Dem introduces bills to eliminate electoral college, stop presidents from pardoning themselves

If the EC was replaced with a popular vote the US would be broken up into many regions with regional parties and regional candidates, essentially becoming a "jungle primary". No one would win a "majority" of votes unless the election was a two step process with a runoff between the top two candidates. Look at the 1968 election map, CA was Republican, TX was democrat, and the deep south was 3rd party. Voters are not locked into anything
1968 United States presidential election - Wikipedia

You forgot to make the case for why that would be a bad thing.

Oh and this isn't 1968 any more. Check your calendar.
The point is, in ~50 years you will be saying that it's not 2019 any more, and you will be puzzled at how the presidential map looked like it did. The EC stood and stands the tests of time, that was the genius of the Founding Fathers.

Counting enslaved people as three-fifths of a person while awarding them zero-fifths of a vote is "genius", is it?

Can we get a definition for "retarded" then? Like to know what our choices are here.

Meanwhile, you didn't address the point. At all.
1. Having regional candidates and a "jungle primary" vote for president would eliminate your main point of having a popular vote winner. Main point was addressed.
2. Slavery was the norm until it wasn't. Slaves built the pyramids and were used as cheap labor throughout history. Trying to apply today's norms to ancient times is ridiculous. Having the Taliban view of the confederacy is very intolerant.
3. The Founding Fathers did a remarkably good job creating the USA, especially considering that amendments keep the Constitution and the country intact.
No stupid. Slaves did not build the pyramids. Go get some education before you start talking.

I think he meant the White House.
The United States is a collection of States. The Federal Government, and the President serve at the PLEASURE of the STATES. The States elect the President, not the "People".

Then essplain to the class what the fucking point of having an "Election Day" is.

Well at least this liberal outright admits he's ignorant.

"the people" do not elect a President, the people's representatives via the EC do.

This will no doubt sail way over your head but when I ask a question --- it doesn't mean I don't know the answer.
The EC is certainly obsolete; but the only people I know who want the President to maintain pardon power for himself, family and associates are alt-right Trump sheep who want white-collar crime legalized.

Also, Hillary did not sell Russia 20% of U.S. uranium. If you somehow still believe that, there is no point in engaging you about anything.

The Uranium thing is real, even if the MSM doesn’t tell you it is. Smart wasn’t it!

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In doing so they prove they are too stupid to understand why the Electoral College was established to begin with and why it is so important today - all they understand is 'Hillary lost because of the Electoral College'....

Which brings me to my 2nd point:


Without having to address her long history of scandal / sexual misconduct enabling / abandoning Americans to needlessly die / selling Russia 20% of the US' uranium, compromising our national security / etc.... Hillary Clinton should NEVER have been in the election to begin with as she failed to WIN her own party's nomination. The election should have been Sanders versus Trump.

House Dems move to eliminate Electoral College, limit presidential pardon power and more in first days back
Nolte: Tyrannical Democrats Introduce Bill to Kill Electoral College
Nolte is the new darling of the Left.
What’s more, if the electoral college goes, the next target will be the U.S. Senate. After Trump and the Republicans managed to hold the Senate in 2018, you heard a lot of media griping about how unfair it is that a state like Wyoming (population 600,000) is represented as equally in the Senate as a New York (population 8.8 million).
Why do all of these fuckers look like their parents fed them with a slingshot when they were a baby???
Clearly that's not the purpose, since, as I already laid out, my state (for example) went and voted unanimously for Rump, while the sham called "Election Day" didn't even give him half our vote.

IOW the sham of "Election Day" had nothing to do with how the state voted.

That's PRESIDENT Rump to you Sluggo.
Clearly that's not the purpose, since, as I already laid out, my state (for example) went and voted unanimously for Rump, while the sham called "Election Day" didn't even give him half our vote.

IOW the sham of "Election Day" had nothing to do with how the state voted.

That's PRESIDENT Rump to you Sluggo.

Ah but the POTUS is the President of the people, not President of the States.

So then Herr Stalin, we are "The United Peoples of America?"


You really are quite the dolt, Sluggo.

Oh look. Pothead gets caught running a sock.
They have to appease their base with this nonsense that they know will go nowhere.
This is the more practical approach: National Popular Vote

It was the national popular vote. In presidential races, it is the states, not the people, who elect the president. And Trump won more states.


Ah but the POTUS is the President of the people, not President of the States.

Incorrect. the President is the President of THE United States, see it's right in the acronym you used.

You have to forgive Sluggo, he is uneducated, ignorant, and rather dull of wit. His desire for a collectivist dictatorship overwhelms his limited knowledge of how our government operates.
The United States is a collection of States. The Federal Government, and the President serve at the PLEASURE of the STATES. The States elect the President, not the "People".

Then essplain to the class what the fucking point of having an "Election Day" is.

For the people in the many states to decide what is in their interest as citizens of those states in electing who their state will choose as president.

Perhaps a 3rd grade civics course would aid you, Sluggo?
Counting enslaved people as three-fifths of a person while awarding them zero-fifths of a vote is "genius", is it?

Can we get a definition for "retarded" then? Like to know what our choices are here.

Meanwhile, you didn't address the point. At all.

No retard, that is called "compromise," a necessary component to establishing a functional government.

We did away with that, you drooling retard. No doubt DailyKOS failed to let you know....
Hopefully this frivolous bill satisfies Congressman Steve Cohen's (D-Tenn) call for 15 minutes of fame.
Counting enslaved people as three-fifths of a person while awarding them zero-fifths of a vote is "genius", is it?

Can we get a definition for "retarded" then? Like to know what our choices are here.

Meanwhile, you didn't address the point. At all.

No retard, that is called "compromise," a necessary component to establishing a functional government.

We did away with that, you drooling retard. No doubt DailyKOS failed to let you know....

That was the single dumbest move in the political history of the US. That's just a fact. Southerners wanted their cake and to eat it too, it ended up biting them in the ass. Asclepias's great great grandad never should have been awarded 3/5 person status by southerners simply because they wanted more representatives in the House.

They have to appease their base with this nonsense that they know will go nowhere.
This is the more practical approach: National Popular Vote

It was the national popular vote. In presidential races, it is the states, not the people, who elect the president. And Trump won more states.


Ah but the POTUS is the President of the people, not President of the States.

Incorrect. the President is the President of THE United States, see it's right in the acronym you used.

You have to forgive Sluggo, he is uneducated, ignorant, and rather dull of wit. His desire for a collectivist dictatorship overwhelms his limited knowledge of how our government operates.

Sockpuppet says what?

Or should I call you "Pilot Pothead" now?

Yer busted, Hunior.
This is the more practical approach: National Popular Vote

It was the national popular vote. In presidential races, it is the states, not the people, who elect the president. And Trump won more states.


Ah but the POTUS is the President of the people, not President of the States.

Incorrect. the President is the President of THE United States, see it's right in the acronym you used.

You have to forgive Sluggo, he is uneducated, ignorant, and rather dull of wit. His desire for a collectivist dictatorship overwhelms his limited knowledge of how our government operates.

Sockpuppet says what?

Or should I call you "Pilot Pothead" now?

Yer busted, Hunior.

Hunior? That may be one of the funniest typos I've seen yet LOL
Clearly that's not the purpose, since, as I already laid out, my state (for example) went and voted unanimously for Rump, while the sham called "Election Day" didn't even give him half our vote.

IOW the sham of "Election Day" had nothing to do with how the state voted.

No fuckwad, your state did not; because no one named "Rump" was running.

Now look Sluggo, you have the mentality of a backwards Jr. High child; so your little ignorant rants are expected. The state where you reside cast their electoral votes for Donald Trump because the majority of those who voted in your state wanted Donald Trump.

Yes, you throw a temper tantrum because you are a childish little fuck who didn't get his way. Too fucking bad, grow up. Your state decided to use a "winner take all approach," as did mine, the Peoples Republic of Kalifornia. Funny that you don't mind that when it comes to the far left states, in fact you seek to make those states the ONLY voice in presidential elections.

There is no "sham of election day" you ignorant toddler. There are just childish thugs like you throwing a fit because you didn't get your way. Because you are as ignorant as you are petulant, you want to burn it all down.

Now run along for your 2 minutes hate, you uneducated fool.
And if you got rid of it you'd have the candidates spending all their time in California, New York, Texas, and Florida. I don't see how that remedies anything.
it remedies that the general population doesnt decide the POTUS.

Why should they? I don't understand why so many people believe the president is there to fulfill the wants of the majority of the population. He's not and he never has been. As I said before, the president is not a monarch. It's not solely up to him to set the nation's agenda. The American people keep wanting to turn it into that, but the Executive's role is to work in conjunction with the Legislative branch to guide the nation forward. We are not now nor have we ever been a majority rules nation. We are a republic, not a direct democracy, for a reason. Direct democracy results in tyranny of the majority. We've seen in the past what mob rule does. It results in the Salem Witch Trials and Jim Crow. Again, the House of Representatives was created in equal proportion of the population for the majority of the people in each district to decide how they want to be represented. The Senate was created with equal representation for each state to advance the states' interests. The president's job is to either affirm or reject their agenda based upon whether he feels it is or is not within the best interest of the nation. Sometimes that is what the majority wants and sometimes it's not and the Congress can override his decision if they want. If you want a king, why have Congress at all?
A foreigner can't be President, well not unless the COTUS is changed. Do I believe it's treason to try to change it? No, I do not. primarily because it isn't.

And the assmonger marches on complete with foot in mouth choking on sock. Along with others here arguing the the COTUS was MEANT to be changed, that its not treason to try to change it, even to subvert the government for a political coup, and that would be just fine.

This country is so full of idiots like you, it wouldn't surprise me if most of them voted to end the EC without even knowing what it is for. The only thing bad about the EC, is that it prevents democrats from running the country under MOB RULE, depriving 80% of the nation from having any say in their government!
In doing so they prove they are too stupid to understand why the Electoral College was established to begin with and why it is so important today - all they understand is 'Hillary lost because of the Electoral College'....

Which brings me to my 2nd point:


Without having to address her long history of scandal / sexual misconduct enabling / abandoning Americans to needlessly die / selling Russia 20% of the US' uranium, compromising our national security / etc.... Hillary Clinton should NEVER have been in the election to begin with as she failed to WIN her own party's nomination. The election should have been Sanders versus Trump.

House Dems move to eliminate Electoral College, limit presidential pardon power and more in first days back

Its always been about party power and all they want is the ability for California and New York State to exclusively control our elections while omitting all the other states having any say. This is tantamount to TREASON and trying to usurp and overthrow the government and on those grounds alone, Trump ought to have Pelosi and the rest driving this all arrested right now and charged with treason and high crimes against the United States And thrown in federal prison. The Democrats are children in a glass house carrying rocks driving this country into a constitutional meltdown.

Just stop, advocating changing the COTUS is NOT treason. The fucking document is designed to be changed.

Leave that kind of nonsense to the liberal bed wetters.

So you'd be all for a foreigner coming in as president, then invoking that we change the Constitution to give the UN authority OVER our own federal government?
A foreigner currently cant become POTUS so thats really just a deflection.

Not at all. Folks here are arguing that the COTUS is meant to be changed, and that any change would be OK so the Democrats are only one, maybe two steps away from trying to put a foreign power in control of the US! Its what the Left does best.

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