Definitive Proof that GOD Exists?

I admit, it does indeed sound like a contradiction, that I am an atheist who believes in god. As I've explained, the god I believe spiritually exists, is non theistic and doesn't conform to religious incarnations. It is an enormous and powerful spiritual entity or force, which humans have always had the ability to connect with. Religion is more physical evidence that spiritual nature does exist, it prompts men to forge and surround themselves with these religious beliefs.

I still don't understand what you mean with regard to a "state of purity" or how that relates to our ability to spiritually connect. First of all, you aren't defining "purity" at all here, I have no idea what you mean. The fact that 95% of all humans have always been spiritual, shows that there is no special attribute required of humans, other than spiritual faith. You do have to believe in spiritual nature to connect to it.

The Christian God is a spirit and is theistic with creative forces what is the difference in your view ?

There may not be any, I don't claim to know this. As I said earlier, it is spiritually possible for god to exist as a personal god, meaning that my god and your god are completely different, yet also the same. We can't wrap our minds around such a thing, because it seems to defy logic as we know it. Again, we don't need to fully understand something to determine it does exist.
How interesting that gawds can be completely different, yet the same. I suppose In your spirit realms, (and with a particular audience), such nonsensical claims will find some only too willing to mouth the bait.
I see. I must first accept your "because I say so" argument. Subsequently, proof of the gods will be revealed.

You're not a Kool Aid salesman by chance?

My argument has not been "because I say so" and I've addressed this lie enough. YOUR argument in refutation, is indeed a "because I say so" argument, so you are literally accusing me of what YOU are doing.

Hollie... If you travelled to the deep dark jungles of Africa, and found a primitive tribe of natives who had no concept of modern science.... and you began explaining to them, how rain comes, or what causes lightning... wouldn't they need some belief in science first, before they could begin to accept your explanations? If they just rejected your explanations and insisted that the gods made the rain and lightning, there wouldn't be anything you could do to convince them otherwise... am I correct? What if they sarcastically bowed up and said... Oh, so I have to accept your science mumbo jumbo before everything is revealed? Could you ever educate these closed minded people? You see, we have the same problem here with you and spiritual evidence. You reject it, refuse to believe in it, and unless you do believe in it, you can't find the evidence to prove the existence of god.

I'm regretfully sorry that you are closed minded and intolerant of what others believe. I wish I knew of a way to open your mind to the possibilities, but it's beyond my ability. All I can do is continue to point out the flaws in your counter-arguments, and present the evidence I have presented. You have successfully demonstrated that I can't budge the door of your mind, which remains firmly closed to spiritual understanding.
I see. I must first accept your "because I say so" argument. Subsequently, proof of the gods will be revealed.

You're not a Kool Aid salesman by chance?

My argument has not been "because I say so" and I've addressed this lie enough. YOUR argument in refutation, is indeed a "because I say so" argument, so you are literally accusing me of what YOU are doing.

Hollie... If you travelled to the deep dark jungles of Africa, and found a primitive tribe of natives who had no concept of modern science.... and you began explaining to them, how rain comes, or what causes lightning... wouldn't they need some belief in science first, before they could begin to accept your explanations? If they just rejected your explanations and insisted that the gods made the rain and lightning, there wouldn't be anything you could do to convince them otherwise... am I correct? What if they sarcastically bowed up and said... Oh, so I have to accept your science mumbo jumbo before everything is revealed? Could you ever educate these closed minded people? You see, we have the same problem here with you and spiritual evidence. You reject it, refuse to believe in it, and unless you do believe in it, you can't find the evidence to prove the existence of god.

I'm regretfully sorry that you are closed minded and intolerant of what others believe. I wish I knew of a way to open your mind to the possibilities, but it's beyond my ability. All I can do is continue to point out the flaws in your counter-arguments, and present the evidence I have presented. You have successfully demonstrated that I can't budge the door of your mind, which remains firmly closed to spiritual understanding.

Oh gawd. You need a bigger shovel.
The Christian God is a spirit and is theistic with creative forces what is the difference in your view ?

There may not be any, I don't claim to know this. As I said earlier, it is spiritually possible for god to exist as a personal god, meaning that my god and your god are completely different, yet also the same. We can't wrap our minds around such a thing, because it seems to defy logic as we know it. Again, we don't need to fully understand something to determine it does exist.
How interesting that gawds can be completely different, yet the same. I suppose In your spirit realms, (and with a particular audience), such nonsensical claims will find some only too willing to mouth the bait.

It's funny, the longer you participate in this thread, the harder it becomes for you to generate new ways to attack me personally. Here, you almost seem to be attacking me for being a "populist" because most humans are spiritually connected. Of course, make sure to refer to "god" as "gawds" and claim my arguments are "nonsensical" ...otherwise, people might get the impression that you haven't made your case to refute my arguments, right?

From what I clearly see, you've presented absolutely NOTHING in terms of an argument. You've interjected some shallow minded opinions and weak explanations, all of which I have refuted and shown to be defiant of nature and science themselves. Other than that, all you've done is ridicule and denigrate religion and religious beliefs, while hypocritically accusing others of making "because I say so" arguments.

From a psychological perspective, you have confirmed without knowing, what your real intentions here are all about. Your last sentence tells us you believe the purpose of this discussion is to recruit others to believe as we do. That's precisely why you and others have devoted such time and energy into responding here, about something you supposedly have no belief in whatsoever. You're looking for warm bodies. You need more people to "side" with you and the disbelievers, because you fully realize how outnumbered you are.

You shouldn't worry your empty little head about such things, there will always be plenty of people who close their minds to spirituality, because it makes it easier to be unaccountable. Lots of lazy minds would rather be unaccountable and not worry with spiritual connection. It takes courage and character to stand up for your spiritual beliefs, and a lot of people simply are cowards, they had rather deny their obvious spiritual self, and fight vehemently against any attempts to appeal to that aspect of their human nature.
There may not be any, I don't claim to know this. As I said earlier, it is spiritually possible for god to exist as a personal god, meaning that my god and your god are completely different, yet also the same. We can't wrap our minds around such a thing, because it seems to defy logic as we know it. Again, we don't need to fully understand something to determine it does exist.
How interesting that gawds can be completely different, yet the same. I suppose In your spirit realms, (and with a particular audience), such nonsensical claims will find some only too willing to mouth the bait.

It's funny, the longer you participate in this thread, the harder it becomes for you to generate new ways to attack me personally. Here, you almost seem to be attacking me for being a "populist" because most humans are spiritually connected. Of course, make sure to refer to "god" as "gawds" and claim my arguments are "nonsensical" ...otherwise, people might get the impression that you haven't made your case to refute my arguments, right?

From what I clearly see, you've presented absolutely NOTHING in terms of an argument. You've interjected some shallow minded opinions and weak explanations, all of which I have refuted and shown to be defiant of nature and science themselves. Other than that, all you've done is ridicule and denigrate religion and religious beliefs, while hypocritically accusing others of making "because I say so" arguments.

From a psychological perspective, you have confirmed without knowing, what your real intentions here are all about. Your last sentence tells us you believe the purpose of this discussion is to recruit others to believe as we do. That's precisely why you and others have devoted such time and energy into responding here, about something you supposedly have no belief in whatsoever. You're looking for warm bodies. You need more people to "side" with you and the disbelievers, because you fully realize how outnumbered you are.

You shouldn't worry your empty little head about such things, there will always be plenty of people who close their minds to spirituality, because it makes it easier to be unaccountable. Lots of lazy minds would rather be unaccountable and not worry with spiritual connection. It takes courage and character to stand up for your spiritual beliefs, and a lot of people simply are cowards, they had rather deny their obvious spiritual self, and fight vehemently against any attempts to appeal to that aspect of their human nature.

It's funny, but when your argument is identified as promoting an absurdity, it takes you three paragraphs to recoiled in shocked surprise that anyone would point out the absurdity.
It's funny, but when your argument is identified as promoting an absurdity, it takes you three paragraphs to recoiled in shocked surprise that anyone would point out the absurdity.

It's funny that you keep saying you've identified and pointed out absurdity in my arguments, when that is what I've done with your refutations. From the absurdity of your claims that spirituality was created by what spirituality causes... to the literal denial of human spiritual behavior which has existed for over 70k years. You absurdly defy science, nature, logic... doesn't matter, you are defiantly committed to keeping your mind firmly closed.

I am sorry you interpreted shock and surprise in my reply. I assure you, it doesn't shock or surprise me, and if you read the OP, you'll find that I began by acknowledging you and others like you, who refuse to accept spiritual evidence, will predictably behave just as you have.
It's funny, but when your argument is identified as promoting an absurdity, it takes you three paragraphs to recoiled in shocked surprise that anyone would point out the absurdity.

It's funny that you keep saying you've identified and pointed out absurdity in my arguments, when that is what I've done with your refutations. From the absurdity of your claims that spirituality was created by what spirituality causes... to the literal denial of human spiritual behavior which has existed for over 70k years. You absurdly defy science, nature, logic... doesn't matter, you are defiantly committed to keeping your mind firmly closed.

I am sorry you interpreted shock and surprise in my reply. I assure you, it doesn't shock or surprise me, and if you read the OP, you'll find that I began by acknowledging you and others like you, who refuse to accept spiritual evidence, will predictably behave just as you have.

How is it that I've defied science, nature , logic... ?

I've hoped you would have been able to defend your claims to spirit worlds , which actually do defy science, nature, logic...
It's funny, but when your argument is identified as promoting an absurdity, it takes you three paragraphs to recoiled in shocked surprise that anyone would point out the absurdity.

It's funny that you keep saying you've identified and pointed out absurdity in my arguments, when that is what I've done with your refutations. From the absurdity of your claims that spirituality was created by what spirituality causes... to the literal denial of human spiritual behavior which has existed for over 70k years. You absurdly defy science, nature, logic... doesn't matter, you are defiantly committed to keeping your mind firmly closed.

I am sorry you interpreted shock and surprise in my reply. I assure you, it doesn't shock or surprise me, and if you read the OP, you'll find that I began by acknowledging you and others like you, who refuse to accept spiritual evidence, will predictably behave just as you have.

How is it that I've defied science, nature , logic... ?

I've hoped you would have been able to defend your claims to spirit worlds , which actually do defy science, nature, logic...

Apparently, you aren't reading my replies to your nonsense. I'm not sure that my explaining it again will help, because I think you'll actually have to READ what is posted, in order for it to penetrate your cranium. I will give a brief condensed version of what has been said:

You argued that human spirituality was a result of sentience. However, other animals have sentience and do not have any indication of spirituality. You claimed that spirituality was invented to cope with fears of death and the unknown. However, you can't offer any other similar example in all of nature, where such a phenomenon has happened. You also claimed it was caused by our complex brains, but other upper primates have brains which are just as complex. Chimps share 98% of our DNA, and their brain functions exactly like the brain of a human. Yet chimps have never exhibited spirituality. You and others have continued to maintain that human spirituality is nothing more than imagination, but this defies even the theories of Darwin himself. Persistent attributes throughout the existence of any species, are present for a reason fundamental to the species. They are never imaginary constructs. So we see, everything you have presented as a "reason" or "explanation" of human spirituality, simply defies science, logic, and laws of nature.

Spiritual nature does not defy the laws of nature, it is a part of nature. Humans have practiced human spirituality as long as they have existed. You use the convenient fact that spiritual nature doesn't provide physical evidence, as your rationale for disbelief, but spiritual nature isn't supposed to have physical existence, or it wouldn't be spiritual in nature. You win the argument that god doesn't physically exist, I have no proof of that.
It's funny that you keep saying you've identified and pointed out absurdity in my arguments, when that is what I've done with your refutations. From the absurdity of your claims that spirituality was created by what spirituality causes... to the literal denial of human spiritual behavior which has existed for over 70k years. You absurdly defy science, nature, logic... doesn't matter, you are defiantly committed to keeping your mind firmly closed.

I am sorry you interpreted shock and surprise in my reply. I assure you, it doesn't shock or surprise me, and if you read the OP, you'll find that I began by acknowledging you and others like you, who refuse to accept spiritual evidence, will predictably behave just as you have.

How is it that I've defied science, nature , logic... ?

I've hoped you would have been able to defend your claims to spirit worlds , which actually do defy science, nature, logic...

Apparently, you aren't reading my replies to your nonsense. I'm not sure that my explaining it again will help, because I think you'll actually have to READ what is posted, in order for it to penetrate your cranium. I will give a brief condensed version of what has been said:

You argued that human spirituality was a result of sentience. However, other animals have sentience and do not have any indication of spirituality. You claimed that spirituality was invented to cope with fears of death and the unknown. However, you can't offer any other similar example in all of nature, where such a phenomenon has happened. You also claimed it was caused by our complex brains, but other upper primates have brains which are just as complex. Chimps share 98% of our DNA, and their brain functions exactly like the brain of a human. Yet chimps have never exhibited spirituality. You and others have continued to maintain that human spirituality is nothing more than imagination, but this defies even the theories of Darwin himself. Persistent attributes throughout the existence of any species, are present for a reason fundamental to the species. They are never imaginary constructs. So we see, everything you have presented as a "reason" or "explanation" of human spirituality, simply defies science, logic, and laws of nature.

Spiritual nature does not defy the laws of nature, it is a part of nature. Humans have practiced human spirituality as long as they have existed. You use the convenient fact that spiritual nature doesn't provide physical evidence, as your rationale for disbelief, but spiritual nature isn't supposed to have physical existence, or it wouldn't be spiritual in nature. You win the argument that god doesn't physically exist, I have no proof of that.
What other animals have sentience?
I admit, it does indeed sound like a contradiction, that I am an atheist who believes in god. As I've explained, the god I believe spiritually exists, is non theistic and doesn't conform to religious incarnations. It is an enormous and powerful spiritual entity or force, which humans have always had the ability to connect with. Religion is more physical evidence that spiritual nature does exist, it prompts men to forge and surround themselves with these religious beliefs.

I still don't understand what you mean with regard to a "state of purity" or how that relates to our ability to spiritually connect. First of all, you aren't defining "purity" at all here, I have no idea what you mean. The fact that 95% of all humans have always been spiritual, shows that there is no special attribute required of humans, other than spiritual faith. You do have to believe in spiritual nature to connect to it.

The Christian God is a spirit and is theistic with creative forces what is the difference in your view ?

There may not be any, I don't claim to know this. As I said earlier, it is spiritually possible for god to exist as a personal god, meaning that my god and your god are completely different, yet also the same. We can't wrap our minds around such a thing, because it seems to defy logic as we know it. Again, we don't need to fully understand something to determine it does exist.

Good point Boss.
I see. I must first accept your "because I say so" argument. Subsequently, proof of the gods will be revealed.

You're not a Kool Aid salesman by chance?

My argument has not been "because I say so" and I've addressed this lie enough. YOUR argument in refutation, is indeed a "because I say so" argument, so you are literally accusing me of what YOU are doing.

Hollie... If you travelled to the deep dark jungles of Africa, and found a primitive tribe of natives who had no concept of modern science.... and you began explaining to them, how rain comes, or what causes lightning... wouldn't they need some belief in science first, before they could begin to accept your explanations? If they just rejected your explanations and insisted that the gods made the rain and lightning, there wouldn't be anything you could do to convince them otherwise... am I correct? What if they sarcastically bowed up and said... Oh, so I have to accept your science mumbo jumbo before everything is revealed? Could you ever educate these closed minded people? You see, we have the same problem here with you and spiritual evidence. You reject it, refuse to believe in it, and unless you do believe in it, you can't find the evidence to prove the existence of god.

I'm regretfully sorry that you are closed minded and intolerant of what others believe. I wish I knew of a way to open your mind to the possibilities, but it's beyond my ability. All I can do is continue to point out the flaws in your counter-arguments, and present the evidence I have presented. You have successfully demonstrated that I can't budge the door of your mind, which remains firmly closed to spiritual understanding.

Boss you are making to much sense.
There may not be any, I don't claim to know this. As I said earlier, it is spiritually possible for god to exist as a personal god, meaning that my god and your god are completely different, yet also the same. We can't wrap our minds around such a thing, because it seems to defy logic as we know it. Again, we don't need to fully understand something to determine it does exist.
How interesting that gawds can be completely different, yet the same. I suppose In your spirit realms, (and with a particular audience), such nonsensical claims will find some only too willing to mouth the bait.

It's funny, the longer you participate in this thread, the harder it becomes for you to generate new ways to attack me personally. Here, you almost seem to be attacking me for being a "populist" because most humans are spiritually connected. Of course, make sure to refer to "god" as "gawds" and claim my arguments are "nonsensical" ...otherwise, people might get the impression that you haven't made your case to refute my arguments, right?

From what I clearly see, you've presented absolutely NOTHING in terms of an argument. You've interjected some shallow minded opinions and weak explanations, all of which I have refuted and shown to be defiant of nature and science themselves. Other than that, all you've done is ridicule and denigrate religion and religious beliefs, while hypocritically accusing others of making "because I say so" arguments.

From a psychological perspective, you have confirmed without knowing, what your real intentions here are all about. Your last sentence tells us you believe the purpose of this discussion is to recruit others to believe as we do. That's precisely why you and others have devoted such time and energy into responding here, about something you supposedly have no belief in whatsoever. You're looking for warm bodies. You need more people to "side" with you and the disbelievers, because you fully realize how outnumbered you are.

You shouldn't worry your empty little head about such things, there will always be plenty of people who close their minds to spirituality, because it makes it easier to be unaccountable. Lots of lazy minds would rather be unaccountable and not worry with spiritual connection. It takes courage and character to stand up for your spiritual beliefs, and a lot of people simply are cowards, they had rather deny their obvious spiritual self, and fight vehemently against any attempts to appeal to that aspect of their human nature.

This is the norm for daws and hollie.
How interesting that gawds can be completely different, yet the same. I suppose In your spirit realms, (and with a particular audience), such nonsensical claims will find some only too willing to mouth the bait.

It's funny, the longer you participate in this thread, the harder it becomes for you to generate new ways to attack me personally. Here, you almost seem to be attacking me for being a "populist" because most humans are spiritually connected. Of course, make sure to refer to "god" as "gawds" and claim my arguments are "nonsensical" ...otherwise, people might get the impression that you haven't made your case to refute my arguments, right?

From what I clearly see, you've presented absolutely NOTHING in terms of an argument. You've interjected some shallow minded opinions and weak explanations, all of which I have refuted and shown to be defiant of nature and science themselves. Other than that, all you've done is ridicule and denigrate religion and religious beliefs, while hypocritically accusing others of making "because I say so" arguments.

From a psychological perspective, you have confirmed without knowing, what your real intentions here are all about. Your last sentence tells us you believe the purpose of this discussion is to recruit others to believe as we do. That's precisely why you and others have devoted such time and energy into responding here, about something you supposedly have no belief in whatsoever. You're looking for warm bodies. You need more people to "side" with you and the disbelievers, because you fully realize how outnumbered you are.

You shouldn't worry your empty little head about such things, there will always be plenty of people who close their minds to spirituality, because it makes it easier to be unaccountable. Lots of lazy minds would rather be unaccountable and not worry with spiritual connection. It takes courage and character to stand up for your spiritual beliefs, and a lot of people simply are cowards, they had rather deny their obvious spiritual self, and fight vehemently against any attempts to appeal to that aspect of their human nature.

It's funny, but when your argument is identified as promoting an absurdity, it takes you three paragraphs to recoiled in shocked surprise that anyone would point out the absurdity.

Absurdity is right down your alley hollie.
How is it that I've defied science, nature , logic... ?

I've hoped you would have been able to defend your claims to spirit worlds , which actually do defy science, nature, logic...

Apparently, you aren't reading my replies to your nonsense. I'm not sure that my explaining it again will help, because I think you'll actually have to READ what is posted, in order for it to penetrate your cranium. I will give a brief condensed version of what has been said:

You argued that human spirituality was a result of sentience. However, other animals have sentience and do not have any indication of spirituality. You claimed that spirituality was invented to cope with fears of death and the unknown. However, you can't offer any other similar example in all of nature, where such a phenomenon has happened. You also claimed it was caused by our complex brains, but other upper primates have brains which are just as complex. Chimps share 98% of our DNA, and their brain functions exactly like the brain of a human. Yet chimps have never exhibited spirituality. You and others have continued to maintain that human spirituality is nothing more than imagination, but this defies even the theories of Darwin himself. Persistent attributes throughout the existence of any species, are present for a reason fundamental to the species. They are never imaginary constructs. So we see, everything you have presented as a "reason" or "explanation" of human spirituality, simply defies science, logic, and laws of nature.

Spiritual nature does not defy the laws of nature, it is a part of nature. Humans have practiced human spirituality as long as they have existed. You use the convenient fact that spiritual nature doesn't provide physical evidence, as your rationale for disbelief, but spiritual nature isn't supposed to have physical existence, or it wouldn't be spiritual in nature. You win the argument that god doesn't physically exist, I have no proof of that.
What other animals have sentience?

Boss I would say there is plenty of evidence of God in the physical world because of his creations.

Hollie you can't be serious with your question.
How is it that I've defied science, nature , logic... ?

I've hoped you would have been able to defend your claims to spirit worlds , which actually do defy science, nature, logic...

Apparently, you aren't reading my replies to your nonsense. I'm not sure that my explaining it again will help, because I think you'll actually have to READ what is posted, in order for it to penetrate your cranium. I will give a brief condensed version of what has been said:

You argued that human spirituality was a result of sentience. However, other animals have sentience and do not have any indication of spirituality. You claimed that spirituality was invented to cope with fears of death and the unknown. However, you can't offer any other similar example in all of nature, where such a phenomenon has happened. You also claimed it was caused by our complex brains, but other upper primates have brains which are just as complex. Chimps share 98% of our DNA, and their brain functions exactly like the brain of a human. Yet chimps have never exhibited spirituality. You and others have continued to maintain that human spirituality is nothing more than imagination, but this defies even the theories of Darwin himself. Persistent attributes throughout the existence of any species, are present for a reason fundamental to the species. They are never imaginary constructs. So we see, everything you have presented as a "reason" or "explanation" of human spirituality, simply defies science, logic, and laws of nature.

Spiritual nature does not defy the laws of nature, it is a part of nature. Humans have practiced human spirituality as long as they have existed. You use the convenient fact that spiritual nature doesn't provide physical evidence, as your rationale for disbelief, but spiritual nature isn't supposed to have physical existence, or it wouldn't be spiritual in nature. You win the argument that god doesn't physically exist, I have no proof of that.
What other animals have sentience?

Almost all upper primates have acute sentience and ability to reason. Even most mammals have some sentient ability, they hunt and gather food, they congregate in packs, someone even posted art work done by elephants earlier, this has been a fascinating thread.

What I think is the deal here, is you and I have a different definition of "sentience" and that is why you continue to view "sentience" as unique to humans. I feel that if you explain this to me, we'll find that you believe the collective combination of attributes which make up "humanity" are what you are defining as "sentience" and that is not an accurate definition of the word. You are taking an intellectually dishonest shortcut, by claiming "sentience" as an explanation for everything. If that is your argument, our human spirituality is responsible for our "sentience" (by your def). There can be no other logical conclusion, because our "sentience" certainly is unique to the species, and so is our spirituality.

Now, the next step, is for you to scientifically explain where our "sentience" came from. If you are certain it wasn't from our spiritual connection, which billions profess to... then it has to come from natural selection, evolutionary in nature... but... we find nothing else in nature that has these 'humanistic' attributes comprising "sentience." We find no trace of any other species of life, worshiping things that aren't real, or creating placebos for knowledge, or to cope with death... it doesn't happen anywhere else in the natural world.

Pardon me, if all of this sounds like "because I say so" to you... I am only presenting legitimate and valid scientific points that we can look up and confirm as we please. Every argument you have presented, has been refuted with science, logic, and nature itself.
even if / as spiritual evidence proves there is a God, so what - what use is that knowledge if a corollary to the physical universe is not established - why the fundies have their Bible ...

such as there may be a path to be found written in the Christian Bible, not Christianity but truisms from antiquity to the Spirituality you have described as a path to make the physical connection with it that is allowable when proper conditions are meant.

so Bossman, at least the Christians are reaching out for what they believe - what is the point of your post greater than the same for centuries as the same without answers as you as well avoid them other than refuting Atheism -

isn't purity a necessary ingredient to harness Spiritual Energy ?
I don't believe humans can harness spiritual energy. I don't believe a human has to be "pure" to connect to spiritual nature, all that is required is belief and meditation.

My point is not to refute Atheists, because I am atheistic in my religious beliefs. I merely wanted to present a legitimate case for existence of god, and I believe that's what was accomplished. Those who disagree, refute the spiritual evidence, which I also predicted in my argument.

I'm not sure your answer is not a plethora of contradictions :eusa_angel: ... "to connect to spiritual nature" - "because I am atheistic in my religious beliefs" - "I merely wanted to present a legitimate case for existence of god" ---> ?

yes, the above does accurately describe mankind's search over the past 70,000 years, indeed.

i only meant reaching a state of purity would be significant for actually making contact with expectations greater than simply "preying" for success.
is the purity you speak of the Buddhist definition or the Christian?
I admit, it does indeed sound like a contradiction, that I am an atheist who believes in god. As I've explained, the god I believe spiritually exists, is non theistic and doesn't conform to religious incarnations. It is an enormous and powerful spiritual entity or force, which humans have always had the ability to connect with. Religion is more physical evidence that spiritual nature does exist, it prompts men to forge and surround themselves with these religious beliefs.

I still don't understand what you mean with regard to a "state of purity" or how that relates to our ability to spiritually connect. First of all, you aren't defining "purity" at all here, I have no idea what you mean. The fact that 95% of all humans have always been spiritual, shows that there is no special attribute required of humans, other than spiritual faith. You do have to believe in spiritual nature to connect to it.

The Christian God is a spirit and is theistic with creative forces what is the difference in your view ?

There may not be any, I don't claim to know this. As I said earlier, it is spiritually possible for god to exist as a personal god, meaning that my god and your god are completely different, yet also the same. We can't wrap our minds around such a thing, because it seems to defy logic as we know it. Again, we don't need to fully understand something to determine it does exist.
what !what about the Christian trinity? that's three in one but also individuals...millions of people claim to wrap their heads around that parlor trick.
How interesting that gawds can be completely different, yet the same. I suppose In your spirit realms, (and with a particular audience), such nonsensical claims will find some only too willing to mouth the bait.

It's funny, the longer you participate in this thread, the harder it becomes for you to generate new ways to attack me personally. Here, you almost seem to be attacking me for being a "populist" because most humans are spiritually connected. Of course, make sure to refer to "god" as "gawds" and claim my arguments are "nonsensical" ...otherwise, people might get the impression that you haven't made your case to refute my arguments, right?

From what I clearly see, you've presented absolutely NOTHING in terms of an argument. You've interjected some shallow minded opinions and weak explanations, all of which I have refuted and shown to be defiant of nature and science themselves. Other than that, all you've done is ridicule and denigrate religion and religious beliefs, while hypocritically accusing others of making "because I say so" arguments.

From a psychological perspective, you have confirmed without knowing, what your real intentions here are all about. Your last sentence tells us you believe the purpose of this discussion is to recruit others to believe as we do. That's precisely why you and others have devoted such time and energy into responding here, about something you supposedly have no belief in whatsoever. You're looking for warm bodies. You need more people to "side" with you and the disbelievers, because you fully realize how outnumbered you are.

You shouldn't worry your empty little head about such things, there will always be plenty of people who close their minds to spirituality, because it makes it easier to be unaccountable. Lots of lazy minds would rather be unaccountable and not worry with spiritual connection. It takes courage and character to stand up for your spiritual beliefs, and a lot of people simply are cowards, they had rather deny their obvious spiritual self, and fight vehemently against any attempts to appeal to that aspect of their human nature.

It's funny, but when your argument is identified as promoting an absurdity, it takes you three paragraphs to recoiled in shocked surprise that anyone would point out the absurdity.
where I come from we call that "if you can't dazzle um with brilliance baffle um with bullshit."
gotta give boss credit he can preachafy with the best long winded ones.
posts# 2690-2694 are the most blatant case of sphincter sucking I've seen in years !
any body want to pitch in on some Vaseline? boss's anal aperture must really sting now!
Apparently, you aren't reading my replies to your nonsense. I'm not sure that my explaining it again will help, because I think you'll actually have to READ what is posted, in order for it to penetrate your cranium. I will give a brief condensed version of what has been said:

You argued that human spirituality was a result of sentience. However, other animals have sentience and do not have any indication of spirituality. You claimed that spirituality was invented to cope with fears of death and the unknown. However, you can't offer any other similar example in all of nature, where such a phenomenon has happened. You also claimed it was caused by our complex brains, but other upper primates have brains which are just as complex. Chimps share 98% of our DNA, and their brain functions exactly like the brain of a human. Yet chimps have never exhibited spirituality. You and others have continued to maintain that human spirituality is nothing more than imagination, but this defies even the theories of Darwin himself. Persistent attributes throughout the existence of any species, are present for a reason fundamental to the species. They are never imaginary constructs. So we see, everything you have presented as a "reason" or "explanation" of human spirituality, simply defies science, logic, and laws of nature.

Spiritual nature does not defy the laws of nature, it is a part of nature. Humans have practiced human spirituality as long as they have existed. You use the convenient fact that spiritual nature doesn't provide physical evidence, as your rationale for disbelief, but spiritual nature isn't supposed to have physical existence, or it wouldn't be spiritual in nature. You win the argument that god doesn't physically exist, I have no proof of that.
What other animals have sentience?

Almost all upper primates have acute sentience and ability to reason. Even most mammals have some sentient ability, they hunt and gather food, they congregate in packs, someone even posted art work done by elephants earlier, this has been a fascinating thread.

What I think is the deal here, is you and I have a different definition of "sentience" and that is why you continue to view "sentience" as unique to humans. I feel that if you explain this to me, we'll find that you believe the collective combination of attributes which make up "humanity" are what you are defining as "sentience" and that is not an accurate definition of the word. You are taking an intellectually dishonest shortcut, by claiming "sentience" as an explanation for everything. If that is your argument, our human spirituality is responsible for our "sentience" (by your def). There can be no other logical conclusion, because our "sentience" certainly is unique to the species, and so is our spirituality.

Now, the next step, is for you to scientifically explain where our "sentience" came from. If you are certain it wasn't from our spiritual connection, which billions profess to... then it has to come from natural selection, evolutionary in nature... but... we find nothing else in nature that has these 'humanistic' attributes comprising "sentience." We find no trace of any other species of life, worshiping things that aren't real, or creating placebos for knowledge, or to cope with death... it doesn't happen anywhere else in the natural world.

Pardon me, if all of this sounds like "because I say so" to you... I am only presenting legitimate and valid scientific points that we can look up and confirm as we please. Every argument you have presented, has been refuted with science, logic, and nature itself.

You offered a very strange comment. You claim that every argument I have presented has been refuted with science, logic and nature, itself. Oddly, I have maintained consistently that your claims to spirit worlds are contrary to science, logic and nature.

So, where have you refuted my position of the natural world being bereft supernatural realms refuted with science, logic and nature?

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