able to use them to Defend Your Ground.

Whats this "defend your ground" you speak of?

I'm just yanking the chain of the pit bulls here who are actually puppies who wet themselves when someone points out another mindless mass shooting, as the one in the Poconos last night.

This clown Newell probably has a history and record for violent behavior, but by gum, he gets to own a gun. Yessir, dammit. You can be batshit crazy and keep deadly weapons cuz this here is Amerika! mean "stand" your ground.
As far as the guy owning guns? I dont know enough about the situation to make that call.
If he does have mental problems he shouldnt own a gun. law would stop him if he wanted one. So what do you do? Lock up everyone you "think" might be a problem?
Guns and the right to carry are a big part of the reaon that so many New Yorkers have moved to the Poconos.

Now the place is violent as hell.

It's filled with angry and frightened New York morons with guns, and now the place has plenty of deadly crime, too now, thanks to the new people.

Its 90 miles WEST from NYS and about 80 miles north of Phila.

It used to be a nice quite safe place to live.

Maybe you should build a wall to keep out all the foreigners that are ruining your lands.
Here we go. "Pennsyltucky" folks know how to stand their ground and protect it from the dang gubmint, too! This guy's gonna' say he had a right to defend his ground. I bet he's a big Stand Your Ground fan, too:

Ross Township Shooting: Gunman With Scope Blasts Through Wall; 3 Dead
Three people are dead and at least six more injured in Ross Township, Penn., after a gunman opened fire during a board supervisors' meeting, authorities told the Pocono Record.

At least two of the victims were shot in the stomach, one was shot in the head, and another was shot in the leg, the Epoch Times reported.

The gunman has been identified as 59-year-old Rockne Newell. According to police, Newell was involved in an ongoing dispute with the Ross Township board of supervisors over the state of his land. Police are now searching the property.


Ross Township Shooting: Gunman With Scope Blasts Through Wall; 3 Dead (UPDATED/VIDEO)

Thanks for being the idiot I could neg for turning this into something it has nothing to do with.
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Another direct quote:

"Though he described himself as having voted for Barack Obama, he used his Facebook page to criticize the President for the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, “prosecutions of whistleblowers,” including Bradley Manning, and federal marijuana prosecutions.

“Re Police State I voted for Barry the guy who was the life of the pot parties not Barack Hussein Obama who champions religious laws like anti choice anti pot laws, boy did I get fooled!” Newell wrote in one post"

Rockne Newell: Facebook Rantings Came Before Shooting | TPMDC

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