Dem introduces bills to eliminate electoral college, stop presidents from pardoning themselves

Why do the Democrats really want to abolish the Electoral College?

The far left extremist Democrat congressman Steve Cohen has introduced a bill that would eliminate the Electoral College.

The Democrats are once again

The Electoral College is there to protect the American Citizens from corrupt oligarchies like the Dirty Democratic Party.
The Democrats are trying to destroy the balance of our representative democracy out of their pure greed for power and money.
Unlike today’s Leftist the Writers of our constitution were brilliant.
The purpose of the Electoral College is to protect the small population states from being permanently shut-out of having equal representation.
Abolishing the Electoral college would give the greed corrupt Democrats permanent political power and screw-over millions of Americans.

Senior Democrat files a bill to abolish the electoral college | Daily Mail Online
So no imbecile and carnival barker like Drumpf ever gets elected against the will of the american people. One would think everyone would be ok with that.
You too above morons should learn a bit of history (besides what Hannity teaches you).

The electoral college is an antiquated system started to appease slave states when the union was formed.....NO OTHER democracy/representative republic uses this method of denying the popular voters' majority.

Corrupt Democrat States such as California are allowing non-citizens to vote.
Far Left Extremist are blocking Voter ID laws so that Dems can vote multiple times under fake names.
Until we fix the the Voting Rights violations of the Democratic Party people should never believe the left wing lies about the popular vote.

The sanctuary cities were created to give the Corrupt Democrat Politicians a permanent majority and to screw-over American Citizens.

None of that shit is true.
Bill Clinton never won the popular vote and the Dems never complained.

Clinton did not win a majority of the popular vote in the elections where he won the presidency, but he did win a plurality of the popular vote each time. In neither case did another candidate get more of the popular vote than Clinton.

1992 Presidential General Election Results
1996 Presidential General Election Results

Especially in 92, but in both election years, Perot got a significant portion of the popular vote.
A foreigner can't be President, well not unless the COTUS is changed. Do I believe it's treason to try to change it? No, I do not. primarily because it isn't.

And the assmonger marches on complete with foot in mouth choking on sock. Along with others here arguing the the COTUS was MEANT to be changed, that its not treason to try to change it, even to subvert the government for a political coup, and that would be just fine.

This country is so full of idiots like you, it wouldn't surprise me if most of them voted to end the EC without even knowing what it is for. The only thing bad about the EC, is that it prevents democrats from running the country under MOB RULE, depriving 80% of the nation from having any say in their government!

You don't understand a very simple point means I'm an idiot?

Moron the COTUS is amendable which means advocating amending the COTUS is not treason.
You too above morons should learn a bit of history (besides what Hannity teaches you).

The electoral college is an antiquated system started to appease slave states when the union was formed.....NO OTHER democracy/representative republic uses this method of denying the popular voters' majority.

First of all, it would not matter when or why it was started, since those were the conditions guaranteed originally, they can change without dissolving the union and starting over.

Second is that the need for the electoral college is still as valid as ever, since it would be wrong for the more populated states like CA, FL, and NY, to make other states insignificant. Those other less populated states have equally valid needs and concerns, regardless of population.

Third is that you are wrong that other countries use popular vote. Most countries use the parliamentary process, where only the parliament gets to vote on the Prime Minister and none of the general population gets to vote on this executive leader at all.
An easier way to make the Presidential elections more "democratic" (without changing the Constitution) would be for each state to allocate its electoral votes proportionately.

Nevertheless, has the 2016 election been held on the basis of popular vote, Trump would have won anyway. But Democrats are TOO STUPID to see this. They imagine that the primaries and election would have played out the same way.


Exactly. If the rules had been for a popular vote, then Trump would also have skipped WI, OH, IL, IN, etc., just like Hillary did.
If Hillary had campaigned correctly for the electoral college, and not skipped so many states, she might have won.
Bill Clinton never won the popular vote and the Dems never complained.

Bill Clinton won the popular vote both times. Why do you lie about things so obvious?

Not really.
In a popular vote, if no one gets more than 50%, and Clinton did not, then you have a run off between those 2 only.
And while Clinton likely would have gotten the Nader votes, the Perot votes would likely have gone to a republican.
You too above morons should learn a bit of history (besides what Hannity teaches you).

The electoral college is an antiquated system started to appease slave states when the union was formed.....NO OTHER democracy/representative republic uses this method of denying the popular voters' majority.

Corrupt Democrat States such as California are allowing non-citizens to vote.
Far Left Extremist are blocking Voter ID laws so that Dems can vote multiple times under fake names.
Until we fix the the Voting Rights violations of the Democratic Party people should never believe the left wing lies about the popular vote.

The sanctuary cities were created to give the Corrupt Democrat Politicians a permanent majority and to screw-over American Citizens.

I seriously doubt that is true.
It is virtually impossible for non-citizens to be able to vote, even though since they pay taxes, legally they should be able to.
The "no taxation without representation" thing.
Because they know with Califorina being a rock solid blue state it would give them a strong advantage if the Presidecy was decided by the popular vote instead of the electoral college which in turn would allow them to eventualy turn the Supreme Court strongly liberal and keep it that way as well as the lower courts and they would basically have one party rule.
They want to do away with the electoral college because they only reprisent big cities. If your rural they don’t care about you or your vote. As far as they are concerned the vote should be limited to nyc, la, seattle and miami. Our foundres were much more intelligent than almost all politicians now days, definitely all democrats.
They want it for the same reason they don't want to stop illegal immigration............POWER............CONTROL.......

At the rate of illegals coming here........they will change the Demographics of this country and then try to force all Americans to believe like they do.......Using foreigners to do so.........

They stop at nothing to get power and their way..............It's what they are and how they evolve.
Trump won against all odds. The MSM hated him. Hollywood hated him. Even the GOP establishment hated him. All of the polls hated him. There was no way Trump could win.

He didn't win. He lost by 3 million votes. The people said "No". We are still trying to figure out how much the Russians tampered with the process.

Not sure why you are terribly proud of this.
And if you got rid of it you'd have the candidates spending all their time in California, New York, Texas, and Florida. I don't see how that remedies anything.
it remedies that the general population doesnt decide the POTUS.

Why should they? I don't understand why so many people believe the president is there to fulfill the wants of the majority of the population. He's not and he never has been. As I said before, the president is not a monarch. It's not solely up to him to set the nation's agenda. The American people keep wanting to turn it into that, but the Executive's role is to work in conjunction with the Legislative branch to guide the nation forward. We are not now nor have we ever been a majority rules nation. We are a republic, not a direct democracy, for a reason. Direct democracy results in tyranny of the majority. We've seen in the past what mob rule does. It results in the Salem Witch Trials and Jim Crow. Again, the House of Representatives was created in equal proportion of the population for the majority of the people in each district to decide how they want to be represented. The Senate was created with equal representation for each state to advance the states' interests. The president's job is to either affirm or reject their agenda based upon whether he feels it is or is not within the best interest of the nation. Sometimes that is what the majority wants and sometimes it's not and the Congress can override his decision if they want. If you want a king, why have Congress at all?
Sometimes they do things they made no messages on when running for office. And it isn't for the better.
And if you got rid of it you'd have the candidates spending all their time in California, New York, Texas, and Florida. I don't see how that remedies anything.
it remedies that the general population doesnt decide the POTUS.

Why should they? I don't understand why so many people believe the president is there to fulfill the wants of the majority of the population. He's not and he never has been. As I said before, the president is not a monarch. It's not solely up to him to set the nation's agenda. The American people keep wanting to turn it into that, but the Executive's role is to work in conjunction with the Legislative branch to guide the nation forward. We are not now nor have we ever been a majority rules nation. We are a republic, not a direct democracy, for a reason. Direct democracy results in tyranny of the majority. We've seen in the past what mob rule does. It results in the Salem Witch Trials and Jim Crow. Again, the House of Representatives was created in equal proportion of the population for the majority of the people in each district to decide how they want to be represented. The Senate was created with equal representation for each state to advance the states' interests. The president's job is to either affirm or reject their agenda based upon whether he feels it is or is not within the best interest of the nation. Sometimes that is what the majority wants and sometimes it's not and the Congress can override his decision if they want. If you want a king, why have Congress at all?

"I don't understand why so many people believe the president is there to fulfill the wants of the majority of the population. He's not and he never has been"

WTF? If that was true why do people vote at election time with the name of the candidates for presidency? Think about what you are saying. Basically youre saying that voting for POTUS is an exercise in futility and all those campaign promises are useless.
Why do the Democrats really want to abolish the Electoral College?

The far left extremist Democrat congressman Steve Cohen has introduced a bill that would eliminate the Electoral College.

The Democrats are once again

The Electoral College is there to protect the American Citizens from corrupt oligarchies like the Dirty Democratic Party.

You mean to protect us from people we vote for? That's awful.

Here's the thing, the Electoral College was devised by Slave Rapists who didn't want the people to have much of a say in anything. They wanted to vote restricted to property-owning white males, they wanted the Senate selected by State Legislators and they wanted the President picked by either the EC or Congress. (In fact, they expected that most elections would end up in Congress.)

We've kind of moved beyond that view of Democracy, and rightfully so.
They want to do away with the electoral college because they only reprisent big cities. If your rural they don’t care about you or your vote. As far as they are concerned the vote should be limited to nyc, la, seattle and miami. Our foundres were much more intelligent than almost all politicians now days, definitely all democrats.

Um, guy, big cities are where people ACTUALLY LIVE. Only 3% of the population is living in rural areas fucking their cousins.
Why do the Democrats really want to abolish the Electoral College?

The far left extremist Democrat congressman Steve Cohen has introduced a bill that would eliminate the Electoral College.

The Democrats are once again

The Electoral College is there to protect the American Citizens from corrupt oligarchies like the Dirty Democratic Party.

You mean to protect us from people we vote for? That's awful.

Here's the thing, the Electoral College was devised by Slave Rapists who didn't want the people to have much of a say in anything. They wanted to vote restricted to property-owning white males, they wanted the Senate selected by State Legislators and they wanted the President picked by either the EC or Congress. (In fact, they expected that most elections would end up in Congress.)

We've kind of moved beyond that view of Democracy, and rightfully so.

Go for it.
Call a Convention.

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