Dem introduces bills to eliminate electoral college, stop presidents from pardoning themselves

The EC is certainly obsolete; but the only people I know who want the President to maintain pardon power for himself, family and associates are alt-right Trump sheep who want white-collar crime legalized.

Also, Hillary did not sell Russia 20% of U.S. uranium. If you somehow still believe that, there is no point in engaging you about anythiong.

The Electoral College assures that all of the states have some say in determining their President. Why give all the power to California and New York?

Why float easily-debunked mythologies as false premises?

It spreads it out, and means that candidates have to appeal to many states.


No Virginia, in practice it does the exact opposite. Republican candies don't bother to go to California, Democratic candies don't bother with Texas, and nobody goes to Alaska or Hawaìi because the Duopoly already carved them up by 'gentlemen's agreement'. The fact is most states are known to be going "red" or "blue", a concept which would not even EXIST without the WTA Electoral College system, which means there's as little reason for the opposite-colored candidate to go there as there is for any of their citizens to vote, because neither one is gonna make a god damned bit of difference to the result.

THAT's what a fixed election is.

And if you got rid of it you'd have the candidates spending all their time in California, New York, Texas, and Florida. I don't see how that remedies anything.

As always happens with this topic we're talking about two different things. I'm talking about the bullshit WTA system. That's what the phrase "in practice" means.

We should not have any such concept as "red state"or "blue state". That's absolute bullshit. And WTA is what creates it. My own state for example --- no candidate got as much as 50% of the vote, yet our 15 electors went to Congress and lied their asses off telling them the vote was unanimous for Rump. Just as the electors for New York and California lied their asses off telling them it was unanimous for Clinton. In no cases were those claims true, and knowing the New Yorks and the Utahs and the Connecticuts and the Alabamas were going to go the way they were going, meant that neither "candidate" needed to visit any of them because they're foregone conclusions. NOR do the residents of such states have any reason to vote at all, since their vote means literally nothing. That's why our turnout is abysmal.

One of the main architects of the EC, James Madison, could already see where this was going and wanted a Constitutional Amendment to ban the practice. Even though he was from Virginia.
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In doing so they prove they are too stupid to understand why the Electoral College was established to begin with and why it is so important today - all they understand is 'Hillary lost because of the Electoral College'....

Which brings me to my 2nd point:


Without having to address her long history of scandal / sexual misconduct enabling / abandoning Americans to needlessly die / selling Russia 20% of the US' uranium, compromising our national security / etc.... Hillary Clinton should NEVER have been in the election to begin with as she failed to WIN her own party's nomination. The election should have been Sanders versus Trump.

House Dems move to eliminate Electoral College, limit presidential pardon power and more in first days back

Nothing to do with Hillary, she's toast and rightly so.

It is long past due time to scrap this vestigial anti-democratic remnant of compromise to the slave states of the Antebellum Planter aristocracy.
So get rid of a republic and enter a mob rule democracy?
How do we vote for governors?
At a state level, not federal level. You should know this.
We dont use a mob rule democracy to get it done?
Nery well may need to
In doing so they prove they are too stupid to understand why the Electoral College was established to begin with and why it is so important today - all they understand is 'Hillary lost because of the Electoral College'....

Which brings me to my 2nd point:


Without having to address her long history of scandal / sexual misconduct enabling / abandoning Americans to needlessly die / selling Russia 20% of the US' uranium, compromising our national security / etc.... Hillary Clinton should NEVER have been in the election to begin with as she failed to WIN her own party's nomination. The election should have been Sanders versus Trump.

House Dems move to eliminate Electoral College, limit presidential pardon power and more in first days back

Nothing to do with Hillary, she's toast and rightly so.

It is long past due time to scrap this vestigial anti-democratic remnant of compromise to the slave states of the Antebellum Planter aristocracy.
So get rid of a republic and enter a mob rule democracy?

We have no democratic republic.
In doing so they prove they are too stupid to understand why the Electoral College was established to begin with and why it is so important today - all they understand is 'Hillary lost because of the Electoral College'....

Which brings me to my 2nd point:


Without having to address her long history of scandal / sexual misconduct enabling / abandoning Americans to needlessly die / selling Russia 20% of the US' uranium, compromising our national security / etc.... Hillary Clinton should NEVER have been in the election to begin with as she failed to WIN her own party's nomination. The election should have been Sanders versus Trump.

House Dems move to eliminate Electoral College, limit presidential pardon power and more in first days back

Nothing to do with Hillary, she's toast and rightly so.

It is long past due time to scrap this vestigial anti-democratic remnant of compromise to the slave states of the Antebellum Planter aristocracy.
So get rid of a republic and enter a mob rule democracy?
How do we vote for governors?
At a state level, not federal level. You should know this.
We dont use a mob rule democracy to get it done?
Good point, but it does show just how bad it works.
Take Ca. for instance........frisco and LA dictate to the rest of the state their liberal policies, and
the agricultural regions suffer the consequences and can't do a damn thing about it.
In doing so they prove they are too stupid to understand why the Electoral College was established to begin with and why it is so important today - all they understand is 'Hillary lost because of the Electoral College'....

Which brings me to my 2nd point:


Without having to address her long history of scandal / sexual misconduct enabling / abandoning Americans to needlessly die / selling Russia 20% of the US' uranium, compromising our national security / etc.... Hillary Clinton should NEVER have been in the election to begin with as she failed to WIN her own party's nomination. The election should have been Sanders versus Trump.

House Dems move to eliminate Electoral College, limit presidential pardon power and more in first days back

The circus has come to town...
Just now?
Where have you been the last 2 years?
How many corrupt cabinet guys resigned ?
Nothing to do with Hillary, she's toast and rightly so.

It is long past due time to scrap this vestigial anti-democratic remnant of compromise to the slave states of the Antebellum Planter aristocracy.
So get rid of a republic and enter a mob rule democracy?
How do we vote for governors?
At a state level, not federal level. You should know this.
We dont use a mob rule democracy to get it done?
Good point, but it does show just how bad it works.
Take Ca. for instance........frisco and LA dictate to the rest of the state their liberal policies, and
the agricultural regions suffer the consequences and can't do a damn thing about it.
California is the 5th largest economy in the world....not Looks like its working to me.
Not to the slave states, but to the smaller states. Its the system we have, it works well, and it won't ever be changed because it would take too many states to agree, so its really stupid to debate. The EC is here to stay.

But to the ignoramuses, the states will rush to ratify an amendment that removes their representation in the executive branch.


No State shall have input to the selection of the President of the United States except California, New York, and Florida. All other states will be compelled by this amendment to bow, scrape, and serve their betters in the coastal states.
So get rid of a republic and enter a mob rule democracy?
How do we vote for governors?
At a state level, not federal level. You should know this.
We dont use a mob rule democracy to get it done?
Good point, but it does show just how bad it works.
Take Ca. for instance........frisco and LA dictate to the rest of the state their liberal policies, and
the agricultural regions suffer the consequences and can't do a damn thing about it.
California is the 5th largest economy in the world....not Looks like its working to me.

Therein lays the irritant.
They don't need too eliminate the EC. The Democrats will have one party rule in less than ten years as Metro areas are swinging each state BLUE. Every state that has a major population center (city and burbs) will be able to control the entire state, and since they are ALL DEMOCRAT, that's the way they will go.
The EC is certainly obsolete
So you are not bright enough to understand why the EC is used and why it is so important still today....

Copy That.

Just tell me you don't think the EC had anything really to do with her loss........
As slavery played a major role in the creation of the EC, it’s clearly time for an update.

43 states have a population less than LA County. It seems to me the EC is needed now more than ever.
Why should the vote from people in their state count more than the vote from someone in LA County?
In doing so they prove they are too stupid to understand why the Electoral College was established to begin with and why it is so important today - all they understand is 'Hillary lost because of the Electoral College'....

Which brings me to my 2nd point:


Without having to address her long history of scandal / sexual misconduct enabling / abandoning Americans to needlessly die / selling Russia 20% of the US' uranium, compromising our national security / etc.... Hillary Clinton should NEVER have been in the election to begin with as she failed to WIN her own party's nomination. The election should have been Sanders versus Trump.

House Dems move to eliminate Electoral College, limit presidential pardon power and more in first days back

Its always been about party power and all they want is the ability for California and New York State to exclusively control our elections while omitting all the other states having any say. This is tantamount to TREASON and trying to usurp and overthrow the government and on those grounds alone, Trump ought to have Pelosi and the rest driving this all arrested right now and charged with treason and high crimes against the United States And thrown in federal prison. The Democrats are children in a glass house carrying rocks driving this country into a constitutional meltdown.

Just stop, advocating changing the COTUS is NOT treason. The fucking document is designed to be changed.

Leave that kind of nonsense to the liberal bed wetters.

So you'd be all for a foreigner coming in as president, then invoking that we change the Constitution to give the UN authority OVER our own federal government?
The EC is certainly obsolete; but the only people I know who want the President to maintain pardon power for himself, family and associates are alt-right Trump sheep who want white-collar crime legalized.

Also, Hillary did not sell Russia 20% of U.S. uranium. If you somehow still believe that, there is no point in engaging you about anythiong.

The Electoral College assures that all of the states have some say in determining their President. Why give all the power to California and New York?

Why float easily-debunked mythologies as false premises?

It spreads it out, and means that candidates have to appeal to many states.


No Virginia, in practice it does the exact opposite. Republican candies don't bother to go to California, Democratic candies don't bother with Texas, and nobody goes to Alaska or Hawaìi because the Duopoly already carved them up by 'gentlemen's agreement'. The fact is most states are known to be going "red" or "blue", a concept which would not even EXIST without the WTA Electoral College system, which means there's as little reason for the opposite-colored candidate to go there as there is for any of their citizens to vote, because neither one is gonna make a god damned bit of difference to the result.

THAT's what a fixed election is.

And if you got rid of it you'd have the candidates spending all their time in California, New York, Texas, and Florida. I don't see how that remedies anything.

As always happens with this topic we're talking about two different things. I'm talking about the bullshit WTA system. That's what the phrase "in practice" means.

We should not have any such concept as "red state"or "blue state". That's absolute bullshit. And WTA is what creates it. My own state for example --- no candidate got as much as 50% of the vote, yet our 15 electors went to Congress and lied their asses off telling them the vote was unanimous for Rump. Just as the electors for New York and California lied their asses off telling them it was unanimous for Clinton. In no cases were those claims true, and knowing the New Yorks and the Utahs and the Connecticuts and the Alabamas were going to go the way they were going, meant that neither "candidate" needed to visit any of them because they're foregone conclusions. NOR do the residents of such states have any reason to vote at all, since their vote means literally nothing. That's why our turnout is abysmal.

One of the main architects of the EC, James Madison, could already see where this was going and wanted a Constitutional Amendment to ban the practice. Even though he was from Virginia.

The Libs like Winner take all, however. A few years ago, out in California, there was a movement to adopt proportionate sharing of the electoral vote. The libs fought it tooth and nail and ended up defeating the idea.
So get rid of a republic and enter a mob rule democracy?
How do we vote for governors?
At a state level, not federal level. You should know this.
We dont use a mob rule democracy to get it done?
Good point, but it does show just how bad it works.
Take Ca. for instance........frisco and LA dictate to the rest of the state their liberal policies, and
the agricultural regions suffer the consequences and can't do a damn thing about it.
California is the 5th largest economy in the world....not Looks like its working to me.
So get rid of a republic and enter a mob rule democracy?
How do we vote for governors?
At a state level, not federal level. You should know this.
We dont use a mob rule democracy to get it done?
Good point, but it does show just how bad it works.
Take Ca. for instance........frisco and LA dictate to the rest of the state their liberal policies, and
the agricultural regions suffer the consequences and can't do a damn thing about it.
California is the 5th largest economy in the world....not Looks like its working to me.
Yeah, funny how much money is located in LA and frisco,and San Diego it really is amazing, huh?
Too bad for the ag industry, delta smelt are very important to LA and frisco
In doing so they prove they are too stupid to understand why the Electoral College was established to begin with and why it is so important today - all they understand is 'Hillary lost because of the Electoral College'....

Which brings me to my 2nd point:


Without having to address her long history of scandal / sexual misconduct enabling / abandoning Americans to needlessly die / selling Russia 20% of the US' uranium, compromising our national security / etc.... Hillary Clinton should NEVER have been in the election to begin with as she failed to WIN her own party's nomination. The election should have been Sanders versus Trump.

House Dems move to eliminate Electoral College, limit presidential pardon power and more in first days back

Its always been about party power and all they want is the ability for California and New York State to exclusively control our elections while omitting all the other states having any say. This is tantamount to TREASON and trying to usurp and overthrow the government and on those grounds alone, Trump ought to have Pelosi and the rest driving this all arrested right now and charged with treason and high crimes against the United States And thrown in federal prison. The Democrats are children in a glass house carrying rocks driving this country into a constitutional meltdown.

Just stop, advocating changing the COTUS is NOT treason. The fucking document is designed to be changed.

Leave that kind of nonsense to the liberal bed wetters.

So you'd be all for a foreigner coming in as president, then invoking that we change the Constitution to give the UN authority OVER our own federal government?

A foreigner can't be President, well not unless the COTUS is changed.

However, to answer the question you were trying to ask.

It's not my fault that you are too stupid to understand the difference between being okay with someone else having a right, and actually exercising that right myself. Do I believe that the COTUS should be changed to do away with the EC? No , of course I do not. Do I believe it's treason to try to change it? No, I do not. primarily because it isn't.
They have to appease their base with this nonsense that they know will go nowhere.
This is the more practical approach: National Popular Vote

It was the national popular vote. In presidential races, it is the states, not the people, who elect the president. And Trump won more states.


Ah but the POTUS is the President of the people, not President of the States.

you're wrong, the title is President of the United States. Not President of the People or President of America.
If the Democrats successfully got the election system changed to require a popular vote win instead of an EC win prior to the 2020 election, and if Hillary ran again in 2020 and ended up winning the EC but losing in the new Popular Vote Format thus losing the WH for a 3rd time, the Democrats would go insane and immediately push to reverse their actions to get the EC re-instated.

If the EC was replaced with a popular vote the US would be broken up into many regions with regional parties and regional candidates, essentially becoming a "jungle primary". No one would win a "majority" of votes unless the election was a two step process with a runoff between the top two candidates. Look at the 1968 election map, CA was Republican, TX was democrat, and the deep south was 3rd party. Voters are not locked into anything
1968 United States presidential election - Wikipedia
They have to appease their base with this nonsense that they know will go nowhere.
This is the more practical approach: National Popular Vote

It was the national popular vote. In presidential races, it is the states, not the people, who elect the president. And Trump won more states.


Ah but the POTUS is the President of the people, not President of the States.

Incorrect. the President is the President of THE United States, see it's right in the acronym you used.

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