Deficit Increased by $7B under Trump, But now the GOP tries to claim fiscal Responsibility????

So, what do you think you have accomplished beyond telling us what we already know about the corrupt swamp rats in washington which includes republicans?

Whats your point?
The point is...Republicans added massively to the debt and are now refusing to pay for it
That wasn't your claim. You said they reduce revenues. That's a lie.

And to say a tax must "pay for themselves" assumes all money belongs to the government. It doesn't.
They absolutely reduce direct revenues...supposedly because the INDIRECT revenues they generate will make up for that loss. Problem is that never happens. Revenues increase SOMEWHAT but not enough to cover the loss.

And to complicate the long as GDP growth is positive...revenues always increase which hides that and allows idiots like Nostra to "misunderstand" what's going on.
If GDP is not positive...we are in a recession
Look at the "increase" in revenue following Trump's tax cuts. Almost invisible

They absolutely reduce direct revenues...supposedly because the INDIRECT revenues they generate will make up for that loss. Problem is that never happens. Revenues increase SOMEWHAT but not enough to cover the loss.

And to complicate the long as GDP growth is positive...revenues always increase which hides that and allows idiots like Nostra to "misunderstand" what's going on.
If GDP is not positive...we are in a recession
Hey stupid, if revenues go up how do they not "pay for themselves"? Where is the cost to the government if the government is getting more money? :cuckoo:
Now look at the increase in the debt over those same years

Clearly those tax cuts didn't pay for themselves
Two components to the deficit, Stupid.

Revenues and spending. If revenues go up, and the deficit goes up, that means spending is going up at a faster rate than revenues.

Explain how a tax cut causes Congress to spend more money.

Just like in 2009...those "moderate Dems" are standing in the way of Recovery
I was against TARP, it help all the big corps and punished the working class, as usual. Tell how the government went after those banks that got us into that mess.
Ok we got it

The OP wants more federal spending and a steeper slide toward bankruptcy

There is no "slide towards bankruptcy". Well there is.....WAYYYYYYYYYYY down the road. So far down the road that no one can actually point to it.

That will come when we can no longer afford the interest on the national debt.

We currently afford that quite easily
Revenues and spending. If revenues go up, and the deficit goes up, that means spending is going up at a faster rate than revenues.
So you're saying that Trump/Republicans raised spending MORE than they lost revenue from their tax cut?

Fine show us where and how much
Tax cuts also frees up money with which to invest or purchase goods which in turn increases revenue.

You are welcome for the lesson is basic economics.
it is truly exhausting to constantly repeat to demofks how moving money creates more revenue to the government fund. Honestly, they wish to live in a ant hill underground.
So you're saying that Trump/Republicans raised spending MORE than they lost revenue from their tax cut?

Fine show us where and how much
how did they lose revenue?

see my post 317
it is truly exhausting to constantly repeat to demofks how moving money creates more revenue to the government fund. Honestly, they wish to live in a ant hill underground.
Either you assholes have ZERO understanding of any of this or you are completely dishonest.

My guess is both. Stupidly dishonest

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