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Delegates....a rigged system?

Parties are in control of a "Constitutional right?" What does that mean?

To be a relevant analogy, the parties would have to control whether you get to vote in the general election or not. The parties themselves aren't government, you don't get to control them
According to you, voters don't get to decide the nominees from the two Parties? They only have a right to choose between two people that private organizations have chosen?

No, there are always more than two choices on the Presidential ballot. I've been voting since I was 18, and I've NEVER seen a ballot that didn't have at least four people listed.

That people are willing to view it as a two-party race is THEIR choice. No one's stopping them from voting for someone else, writing someone in, forming a group to put forward their own candidate, etc. The idea that people have a right to assume for themselves the benefits of other people's time and effort is . . . very leftist, like everything else you say.
You're in retard mode, unwilling to actually read what I am writing, so have a great day.

The people made it two choices who could win, not the government

could you try that again in English?

You have to read the quotes I was responding to ...
According to you, voters don't get to decide the nominees from the two Parties? They only have a right to choose between two people that private organizations have chosen?

No, there are always more than two choices on the Presidential ballot. I've been voting since I was 18, and I've NEVER seen a ballot that didn't have at least four people listed.

That people are willing to view it as a two-party race is THEIR choice. No one's stopping them from voting for someone else, writing someone in, forming a group to put forward their own candidate, etc. The idea that people have a right to assume for themselves the benefits of other people's time and effort is . . . very leftist, like everything else you say.
You're in retard mode, unwilling to actually read what I am writing, so have a great day.

The people made it two choices who could win, not the government

could you try that again in English?

You have to read the quotes I was responding to ...

I did. and I agree with parts (as you already know) but that post isn't clear
Parties are in control of a "Constitutional right?" What does that mean?

To be a relevant analogy, the parties would have to control whether you get to vote in the general election or not. The parties themselves aren't government, you don't get to control them
According to you, voters don't get to decide the nominees from the two Parties? They only have a right to choose between two people that private organizations have chosen?

No Arnold, I think that the internal workings of the parties aren't a government agency. How stupid are you?
So, you believe that private organizations should not be interfered with as they decide who our 2 choices for POTUS will be?

They are not our 2 choices by law. They are our two choices because most voters are too stupid and gullible to think beyond the two crappy choices. Our awful government is the result of that narrow thinking. That the crappy government that is run by the result of the stupid voters is going to go back and fix the voters so they elect better candidates and we get better government is categorically ridiculous
Is the LP a private organization like the RP and DP? How about the Greens? How about the Reform Party? Or the Constitution Party?

I'm not clear what you're asking me. Your literal question answer is yes, but point?
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Yes! You too can become President of the United States because our new fangled peachy keen GOP rules make it easy for even a loser to win. Yes thats right!! You heard that correctly!! Not getting enough votes? No problem! We here at the GOP have you covered by some really nifty rules that can get you, yes YOU, elected to the highest office in the land with no prior wins necessary. Whether you win one State or no State at all, we have you covered! This offer ends...well never...so step right into our tent and let us go over the rules to help you insure a win come July!!
You know...I have never tally'd up a list of the thousands of thanks and agree's. It just happens. Maybe it's just because I make sense at times. You do realize that we here are for the most part AMERICANS.. right? It isn't a crime to agree with another American if what they say is party neutral and good for the country.

If you choose to have some on going witch hunt over who you think is faking a party affiliation as if it really matters then by all means have a good time. It's your picknic. To me the only real tale of the tape is how one votes. Whining about the results is crying over spilt milk. By THEN it is too late. If you HATE every American that votes dem then get your ass out there and push for the GOP house to house. You will accomplish much more that way than wasting your time bitching at me.

I think it's pretty disproportionately left and you'd admit that if you were honest. So think about it, the party that you hate, who fucked you and your family, the people who continue to strongly support that policy, they are thanking you for continually agreeing with them. Remind me to not worry about you getting pissed at me ...

OK I am starting to understand that you are a paranoid schizophrenic. You obviously cannot help yourself.

My complaints with the current and recent(2-3 decades) direction taken by the GOP what with the fundamental christian over reaching and the systematic ass kissing of so called U S corporations which are in fact multi nationals has drawn some actual libs to thank some of my posts. They probably do so misunderstanding me the same way you do thinking any crumb they come across is a trail to a goldmine.

Many of my posts are/have been generally about the need to support American manufacturers and the survival of American business and American jobs. For the last couple of decades I have been involved with machining so I have a particular hard on against out sourcing and the destruction of U S manufacturing businesses and jobs. Having been a farm boy I have been very much against 3M and their destruction of family farming by patenting and prosecuting accidental cross planting. It is deplorable as it is intended to force compliance to buy their seed product. I get thanks from many sources for many reasons. Stop trying to bully me into accepting your accusations as true. Just keep it between yourself and your psychiatrist.

You're not contradicting me yet again. Democrats fucked you. Then the SC said the Florida SC had to follow their own laws. Then you said, WTF, I'm a socialist! Give me my way! I'm going to endlessly support the people I hate who sole my family's legacy by supporting the people who support the policy that did that!

Wow, you are a Republican ... :lmao:

It is clear that you have no idea how crazy your posts are. "WTF, I'm a socialist Give me my way! I'm going to endlessly support the people I hate who sole my family's legacy by supporting the people who support the policy that did that! " ???

I don't "endlessly" support anyone or any thing. I take things as they come and as they are. I used to support Dubya and his dad. Then as their actions were proven to be nearly the end of ours and the world's financial system and the wars and the talking to god and on and on I had to be realistic and reject what I once thought to be honorable and good for America.

Now DON"T go off the deep end. That does NOT mean I had to run over to the dems and sign up. It just means as my faith applied to the Bush's I felt betrayed. Since I have NEVER voted democratic they are not so much of a problem.. I just say no. :lol: I certainly don't take the GOP for granted anymore. My general trust in them has vanished. If they want my vote they need to be transparent and telling the truth and stop talking crazy like the Donald. Otherwise I won't waste my time voting.

For me to vote for Trump he would have to publicly admit his thoughts on the huge wall are nonsense. Congress will not pay for this wall no matter how the Donald attempts to sell it. Getting Mexico to pay for the wall in advance is about as likely as something not likely at all. But THAT is the only way this super wall would ever be financed. Remember Elliot Ahbrams telling us that Iraqi oil would pay for the invasion? Fool me once...yada yada yada

Another position from you, another agreement with the Democrats. And the wall is way cheaper than not building it. The people thanking you tell you what you are, and you sure aren't getting thanks from Republicans

The current power structure of the GOP favors christian fundamentalists. This offers the average member of the god squad an elevated platform. They feel a sense of entitlement to drown out all disagreement. These people rarely discuss down to earth issues and mostly devote their presence to a big circle jerk mutual admiration society. You are correct in noting I rarely get any props from this coalition. To them atheism is worse than being a muslim. In many muslim countries an atheist can be executed. Christians fear atheism as no other mind set and affiliation. This is for good reason in that atheists reject the whole christian idea. Not so from muslims who recognize Jesus as being a prophet. THAT is why the GOP members here do not accept my posts. I am the enemy that cannot be boxed in or cornered. They just damn me out of hand.
View attachment 71874


Yes! You too can become President of the United States because our new fangled peachy keen GOP rules make it easy for even a loser to win. Yes thats right!! You heard that correctly!! Not getting enough votes? No problem! We here at the GOP have you covered by some really nifty rules that can get you, yes YOU, elected to the highest office in the land with no prior wins necessary. Whether you win one State or no State at all, we have you covered! This offer ends...well never...so step right into our tent and let us go over the rules to help you insure a win come July!!

UMMMmmm... isn't there an eight state minimum?
No, there are always more than two choices on the Presidential ballot. I've been voting since I was 18, and I've NEVER seen a ballot that didn't have at least four people listed.

That people are willing to view it as a two-party race is THEIR choice. No one's stopping them from voting for someone else, writing someone in, forming a group to put forward their own candidate, etc. The idea that people have a right to assume for themselves the benefits of other people's time and effort is . . . very leftist, like everything else you say.
You're in retard mode, unwilling to actually read what I am writing, so have a great day.

The people made it two choices who could win, not the government

could you try that again in English?

You have to read the quotes I was responding to ...

I did. and I agree with parts (as you already know) but that post isn't clear

There are two parties with a practical chance of winning. While I rarely vote for one and never the other, I am fully aware my choice won't win. The people pile on to the two parties making them the only viable choices and they keep them in with that the other is worse.

Until you get to the point I am of saying no, the other isn't worse, you don't leave the two parties. You vote for the lesser evil. But government didn't chose that only two parties can win, the people did by accepting the line, you don't like us, the other is worse
And the wall is way cheaper than not building it.
What's going to keep Mexican drug smugglers from knocking down or blowing up a section of the wall?

If we could monitor the whole length of the wall we wouldn't need the wall.

Another stupid argument. Thousands of people running across the border is way harder to defend than someone having a weapon big enough to blow a hole in the wall and then we go to the hole. And why are they going to bother to do that when it won't get them anything?
You can't envision a scenario where smugglers blast a hole in the wall in the middle of the night and that hole is not found for 24-48 hours or longer?

Tired of hitting the campaign trail and spending millions of dollars? Well we here at the GOP have you covered!! What if we told you you didn't have to campaign ever again? What if we told you the easiest way to get elected to the White House is announce your candidacy, go on vacation for a year and show up for the Convention? Yes it's true! Step into the GOP tent and let us show YOU how to best get elected without ever having to hit the campaign trail or winning a primary!!
You're in retard mode, unwilling to actually read what I am writing, so have a great day.

The people made it two choices who could win, not the government

could you try that again in English?

You have to read the quotes I was responding to ...

I did. and I agree with parts (as you already know) but that post isn't clear

There are two parties with a practical chance of winning. While I rarely vote for one and never the other, I am fully aware my choice won't win. The people pile on to the two parties making them the only viable choices and they keep them in with that the other is worse.

Until you get to the point I am of saying no, the other isn't worse, you don't leave the two parties. You vote for the lesser evil. But government didn't chose that only two parties can win, the people did by accepting the line, you don't like us, the other is worse

you're right about third parties....they can't win at this point in time.

but there is a difference between the two parties. and while there have been times in the past where I've voted republican, that isn't going to happen as long as republicans continue to pander to the religious right. who judges are matters....whether you're on the right or the left. how we treat warfare is different.... how we treat minorities, women, etc, .... is different.

me? I'm at the point where I think we should have more of a parliamentary system where there are a myriad of parties represented and leadership has to put together a government by cobbling together support.

but nothing stops people from making a real independent run.

Tired of hitting the campaign trail and spending millions of dollars? Well we here at the GOP have you covered!! What if we told you you didn't have to campaign ever again? What if we told you the easiest way to get elected to the White House is announce your candidacy, go on vacation for a year and show up for the Convention? Yes it's true! Step into the GOP tent and let us show YOU how to best get elected without ever having to hit the campaign trail or winning a primary!!

not going to happen.

but how about someone gets more than half the delegates.....which are the party rules.

nah....the Donald don't need no stinking rules.
the candidates do not represent they government. they represent the parties. the parties used to just appoint candidates and people had zero say.
The people have a Constitutional right to vote for their representatives in government. Anything impeding that right should be illegal, whether it's a Superdelegate system, or making people jump through hoops to be able to vote, or limiting the number of places to vote.

Sorry, but the people DO get to vote for their representatives in government. How people are presented to campaign to BE that representative is something else entirely, and does not need government interference.
Synthaholic I've been around the block with Cecilie1200. She doesn't believe Americans have any right to vote for their representatives in Government if the parties don't deem it necessary. thanatos144 echo's this sentiment as well.

They wish to keep the system where the parties select the nominee not the American people. If you wish to attack this system where hundred of thousands of voters are being disenfranchised then you are a whiner. In other words take a good ass reaming and shut up, these are the rules.
I think I need a scorecard to remind me who the Party Hacks are!

Put your faith in Reince Preibus!!!!

I don't believe that's a correct characterization of what she said.
She's advocating private organizations having control over a fundamental Constitutional right.
I think it's pretty disproportionately left and you'd admit that if you were honest. So think about it, the party that you hate, who fucked you and your family, the people who continue to strongly support that policy, they are thanking you for continually agreeing with them. Remind me to not worry about you getting pissed at me ...

OK I am starting to understand that you are a paranoid schizophrenic. You obviously cannot help yourself.

My complaints with the current and recent(2-3 decades) direction taken by the GOP what with the fundamental christian over reaching and the systematic ass kissing of so called U S corporations which are in fact multi nationals has drawn some actual libs to thank some of my posts. They probably do so misunderstanding me the same way you do thinking any crumb they come across is a trail to a goldmine.

Many of my posts are/have been generally about the need to support American manufacturers and the survival of American business and American jobs. For the last couple of decades I have been involved with machining so I have a particular hard on against out sourcing and the destruction of U S manufacturing businesses and jobs. Having been a farm boy I have been very much against 3M and their destruction of family farming by patenting and prosecuting accidental cross planting. It is deplorable as it is intended to force compliance to buy their seed product. I get thanks from many sources for many reasons. Stop trying to bully me into accepting your accusations as true. Just keep it between yourself and your psychiatrist.

You're not contradicting me yet again. Democrats fucked you. Then the SC said the Florida SC had to follow their own laws. Then you said, WTF, I'm a socialist! Give me my way! I'm going to endlessly support the people I hate who sole my family's legacy by supporting the people who support the policy that did that!

Wow, you are a Republican ... :lmao:

It is clear that you have no idea how crazy your posts are. "WTF, I'm a socialist Give me my way! I'm going to endlessly support the people I hate who sole my family's legacy by supporting the people who support the policy that did that! " ???

I don't "endlessly" support anyone or any thing. I take things as they come and as they are. I used to support Dubya and his dad. Then as their actions were proven to be nearly the end of ours and the world's financial system and the wars and the talking to god and on and on I had to be realistic and reject what I once thought to be honorable and good for America.

Now DON"T go off the deep end. That does NOT mean I had to run over to the dems and sign up. It just means as my faith applied to the Bush's I felt betrayed. Since I have NEVER voted democratic they are not so much of a problem.. I just say no. :lol: I certainly don't take the GOP for granted anymore. My general trust in them has vanished. If they want my vote they need to be transparent and telling the truth and stop talking crazy like the Donald. Otherwise I won't waste my time voting.

For me to vote for Trump he would have to publicly admit his thoughts on the huge wall are nonsense. Congress will not pay for this wall no matter how the Donald attempts to sell it. Getting Mexico to pay for the wall in advance is about as likely as something not likely at all. But THAT is the only way this super wall would ever be financed. Remember Elliot Ahbrams telling us that Iraqi oil would pay for the invasion? Fool me once...yada yada yada

Another position from you, another agreement with the Democrats. And the wall is way cheaper than not building it. The people thanking you tell you what you are, and you sure aren't getting thanks from Republicans

The current power structure of the GOP favors christian fundamentalists. This offers the average member of the god squad an elevated platform. They feel a sense of entitlement to drown out all disagreement. These people rarely discuss down to earth issues and mostly devote their presence to a big circle jerk mutual admiration society. You are correct in noting I rarely get any props from this coalition. To them atheism is worse than being a muslim. In many muslim countries an atheist can be executed. Christians fear atheism as no other mind set and affiliation. This is for good reason in that atheists reject the whole christian idea. Not so from muslims who recognize Jesus as being a prophet. THAT is why the GOP members here do not accept my posts. I am the enemy that cannot be boxed in or cornered. They just damn me out of hand.
And the wall is way cheaper than not building it.
What's going to keep Mexican drug smugglers from knocking down or blowing up a section of the wall?

If we could monitor the whole length of the wall we wouldn't need the wall.

Another stupid argument. Thousands of people running across the border is way harder to defend than someone having a weapon big enough to blow a hole in the wall and then we go to the hole. And why are they going to bother to do that when it won't get them anything?
You can't envision a scenario where smugglers blast a hole in the wall in the middle of the night and that hole is not found for 24-48 hours or longer?

No, not with modern technology. I'm thinking they're smart enough to put in sensors and surveillance.

And even if it did happen, so you have a wall in one spot for 24-48 miles, or you have a thousand mile wall they could cross anywhere permanently ...

This sounds good to you? Really?
The people have a Constitutional right to vote for their representatives in government. Anything impeding that right should be illegal, whether it's a Superdelegate system, or making people jump through hoops to be able to vote, or limiting the number of places to vote.

Sorry, but the people DO get to vote for their representatives in government. How people are presented to campaign to BE that representative is something else entirely, and does not need government interference.
Synthaholic I've been around the block with Cecilie1200. She doesn't believe Americans have any right to vote for their representatives in Government if the parties don't deem it necessary. thanatos144 echo's this sentiment as well.

They wish to keep the system where the parties select the nominee not the American people. If you wish to attack this system where hundred of thousands of voters are being disenfranchised then you are a whiner. In other words take a good ass reaming and shut up, these are the rules.
I think I need a scorecard to remind me who the Party Hacks are!

Put your faith in Reince Preibus!!!!

I don't believe that's a correct characterization of what she said.
She's advocating private organizations having control over a fundamental Constitutional right.

but the parties have the right to have their own representative in accordance with their own rules.

if one doesn't like that, they should run third party. it has zero to do with voting rights.
The people made it two choices who could win, not the government

could you try that again in English?

You have to read the quotes I was responding to ...

I did. and I agree with parts (as you already know) but that post isn't clear

There are two parties with a practical chance of winning. While I rarely vote for one and never the other, I am fully aware my choice won't win. The people pile on to the two parties making them the only viable choices and they keep them in with that the other is worse.

Until you get to the point I am of saying no, the other isn't worse, you don't leave the two parties. You vote for the lesser evil. But government didn't chose that only two parties can win, the people did by accepting the line, you don't like us, the other is worse

you're right about third parties....they can't win at this point in time.

but there is a difference between the two parties. and while there have been times in the past where I've voted republican, that isn't going to happen as long as republicans continue to pander to the religious right. who judges are matters....whether you're on the right or the left. how we treat warfare is different.... how we treat minorities, women, etc, .... is different.

me? I'm at the point where I think we should have more of a parliamentary system where there are a myriad of parties represented and leadership has to put together a government by cobbling together support.

but nothing stops people from making a real independent run.

The only difference between the parties is what they say, not what they do. And you've never voted Republican.

As for the religious right controlling the party canard, clearly from the issues, that's not happening. No one is running on social issues. Sure they suck up for votes like liberals suck up to unions and environmental nazis. But they give them nothing
could you try that again in English?

You have to read the quotes I was responding to ...

I did. and I agree with parts (as you already know) but that post isn't clear

There are two parties with a practical chance of winning. While I rarely vote for one and never the other, I am fully aware my choice won't win. The people pile on to the two parties making them the only viable choices and they keep them in with that the other is worse.

Until you get to the point I am of saying no, the other isn't worse, you don't leave the two parties. You vote for the lesser evil. But government didn't chose that only two parties can win, the people did by accepting the line, you don't like us, the other is worse

you're right about third parties....they can't win at this point in time.

but there is a difference between the two parties. and while there have been times in the past where I've voted republican, that isn't going to happen as long as republicans continue to pander to the religious right. who judges are matters....whether you're on the right or the left. how we treat warfare is different.... how we treat minorities, women, etc, .... is different.

me? I'm at the point where I think we should have more of a parliamentary system where there are a myriad of parties represented and leadership has to put together a government by cobbling together support.

but nothing stops people from making a real independent run.

The only difference between the parties is what they say, not what they do. And you've never voted Republican.

As for the religious right controlling the party canard, clearly from the issues, that's not happening. No one is running on social issues. Sure they suck up for votes like liberals suck up to unions and environmental nazis. But they give them nothing

no democrat would have appointed Clarence Thomas to the high court.

that should be sufficient difference for you.

so I'm going to say once again, notwithstanding your rightwing talking points, that the parties aren't the same at all. otherwise, why do you become irrational and start spewing when talking about democrats?

so there's no difference, but you become incensed when talking about one side and not the other.
I think it's pretty disproportionately left and you'd admit that if you were honest. So think about it, the party that you hate, who fucked you and your family, the people who continue to strongly support that policy, they are thanking you for continually agreeing with them. Remind me to not worry about you getting pissed at me ...

OK I am starting to understand that you are a paranoid schizophrenic. You obviously cannot help yourself.

My complaints with the current and recent(2-3 decades) direction taken by the GOP what with the fundamental christian over reaching and the systematic ass kissing of so called U S corporations which are in fact multi nationals has drawn some actual libs to thank some of my posts. They probably do so misunderstanding me the same way you do thinking any crumb they come across is a trail to a goldmine.

Many of my posts are/have been generally about the need to support American manufacturers and the survival of American business and American jobs. For the last couple of decades I have been involved with machining so I have a particular hard on against out sourcing and the destruction of U S manufacturing businesses and jobs. Having been a farm boy I have been very much against 3M and their destruction of family farming by patenting and prosecuting accidental cross planting. It is deplorable as it is intended to force compliance to buy their seed product. I get thanks from many sources for many reasons. Stop trying to bully me into accepting your accusations as true. Just keep it between yourself and your psychiatrist.

You're not contradicting me yet again. Democrats fucked you. Then the SC said the Florida SC had to follow their own laws. Then you said, WTF, I'm a socialist! Give me my way! I'm going to endlessly support the people I hate who sole my family's legacy by supporting the people who support the policy that did that!

Wow, you are a Republican ... :lmao:

It is clear that you have no idea how crazy your posts are. "WTF, I'm a socialist Give me my way! I'm going to endlessly support the people I hate who sole my family's legacy by supporting the people who support the policy that did that! " ???

I don't "endlessly" support anyone or any thing. I take things as they come and as they are. I used to support Dubya and his dad. Then as their actions were proven to be nearly the end of ours and the world's financial system and the wars and the talking to god and on and on I had to be realistic and reject what I once thought to be honorable and good for America.

Now DON"T go off the deep end. That does NOT mean I had to run over to the dems and sign up. It just means as my faith applied to the Bush's I felt betrayed. Since I have NEVER voted democratic they are not so much of a problem.. I just say no. :lol: I certainly don't take the GOP for granted anymore. My general trust in them has vanished. If they want my vote they need to be transparent and telling the truth and stop talking crazy like the Donald. Otherwise I won't waste my time voting.

For me to vote for Trump he would have to publicly admit his thoughts on the huge wall are nonsense. Congress will not pay for this wall no matter how the Donald attempts to sell it. Getting Mexico to pay for the wall in advance is about as likely as something not likely at all. But THAT is the only way this super wall would ever be financed. Remember Elliot Ahbrams telling us that Iraqi oil would pay for the invasion? Fool me once...yada yada yada

Another position from you, another agreement with the Democrats. And the wall is way cheaper than not building it. The people thanking you tell you what you are, and you sure aren't getting thanks from Republicans

The current power structure of the GOP favors christian fundamentalists. This offers the average member of the god squad an elevated platform. They feel a sense of entitlement to drown out all disagreement. These people rarely discuss down to earth issues and mostly devote their presence to a big circle jerk mutual admiration society. You are correct in noting I rarely get any props from this coalition. To them atheism is worse than being a muslim. In many muslim countries an atheist can be executed. Christians fear atheism as no other mind set and affiliation. This is for good reason in that atheists reject the whole christian idea. Not so from muslims who recognize Jesus as being a prophet. THAT is why the GOP members here do not accept my posts. I am the enemy that cannot be boxed in or cornered. They just damn me out of hand.

That canard again. Why aren't Republicans running on any socon issues if they are controlled by socons? Nonsense.

And I get most of my thanks from libertarians, anarchists as well as Republicans, I do get left wing thanks as well since as a libertarian, I split frequently with the right. A lot of liberals won't thank me though even when they agree with me because they're all about the side you're not, not agreement with the post. And ... I'm not a Christian either. It's your left wing positions that are why they aren't thanking you
You have to read the quotes I was responding to ...

I did. and I agree with parts (as you already know) but that post isn't clear

There are two parties with a practical chance of winning. While I rarely vote for one and never the other, I am fully aware my choice won't win. The people pile on to the two parties making them the only viable choices and they keep them in with that the other is worse.

Until you get to the point I am of saying no, the other isn't worse, you don't leave the two parties. You vote for the lesser evil. But government didn't chose that only two parties can win, the people did by accepting the line, you don't like us, the other is worse

you're right about third parties....they can't win at this point in time.

but there is a difference between the two parties. and while there have been times in the past where I've voted republican, that isn't going to happen as long as republicans continue to pander to the religious right. who judges are matters....whether you're on the right or the left. how we treat warfare is different.... how we treat minorities, women, etc, .... is different.

me? I'm at the point where I think we should have more of a parliamentary system where there are a myriad of parties represented and leadership has to put together a government by cobbling together support.

but nothing stops people from making a real independent run.

The only difference between the parties is what they say, not what they do. And you've never voted Republican.

As for the religious right controlling the party canard, clearly from the issues, that's not happening. No one is running on social issues. Sure they suck up for votes like liberals suck up to unions and environmental nazis. But they give them nothing

no democrat would have appointed Clarence Thomas to the high court.

that should be sufficient difference for you.

so I'm going to say once again, notwithstanding your rightwing talking points, that the parties aren't the same at all. otherwise, why do you become irrational and start spewing when talking about democrats?

so there's no difference, but you become incensed when talking about one side and not the other.

Yes, the right wing is controlling me, they told me to be a libertarian. Why did they do that? If they control me, why not make me right wing? Are they just fucking with me?


And I didn't say everyone in the party is the same, I said the parties are. What the parties do is virtually indistinguishable. And when Republicans try to resist you, you just crush them and they roll over
As long as Parties are able to make up rules each year it's not democratic. Congress should set the rules for both Parties, and should fund the election.

the candidates do not represent they government. they represent the parties. the parties used to just appoint candidates and people had zero say.
The people have a Constitutional right to vote for their representatives in government. Anything impeding that right should be illegal, whether it's a Superdelegate system, or making people jump through hoops to be able to vote, or limiting the number of places to vote.

Sorry, but the people DO get to vote for their representatives in government. How people are presented to campaign to BE that representative is something else entirely, and does not need government interference.
False. This has nothing to do with campaigning. This is a private organization gaming the outcome of the nominating process by setting arbitrary rules, or changing them year to year to ensure they get an approved nominee.

the party always votes its own rules... because it's a party nomination.

the fact that trump doesn't believe rules apply to him is the larger problem. and one would think, were he a serious candidate, he'd have taken it seriously and had the people around him to work the delegates.

so much for him being prepared on day one.
But those rules change from year to year with the express purpose of gaming the system toward a particular candidate.

The minimum 8 state wins to be nominated? That was a new rule instituted in 2012 to hurt Ron Paul.

As for Drumpf, so much for the Art of the Deal, and his boasts of working the fine print to his advantage. He's being revealed as a fraud.

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