Deleted 30,000 emails?

How many emails have you deleted in your life?

  • Zero

  • 1-29,999

  • 30,000 or more

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How many emails did you delete to hide the fact that you ran the US State Department through servers you hid in your house to avoid Congressional oversight? How many times did you hire professionals to "bleach" your hard drives to get rid of your emails?

Can I be blunt? This is a rather pathetic attempt at trying to rebuild Hillary Clinton's corrupt reputation!

No. Read the OP. It is about how many emails that you have personally deleted. This isn't about national history. This is about our own personal history.

To answer your questions, I never deleted emails to avoid congressional oversight. I never hired a professional to bleach my hard drive either.

Hillary Clinton did both of those things and then lied her fat ass off about it! So why are you trying to rehabilitate her reputation by claiming that destroying evidence of a crime is OK?

No reason. Just curious when the United States started arresting people just because. It just doesn't seem like a good enough reason. Apparently the justice department agrees. Hillary still isn't in prison. I bet she still deletes spam even the ones with coupons to Red Lobster if you fill out a 7 minute survey. I bet we have all deleted that one if we are honest. We don't even think twice about how it will hurt someone else when we mash the "select all" tab at the top of computer screen.

Do you think Hillary is still paying huge amounts of money to maintain two servers in her Westchester home? You're amusing. You're trying so hard to downplay what it was that Hillary Clinton did when she was Secretary of State and failing at that miserably! Laws that were put in place after Watergate to prevent corruption by our politicians are what Clinton flaunted when she was running the State Department! Your trying to equate THAT with private citizens deleting coupons from Red Lobster borders on a Benny Hill skit!

So you delete emails too? Even when you know the damage it can cause?

damage is different than illegal,,,
How many emails did you delete to hide the fact that you ran the US State Department through servers you hid in your house to avoid Congressional oversight? How many times did you hire professionals to "bleach" your hard drives to get rid of your emails?

Can I be blunt? This is a rather pathetic attempt at trying to rebuild Hillary Clinton's corrupt reputation!

No. Read the OP. It is about how many emails that you have personally deleted. This isn't about national history. This is about our own personal history.

To answer your questions, I never deleted emails to avoid congressional oversight. I never hired a professional to bleach my hard drive either.

Hillary Clinton did both of those things and then lied her fat ass off about it! So why are you trying to rehabilitate her reputation by claiming that destroying evidence of a crime is OK?

No reason. Just curious when the United States started arresting people just because. It just doesn't seem like a good enough reason. Apparently the justice department agrees. Hillary still isn't in prison. I bet she still deletes spam even the ones with coupons to Red Lobster if you fill out a 7 minute survey. I bet we have all deleted that one if we are honest. We don't even think twice about how it will hurt someone else when we mash the "select all" tab at the top of computer screen.

Do you think Hillary is still paying huge amounts of money to maintain two servers in her Westchester home? You're amusing. You're trying so hard to downplay what it was that Hillary Clinton did when she was Secretary of State and failing at that miserably! Laws that were put in place after Watergate to prevent corruption by our politicians are what Clinton flaunted when she was running the State Department! Your trying to equate THAT with private citizens deleting coupons from Red Lobster borders on a Benny Hill skit!

So you delete emails too? Even when you know the damage it can cause?

I do delete emails. I don't however work for the government in a position that requires oversight by Congress. I also didn't install two private servers at my home at great personal expense to escape that oversight. I also didn't lie to Congressional investigators when they asked me for all of the relevant data I had on something they wished to investigate (Benghazi) telling them that I'd given them everything I had on that. I also didn't pay a professional IT firm to "bleach" my hard drive when my lies were discovered!
During the 2016 election there was lots of discussion over Hillary Clinton deleting 30,000 emails. As far as I am concerned she is a light weight. I have probably deleted over 1 million emails in my lifetime.

Let's all reflect on our personal history. How many emails have you deleted in your life time? Before anybody asks, yes, this includes spam.
Have you deleted emails that by law, you are required to keep? As SoS, she is required by law to archive all email correspondence, phone conversation logs and transcripts, and personal notes along with post-it notes, sticky-notes, etc. In fact, if she said anything that required recording, or wrote anything, she was under a legal obligation to turn it over to the government.

Have you deleted emails under this circumstance?

Nope. Why do you ask?
I ask because you cannot equate what you have done with what she has done.

Have a nice day.

I know. She only deleted 30,000. I estimate that the emails I deleted are over 1 million in my lifetime.

but none of those were classified government e-mails required by law to NOT be deleted

Were the emails that Hillary deleted classified government emails that were required by law to not be deleted?

If so, which law prohibits such deletion?
Why are you even wasting your time defending what Hillary Clinton did? It's obvious that she broke the law. It's obvious she lied about doing so.
Screenshot_20191015-143657_Samsung Internet.jpg
Have you deleted emails that by law, you are required to keep? As SoS, she is required by law to archive all email correspondence, phone conversation logs and transcripts, and personal notes along with post-it notes, sticky-notes, etc. In fact, if she said anything that required recording, or wrote anything, she was under a legal obligation to turn it over to the government.

Have you deleted emails under this circumstance?

Nope. Why do you ask?
I ask because you cannot equate what you have done with what she has done.

Have a nice day.

I know. She only deleted 30,000. I estimate that the emails I deleted are over 1 million in my lifetime.

but none of those were classified government e-mails required by law to NOT be deleted

Were the emails that Hillary deleted classified government emails that were required by law to not be deleted?

If so, which law prohibits such deletion?
18 U.S.C. Section 2071
Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States,shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States. As used in this subsection, the term “office” does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States.
Why are you even wasting your time defending what Hillary Clinton did? It's obvious that she broke the law. It's obvious she lied about doing so.

Obvious? Hmmm. In which prison is she located?

She's not...thanks to the Obama Justice Department, James Comey and Loretta Lynch!

Oh, let me think Lynch and Slick Willie talked about their grandkids on the tarmac in that secret meeting days before the decision came out not to prosecute Hillary? Aren't you cute!
No. Read the OP. It is about how many emails that you have personally deleted. This isn't about national history. This is about our own personal history.

To answer your questions, I never deleted emails to avoid congressional oversight. I never hired a professional to bleach my hard drive either.

Hillary Clinton did both of those things and then lied her fat ass off about it! So why are you trying to rehabilitate her reputation by claiming that destroying evidence of a crime is OK?

No reason. Just curious when the United States started arresting people just because. It just doesn't seem like a good enough reason. Apparently the justice department agrees. Hillary still isn't in prison. I bet she still deletes spam even the ones with coupons to Red Lobster if you fill out a 7 minute survey. I bet we have all deleted that one if we are honest. We don't even think twice about how it will hurt someone else when we mash the "select all" tab at the top of computer screen.

Do you think Hillary is still paying huge amounts of money to maintain two servers in her Westchester home? You're amusing. You're trying so hard to downplay what it was that Hillary Clinton did when she was Secretary of State and failing at that miserably! Laws that were put in place after Watergate to prevent corruption by our politicians are what Clinton flaunted when she was running the State Department! Your trying to equate THAT with private citizens deleting coupons from Red Lobster borders on a Benny Hill skit!

So you delete emails too? Even when you know the damage it can cause?

damage is different than illegal,,,

Wrong is wrong. When you hurt little kids by deleting razor blade ads then what the law says does not matter. You still shouldn't delete those razor blade ads. You have to consider the safety of others when performing a deletion.
I also didn't pay a professional IT firm to "bleach" my hard drive when my lies were discovered!

You just gave me an idea for a new thread.

Better luck in that one than in this one, Vasuderatorrent! This thread was a giant FAIL!

Not really. Most people were honest. Eight people admitted to deleting more than 30,000.emails. Let's see if that honesty transfers when we discussing hiring a professional IT firm to bleach their hard drives.

I am expecting we will have less people come forward about that. Anybody who has went to that extreme probably has privacy concerns that exceeds even the looneyist conspiracy theorists.

I suspect it will be lesser than 8 people.
I also didn't pay a professional IT firm to "bleach" my hard drive when my lies were discovered!

You just gave me an idea for a new thread.

Better luck in that one than in this one, Vasuderatorrent! This thread was a giant FAIL!

Not really. Most people were honest. Eight people admitted to deleting more than 30,000.emails. Let's see if that honesty transfers when we discussing hiring a professional IT firm to bleach their hard drives.

I am expecting we will have less people come forward about that. Anybody who has went to that extreme probably has privacy concerns that exceeds even the looneyist conspiracy theorists.

I suspect it will be lesser than 8 people.

Do you have any idea what it costs to have your server "bleached" by professionals? It's not something that any normal person is going to do. It's the kind of thing that someone does when they want to make absolutely SURE that no evidence remains! Like when you've lied to Congress about having emails related to something you were in charge of...and now they're onto your lies and you know they'll be coming for your computers!
During the 2016 election there was lots of discussion over Hillary Clinton deleting 30,000 emails. As far as I am concerned she is a light weight. I have probably deleted over 1 million emails in my lifetime.

Let's all reflect on our personal history. How many emails have you deleted in your life time? Before anybody asks, yes, this includes spam.

this is how you thought it was relevant???

she deleted government e-mails off of a private server so she wouldnt get caught with them,,not to mention e-mails she didnt want anyone to read that might prove her corruption,,,

she should be in jail just for having them on a private server,,

It wasn't illegal Darlin
No problem with Don Jr and avankas WH servers?
I also didn't pay a professional IT firm to "bleach" my hard drive when my lies were discovered!

You just gave me an idea for a new thread.

Better luck in that one than in this one, Vasuderatorrent! This thread was a giant FAIL!

Not really. Most people were honest. Eight people admitted to deleting more than 30,000.emails. Let's see if that honesty transfers when we discussing hiring a professional IT firm to bleach their hard drives.

I am expecting we will have less people come forward about that. Anybody who has went to that extreme probably has privacy concerns that exceeds even the looneyist conspiracy theorists.

I suspect it will be lesser than 8 people.

Do you have any idea what it costs to have your server "bleached" by professionals? It's not something that any normal person is going to do. It's the kind of thing that someone does when they want to make absolutely SURE that no evidence remains! Like when you've lied to Congress about having emails related to something you were in charge of...and now they're onto your lies and you know they'll be coming for your computers!
During the 2016 election there was lots of discussion over Hillary Clinton deleting 30,000 emails. As far as I am concerned she is a light weight. I have probably deleted over 1 million emails in my lifetime.

Let's all reflect on our personal history. How many emails have you deleted in your life time? Before anybody asks, yes, this includes spam.

this is how you thought it was relevant???

she deleted government e-mails off of a private server so she wouldnt get caught with them,,not to mention e-mails she didnt want anyone to read that might prove her corruption,,,

she should be in jail just for having them on a private server,,

I missed where your law degree was from?
Fact Check: Hillary Clinton, Those Emails And The Law
I also didn't pay a professional IT firm to "bleach" my hard drive when my lies were discovered!

You just gave me an idea for a new thread.

Better luck in that one than in this one, Vasuderatorrent! This thread was a giant FAIL!

Not really. Most people were honest. Eight people admitted to deleting more than 30,000.emails. Let's see if that honesty transfers when we discussing hiring a professional IT firm to bleach their hard drives.

I am expecting we will have less people come forward about that. Anybody who has went to that extreme probably has privacy concerns that exceeds even the looneyist conspiracy theorists.

I suspect it will be lesser than 8 people.

Do you have any idea what it costs to have your server "bleached" by professionals? It's not something that any normal person is going to do. It's the kind of thing that someone does when they want to make absolutely SURE that no evidence remains! Like when you've lied to Congress about having emails related to something you were in charge of...and now they're onto your lies and you know they'll be coming for your computers!
Ask Don Jr and avanka.
They both have illegal private servers in the WH
During the 2016 election there was lots of discussion over Hillary Clinton deleting 30,000 emails. As far as I am concerned she is a light weight. I have probably deleted over 1 million emails in my lifetime.

Let's all reflect on our personal history. How many emails have you deleted in your life time? Before anybody asks, yes, this includes spam.

this is how you thought it was relevant???

she deleted government e-mails off of a private server so she wouldnt get caught with them,,not to mention e-mails she didnt want anyone to read that might prove her corruption,,,

she should be in jail just for having them on a private server,,

It wasn't illegal Darlin
No problem with Don Jr and avankas WH servers?

hehehehe,,,you farted out of your mouth,,,

I am committed to reading this article today. I will cite the US Law that forbids deleting emails if it is mentioned in the article since you refuse to do it.


U.S. Code § 793.Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

Whoever, lawfully having possession of, access to, control over, or being entrusted with any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, or note relating to the national defense, or information relating to the national defense which information the possessor has reason to believe could be used to the injury of the United States or to the advantage of any foreign nation, willfully communicates, delivers, transmits or causes to be communicated, delivered, or transmitted or attempts to communicate, deliver, transmit or cause to be communicated, delivered or transmitted the same to any person not entitled to receive it, or willfully retains the same and fails to deliver it on demand to the officer or employee of the United States entitled to receive it;
I deleted 33,000 emails from a porn site after requesting DIY lesson from some women that went by the name H.C in NY . She said she learned the method from her Husband who she caught trying to clean up some correspondence from a teenager he hired in DC . I beat the crap outta my hard drive with a hammer and poured bleach all over the bits and pieces and Walla !

You should be arrested according to some folks.

Really shit fer brains? Porn Sites are official government business? I grasp that that is all an awful lot of federal workers do, but still.

You see stupid fuck, email that is critical unclassified information (CUI) or is classified is required to be retained in perpetuity. Deleting it is a federal felony. A peon WILL go to prison if they do it. (20 years for each offense per DFARS 174.821.

When I was in the Marine Corps I had a government email address. My chain of command never informed me. I deleted all of my emails. This was 1999-2002 ish. Which prison is Hillary in right now? Perhaps I should join her. Do you guys know any cops? They might need my address.

Wait! Let's read that law before you send the cops out to my house. There might be a statute of limitations. I might be safer than you guys think.

By the way, we should get back to the topic at hand. How many emails have you deleted in your life?

20 years in prison per email deleted. Personally I am looking at 20,000,000 years in prison minimum. Whew! I sure am glad this law isn't enforced even for people with ugly faces.

Tell the truth. You really aren't as stupid as you are pretending to be, are you? Please say it ain't so. Isn't it completely impossible to be that stupid?

If you deleted CUI or classified emails, as Hillary did - you deserve 20,000,000 years in prison minimum,

Section 1236.22 of the 2009 National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) requirements states that:

“Agencies that allow employees to send and receive official electronic mail messages using a system not operated by the agency must ensure that Federal records sent or received on such systems are preserved in the appropriate agency record keeping system.”

IF you were a Marine, you were a grunt and never let anywhere near information requiring any sort of clearance.

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