Delta Flight Diverted Due To Dispute Between Passengers Over Reclining Seat

im not forcing pain on anybody
im as you say using the seat and its features that was allocated to me you choose to pick that seat not me i didnt make the seats so small your knees touch the seat in front ITS NOT MY FUCKING FAULT TALK TO THE AIRLINE

Indeed it IS your fault, if you choose to recline and pin my legs because you think you have some "Right to Recline".

Most civil human beings understand that.
THE RIGHT TO RECLINE YOUR SEAT has nothing to do with the comfort of the passenger behind if you are to tall to be comfortable in a seat because the one in front is reclined, buy a seat were the legroom is more and the seat in front does not have a reclining feature.
what about the **comfort* of the passenger in front are they * not *entitled to be comfortable by reclining their seat perhaps thats why they choose one that does . according to your argument then a fat person can spread all over the seat beside them so they are *comfortable * it works both ways
as i said i purchase a seat in the plane That DOES RECLINE so i can .
there is a site *link* ill post later that shows every aircraft of every airline and the seat confiqurations if you find the aircraft your particular flight is using simply look it up find the seat thats comfortable for you and BOOK IT .i do believe it even shows seats that have the most leg room and hte ones behind those that DONT RECLINE

So you want to demand your "right" to recline, regardless of the discomfort or pain you cause the person behind you?? Really??

It is not my concern, If you are uncomfortable call the flight attendant. they represent the airlines, and pass your complaint on to them.
It would be your concern, when I ask nicely for you not to pin my legs, and you refuse, I would plant your face on the floor, and sit on you until the flight landed, and I would be deboarded, and you would be carried off, simple as that.

Would I face charges, you bet I would, would you still have a broken nose and a few broke ribs, you bet you would. The judge slaps me on the wrist, with time served, and a fine, and some community service, and a promise not to do that anymore, and you get to sue me for damages, so I file for bankruptcy, get my bills all paid off, and you get squat except for a new face and sore ribs for the rest of your life. God bless America!
What the hell is the matter with these people?
Another idiot cause a plane to divert because they don't like the seat in front of them reclining.
Seats in jet airliners have always reclined it is not something new.
If you don't like it don't fly.

Delta Flight Diverted Due To Dispute Between Passengers Over Reclining Seat CBS Tampa

Planes don't divert because of unruly passengers. They divert because of what some unruly passengers did on 9/11.

It's 'cranky shaming' in effect. Crew should have authorization to tranquilize such passengers with a dart gun. Put a little law and order in the air. Or hire a black mother of sons for every flight.

"Don't make me come back there, I'll get to woopin' on both ya'll."
THE RIGHT TO RECLINE YOUR SEAT has nothing to do with the comfort of the passenger behind if you are to tall to be comfortable in a seat because the one in front is reclined, buy a seat were the legroom is more and the seat in front does not have a reclining feature.
what about the **comfort* of the passenger in front are they * not *entitled to be comfortable by reclining their seat perhaps thats why they choose one that does . according to your argument then a fat person can spread all over the seat beside them so they are *comfortable * it works both ways
as i said i purchase a seat in the plane That DOES RECLINE so i can .
there is a site *link* ill post later that shows every aircraft of every airline and the seat confiqurations if you find the aircraft your particular flight is using simply look it up find the seat thats comfortable for you and BOOK IT .i do believe it even shows seats that have the most leg room and hte ones behind those that DONT RECLINE

So you want to demand your "right" to recline, regardless of the discomfort or pain you cause the person behind you?? Really??

It is not my concern, If you are uncomfortable call the flight attendant. they represent the airlines, and pass your complaint on to them.
It would be your concern, when I ask nicely for you not to pin my legs, and you refuse, I would plant your face on the floor, and sit on you until the flight landed, and I would be deboarded, and you would be carried off, simple as that.

Would I face charges, you bet I would, would you still have a broken nose and a few broke ribs, you bet you would. The judge slaps me on the wrist, with time served, and a fine, and some community service, and a promise not to do that anymore, and you get to sue me for damages, so I file for bankruptcy, get my bills all paid off, and you get squat except for a new face and sore ribs for the rest of your life. God bless America!

Really Mister internet tough guy? How could you do all that while I had your legs pinned by the back of my seat?
Now continue watching your Chuck Norris movie and fantasizing what a tough guy you are.
THE RIGHT TO RECLINE YOUR SEAT has nothing to do with the comfort of the passenger behind if you are to tall to be comfortable in a seat because the one in front is reclined, buy a seat were the legroom is more and the seat in front does not have a reclining feature.
what about the **comfort* of the passenger in front are they * not *entitled to be comfortable by reclining their seat perhaps thats why they choose one that does . according to your argument then a fat person can spread all over the seat beside them so they are *comfortable * it works both ways
as i said i purchase a seat in the plane That DOES RECLINE so i can .
there is a site *link* ill post later that shows every aircraft of every airline and the seat confiqurations if you find the aircraft your particular flight is using simply look it up find the seat thats comfortable for you and BOOK IT .i do believe it even shows seats that have the most leg room and hte ones behind those that DONT RECLINE

So you want to demand your "right" to recline, regardless of the discomfort or pain you cause the person behind you?? Really??

It is not my concern, If you are uncomfortable call the flight attendant. they represent the airlines, and pass your complaint on to them.
It would be your concern, when I ask nicely for you not to pin my legs, and you refuse, I would plant your face on the floor, and sit on you until the flight landed, and I would be deboarded, and you would be carried off, simple as that.

Would I face charges, you bet I would, would you still have a broken nose and a few broke ribs, you bet you would. The judge slaps me on the wrist, with time served, and a fine, and some community service, and a promise not to do that anymore, and you get to sue me for damages, so I file for bankruptcy, get my bills all paid off, and you get squat except for a new face and sore ribs for the rest of your life. God bless America!

Really Mister internet tough guy? How could you do all that while I had your legs pinned by the back of my seat?
Now continue watching your Chuck Norris movie and fantasizing what a tough guy you are.
:laugh:For me, breaking an airplane seat is as easy as stretching, yeah, I am that damn big. As big as an ox and almost as smart. (picture an offensive lineman).
You could always whip off your belt and wrap it around the recliner's neck and loop it over the top of the seat and put your weight on it. That'll teach the bastard.
Yeah, this post and mine are both ridiculous, but so is the idiot saying, 'i'll recline and if it hurts you, then tough shit' that idiot has never lived in the real world, and one day someone is gonna give him a lesson his parents should have!
I blame the aircraft design for not leaving enough space between seats and the crew for not being trained to qickly resolve these conflicts

Isn't it more how the airlines ordered the plane, spacing seats for more paying passengers to offset fuel prices?

The passenger stated "I Don't Care', how does a flight crew deal with that?
im not forcing pain on anybody
im as you say using the seat and its features that was allocated to me you choose to pick that seat not me i didnt make the seats so small your knees touch the seat in front ITS NOT MY FUCKING FAULT TALK TO THE AIRLINE
This post is as idiotic as saying:

"It's not my fault I shot that person, I bought the gun and the bullets, but the gun manufacture is the one's you need to talk too. They made the gun."

You can't fix stupid! and JohnA has proven his stupidity with the above statement.
your the idiot smart ass i bet you think your shit dont stink ... the seat was used as it was made to be used and that was not to inflict pain on anybody .just circumstances beyond my control made that possible.
the gun is made to inflict pain or death ,
nice try but no cigar
your the idiot smart ass i bet you think your shit dont stink ... the seat was used as it was made to be used and that was not to inflict pain on anybody .just circumstances beyond my control made that possible.
the gun is made to inflict pain or death ,
nice try but no cigar
You aren't old enough to smoke anyway.
your the idiot smart ass i bet you think your shit dont stink ... the seat was used as it was made to be used and that was not to inflict pain on anybody .just circumstances beyond my control made that possible.
the gun is made to inflict pain or death ,
nice try but no cigar

But the seat can be used quite well without reclining. If you choose to recline it and cause someone pain, you have to face the consequences of that action.

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