Delta Flight Diverted Due To Dispute Between Passengers Over Reclining Seat

Sure you could if you want act like a child
and for the duration of the flight stick you legs into the back of my seat so i cant recline. feel free to do so you wll have stiff legs at the end of the flight after exerting all that pressure and of course you cant visit the rest room cus as soon as you leave your seat* BANG* the seat reclines. please feel free to place your drink on my head ill wait until a appropiate time(hopefully when you are using your computer ) and with a well executed swizz of my head your drink will lubricate your keyboard see how silly this thread is getting .

LMAO!! This thread has been silly since the beginning. You are claiming you have a "right" to put your seat back against my knees. That is silly.
your the dick... if the seat i purchase from the airline does have a reline feature i DO HAVE a right to use it thats why i choose it asshole, silly to say i dont. it seems you care as much about where you sit on a plane as i do than do something about it choose a seat that gives you more leg room
.so you are tall.
can i expect you to let me stand/sit in front of you at a event so i can see im 5ft 9 180 lbs .

if you rent purchase a car /van and it takes up two spaces in a car park are you *still* entitled to use it. if it blocks my view at a stop sigh do you still have the right to use it? thats happened to me many a time i have a small compact car ,when does your RIGHTS infringe on my rights ??? right there the comfort of you on a flight is not my problem im to busy trying to find a seat that is comfortable for me im not comfortable when not reclined of course during meal time i sit up right ,i pay for a seat and i expect to get as comfortable a flight to my destination as possible your bitch is with the airline not me

Your car scenarios are not relevant. Your seat on the flight is fine upright. It will do you no harm to not recline. If not so much about rights as about common decency, you should be aware of the consequences of your actions. You claim you should be able to recline into my legs and cause me pain. I call bullshit. If it comes to it, I will take some action rather than sit quietly while some asshole pins my legs with his seat. To assume anyone should accept pain because with to recline slightly, is absolutely ridiculous.
Sure you could if you want act like a child
and for the duration of the flight stick you legs into the back of my seat so i cant recline. feel free to do so you wll have stiff legs at the end of the flight after exerting all that pressure and of course you cant visit the rest room cus as soon as you leave your seat* BANG* the seat reclines. please feel free to place your drink on my head ill wait until a appropiate time(hopefully when you are using your computer ) and with a well executed swizz of my head your drink will lubricate your keyboard see how silly this thread is getting .

Yes, it is silly. I decided to reply again to this nonsense.

I find it amazing that you call it silly when someone refuses to accept pain being forced on them simply to make your seat slightly more comfortable. That you see nothing wrong with this shows your own flaws more than any silliness.
Sure you could if you want act like a child
and for the duration of the flight stick you legs into the back of my seat so i cant recline. feel free to do so you wll have stiff legs at the end of the flight after exerting all that pressure and of course you cant visit the rest room cus as soon as you leave your seat* BANG* the seat reclines. please feel free to place your drink on my head ill wait until a appropiate time(hopefully when you are using your computer ) and with a well executed swizz of my head your drink will lubricate your keyboard see how silly this thread is getting .

LMAO!! This thread has been silly since the beginning. You are claiming you have a "right" to put your seat back against my knees. That is silly.
No im not im saying i have a right to recline my seat not my fault you choose to sit behind me

paying extra
YOUR not paying extra so i can recline my seat that goes with the purchase of my seat you have the same right to recline yours when you purchase a seat. same right same price as i paid .. What you are paying extra for is to sit on a seat where there is more leg room or the seat in front does not recline . what you pay has nothing to do with me where you choose to sit is your decision
just like first class pay more for more comfort
lets ask you this ?/
do you think obese peeps should pay for two seats or is it okay for them to spread there excess fat over your seat to be comfortable ?, yes or no
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cus the airline charges more for seats with more leg room is not my fault take it up with them .
THE RIGHT TO RECLINE YOUR SEAT has nothing to do with the comfort of the passenger behind if you are to tall to be comfortable in a seat because the one in front is reclined, buy a seat were the legroom is more and the seat in front does not have a reclining feature.
what about the **comfort* of the passenger in front are they * not *entitled to be comfortable by reclining their seat perhaps thats why they choose one that does . according to your argument then a fat person can spread all over the seat beside them so they are *comfortable * it works both ways
as i said i purchase a seat in the plane That DOES RECLINE so i can .
there is a site *link* ill post later that shows every aircraft of every airline and the seat confiqurations if you find the aircraft your particular flight is using simply look it up find the seat thats comfortable for you and BOOK IT .i do believe it even shows seats that have the most leg room and hte ones behind those that DONT RECLINE

So you want to demand your "right" to recline, regardless of the discomfort or pain you cause the person behind you?? Really??

It is not my concern, If you are uncomfortable call the flight attendant. they represent the airlines, and pass your complaint on to them.
THE RIGHT TO RECLINE YOUR SEAT has nothing to do with the comfort of the passenger behind if you are to tall to be comfortable in a seat because the one in front is reclined, buy a seat were the legroom is more and the seat in front does not have a reclining feature.
what about the **comfort* of the passenger in front are they * not *entitled to be comfortable by reclining their seat perhaps thats why they choose one that does . according to your argument then a fat person can spread all over the seat beside them so they are *comfortable * it works both ways
as i said i purchase a seat in the plane That DOES RECLINE so i can .
there is a site *link* ill post later that shows every aircraft of every airline and the seat confiqurations if you find the aircraft your particular flight is using simply look it up find the seat thats comfortable for you and BOOK IT .i do believe it even shows seats that have the most leg room and hte ones behind those that DONT RECLINE

So you want to demand your "right" to recline, regardless of the discomfort or pain you cause the person behind you?? Really??

It is not my concern, If you are uncomfortable call the flight attendant. they represent the airlines, and pass your complaint on to them.

Oh, so if I am uncomfortable or in pain due to your actions, I should call someone else?

Not much for personal responsibility, are you? That is fine. As I said, I would not tolerate such an invasion of my person.
No im not im saying i have a right to recline my seat not my fault you choose to sit behind me

paying extra
YOUR not paying extra so i can recline my seat that goes with the purchase of my seat you have the same right to recline yours when you purchase a seat. same right same price as i paid .. What you are paying extra for is to sit on a seat where there is more leg room or the seat in front does not recline . what you pay has nothing to do with me where you choose to sit is your decision
just like first class pay more for more comfort
lets ask you this ?/
do you think obese peeps should pay for two seats or is it okay for them to spread there excess fat over your seat to be comfortable ?, yes or no

I do believe obese people should pay for more than one seat if they use more than their one seat.

But I am not using more than my seat. I am sitting as I am expected to sit. Except you expect to be able to invade my person and cause me discomfort and pain, simply to recline a few degrees. No, that is not acceptable at all.
THE RIGHT TO RECLINE YOUR SEAT has nothing to do with the comfort of the passenger behind if you are to tall to be comfortable in a seat because the one in front is reclined, buy a seat were the legroom is more and the seat in front does not have a reclining feature.
what about the **comfort* of the passenger in front are they * not *entitled to be comfortable by reclining their seat perhaps thats why they choose one that does . according to your argument then a fat person can spread all over the seat beside them so they are *comfortable * it works both ways
as i said i purchase a seat in the plane That DOES RECLINE so i can .
there is a site *link* ill post later that shows every aircraft of every airline and the seat confiqurations if you find the aircraft your particular flight is using simply look it up find the seat thats comfortable for you and BOOK IT .i do believe it even shows seats that have the most leg room and hte ones behind those that DONT RECLINE

So you want to demand your "right" to recline, regardless of the discomfort or pain you cause the person behind you?? Really??

It is not my concern, If you are uncomfortable call the flight attendant. they represent the airlines, and pass your complaint on to them.

Oh, so if I am uncomfortable or in pain due to your actions, I should call someone else?

Not much for personal responsibility, are you? That is fine. As I said, I would not tolerate such an invasion of my person.
Like I said, not my concern on a long flight I will recline my seat. If you ask politely, I may not recline it all the way. Deal with it. Complain to the airline representatives who happens to be the flight attendants for the plane's deficiencies.
No im not im saying i have a right to recline my seat not my fault you choose to sit behind me

paying extra
YOUR not paying extra so i can recline my seat that goes with the purchase of my seat you have the same right to recline yours when you purchase a seat. same right same price as i paid .. What you are paying extra for is to sit on a seat where there is more leg room or the seat in front does not recline . what you pay has nothing to do with me where you choose to sit is your decision
just like first class pay more for more comfort
lets ask you this ?/
do you think obese peeps should pay for two seats or is it okay for them to spread there excess fat over your seat to be comfortable ?, yes or no

I do believe obese people should pay for more than one seat if they use more than their one seat.

But I am not using more than my seat. I am sitting as I am expected to sit. Except you expect to be able to invade my person and cause me discomfort and pain, simply to recline a few degrees. No, that is not acceptable at all.
im not invading your person just using the seat and all the comforts that came with it when i purchased it. reclining is one of the features of the seat i booked its part of the * space* i paid for. most folks are content with the seat being reclined as they themselves also recline
im NOT invading your space..
.your **space** is the seat and back rest the room between the back if my seat *wether reclined of no*t and the space behind your seat if you choose to recline and use of the arm rest ... any other part of the plane body is leased to others if you dont like the space you have buy a larger one.. stop fucking crying we all have our problems
the space allocated to you is not sufficent to make you comfortable because the seats are to small so its okay to deny me a feature i purchased and make me uncomfortable just so you can be
.the problem lies with the airline not me im just as frustrated flying as you *maybe for differant reasons *
. do you ever recline or put the arms rest up or down without consideration of the passenger beside you ?
buy a seat with more LEG ROOM , same as a fat person has to buy two seats so he /she has more BODY ROOM
my right to be comfortable in flight is just as valid as your if you dont like your seat talk the cabin crew leave me alone.
enough of this shit i have better things to do hope the guru site i gave you helps
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Even a plastic fork can inflict pain should someone slam their seat back fast enough and the fork is positioned just so. As in holding it up in salute of the excellence of the bite of braised horsecock you just enjoyed from your $12 extra purchased meal.
Sure you could if you want act like a child
and for the duration of the flight stick you legs into the back of my seat so i cant recline. feel free to do so you wll have stiff legs at the end of the flight after exerting all that pressure and of course you cant visit the rest room cus as soon as you leave your seat* BANG* the seat reclines. please feel free to place your drink on my head ill wait until a appropiate time(hopefully when you are using your computer ) and with a well executed swizz of my head your drink will lubricate your keyboard see how silly this thread is getting .

Yes, it is silly. I decided to reply again to this nonsense.

I find it amazing that you call it silly when someone refuses to accept pain being forced on them simply to make your seat slightly more comfortable. That you see nothing wrong with this shows your own flaws more than any silliness.
No im not im saying i have a right to recline my seat not my fault you choose to sit behind me

paying extra
YOUR not paying extra so i can recline my seat that goes with the purchase of my seat you have the same right to recline yours when you purchase a seat. same right same price as i paid .. What you are paying extra for is to sit on a seat where there is more leg room or the seat in front does not recline . what you pay has nothing to do with me where you choose to sit is your decision
just like first class pay more for more comfort
lets ask you this ?/
do you think obese peeps should pay for two seats or is it okay for them to spread there excess fat over your seat to be comfortable ?, yes or no

I do believe obese people should pay for more than one seat if they use more than their one seat.

But I am not using more than my seat. I am sitting as I am expected to sit. Except you expect to be able to invade my person and cause me discomfort and pain, simply to recline a few degrees. No, that is not acceptable at all.
im not forcing pain on anybody
im as you say using the seat and its features that was allocated to me you choose to pick that seat not me i didnt make the seats so small your knees touch the seat in front ITS NOT MY FUCKING FAULT TALK TO THE AIRLINE
I am rather tall, and it used to really stick in my craw.

I can't make air travel better so I have to deal with it.
They wouldn't like buses either..Many Americans are spoiled brats and want everything their way...
Exactly, what is worse is we aren't willing to stop giving airlines money. "i hate you and your business your equipment is terrible and your staff is rude here is $275.00
Passenger Aaron Klipin told the station a woman sitting next to him got into an argument with a passenger behind her. The woman was trying to recline her seat while the other passenger was trying to sleep on the tray table.

Klipin says the woman who was trying to sleep started screaming. A flight attendant came over and the woman who was screaming demanded that the flight be diverted.

“She said something to the effect of, I don’t care about the consequences, put this plane down now,'” Klipin told News Jax 4. “She started swearing at the flight attendants and demanding the flight land. The flight attendant spoke to the captain while somebody was blocking her path to the cabin. A few minutes later an announcement came on that we were diverting to Jacksonville.”

I don’t care about the consequences is a scary phrase to hear from an irrational person.

All she meant was she didn't care what the legal consequences were to her. That's idiotic not scary.
THE RIGHT TO RECLINE YOUR SEAT has nothing to do with the comfort of the passenger behind if you are to tall to be comfortable in a seat because the one in front is reclined, buy a seat were the legroom is more and the seat in front does not have a reclining feature.
what about the **comfort* of the passenger in front are they * not *entitled to be comfortable by reclining their seat perhaps thats why they choose one that does . according to your argument then a fat person can spread all over the seat beside them so they are *comfortable * it works both ways
as i said i purchase a seat in the plane That DOES RECLINE so i can .
there is a site *link* ill post later that shows every aircraft of every airline and the seat confiqurations if you find the aircraft your particular flight is using simply look it up find the seat thats comfortable for you and BOOK IT .i do believe it even shows seats that have the most leg room and hte ones behind those that DONT RECLINE

So you want to demand your "right" to recline, regardless of the discomfort or pain you cause the person behind you?? Really??

It is not my concern, If you are uncomfortable call the flight attendant. they represent the airlines, and pass your complaint on to them.

Oh, so if I am uncomfortable or in pain due to your actions, I should call someone else?

Not much for personal responsibility, are you? That is fine. As I said, I would not tolerate such an invasion of my person.
Like I said, not my concern on a long flight I will recline my seat. If you ask politely, I may not recline it all the way. Deal with it. Complain to the airline representatives who happens to be the flight attendants for the plane's deficiencies.

I always ask politely, the first time. And no, it is not the responsibility of the airline or their personnel. It is the responsibility of the person who actually caused me pain.

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