Deficit this year surpasses 1 trillion ............ winning!

The US deficit topped $1 trillion. The year's not even over yet - CNN

This year's deficit passes one trillion. We still have over 6 weeks left.

9 TRILLION under Obama's 8 years
Saved us from a Depression

What is Trumps excuse for debt?
Obama propped up the currency with trillions of dollars printed. On the backs of the peasants. No wage gains. Higher taxes. Higher medical coverage bills. Less hours of work. Extreme low prime rate to keep things going. And the real inflation rate much higher then advertised. We live off the fiat currency now using slaves to make our products overseas. Do you believe it is better to pay government employees more that we transitioned to then private sector employees?
The US deficit topped $1 trillion. The year's not even over yet - CNN

This year's deficit passes one trillion. We still have over 6 weeks left.


Obama had a deficit of $1 trillion and worked it down during a recession

Trump was given a strong economy and $700 billion deficit and worked it up to a trillion


Obama had a deficit of $1 trillion and worked it down during a recession

How long was his recession?

The Great Recession had been underway for 14 months by the time Obama was sworn in. It lasted another 5 months after that.

Over in 5 months and he still managed to add $9.3 trillion to the debt.
Economically, was there anything he did right?
If you had a fucking brain, you would know that the effects of a recession last far after the recession had ended by definition.

You people are nothing but a bunch of ignorant, uneducated, lying assfucks
If you had a fucking brain, you would know that the effects of a recession last far after the recession had ended by definition.

You people are nothing but a bunch of ignorant, uneducated, lying assfucks

As anyone knowledgeable about economics knows, the deficit expands faster in a recession than in an expansion. We had the worst recession in 70 years under Obama, and we haven't had a recession under Trump.

Also, as anyone knowledgeable about economics knows, the deficit expands faster when we cut taxes but don't cut spending. This is what has happened under Trump.
The US deficit topped $1 trillion. The year's not even over yet - CNN

This year's deficit passes one trillion. We still have over 6 weeks left.

9 TRILLION under Obama's 8 years
Saved us from a Depression

What is Trumps excuse for debt?
Obama propped up the currency with trillions of dollars printed. On the backs of the peasants. No wage gains. Higher taxes. Higher medical coverage bills. Less hours of work. Extreme low prime rate to keep things going. And the real inflation rate much higher then advertised. We live off the fiat currency now using slaves to make our products overseas. Do you believe it is better to pay government employees more that we transitioned to then private sector employees?
Yet another economic genius. You borrow money to fight a recession.

Why is our deficit over a trillion when we supposedly have the est economy ever?
If you had a fucking brain, you would know that the effects of a recession last far after the recession had ended by definition.

You people are nothing but a bunch of ignorant, uneducated, lying assfucks

As anyone knowledgeable about economics knows, the deficit expands faster in a recession than in an expansion. We had the worst recession in 70 years under Obama, and we haven't had a recession under Trump.

Also, as anyone knowledgeable about economics knows, the deficit expands faster when we cut taxes but don't cut spending. This is what has happened under Trump.
Where would YOU like to cut spending? That never happens but do you have any suggestions?
Refresh my memory but I don't remember CNN complaining about the deficit a single time during the eight long, long years of Obama deficit spending.
You are lying. The deficit was regularly reported.

Plus you assfucks were screaming & dancing naked around the fire having a fucking fit. So why aren't you now?
The US deficit topped $1 trillion. The year's not even over yet - CNN

This year's deficit passes one trillion. We still have over 6 weeks left.

9 TRILLION under Obama's 8 years
Saved us from a Depression

What is Trumps excuse for debt?

Saved us from a Depression

So the people thast nearly killed America under Bush, blame Obama for not fixing it fast enough?
Where would YOU like to cut spending? That never happens but do you have any suggestions?

Yes, we should cut spending. Right across the board.

I know that Trump is your God, and you will defend him to the death because he is your messiah. But you are acting like a leftist with your excuses for your Orange Jesus.
If you had a fucking brain, you would know that the effects of a recession last far after the recession had ended by definition.

You people are nothing but a bunch of ignorant, uneducated, lying assfucks

As anyone knowledgeable about economics knows, the deficit expands faster in a recession than in an expansion. We had the worst recession in 70 years under Obama, and we haven't had a recession under Trump.

Also, as anyone knowledgeable about economics knows, the deficit expands faster when we cut taxes but don't cut spending. This is what has happened under Trump.
Where would YOU like to cut spending? That never happens but do you have any suggestions?

The US deficit topped $1 trillion. The year's not even over yet - CNN

This year's deficit passes one trillion. We still have over 6 weeks left.

9 TRILLION under Obama's 8 years
Saved us from a Depression

What is Trumps excuse for debt?

Saved us from a Depression


What do you consider a stock market that lost half its value and 800,000 a month losing their jobs?

What is there to say?
Nice picture-but I bet someone else could put up something to refute it.
They could try.

You must be too stupid to notice that FOUR years of $1 TRILLION plus deficits happened under Obama, while Trump might reach that level in year four in 2020 if his proposed budget gets approved........, YOUR OWN CHART!!!


I see that you completely ignored my post 32 where it shows that Obama is by far the number one debt creator,

Selected excerpt:

"The Four Presidents with the Worst Deficits So Far

President Barack Obama had the largest deficits. By the end of his final budget, FY 2017, his deficits totaled $6.785 trillion. Obama took office during the Great Recession. He immediately needed to spend billions to stop it. He convinced Congress to add $253 billion from the economic stimulus package to Bush’s FY 2009 budget. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act added another $534 billion over the rest of Obama’s terms.

In 2010, the Obama tax cut added $858 billion in deficits in its first two years. Obama increased defense spending, totaling $800 billion a year. Federal income decreased due to lower tax receipts from the 2008 financial crisis.

Both Presidents Bush and Obama suffered from higher mandatory spending than their predecessors did. Social Security and Medicare benefits were eating up more of the budget. Health care costs were rising as the American population aged. In 2010, Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. It sought to reduce health care spending. This reduction would lower the debt by $143 billion by 2020.

President George W. Bush is next, racking up $3.293 trillion over two terms. He responded to the 9/11 attacks with the War on Terror. That raised military spending to $600 billion a year. The Bush tax cuts, also known as the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act and Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act, cut taxes to address the 2001 recession. Unfortunately, the cuts did not sunset when the recession was over. That worsened the housing boom and depleted revenues during the 2008 recession.

He attacked the 2008 financial crisis with the $700 billion bailout. Congress added the bailout to the mandatory budget. There it became the Troubled Asset Relief Program.

President Ronald Reagan added $1.412 trillion in deficits, almost doubling the debt. He fought the 1982 recession by cutting the top income tax rate from 70 percent to 28 percent and the corporate rate from 48 percent to 34 percent. Reagan also increased government spending by 2.5 percent a year. That included a 35 percent increase in the defense budget and an expansion of Medicare.

President George H.W. Bush created a $1.03 trillion deficit in one term. He responded to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait with Desert Storm. He oversaw the $125 billion bailout that ended the 1989 Savings and Loan crisis. The 1991 recession cut into tax revenue."


It doesn't really matter since BOTH political parties are not addressing it, as they are too busy fighting each other over the 1/3 of the budget and blaming each other like little kids.
Stupid as you. This is from your post.

President George W. Bush is next, racking up $3.293 trillion over two terms. He responded to the 9/11 attacks with the War on Terror. That raised military spending to $600 billion a year. The Bush tax cuts, also known as the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act and Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act, cut taxes to address the 2001 recession. Unfortunately, the cuts did not sunset when the recession was over. That worsened the housing boom and depleted revenues during the 2008 recession

So naturally the first couple years of Obama administration‘s gonna have problems because he’s recovering the country from the absolute disaster the Republicans handed him. Plus the Republican’s said they would do anything they could to keep him from a second term even if it hurt the country.

What is there to say?
Nice picture-but I bet someone else could put up something to refute it.
They could try.

You must be too stupid to notice that FOUR years of $1 TRILLION plus deficits happened under Obama, while Trump might reach that level in year four in 2020 if his proposed budget gets approved........, YOUR OWN CHART!!!


I see that you completely ignored my post 32 where it shows that Obama is by far the number one debt creator,

Selected excerpt:

"The Four Presidents with the Worst Deficits So Far

President Barack Obama had the largest deficits. By the end of his final budget, FY 2017, his deficits totaled $6.785 trillion. Obama took office during the Great Recession. He immediately needed to spend billions to stop it. He convinced Congress to add $253 billion from the economic stimulus package to Bush’s FY 2009 budget. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act added another $534 billion over the rest of Obama’s terms.

In 2010, the Obama tax cut added $858 billion in deficits in its first two years. Obama increased defense spending, totaling $800 billion a year. Federal income decreased due to lower tax receipts from the 2008 financial crisis.

Both Presidents Bush and Obama suffered from higher mandatory spending than their predecessors did. Social Security and Medicare benefits were eating up more of the budget. Health care costs were rising as the American population aged. In 2010, Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. It sought to reduce health care spending. This reduction would lower the debt by $143 billion by 2020.

President George W. Bush is next, racking up $3.293 trillion over two terms. He responded to the 9/11 attacks with the War on Terror. That raised military spending to $600 billion a year. The Bush tax cuts, also known as the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act and Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act, cut taxes to address the 2001 recession. Unfortunately, the cuts did not sunset when the recession was over. That worsened the housing boom and depleted revenues during the 2008 recession.

He attacked the 2008 financial crisis with the $700 billion bailout. Congress added the bailout to the mandatory budget. There it became the Troubled Asset Relief Program.

President Ronald Reagan added $1.412 trillion in deficits, almost doubling the debt. He fought the 1982 recession by cutting the top income tax rate from 70 percent to 28 percent and the corporate rate from 48 percent to 34 percent. Reagan also increased government spending by 2.5 percent a year. That included a 35 percent increase in the defense budget and an expansion of Medicare.

President George H.W. Bush created a $1.03 trillion deficit in one term. He responded to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait with Desert Storm. He oversaw the $125 billion bailout that ended the 1989 Savings and Loan crisis. The 1991 recession cut into tax revenue."


It doesn't really matter since BOTH political parties are not addressing it, as they are too busy fighting each other over the 1/3 of the budget and blaming each other like little kids.
Stupid as you. This is from your post.

President George W. Bush is next, racking up $3.293 trillion over two terms. He responded to the 9/11 attacks with the War on Terror. That raised military spending to $600 billion a year. The Bush tax cuts, also known as the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act and Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act, cut taxes to address the 2001 recession. Unfortunately, the cuts did not sunset when the recession was over. That worsened the housing boom and depleted revenues during the 2008 recession

So naturally the first couple years of Obama administration‘s gonna have problems because he’s recovering the country from the absolute disaster the Republicans handed him. Plus the Republican’s said they would do anything they could to keep him from a second term even if it hurt the country.

This is why you are a gibbering idiot, you MUST make every excuse, even impossible ones since the reality is that BOTH political parties are a failure in handling the Federal Budget. I made that clear and you response is IGNORE the picture, for a blade of grass.

You are trying to defend Obama at all cost, a truly stupid thing to do.

You need shock therapy to drive out your partisan virus.

YOU posted this chart:


You showed that Obama is the king of Deficits, the only president in HISTORY to ring up $1 Trillion deficits, he did it FOUR years in a row, while nobody else did it once, not even once!

Trump hasn't done it once, he might finally break the 1 Trillion barrier for 2020, his 4th year.

Stupid you are.
Last edited:
The US deficit topped $1 trillion. The year's not even over yet - CNN

This year's deficit passes one trillion. We still have over 6 weeks left.

9 TRILLION under Obama's 8 years
Saved us from a Depression

What is Trumps excuse for debt?
We have needy billionaires that need to be taken care of. According to trump, it’s all about charity.
Billionaires pay the taxes so you dont have to, freeloader
If you had a fucking brain, you would know that the effects of a recession last far after the recession had ended by definition.

You people are nothing but a bunch of ignorant, uneducated, lying assfucks

As anyone knowledgeable about economics knows, the deficit expands faster in a recession than in an expansion. We had the worst recession in 70 years under Obama, and we haven't had a recession under Trump.

Also, as anyone knowledgeable about economics knows, the deficit expands faster when we cut taxes but don't cut spending. This is what has happened under Trump.
Where would YOU like to cut spending? That never happens but do you have any suggestions?

Building the wall would allow us to cut spending. It's a great INVESTMENT!
The US deficit topped $1 trillion. The year's not even over yet - CNN

This year's deficit passes one trillion. We still have over 6 weeks left.


Obama had a deficit of $1 trillion and worked it down during a recession

Trump was given a strong economy and $700 billion deficit and worked it up to a trillion


Obama had a deficit of $1 trillion and worked it down during a recession

How long was his recession?

The Great Recession had been underway for 14 months by the time Obama was sworn in. It lasted another 5 months after that.

Over in 5 months and he still managed to add $9.3 trillion to the debt.
Economically, was there anything he did right?


In those five months, we added $783 billion in debt, not $9.3 trillion.

Federal Debt: Total Public Debt

He added $9.3 trillion in debt (actually more) in his 8 years.
Despite 7.5 years of recovery. Economically, he was pretty much wrong on everything.

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