Delta Flight Diverted Due To Dispute Between Passengers Over Reclining Seat

so, to be clear, when you buy a seat on an airplane you people believe you aren't actually buying somewhere to put your legs?

I HAVE said something to the person in front of me when they've reclined back into me. They immediately unreclined.

I can't imagine why :eusawhistle:

Exactly! And most people are quite cooperative.
so, to be clear, when you buy a seat on an airplane you people believe you aren't actually buying somewhere to put your legs?

I HAVE said something to the person in front of me when they've reclined back into me. They immediately unreclined.

I can't imagine why :eusawhistle:

Exactly! And most people are quite cooperative.

They are when your wife is sitting beside you urging you not to hurt them. LOL
so, to be clear, when you buy a seat on an airplane you people believe you aren't actually buying somewhere to put your legs?

I HAVE said something to the person in front of me when they've reclined back into me. They immediately unreclined.

I can't imagine why :eusawhistle:

Exactly! And most people are quite cooperative.

They are when your wife is sitting beside you urging you not to hurt them. LOL

I've found that leaning forward and whispering thru clenched teeth is an effective way to communicate with a jerk. :eusa_angel:
so, to be clear, when you buy a seat on an airplane you people believe you aren't actually buying somewhere to put your legs?

I HAVE said something to the person in front of me when they've reclined back into me. They immediately unreclined.

I can't imagine why :eusawhistle:

Exactly! And most people are quite cooperative.

They are when your wife is sitting beside you urging you not to hurt them. LOL

I've found that leaning forward and whispering thru clenched teeth is an effective way to communicate with a jerk. :eusa_angel:

I have what my wife refers to as "that far away stare" apparently it is intimidating very few people give me grief.
I always spend the money for the extra seats but sometimes they are sold out as well as first class. I awlays check with the person behind me before I recline, its common curtesey
Nice of you to ask, but not required.
Now the question is if the person in front of you reclined would you cause a stink, and cause the plane to be diverted or you would agree that the person has the right to used the reclining feature and let it go at that?

If the reclining feature has the seat pinning my legs, no he does not have the right to use it. I will be able to move my legs.

Just to get this straight, the person in front of you does not have the right to use the reclining feature, but you can use it if you desire?

So let me get this straight. Are you saying that, since the seat has the capability of reclining, anyone who purchases a ticket should be allowed to recline the seat to the fullest, regardless of pain, discomfort, or even potential harm the person behind him suffers?

First off this is absolute bullshit since the seats in planes have been able to recline since before the Jet age.
This whole to recline or not to recline is something new. When you buy a ticket you know going in that the seats recline, if that bothers you don't fly.
As the article states:
When you buy an airline ticket, one of the things you’re buying is the right to use your seat’s reclining function. If this passenger so badly wanted the passenger in front of him not to recline, he should have paid her to give up that right.

Don’t Want Me to Recline My Airline Seat? You Can Pay Me
TaxProf Blog Don t Want Me to Recline My Airline Seat You Can Pay Me

I have flown countless times since 1979. Never once, on any ticket was there any mention of a "right" to recline my seat. The armrests flip up too. Do I have the "right" to move them up if I want?

This is not about any "right" that you think you have. This is about you not being allowed to slam your seat into my knees. This is about you not reclining and pinning my legs for almost the entire duration of a flight last hours. This is about my right to not have your seat on my knees and my right to be able to move my legs.

If what you claim is actually your "right", then you essentially have claimed the right to compromise my circulation for your own comfort.

Oh, and this is not about any "right". This is about whether you are rude enough to demand that your seat recline a few degrees, even if that causes discomfort and pain for another person. Only an asshole would make such a demand.

And I paid for a seat on a flight. Paying some surcharge to an asshole to prevent them from pinning my legs is ridiculous. Keep your seat up and don't be a dick.
I can see it happening when a tall person (like me) has no room for their legs and a fat ass in front reclines and crushes your knee cap.
So spend the extra bucks and get the exit row seats if you are that uncomfortable. That person in front of you has the the right to use the reclining feature of the seat they paid for, and they don't need your permission to do it.

And what does a fat ass have to do with the reclining feature?
the problem mostly arises over computer use SO LETS GET THIS CLEAR passenger leases a seat from the airline to travel between to places with that goes the use of the seat reclining ** if fitted as such* and armrest down or up as required PASSENGER leases a seat behind nothing in the lease gives the passenger the RIGHT to use a computer NO QUESTION passenger has a right to recline i do and will continue to do so

Your "right" is in your head. There is no "right" to be an asshole. There is no promise of being able to use the recline feature. If you recline and hit my knees, it will cause discomfort for the entire flight, not to mention possibly compromising the circulation in my legs.

If you choose to do so. I simply choose to continue to wiggles my knees, in an effort to maintain good circulation. So you will have a bouncing, thumping seat. Good luck being comfortable. Oh, bear in mind that your head will now be in perfect sneezing range. Oops. Sorry about that snot in your hair. But it is my right to sneeze.
THE RIGHT TO RECLINE YOUR SEAT has nothing to do with the comfort of the passenger behind if you are to tall to be comfortable in a seat because the one in front is reclined, buy a seat were the legroom is more and the seat in front does not have a reclining feature.
what about the **comfort* of the passenger in front are they * not *entitled to be comfortable by reclining their seat perhaps thats why they choose one that does . according to your argument then a fat person can spread all over the seat beside them so they are *comfortable * it works both ways
as i said i purchase a seat in the plane That DOES RECLINE so i can .
there is a site *link* ill post later that shows every aircraft of every airline and the seat confiqurations if you find the aircraft your particular flight is using simply look it up find the seat thats comfortable for you and BOOK IT .i do believe it even shows seats that have the most leg room and hte ones behind those that DONT RECLINE
THE RIGHT TO RECLINE YOUR SEAT has nothing to do with the comfort of the passenger behind if you are to tall to be comfortable in a seat because the one in front is reclined, buy a seat were the legroom is more and the seat in front does not have a reclining feature.
what about the **comfort* of the passenger in front are they * not *entitled to be comfortable by reclining their seat perhaps thats why they choose one that does . according to your argument then a fat person can spread all over the seat beside them so they are *comfortable * it works both ways
as i said i purchase a seat in the plane That DOES RECLINE so i can .
there is a site *link* ill post later that shows every aircraft of every airline and the seat confiqurations if you find the aircraft your particular flight is using simply look it up find the seat thats comfortable for you and BOOK IT .i do believe it even shows seats that have the most leg room and hte ones behind those that DONT RECLINE

Airline Seat Maps Flights shopping and Flight information- Best Airplane Seats - SeatGuru
THE RIGHT TO RECLINE YOUR SEAT has nothing to do with the comfort of the passenger behind if you are to tall to be comfortable in a seat because the one in front is reclined, buy a seat were the legroom is more and the seat in front does not have a reclining feature.
what about the **comfort* of the passenger in front are they * not *entitled to be comfortable by reclining their seat perhaps thats why they choose one that does . according to your argument then a fat person can spread all over the seat beside them so they are *comfortable * it works both ways
as i said i purchase a seat in the plane That DOES RECLINE so i can .
there is a site *link* ill post later that shows every aircraft of every airline and the seat confiqurations if you find the aircraft your particular flight is using simply look it up find the seat thats comfortable for you and BOOK IT .i do believe it even shows seats that have the most leg room and hte ones behind those that DONT RECLINE

So you want to demand your "right" to recline, regardless of the discomfort or pain you cause the person behind you?? Really??
I always spend the money for the extra seats but sometimes they are sold out as well as first class. I awlays check with the person behind me before I recline, its common curtesey
Nice of you to ask, but not required.
Now the question is if the person in front of you reclined would you cause a stink, and cause the plane to be diverted or you would agree that the person has the right to used the reclining feature and let it go at that?

If the reclining feature has the seat pinning my legs, no he does not have the right to use it. I will be able to move my legs.

Just to get this straight, the person in front of you does not have the right to use the reclining feature, but you can use it if you desire?

So let me get this straight. Are you saying that, since the seat has the capability of reclining, anyone who purchases a ticket should be allowed to recline the seat to the fullest, regardless of pain, discomfort, or even potential harm the person behind him suffers?

First off this is absolute bullshit since the seats in planes have been able to recline since before the Jet age.
This whole to recline or not to recline is something new. When you buy a ticket you know going in that the seats recline, if that bothers you don't fly.
As the article states:
When you buy an airline ticket, one of the things you’re buying is the right to use your seat’s reclining function. If this passenger so badly wanted the passenger in front of him not to recline, he should have paid her to give up that right.

Don’t Want Me to Recline My Airline Seat? You Can Pay Me
TaxProf Blog Don t Want Me to Recline My Airline Seat You Can Pay Me

I have flown countless times since 1979. Never once, on any ticket was there any mention of a "right" to recline my seat. The armrests flip up too. Do I have the "right" to move them up if I want?

This is not about any "right" that you think you have. This is about you not being allowed to slam your seat into my knees. This is about you not reclining and pinning my legs for almost the entire duration of a flight last hours. This is about my right to not have your seat on my knees and my right to be able to move my legs.

If what you claim is actually your "right", then you essentially have claimed the right to compromise my circulation for your own comfort.

Oh, and this is not about any "right". This is about whether you are rude enough to demand that your seat recline a few degrees, even if that causes discomfort and pain for another person. Only an asshole would make such a demand.

And I paid for a seat on a flight. Paying some surcharge to an asshole to prevent them from pinning my legs is ridiculous. Keep your seat up and don't be a dick.
THE RIGHT TO RECLINE YOUR SEAT has nothing to do with the comfort of the passenger behind if you are to tall to be comfortable in a seat because the one in front is reclined, buy a seat were the legroom is more and the seat in front does not have a reclining feature.
what about the **comfort* of the passenger in front are they * not *entitled to be comfortable by reclining their seat perhaps thats why they choose one that does . according to your argument then a fat person can spread all over the seat beside them so they are *comfortable * it works both ways
as i said i purchase a seat in the plane That DOES RECLINE so i can .
there is a site *link* ill post later that shows every aircraft of every airline and the seat confiqurations if you find the aircraft your particular flight is using simply look it up find the seat thats comfortable for you and BOOK IT .i do believe it even shows seats that have the most leg room and hte ones behind those that DONT RECLINE

Airline Seat Maps Flights shopping and Flight information- Best Airplane Seats - SeatGuru

That is a nice handy link for those who choose their own airlines. Most of the time I don't. I tell my office where I need to go, they email me a confirmation. Corporate requires we fly coach.

Like I said, feel free to recline. I have the right to be able to move my legs and sneeze.

Although, if the diagram given earlier is true, on the tighter flights you could not recline. I just did a quick measurement. If I sit in a chair, my kneecaps are 28 inches from the back of the chair. I bet I can prevent your seat from reclining.

But in the end it would be much easier if you weren't an asshole over a few degrees of reclining. It also renders my tray table unuseable. Do I have a right to have a tray for my drink? Hmm, good question there. How about, since you render my tray unuseable, that I balance my drink on teh headrest of your seat. Be really still and you'll stay dry.
your the dick... if the seat i purchase from the airline does have a reline feature i DO HAVE a right to use it thats why i choose it asshole, silly to say i dont. it seems you care as much about where you sit on a plane as i do than do something about it choose a seat that gives you more leg room
.so you are tall.
can i expect you to let me stand/sit in front of you at a event so i can see im 5ft 9 180 lbs .

if you rent purchase a car /van and it takes up two spaces in a car park are you *still* entitled to use it. if it blocks my view at a stop sigh do you still have the right to use it? thats happened to me many a time i have a small compact car ,when does your RIGHTS infringe on my rights ??? right there the comfort of you on a flight is not my problem im to busy trying to find a seat that is comfortable for me im not comfortable when not reclined of course during meal time i sit up right ,i pay for a seat and i expect to get as comfortable a flight to my destination as possible your bitch is with the airline not me
I don't put my seat back until the guy in front of me does. That way when the guy in back complains I can say:
"I'd be happy to put my seat back up, just tell the guy in front of me to put his up".

Works every time.

I'm just happy if I don't have to sit next to some fat fvck.
THE RIGHT TO RECLINE YOUR SEAT has nothing to do with the comfort of the passenger behind if you are to tall to be comfortable in a seat because the one in front is reclined, buy a seat were the legroom is more and the seat in front does not have a reclining feature.
what about the **comfort* of the passenger in front are they * not *entitled to be comfortable by reclining their seat perhaps thats why they choose one that does . according to your argument then a fat person can spread all over the seat beside them so they are *comfortable * it works both ways
as i said i purchase a seat in the plane That DOES RECLINE so i can .
there is a site *link* ill post later that shows every aircraft of every airline and the seat confiqurations if you find the aircraft your particular flight is using simply look it up find the seat thats comfortable for you and BOOK IT .i do believe it even shows seats that have the most leg room and hte ones behind those that DONT RECLINE

Airline Seat Maps Flights shopping and Flight information- Best Airplane Seats - SeatGuru

That is a nice handy link for those who choose their own airlines. Most of the time I don't. I tell my office where I need to go, they email me a confirmation. Corporate requires we fly coach.

Like I said, feel free to recline. I have the right to be able to move my legs and sneeze.

Although, if the diagram given earlier is true, on the tighter flights you could not recline. I just did a quick measurement. If I sit in a chair, my kneecaps are 28 inches from the back of the chair. I bet I can prevent your seat from reclining.

But in the end it would be much easier if you weren't an asshole over a few degrees of reclining. It also renders my tray table unuseable. Do I have a right to have a tray for my drink? Hmm, good question there. How about, since you render my tray unuseable, that I balance my drink on teh headrest of your seat. Be really still and you'll stay dry.
THE RIGHT TO RECLINE YOUR SEAT has nothing to do with the comfort of the passenger behind if you are to tall to be comfortable in a seat because the one in front is reclined, buy a seat were the legroom is more and the seat in front does not have a reclining feature.
what about the **comfort* of the passenger in front are they * not *entitled to be comfortable by reclining their seat perhaps thats why they choose one that does . according to your argument then a fat person can spread all over the seat beside them so they are *comfortable * it works both ways
as i said i purchase a seat in the plane That DOES RECLINE so i can .
there is a site *link* ill post later that shows every aircraft of every airline and the seat confiqurations if you find the aircraft your particular flight is using simply look it up find the seat thats comfortable for you and BOOK IT .i do believe it even shows seats that have the most leg room and hte ones behind those that DONT RECLINE

Airline Seat Maps Flights shopping and Flight information- Best Airplane Seats - SeatGuru

That is a nice handy link for those who choose their own airlines. Most of the time I don't. I tell my office where I need to go, they email me a confirmation. Corporate requires we fly coach.

Like I said, feel free to recline. I have the right to be able to move my legs and sneeze.

Although, if the diagram given earlier is true, on the tighter flights you could not recline. I just did a quick measurement. If I sit in a chair, my kneecaps are 28 inches from the back of the chair. I bet I can prevent your seat from reclining.

But in the end it would be much easier if you weren't an asshole over a few degrees of reclining. It also renders my tray table unuseable. Do I have a right to have a tray for my drink? Hmm, good question there. How about, since you render my tray unuseable, that I balance my drink on teh headrest of your seat. Be really still and you'll stay dry.
Sure you could if you want act like a child
and for the duration of the flight stick you legs into the back of my seat so i cant recline. feel free to do so you wll have stiff legs at the end of the flight after exerting all that pressure and of course you cant visit the rest room cus as soon as you leave your seat* BANG* the seat reclines. please feel free to place your drink on my head ill wait until a appropiate time(hopefully when you are using your computer ) and with a well executed swizz of my head your drink will lubricate your keyboard see how silly this thread is getting .
I don't mind when the person in front of me reclines.

I also don't expect that person to mind when I have to tug hard on the back of that same seat in order to climb out of the seat. Sometimes hard enough that the seat hasn't stopped vibrating by the time I get back from the pissoir.

Never hard a single complaint.

Of course I do enjoy being selectively deaf.....
so, to be clear, when you buy a seat on an airplane you people believe you aren't actually buying somewhere to put your legs?

Well, in the 'It's All About Me!' cultural norm this question is too perplexing, as it involves consideration for others.
Just this morning, we were in the drive thru line at McDonalds, it has a split ordering device, so half go right other half go left. Anyway, One car ahead of us to make their decision which way they wanted to go. And boy, was MickeyD's slow, so the car behind me decided she was tired of waiting, drove around everyone else and chose the right lane.

I followed, and yelled at her when she stopped. "Did you not see the line, or are you just better than the rest of us?" then I drove around and got back in line, from there, she left, good riddance.
I can see it happening when a tall person (like me) has no room for their legs and a fat ass in front reclines and crushes your knee cap.
So spend the extra bucks and get the exit row seats if you are that uncomfortable. That person in front of you has the the right to use the reclining feature of the seat they paid for, and they don't need your permission to do it.

And what does a fat ass have to do with the reclining feature?
the problem mostly arises over computer use SO LETS GET THIS CLEAR passenger leases a seat from the airline to travel between to places with that goes the use of the seat reclining ** if fitted as such* and armrest down or up as required PASSENGER leases a seat behind nothing in the lease gives the passenger the RIGHT to use a computer NO QUESTION passenger has a right to recline i do and will continue to do so

Your "right" is in your head. There is no "right" to be an asshole. There is no promise of being able to use the recline feature. If you recline and hit my knees, it will cause discomfort for the entire flight, not to mention possibly compromising the circulation in my legs.

If you choose to do so. I simply choose to continue to wiggles my knees, in an effort to maintain good circulation. So you will have a bouncing, thumping seat. Good luck being comfortable. Oh, bear in mind that your head will now be in perfect sneezing range. Oops. Sorry about that snot in your hair. But it is my right to sneeze.
THE RIGHT TO RECLINE YOUR SEAT has nothing to do with the comfort of the passenger behind if you are to tall to be comfortable in a seat because the one in front is reclined, buy a seat were the legroom is more and the seat in front does not have a reclining feature.
what about the **comfort* of the passenger in front are they * not *entitled to be comfortable by reclining their seat perhaps thats why they choose one that does . according to your argument then a fat person can spread all over the seat beside them so they are *comfortable * it works both ways
as i said i purchase a seat in the plane That DOES RECLINE so i can .
there is a site *link* ill post later that shows every aircraft of every airline and the seat confiqurations if you find the aircraft your particular flight is using simply look it up find the seat thats comfortable for you and BOOK IT .i do believe it even shows seats that have the most leg room and hte ones behind those that DONT RECLINE

Airline Seat Maps Flights shopping and Flight information- Best Airplane Seats - SeatGuru

That is a nice handy link for those who choose their own airlines. Most of the time I don't. I tell my office where I need to go, they email me a confirmation. Corporate requires we fly coach.

Like I said, feel free to recline. I have the right to be able to move my legs and sneeze.

Although, if the diagram given earlier is true, on the tighter flights you could not recline. I just did a quick measurement. If I sit in a chair, my kneecaps are 28 inches from the back of the chair. I bet I can prevent your seat from reclining.

But in the end it would be much easier if you weren't an asshole over a few degrees of reclining. It also renders my tray table unuseable. Do I have a right to have a tray for my drink? Hmm, good question there. How about, since you render my tray unuseable, that I balance my drink on teh headrest of your seat. Be really still and you'll stay dry.
I guarantee, if I was in the seat behind anyone, there is no way they could recline even an inch.

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