Delta Flight Diverted Due To Dispute Between Passengers Over Reclining Seat

I'll admit I'm spoiled and can't stand flying coach, but who the heck sleeps on the fold down tray? I've 'never' seen that before...
I'm all for bunk beds on planes.

Yea I wish we had more of those 'bed' flights for US travel. If I'm forced to coach it I get a row so I can lounge comfortably so having a bed would be awesome. Shame it's not cost effective.
These types of incidents are entirely the fault of airline management. They're the result of their cramming too many seats in their planes. It's ridiculous how small they've gotten, and guaranteed to generate these types of incidents. The 'blame the fat people' narrative doesn't work, either, as all that would happen if the size of people flying were reduced to the average size of a starving Biafran 3 year old would just be the airlines cramming double or triple the numbers of seats into their planes, and charging the same or higher ticket prices. The flying public is also butt stupid for allowing themselves to be abused like that.
I'll agree its a design flaw, but at the same time the cost of running a plane has gone up, we should be happy the cost of tickets hasn't risen in pace with that.
I'll agree its a design flaw, but at the same time the cost of running a plane has gone up, we should be happy the cost of tickets hasn't risen in pace with that.

It's not a design flaw when they are deliberately designed that way and ordered like that from the plants. As for the costs they're actually lower in adjusted dollars than at any time history, and with a much higher passenger volume as well. Average wages are less than half of 1973 wages; the only massive increase in 'costs' is ridiculously high executive pay and bonuses for providing massively crappy customer service.
Right I meant a design flaw for the passengers.

As for the rest; honestly... whatever. If one doesn't like their pay they can find another job, if one doesn't like how an airline is paying their employees they can fly another airline, etc., etc.
I think the fault lies with the airlines. In their bid to increase the profit, they have left no room between the rows. You are pretty much crammed up in there. I have started flying business class more and more especially for my international travels. I no longer can handle economy class. It suffocates me on long flights.
I haven't flown for about 7 years now..give or take. Maui was usually my destination but...that last trip was truly the last.

With that said...the more they can cram on flights, the more money. I never really had a prob with the trays. I was always polite and asked the person behind me if I could recline. If they said no..i didn't. If they said sure, I did.Same with the person in front of me. It's the screaming kids that drive me bonkers.
No. Overreacting pansy airline employees are.

Passenger Aaron Klipin told the station a woman sitting next to him got into an argument with a passenger behind her. The woman was trying to recline her seat while the other passenger was trying to sleep on the tray table.

Klipin says the woman who was trying to sleep started screaming. A flight attendant came over and the woman who was screaming demanded that the flight be diverted.

“She said something to the effect of, I don’t care about the consequences, put this plane down now,'” Klipin told News Jax 4. “She started swearing at the flight attendants and demanding the flight land. The flight attendant spoke to the captain while somebody was blocking her path to the cabin. A few minutes later an announcement came on that we were diverting to Jacksonville.”

I don’t care about the consequences is a scary phrase to hear from an irrational person.
I blame the aircraft design for not leaving enough space between seats and the crew for not being trained to qickly resolve these conflicts
These types of incidents are entirely the fault of airline management. They're the result of their cramming too many seats in their planes. It's ridiculous how small they've gotten, and guaranteed to generate these types of incidents. The 'blame the fat people' narrative doesn't work, either, as all that would happen if the size of people flying were reduced to the average size of a starving Biafran 3 year old would just be the airlines cramming double or triple the numbers of seats into their planes, and charging the same or higher ticket prices. The flying public is also butt stupid for allowing themselves to be abused like that.
You live in an alternative universe. Americans are getting bigger and bigger. Go to a hospital and look at how the size of wheelchairs have grown. You can also blame Americans for selecting the cheaper flights. They don't want to pay more so the seats can't grow unless the fares go up. Blaming it all on the company is just more victim hood, another common American trait these days.
I always spend the money for the extra seats but sometimes they are sold out as well as first class. I awlays check with the person behind me before I recline, its common curtesey
Nice of you to ask, but not required.
Now the question is if the person in front of you reclined would you cause a stink, and cause the plane to be diverted or you would agree that the person has the right to used the reclining feature and let it go at that?
I would let them know they are causing me discomfort and ask them to please move the seat back up. I would not ground a flight over it.

I have only had one person be a jerk about reclining on to my legs. Most apologize for smashing my kneecaps. One guy reclined into my knees. He apparently thought if he let the seat up and reclined harder he could get beyond the obstacle. I asked him to please not do that again. He left it back, against my legs, like he planned to pin me for a 3 hour flight. I kept shifting my legs and bumping his seat. He finally relented.

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