Dem introduces bills to eliminate electoral college, stop presidents from pardoning themselves

You fielded a broke dick candidate that only "appealed" to big democrat Vote Manufacturing cities; that's EXACTLY what the EC was designed to prevent from becoming President of the United States

Uh, guy, Cities are where the people live... I know this is a difficult concept for you to get... but winning in vast areas of emptiness where people fuck their cousins is not going to make the country better.

You inbred fucks should be happy us big city folks are subsidizing your lifestyle.
You obviously don’t understand economics
The EC was the opposite in the 19th century as rural areas hekd ore sway then urban areas. one thing about those empty areas. Fruit and vegetables, beef, pork, chicken and other meats, oil, coal and power plants of other energy sources, minerals, whats left of manufacturing, and much more come from there. Now there are finely trained people in the cities as we know. But most of the jobs are paper pushing compared to the rural areas.

actually, most of what is done in the rural areas is done by machines now.. that's the point.

Which is why only 3% live in the rural areas, and the government has to subsidize them to do so.
Trump got a lot votes that is more then 3% of the population. I am from a city. I am telling you that if there was ever civil discourse, the cities would lose. Not saying it would happen. But the result would be just that.
They have to repeal the 12th amendment. Goddamn they are STUPID

That would probably be the best way to do it.

An easier way to do it would be to have states pass laws that award their electors on the basis of who wins the national popular vote.

The solution that would work best... go to a system like France has, that it's the national popular vote, but if no one gets over 50%, you have a run-off election.
Basically you’re saying urban America only gets to vote.... Because with that system it be a waste of time for rural America even vote
Progressives hate America, they hate the Constitution, they hate rural America, they hate the middle class, they hate the entire country when their not running it

Naw, man... The people who've fucked the middle class are the Conservatives...

You see, those union guys were making a decent middle class living, until you guys fucked it up with "Right to Work", "At Will Employment", and a bunch of other awful ideas that put us all one step from the unemployment line.

The problem is, you guys are too stupid to realize that you are doing this to yourself. You really think rich guys like Romney and Trump who made their fortunes screwing working people really care about you because you share a skin tone.

(Although Trump's skin tone isn't found in nature, but never mind.)
Right to work works for rural America....
Unions are all about corruption and the good old boy system
The EC was the opposite in the 19th century as rural areas hekd ore sway then urban areas. one thing about those empty areas. Fruit and vegetables, beef, pork, chicken and other meats, oil, coal and power plants of other energy sources, minerals, whats left of manufacturing, and much more come from there. Now there are finely trained people in the cities as we know. But most of the jobs are paper pushing compared to the rural areas.

actually, most of what is done in the rural areas is done by machines now.. that's the point.

Which is why only 3% live in the rural areas, and the government has to subsidize them to do so.
Na, not really
Rural America controls the food, energy and structural integrity along with natural resources of this country.
Big city folks like yourself are just sitting in your high castle oblivious to reality
blah blah blah same moronic crap. show me one fucking Union in a Progressive country.

Dems will get wiped down to a rounding error

Um, okay, I realize that you probably don't even own a passport and have never been outside the US, Cleetus, but in most of the rest of the western world, the Social Democracies, unions are stronger than they are in the US. They get six weeks of vacation in Europe and unions have a say in who sits on corporate boards.

The GOP is the party in danger. There just aren't enough old angry white folks to keep it afloat, and more of you are dying every day due to corporate products.
America rejected Progressive crap so Progressive want to fuck over America. Hillary won one state by 4MM votes including 5 million illegals and dead people voting. Progressive that means they get to run the country.

Fuck off!

Naw, buddy, we get to run the country because 10 million more Americans put Democrats in the House..

Blue wave, bitches.
rump got a lot votes that is more then 3% of the population. I am from a city. I am telling you that if there was ever civil discourse, the cities would lose. Not saying it would happen. But the result would be just that.

Trump got less of the vote than Romney got, the same sad, stupid white people who keep voting against their own economic interests because the GOP has gotten very good at playing on their racial, religious and sexual fears.

He won because of a fluke in a bad system. It won't happen again.
rump got a lot votes that is more then 3% of the population. I am from a city. I am telling you that if there was ever civil discourse, the cities would lose. Not saying it would happen. But the result would be just that.

Trump got less of the vote than Romney got, the same sad, stupid white people who keep voting against their own economic interests because the GOP has gotten very good at playing on their racial, religious and sexual fears.

He won because of a fluke in a bad system. It won't happen again.

Trump won against all odds. The MSM hated him. Hollywood hated him. Even the GOP establishment hated him. All of the polls hated him. There was no way Trump could win.

Why do the Democrats really want to abolish the Electoral College?

The far left extremist Democrat congressman Steve Cohen has introduced a bill that would eliminate the Electoral College.

The Democrats are once again

The Electoral College is there to protect the American Citizens from corrupt oligarchies like the Dirty Democratic Party.
The Democrats are trying to destroy the balance of our representative democracy out of their pure greed for power and money.
Unlike today’s Leftist the Writers of our constitution were brilliant.
The purpose of the Electoral College is to protect the small population states from being permanently shut-out of having equal representation.
Abolishing the Electoral college would give the greed corrupt Democrats permanent political power and screw-over millions of Americans.

Senior Democrat files a bill to abolish the electoral college | Daily Mail Online
Why do the Democrats really want to abolish the Electoral College?

The far left extremist Democrat congressman Steve Cohen has introduced a bill that would eliminate the Electoral College.

The Democrats are once again

The Electoral College is there to protect the American Citizens from corrupt oligarchies like the Dirty Democratic Party.
The Democrats are trying to destroy the balance of our representative democracy out of their pure greed for power and money.
Unlike today’s Leftist the Writers of our constitution were brilliant.
The purpose of the Electoral College is to protect the small population states from being permanently shut-out of having equal representation.
Abolishing the Electoral college would give the greed corrupt Democrats permanent political power and screw-over millions of Americans.

Senior Democrat files a bill to abolish the electoral college | Daily Mail Online

BTW, BOTH sides engage in this. Gerrymandering is the most visible way it's done, well until this anyway.
It seems to me there will be a lot of attempts from Dems to attack US Constitution to make it "flexible" for their Deep State patrons.

You too above morons should learn a bit of history (besides what Hannity teaches you).

The electoral college is an antiquated system started to appease slave states when the union was formed.....NO OTHER democracy/representative republic uses this method of denying the popular voters' majority.
You too above morons should learn a bit of history (besides what Hannity teaches you).

The electoral college is an antiquated system started to appease slave states when the union was formed.....NO OTHER democracy/representative republic uses this method of denying the popular voters' majority.

Translation: Corrupt Democrats can't win fairly so they have to change the rules.
Why do the Democrats really want to abolish the Electoral College?

The far left extremist Democrat congressman Steve Cohen has introduced a bill that would eliminate the Electoral College.

The Democrats are once again

The Electoral College is there to protect the American Citizens from corrupt oligarchies like the Dirty Democratic Party.
The Democrats are trying to destroy the balance of our representative democracy out of their pure greed for power and money.
Unlike today’s Leftist the Writers of our constitution were brilliant.
The purpose of the Electoral College is to protect the small population states from being permanently shut-out of having equal representation.
Abolishing the Electoral college would give the greed corrupt Democrats permanent political power and screw-over millions of Americans.

Senior Democrat files a bill to abolish the electoral college | Daily Mail Online
i don't have a problem with the electoral college getting collegial in their deliberations.
You too above morons should learn a bit of history (besides what Hannity teaches you).

The electoral college is an antiquated system started to appease slave states when the union was formed.....NO OTHER democracy/representative republic uses this method of denying the popular voters' majority.

Corrupt Democrat States such as California are allowing non-citizens to vote.
Far Left Extremist are blocking Voter ID laws so that Dems can vote multiple times under fake names.
Until we fix the the Voting Rights violations of the Democratic Party people should never believe the left wing lies about the popular vote.

The sanctuary cities were created to give the Corrupt Democrat Politicians a permanent majority and to screw-over American Citizens.
An easier way to make the Presidential elections more "democratic" (without changing the Constitution) would be for each state to allocate its electoral votes proportionately.

Nevertheless, has the 2016 election been held on the basis of popular vote, Trump would have won anyway. But Democrats are TOO STUPID to see this. They imagine that the primaries and election would have played out the same way.


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