Deficit Increased by $7B under Trump, But now the GOP tries to claim fiscal Responsibility????

That wasn't your claim. You said they reduce revenues. That's a lie.

And to say a tax must "pay for themselves" assumes all money belongs to the government. It doesn't.
Outstanding post!!!!!!
Either you assholes have ZERO understanding of any of this or you are completely dishonest.

My guess is both. Stupidly dishonest
son, you have no idea how revenue is received. YOu parrot demofk talking points. You have no idea that more jobs means more revenue. It's beyond your comprehension.
We currently afford that quite easily
Can we?

I concede that conservative predictions of dire consequences of deficit spending have yet to be proven

Which is good because the consequences of being proven right will not be pretty

But its reckless to keep adding to the national dent this way
Post the quote that states they lost revenue.

There's this one.

Did the TCJA spur enough growth to maintain federal revenue levels?

While some TCJA supporters observe that nominal revenues were higher in fiscal year 2018 (which began Oct. 1, 2017) than in FY2017, that comparison does not address the question of the TCJA’s effects. Nominal revenues rise because of inflation and economic growth. Adjusted for inflation, total revenues fell from FY2017 to FY2018 (Figure 1). Adjusted for the size of the economy, they fell even more.

Nowhere in that paragraph does it state we lost revenue. That's what you said. Again, you don't understand ecomonics.
Does that count the $1.5 trillion he wants to spend?

Does that count the $3.5 trillion he wants to spend?
You're conflating spending with debt. Not all spending is borrowed. Not all plans to spend have materialized. So try sticking with reality.
That wasn't your claim. You said they reduce revenues. That's a lie.

And to say a tax must "pay for themselves" assumes all money belongs to the government. It doesn't.
This is like talking economics with my DOG

A. It assumes no such thing

B. If a tax cut doesn't pay for itself by increasing revenues MORE than it reduces projected has not paid for itself and has added to the debt
son, you have no idea how revenue is received. YOu parrot demofk talking points. You have no idea that more jobs means more revenue. It's beyond your comprehension.

The actual amount of tax revenue collected in FY2018 was significantly lower than the CBO’s projection made in January 2017—before the tax cut was signed into law.

The actual amount of tax revenue collected in FY2018 was significantly lower than the CBO’s projection made in January 2017—before the tax cut was signed into law.
so you can't post the paragraph from your link to show we lost revenue. Just as I thought. The fact is, I've never said anything about tax cuts paying for themselves, that's talking points. What I do know because of math and economic's is that tax cuts move money. Creates jobs where individuals pay federal taxes that is turned in as revenue. Come back to the discussion when you've figured out how an economy moves money. Oh, and there isn't one demofk who knows that scenario.
son, you have no idea how revenue is received. YOu parrot demofk talking points. You have no idea that more jobs means more revenue. It's beyond your comprehension.
It does not serve the leftist/socialist ideology these clowns espouse to admit to the plain truth of revenue and tax cuts.
Tax cuts are feared and reviled by the left because they represent a loss of control and mastery by Big
Government that they cannot stand to lose.

If you let people control more of their own money that's just power lost for the Golems in Washington DC.
And why would they want that?
The "fiscal responsibility" of America is in the Congress.

Congress makes the budgets.

Ask Bill Clinton. In 1995, Bill Clinton shut down the government to demand MORE SPENDING from Newt Gingrich, the last great patriotic American who held the office of Speaker. That was Newt's budget, a budget which cut taxes and spending. Bill Clinton caved, America prospered, and now the DEMOCRATS claim that was "Clinton's budget." Horseshit.

It was Newt's budget.

The post 1998 GOP has had one disaster after another after getting rid of Newt.

Fat Child Molester Hastert
Klepto Zionist perv Boehner
Paul BIZARRO Ryan, who refused Trump's requests to cut spending
McCarthy is almost certainly cut from the same cloth

One huge fraud of a fiscal conservative is Marsha Blackburn, who could have demonstrated FISCAL CONSERVATISM by becoming SPEAKER after Boehner was ousted. Marsha refused the office, because she is a fraud.

So the idea that the President is in control of the budget is a falsehood. Congress does the budget. The President can sign or shut down... and then sign.... that's it.

Just ask Bill Clinton.... who now takes credit for TAX AND SPENDING CUTS while OPPOSING BOTH.... did not. It added to the debt
You are arguing with a troll. For what purpose, I have no idea. LOL

The gop's argument on this is purely political. Trump increased spending and reduced the amount of taxes the govt would have collected. The dems went along, but the dems are not "lily white" on this issue (-:, as then Sen Obama infamously gave a speech in 06 arguing against raising the debt ceiling.

McConnell's position seems to be that when one party has the WH and both chambers of commerce, the minority party should be able to fillibuster a raise in the debt ceiling, but if the Gop holds the WH and ONLY ONE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE the dems have no choice but to go along with the gop on taxing and spending ... or force default. I realize McConnell excells in counting gop votes, but there's a reason he has the moniker MOSCOW MITCH.

The debt ceiling is not a constitutional issue. Knock yourselves out (-;) if you want to argue Build Back America Better is good-bad. I might even join in ... if anyone knew what was in the dems damn bill. LOL

But if a party has the votes, and an agreement in the party, to cut taxes or spend ..... that's what the voters elected. The important issue in America is whether a presidential candidate can LOSE, and then play into our enemies hands by arguing an election - that has passed legal tests - is valid. The dems won. Let them have their bill ... if they can pass it. Maybe Analog Joe has found his stones.
This is like talking economics with my DOG

A. It assumes no such thing

B. If a tax cut doesn't pay for itself by increasing revenues MORE than it reduces projected has not paid for itself and has added to the debt
I don't even know what a tax cut pays for itself means. Pure misdirection of facts. The fact is, a tax cut creates revenue. Always will, smart politicians know this. That's why there isn't a smart demofk.
The gop's argument on this is purely political. Trump increased spending and reduced the amount of taxes the govt would have collected.
nope, inaccurate, they brought in more revenue. I quoted it for you and you ignored it. why? Are you willing to bow to a demofk that tax cuts lose money? really? You know that is fictitious? more private jobs, more revenue, that's economics 101. And you argue against that? wow. I thought of you as smarter than that.
Trump increased spending and reduced the amount of taxes the govt would have collected.

The fact that Trump asked Paul Ryan to cut spending, to fund the wall, and other things is not part of the narrative. Paul Ryan did Trump's first two budgets, and those included no money for the wall.

"Trump's budget" = no money for the Wall

"They" think we are really DUMB
The fact that Trump asked Paul Ryan to cut spending, to fund the wall, and other things is not part of the narrative. Paul Ryan did Trump's first two budgets, and those included no money for the wall.

"Trump's budget" = no money for the Wall

"They" think we are really DUMB
factually, congress didn't cut spending. Not Trump. Trump merely signed the bill. That was wrong, but I understood why he did it. Doesn't matter, congress owns a budget, not a president. Even xiden doesn't own it. #stop spending should be the mantra.

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