Dem drunk on senate floor

And............not only did I work as a DAPA for the Navy for 8 years, I also worked at a biker bar here in Amarillo for around 4.

It was called "Boondocks". And.......working in a bar, combined with my training as a DAPA, made me really good at spotting someone who is hammered.

And, because of my job at the bar which was populated by bikers, I could also tell (mostly) when someone was on something else besides beer and weed.
No surprise. Anyone who voted yea had to be drunk. Pelosi and Reid probably spiked the coffee. Heehee
This guy has been arround a long time ,this is teh only tape I have ever seen where he looks like this.

Hes either medicated or had a two martini lunch ( the time is like 1:25).

I dont think any laws were broken and it is not a pattern.

remember you guys put the likes of Foley in the congress.
That fucker is HAMMERED!

To about the same point as an 11 or 12 pm drunk, which is to say (if I had to guess) probably twice the legal limit to drive.

How can you tell? Simple actually, as there are a few different signs that someone is plowed.

But first, it helps to understand the effects of ETOH (ethyl alcohol) on the body.

1) Depressant. It puts someone to sleep by limiting the input from their limbs. How can you spot this? Easy..........over exaggeration of gestures, because when someone who is SOBER gestures, they have a set specific distance that they stop at.

Kinda like someone pointing their finger 1 inch from your nose.

But, because alcohol is a depressant, it starts to shut down the nervous system, which means that when you want to do a specific gesture, the signals to stop don't get there fast enough, and there is an over exaggeration of the gesture.

Instead of stopping 1 inch from your nose, they end up poking your cheek.

Baucus did it repeatedly through the video.

2) Reduction of inhibitions. What does that do? that state you don't have any inhibitions, so therefore you can't stop yourself from saying what you REALLY feel. Also explains the Latin phrase "in vino veritas" or, in wine, there is truth.

3) Eye movement. Matter of fact, that is one of the quickest and most accurate drunk tests there is. A tester will hold an object in front of your eyes, and ask you to follow it with both of them as they move it around in front of you.

Now.......eyes normally track very smooth. When you're drunk? There are "jumps" which means you're steady, then when the object moves, you don't track as much as move immediately to the next place where you think it's going to be.

The test is called "gaze nystogamus"(sp?).

Yeah.............this fucker is plowed.

Hey Shallow Skeeve........I guess my DAPA training still works, eh?

Hey I am inclinded to believe you here. You made a good case for your assertion. I dont know that much about drunks but this seems to make sense. He did sound perfectly rational to me but the time was like 1 something and maybe he had a drink with his lunch.

You see cons ,this is how you make a point, with facts and information.

These are the things that change peoples minds.
You are affraid to use facts because then you would have toss so many of your failed ideas in the trash.

how about you just kiss biker's old navy ass? we don't live to please you. We told you the guy was drunk; but he looked and sounded rational to you? You be nutz.
And............not only did I work as a DAPA for the Navy for 8 years, I also worked at a biker bar here in Amarillo for around 4.

It was called "Boondocks". And.......working in a bar, combined with my training as a DAPA, made me really good at spotting someone who is hammered.

And, because of my job at the bar which was populated by bikers, I could also tell (mostly) when someone was on something else besides beer and weed.

All of us could tell he was hammered. Except for Truthdoesn'tmatter.
And............not only did I work as a DAPA for the Navy for 8 years, I also worked at a biker bar here in Amarillo for around 4.

It was called "Boondocks". And.......working in a bar, combined with my training as a DAPA, made me really good at spotting someone who is hammered.

And, because of my job at the bar which was populated by bikers, I could also tell (mostly) when someone was on something else besides beer and weed.

All of us could tell he was hammered. Except for Truthdoesn'tmatter.

"All of us" -- what an amusing conclusion. And "all of you" would be ...
And............not only did I work as a DAPA for the Navy for 8 years, I also worked at a biker bar here in Amarillo for around 4.

It was called "Boondocks". And.......working in a bar, combined with my training as a DAPA, made me really good at spotting someone who is hammered.

And, because of my job at the bar which was populated by bikers, I could also tell (mostly) when someone was on something else besides beer and weed.

All of us could tell he was hammered. Except for Truthdoesn'tmatter.

"All of us" -- what an amusing conclusion. And "all of you" would be ...

I believe she is referring to the intelligent people in this thread who can tell that Baucus was plastered...

What IS amusing is watching those die-hard liberals spin and defend him...:lol:
And............not only did I work as a DAPA for the Navy for 8 years, I also worked at a biker bar here in Amarillo for around 4.

It was called "Boondocks". And.......working in a bar, combined with my training as a DAPA, made me really good at spotting someone who is hammered.

And, because of my job at the bar which was populated by bikers, I could also tell (mostly) when someone was on something else besides beer and weed.

All of us could tell he was hammered. Except for Truthdoesn'tmatter.

"All of us" -- what an amusing conclusion. And "all of you" would be ...

HIC !! "we" resemble that remark :lol::lol:
Looks like Baucus gave an ass kicking to the Republicans and it was well deserved

Good Job!
Try to clairify where he sounded unintact?

You never even listend to WHAT he said willow

How long can you keep your head UYA....????
Are you still a "warmer" too?:lol:

I say let's organize a royal battle somewhere in a field in Middle America: The WARMERS vs. the BIRTHERS, and see who wins. Who will lead the army of Birthers? Glenn Beck and Obama's 90-year old grandma?
All of us could tell he was hammered. Except for Truthdoesn'tmatter.

"All of us" -- what an amusing conclusion. And "all of you" would be ...

I believe she is referring to the intelligent people in this thread who can tell that Baucus was plastered...

What IS amusing is watching those die-hard liberals spin and defend him...:lol:

Trust me, I know plastered or hammered, and he was neither.
Baucus was just up there laying into worthless GOP Senators who care more about party loyalty than they do about US citizens.

Long overdue ass kicking by Baucus
Baucus was just up there laying into worthless GOP Senators who care more about party loyalty than they do about US citizens.

Long overdue ass kicking by Baucus

Can't the same thing be said about the Democrats supporting this health care bill rather than opposing it?
And............not only did I work as a DAPA for the Navy for 8 years, I also worked at a biker bar here in Amarillo for around 4.

It was called "Boondocks". And.......working in a bar, combined with my training as a DAPA, made me really good at spotting someone who is hammered.

And, because of my job at the bar which was populated by bikers, I could also tell (mostly) when someone was on something else besides beer and weed.

A dapa guy who worked at a bar? Isnt that like Roman Polanski working at a catholic girl school? :doubt:
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