Delusional Democrat Nadler Still Thinks He Can Impeach Trump

The House will impeach Trump, that was known as soon as the votes were counted after the 2018 election and Dems resumed the majority.

Absent solid proof of real black letter crimes, the "trial" in the Senate will be very short.

How can anyone claim the White House is withholding information when the President declassified every piece of paper associated with the call? The transcript, the whistleblower complaint, the Inspector General’s report, all of these are classified and could have been held back with a perfectly valid claim of executive privilege. That didn’t happen. The President released the information so quickly that Democrats were still calling for their release after they’d already been released.
Nadler doesn't seem so enthusiastic about impeachment anymore. Maybe NY congresspeople can read the potential political fallout for democrats better than Schiff and the California crazies.
Nadler doesn't seem so enthusiastic about impeachment anymore. Maybe NY congresspeople can read the potential political fallout for democrats better than Schiff and the California crazies.
Thanks to the NPV (National Popular Vote) compact, CA Republicans, while they can not directly deliver CA's 55 ECV to Trump, they can help deliver the 196 ECV in the NPV to our President.

President Trump, polling only in the low 30% in favorvorability on election day, still won the Popular vote outside of CA. California, of course, has changed it's election rule severely limiting GOP candidates were running for high statewide office.

Everyone knew Hillary would win and there wasn't even a GOP choice in the US Senate race, the only two choices were Whorizontal Harris and Sanchez, so, the CA GOP stayed home and Hillary ran up the Popular vote so high in CA, that it overcame Trump's lead in the other 49 states, which meant nothing in the Presidential contest. But no Longer.

The Only State in the Union with MORE GOP voters than CA if Texas. And with CA Republcians turning out, Trump can win the Popular Vote and with it, the 196 NPV votes.

Trump taking the likely states plus the NPV states results in a map that looks like this:


That's a thumpin!

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