Dem Congresswoman Calls UC Berkeley Riots A “Beautiful Sight”

Proof more heavy weapons should have been used by police
You know I lived in LA during the 72 earthquake as well and the police had orders to shoot to kill any looters. After the first two were shot and killed the looting was stopped in it's tracks.
A Beautiful Sight: When a Female Hillary Supporter Defacates on a Trump Poster right in front of 200 people and allowing the event to be taped.
I agree with her 100%. It is an absolutely beautiful thing to watch as libtards burn their own cities and campuses to the ground, destroy their local business' and disrupt their own lives. I love it. She asked what we could do to help and I have a couple ideas. First send matches, lots of matches, free matches for all protesters, use the shit out of those things. Second create a hate Trump day and nobody go to work, just burn shit, break things and cause chaos. Third, and this is more for me. Make sure it's all on TV because I want to watch these idiots level their own towns.

This might be a popular sentiment but if you've ever been in a big city race riot, you'd never want to see another one. In July of '67, there were over 2,200 buildings on fire in was open warfare on the streets. Snipers, machine gun nests set up in alleys, firemen being shot at up on their ladders. They claim the death-toll was in the 40's but there were numerous reports of cops throwing dead bodies into the Detroit River. LBJ demanded Romney declare an "insurrection" to get Federal troops, but if he had all the insurance policies in the affected parts of the city would have been declared null and void. The rackets boys muscled up and put out the word that if the blacks crossed 8 Mile Rd, they would massacre them. Finally 82nd Airborne was called in and it stopped. But the city was destroyed emotionally as well as physically from white flight and no intention on the city's part to rebuild. You better be ready for the consequences of advocating for riots.
I think you got the same point I was making at the end of your post. They gained what? Their city fell apart and is still a train wreck today. My point is these people want more government, more chaos, more destruction all because of feelings. And when they take that path the consequences are brutal for those left in the wake of smoldering buildings and a loss of business in that area. I don't have any consequences to worry about, they do. Maybe they should have thought this through a bit more. That's why I sit back and laugh while watching their own self inflicted destruction.
Every time a Democrats lips or body moves, Lord Voldemort Trump grows stronger.

In fairness, and it is important to be fair when it comes to the language, she never referred to or used the term riot, and she did say it was beautiful but it sounded to me like she was referring to young people getting involved through protest, she was remiss in not mentioning the violence and not making a distinction between that and peaceful protests and I believe she was really speaking with the best of intentions.

That's like praising Germans for wanting to visit and spend time in Poland in 1938.

I wan't praising her, she came across as very sincere and not trying to play politics with this [it would have been far more long winded if it was political]

Again, she praised a violent event where people were sent to the hospital and businesses were destroyed.

Yes she did, as I said in my post she was remiss in not making a distinction between that and peaceful protests...mistake on her part
You better be ready for the consequences of advocating for riots
Yes you are spot on, I was on a train during the LA riots in the 80's. The train went through south central. The train was attacked with bottles and bricks and eventually a fire broke out in the last car. Probably a molotov cocktail. Anyway it was so bad the train went straight to Orange county before it was safe to stop.

My brother is a musician and he was playing a gig downtown the night it started. A "blind pig" (after hours illegal bar) was busted and 80 drunks were being loaded into paddy wagons when the locals started throwing bricks and bottles. Then the Panthers got involved....fucking Rap Brown started that shit and never was charged for it. By daylight, the bar we were at was burned to the ground...we were caught in a pal's apartment building. So many rounds hit that building we had to crawl around on the floor all day and into the next day. All the pawn shops were looted for guns and the gas stations robbed and used for Molotov cocktails. The looters would clean out a block and then the Panthers would cruise by and torch the block. We finally got back out to Livonia the next night and at midnight the entire Detroit skyline was bright orange from the thousands of fires.
Proof more heavy weapons should have been used by police
You know I lived in LA during the 72 earthquake as well and the police had orders to shoot to kill any looters. After the first two were shot and killed the looting was stopped in it's tracks.
Friend of mine was an LA cop in the Watts riots. Said the National Guard would drive down the street firing 50 cal guns from their vehicles. The good ol days.
Friend of mine was an LA cop in the Watts riots. Said the National Guard would drive down the street firing 50 cal guns from their vehicles. The good ol days.
Those days can come back if push comes to shove....Trump will not stand for this BS like Obama did...actually Obama was the instigator.
Friend of mine was an LA cop in the Watts riots. Said the National Guard would drive down the street firing 50 cal guns from their vehicles. The good ol days.

I saw a fire truck on Woodward Ave. with a .50 mounted on the back of it....then TANKS...we cruised Woodward for snatch and here it was Dodge City. Everybody out in the burbs were out on their porches with hunting rifles and shotguns...the willies knew better than to head out too far from the inner-city. Meanwhile the Tigers were in a pennant race and their stadium was right in the middle of it.....Michigan and Trumbull. By September a few hardy souls headed back down to the ball yard for day games.....night games, not so much.
actually from a conservative, a beautiful sight is seeing Al Sharpton and Joy Blowhard, tied to steel chairs, next to each other, muzzeled, and famous conservatives approach both of them one by one and expressing their true feelings about them, using all seven bad curse words!, and have at least 24 hours worth of conservatives in that line.
I almost hope that such morons become the norm among Democrats, but honestly, we need the Democrats to shed the embiciles and return to their traditional role of advocating as a LOYAL opposition party, not the seditious thugs they are now.

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