Delta Flight Diverted Due To Dispute Between Passengers Over Reclining Seat

I always spend the money for the extra seats but sometimes they are sold out as well as first class. I awlays check with the person behind me before I recline, its common curtesey
Nice of you to ask, but not required.
Now the question is if the person in front of you reclined would you cause a stink, and cause the plane to be diverted or you would agree that the person has the right to used the reclining feature and let it go at that?

If the reclining feature has the seat pinning my legs, no he does not have the right to use it. I will be able to move my legs.
These types of incidents are entirely the fault of airline management. They're the result of their cramming too many seats in their planes. It's ridiculous how small they've gotten, and guaranteed to generate these types of incidents. The 'blame the fat people' narrative doesn't work, either, as all that would happen if the size of people flying were reduced to the average size of a starving Biafran 3 year old would just be the airlines cramming double or triple the numbers of seats into their planes, and charging the same or higher ticket prices. The flying public is also butt stupid for allowing themselves to be abused like that.
You live in an alternative universe. Americans are getting bigger and bigger. Go to a hospital and look at how the size of wheelchairs have grown. You can also blame Americans for selecting the cheaper flights. They don't want to pay more so the seats can't grow unless the fares go up. Blaming it all on the company is just more victim hood, another common American trait these days.

Yes, I blame the company

Where flying used to be an enjoyable experience, they have compromised the passenger experience to squeeze out a couple more bucks. Planes are smaller and filled to capacity. Where they used to be 70% full, they are now 90% full. Seats are smaller and closer together, legroom has been compromised. The fact that customers get frustrated and take it out on each other can be expected as they fight for legroon and carry on space
I blame the aircraft design for not leaving enough space between seats and the crew for not being trained to qickly resolve these conflicts
I blame the American public.

They demand cheaper and cheaper ticket prices, and then demand more and more leisure space. If the American public had their way, they'd want a cross continent air ticket for 35 dollars and the space of being alone on the entire 767 to themselves.

Don't fly. It isn't as if you have a right to it, nor are you ignorant going into the contract.
I always spend the money for the extra seats but sometimes they are sold out as well as first class. I awlays check with the person behind me before I recline, its common curtesey
Nice of you to ask, but not required.
Now the question is if the person in front of you reclined would you cause a stink, and cause the plane to be diverted or you would agree that the person has the right to used the reclining feature and let it go at that?

If the reclining feature has the seat pinning my legs, no he does not have the right to use it. I will be able to move my legs.

Just to get this straight, the person in front of you does not have the right to use the reclining feature, but you can use it if you desire?
Just to get this straight, the person in front of you does not have the right to use the reclining feature, but you can use it if you desire?
I think it's a growing problem that many Americans care more about exercising their rights than common courtesy. That said, there is no Constitution right to recline on an Airline. Their policy would dictate what right you have. If you are imposing on someone behind you they have the right to make you adjust your seat.
I always spend the money for the extra seats but sometimes they are sold out as well as first class. I awlays check with the person behind me before I recline, its common curtesey
Nice of you to ask, but not required.
Now the question is if the person in front of you reclined would you cause a stink, and cause the plane to be diverted or you would agree that the person has the right to used the reclining feature and let it go at that?

If the reclining feature has the seat pinning my legs, no he does not have the right to use it. I will be able to move my legs.

Just to get this straight, the person in front of you does not have the right to use the reclining feature, but you can use it if you desire?

He has the right to use it if he can do so without pinning my legs down, sure. I try to sit in seats where my legs have more room, but that is often not possible.

So no, he does not have the right to recline his seat back onto my legs.

And calling this a "right" is a bit of a stretch.
I always spend the money for the extra seats but sometimes they are sold out as well as first class. I awlays check with the person behind me before I recline, its common curtesey
Nice of you to ask, but not required.
Now the question is if the person in front of you reclined would you cause a stink, and cause the plane to be diverted or you would agree that the person has the right to used the reclining feature and let it go at that?

If the reclining feature has the seat pinning my legs, no he does not have the right to use it. I will be able to move my legs.

Just to get this straight, the person in front of you does not have the right to use the reclining feature, but you can use it if you desire?

So let me get this straight. Are you saying that, since the seat has the capability of reclining, anyone who purchases a ticket should be allowed to recline the seat to the fullest, regardless of pain, discomfort, or even potential harm the person behind him suffers?
I always spend the money for the extra seats but sometimes they are sold out as well as first class. I awlays check with the person behind me before I recline, its common curtesey
Nice of you to ask, but not required.
Now the question is if the person in front of you reclined would you cause a stink, and cause the plane to be diverted or you would agree that the person has the right to used the reclining feature and let it go at that?

If the reclining feature has the seat pinning my legs, no he does not have the right to use it. I will be able to move my legs.

Just to get this straight, the person in front of you does not have the right to use the reclining feature, but you can use it if you desire?

So let me get this straight. Are you saying that, since the seat has the capability of reclining, anyone who purchases a ticket should be allowed to recline the seat to the fullest, regardless of pain, discomfort, or even potential harm the person behind him suffers?

First off this is absolute bullshit since the seats in planes have been able to recline since before the Jet age.
This whole to recline or not to recline is something new. When you buy a ticket you know going in that the seats recline, if that bothers you don't fly.
As the article states:
When you buy an airline ticket, one of the things you’re buying is the right to use your seat’s reclining function. If this passenger so badly wanted the passenger in front of him not to recline, he should have paid her to give up that right.

Don’t Want Me to Recline My Airline Seat? You Can Pay Me
TaxProf Blog Don t Want Me to Recline My Airline Seat You Can Pay Me
I'm split on this recline question. On one hand I feel just because it's my right to do so doesn't mean I should do it. The person behind me will have less room. On the other hand, I paid for my ticket and the right to use my seat with my hard-earned money and it's up the airline to provide a comfortable experience, not me.

I just flew this past weekend and there were some other common courtesy issues IMO:

- Someone on the plane was listening to music on their iPad with out headphones. The stewardess had to get on the intercom and tell everyone to use headphones.

- When we landed and got to our gate I always assumed the plane was supposed to de-plane by row. As soon as the plane stopped several people in the back rows got up and ran up the aisle thereby blocking people from getting out of their row to get their bags.

- Some older guy was showing clear frustration as we were walking up the jetway to the terminal because the people in front of him had a 4-5 year old who was walking to slow. Do slow walkers need to move aside on the jetway?

It is what it is. You're in public and you can't control how others act. Also, for whatever reason crying babies on airplanes have never annoyed me.
The "some carriers" is Spirit Airlines is known for its leg-cramping 28-inch pitch—the distance from one seat to the same point in the row ahead—vs. the 30-inch industry standard. It will soon get worse as Boeing is working on a high-capacity modification of its 737 narrow-body model aimed at discount airlines seeking to pack in as many travelers as possible on short-haul flights.
I'm 6'4 375, I have never flown in a plane, but I have ridden a bus, and it was very uncomfortable, so you would never get me on a plane.

On a side note, no one has ever called me fat to my face before. I can't imagine why. :scared1:
Americans are getting bigger and airlines aren't accommodating them, seats may even be smaller. Personally, I think fat folks should have to buy two seats. It's unfair to have spillover in your small area that you payed for.
i agree i was on a flight ones and a obese person was almost last on and couldnt sit on the middle seat and DEMANDED i change isle seats with her so she could board .. MY ANSWER f88k OF the cabin staff asked as well i said no the passenger was removed and took a later fight ( i presume ) SHE WAS AT LEAST 350 LBS with a ass the would fill two sets with nothing to spare imagine sitting by the side of that lump of lard for a 4h hour flight
I can see it happening when a tall person (like me) has no room for their legs and a fat ass in front reclines and crushes your knee cap.
So spend the extra bucks and get the exit row seats if you are that uncomfortable. That person in front of you has the the right to use the reclining feature of the seat they paid for, and they don't need your permission to do it.

And what does a fat ass have to do with the reclining feature?
the problem mostly arises over computer use SO LETS GET THIS CLEAR passenger leases a seat from the airline to travel between to places with that goes the use of the seat reclining ** if fitted as such* and armrest down or up as required PASSENGER leases a seat behind nothing in the lease gives the passenger the RIGHT to use a computer NO QUESTION passenger has a right to recline i do and will continue to do so
so, to be clear, when you buy a seat on an airplane you people believe you aren't actually buying somewhere to put your legs?

I HAVE said something to the person in front of me when they've reclined back into me. They immediately unreclined.

I can't imagine why :eusawhistle:
Americans are getting bigger and airlines aren't accommodating them, seats may even be smaller. Personally, I think fat folks should have to buy two seats. It's unfair to have spillover in your small area that you payed for.
i agree i was on a flight ones and a obese person was almost last on and couldnt sit on the middle seat and DEMANDED i change isle seats with her so she could board .. MY ANSWER f88k OF the cabin staff asked as well i said no the passenger was removed and took a later fight ( i presume ) SHE WAS AT LEAST 350 LBS with a ass the would fill two sets with nothing to spare imagine sitting by the side of that lump of lard for a 4h hour flight

I think people that big should have to fly freight
so, to be clear, when you buy a seat on an airplane you people believe you aren't actually buying somewhere to put your legs?

Well, in the 'It's All About Me!' cultural norm this question is too perplexing, as it involves consideration for others.

yeah I don't deal to well with those who are inconsiderate of others. Had a guy at Disney World a few years back who was pushing my small child down some stairs b/c he was in a rush to get down them. After the third time of asking nicely for him to stop pushing my kid I grabbed him buy the throat and informed if he was in that big of a hurry to get down I could throw him over the fucking side.

He stopped pushing my kid.
I always spend the money for the extra seats but sometimes they are sold out as well as first class. I awlays check with the person behind me before I recline, its common curtesey
Nice of you to ask, but not required.
Now the question is if the person in front of you reclined would you cause a stink, and cause the plane to be diverted or you would agree that the person has the right to used the reclining feature and let it go at that?

If the reclining feature has the seat pinning my legs, no he does not have the right to use it. I will be able to move my legs.

Just to get this straight, the person in front of you does not have the right to use the reclining feature, but you can use it if you desire?

So let me get this straight. Are you saying that, since the seat has the capability of reclining, anyone who purchases a ticket should be allowed to recline the seat to the fullest, regardless of pain, discomfort, or even potential harm the person behind him suffers?

First off this is absolute bullshit since the seats in planes have been able to recline since before the Jet age.
This whole to recline or not to recline is something new. When you buy a ticket you know going in that the seats recline, if that bothers you don't fly.
As the article states:
When you buy an airline ticket, one of the things you’re buying is the right to use your seat’s reclining function. If this passenger so badly wanted the passenger in front of him not to recline, he should have paid her to give up that right.

Don’t Want Me to Recline My Airline Seat? You Can Pay Me
TaxProf Blog Don t Want Me to Recline My Airline Seat You Can Pay Me

I have flown countless times since 1979. Never once, on any ticket was there any mention of a "right" to recline my seat. The armrests flip up too. Do I have the "right" to move them up if I want?

This is not about any "right" that you think you have. This is about you not being allowed to slam your seat into my knees. This is about you not reclining and pinning my legs for almost the entire duration of a flight last hours. This is about my right to not have your seat on my knees and my right to be able to move my legs.

If what you claim is actually your "right", then you essentially have claimed the right to compromise my circulation for your own comfort.

Oh, and this is not about any "right". This is about whether you are rude enough to demand that your seat recline a few degrees, even if that causes discomfort and pain for another person. Only an asshole would make such a demand.

And I paid for a seat on a flight. Paying some surcharge to an asshole to prevent them from pinning my legs is ridiculous. Keep your seat up and don't be a dick.
I can see it happening when a tall person (like me) has no room for their legs and a fat ass in front reclines and crushes your knee cap.
So spend the extra bucks and get the exit row seats if you are that uncomfortable. That person in front of you has the the right to use the reclining feature of the seat they paid for, and they don't need your permission to do it.

And what does a fat ass have to do with the reclining feature?
the problem mostly arises over computer use SO LETS GET THIS CLEAR passenger leases a seat from the airline to travel between to places with that goes the use of the seat reclining ** if fitted as such* and armrest down or up as required PASSENGER leases a seat behind nothing in the lease gives the passenger the RIGHT to use a computer NO QUESTION passenger has a right to recline i do and will continue to do so

Your "right" is in your head. There is no "right" to be an asshole. There is no promise of being able to use the recline feature. If you recline and hit my knees, it will cause discomfort for the entire flight, not to mention possibly compromising the circulation in my legs.

If you choose to do so. I simply choose to continue to wiggles my knees, in an effort to maintain good circulation. So you will have a bouncing, thumping seat. Good luck being comfortable. Oh, bear in mind that your head will now be in perfect sneezing range. Oops. Sorry about that snot in your hair. But it is my right to sneeze.

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