Defund NPR

I listen to NPR on the way to work some times--mostly when the oldies rock station is playing an Aerosmith song. My commute is long enough for 1 song, but not usually 2.
Most people do.

Quote someone saying that if you would.

Are you illiterate? You were asked a question boy.

Sometimes I forget just how ignorant and sheltered you are. The contents of the laptop have been copied and distributed all over the world. That's how the internet works. But the regime knows you're too dumb to understand that, and they rely on you to repeat their lies (which you do splendidly). So here you are still claiming that Hunter's laptop is Russian disinformation, and you're too stupid to care that you look like an ignorant asshole. You're the government's wet dream.
I listen to KCLU. It's 100% funded by donations. Those funds go to pay NPR for their programming. Only one person collects a salary, the office manager. All others are volunteer.

Here is a sample of the news that listeners and viewers receive...

Sometimes I forget just how ignorant and sheltered you are. The contents of the laptop have been copied and distributed all over the world.
Really? And the guy who copied them didn't tinker with them at all, right? He, out of the goodness of his heart just copied them for no reason and happened to turn them over to Trump's personal attorney? Sometimes I forget just how gullible you are.
That's how the internet works. But the regime knows you're too dumb to understand that, and they rely on you to repeat their lies (which you do splendidly). So here you are still claiming that Hunter's laptop is Russian disinformation, and you're too stupid to care that you look like an ignorant asshole. You're the government's wet dream.
Not making that claim at all little boy.
I listen to KCLU. It's 100% funded by donations. Those funds go to pay NPR for their programming. Only one person collects a salary, the office manager. All others are volunteer.

Here is a sample of the news that listeners and viewers receive...

NPR gets funded by the CPB. The CPB funds any number of radio stations and programs.
I like many of the programs on NPR, but the news has to go. They're flucking nuts.
NPR would be better served to itself if they had more conservative viewpoints then their receipt of funding from the US Taxpayer would not come under scrutiny. Given that Democrats and Liberals were pushing the Fairness Doctrine a decade ago aimed at AM Radio Conservative talk shows, having more conservative viewpoints on NPR would solidify Democrats and Liberal talking points for The Fairness Doctrine. Blindly retorting, denying that NPR is dominated by Left Wing views is not going to be an effective means for justifying continued taxpayer funding.
NPR would be better served to itself if they had more conservative viewpoints then their receipt of funding from the US Taxpayer would not come under scrutiny. Given that Democrats and Liberals were pushing the Fairness Doctrine a decade ago aimed at AM Radio Conservative talk shows, having more conservative viewpoints on NPR would solidify Democrats and Liberal talking points for The Fairness Doctrine. Blindly retorting, denying that NPR is dominated by Left Wing views is not going to be an effective means for justifying continued taxpayer funding.
LOL! Conservatives own the AM bandwidth.
NPR is like the only voice in opposition..and you want to stamp on them, of course.

Now, I do like my PBS. I imagine you'd like to shut them down too...not going to happen, of course.

Radio? Really, who even cares?

Seriously, i don't think the Govt. should fund one dime of anything regarding media--they should not be in the media business at all.

So I agree..defund NPR. You might find, that there's money for them to carry on...probably a lot of it.
LOL! Conservatives own the AM bandwidth.
NPR is like the only voice in opposition..and you want to stamp on them, of course.

Now, I do like my PBS. I imagine you'd like to shut them down too...not going to happen, of course.

Radio? Really, who even cares?

Seriously, i don't think the Govt. should fund one dime of anything regarding media--they should not be in the media business at all.

So I agree..defund NPR. You might find, that there's money for them to carry on...probably a lot of it.
AM Radio is dying. If political voices from any side of the spectrum want to be heard there are plenty of mediums in the market.

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