Dem introduces bills to eliminate electoral college, stop presidents from pardoning themselves

Why do the Democrats really want to abolish the Electoral College?

The far left extremist Democrat congressman Steve Cohen has introduced a bill that would eliminate the Electoral College.

The Democrats are once again

The Electoral College is there to protect the American Citizens from corrupt oligarchies like the Dirty Democratic Party.
The Democrats are trying to destroy the balance of our representative democracy out of their pure greed for power and money.
Unlike today’s Leftist the Writers of our constitution were brilliant.
The purpose of the Electoral College is to protect the small population states from being permanently shut-out of having equal representation.
Abolishing the Electoral college would give the greed corrupt Democrats permanent political power and screw-over millions of Americans.

Senior Democrat files a bill to abolish the electoral college | Daily Mail Online
Simple, it disenfrachises large numbers of people by weighting votes in an uneven mannor.
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Why do the Democrats really want to abolish the Electoral College?

The far left extremist Democrat congressman Steve Cohen has introduced a bill that would eliminate the Electoral College.

The Democrats are once again

The Electoral College is there to protect the American Citizens from corrupt oligarchies like the Dirty Democratic Party.
The Democrats are trying to destroy the balance of our representative democracy out of their pure greed for power and money.
Unlike today’s Leftist the Writers of our constitution were brilliant.
The purpose of the Electoral College is to protect the small population states from being permanently shut-out of having equal representation.
Abolishing the Electoral college would give the greed corrupt Democrats permanent political power and screw-over millions of Americans.

Senior Democrat files a bill to abolish the electoral college | Daily Mail Online
Simple, it disenfrachises large numbers of people by weighting votes in an uneventful mannor.

We are a Constitutional Republic, not a Democracy. The excellent thought was to protect us from the TYRANNICAL MOB. Today the tyrants reside in New York, and California. We will never submit to your Totalitarian rule.
A foreigner can't be President, well not unless the COTUS is changed. Do I believe it's treason to try to change it? No, I do not. primarily because it isn't.

And the assmonger marches on complete with foot in mouth choking on sock. Along with others here arguing the the COTUS was MEANT to be changed, that its not treason to try to change it, even to subvert the government for a political coup, and that would be just fine.

This country is so full of idiots like you, it wouldn't surprise me if most of them voted to end the EC without even knowing what it is for. The only thing bad about the EC, is that it prevents democrats from running the country under MOB RULE, depriving 80% of the nation from having any say in their government!

You don't understand a very simple point means I'm an idiot?

Moron the COTUS is amendable which means advocating amending the COTUS is not treason.

Stupidfuck, it only becomes treason when your desire and means of transforming it are as an attempt to usurp power away from your government as a political coup. And don't stand there and bald face fucking LIE to me and tell me you ACTUALLY THINK Nancy wants the EC abolished to further the country rather than just her party??? Had Hillary not lost to the EC, or had she won, this topic would not be even within a million miles of her plate.

The Democrats have come to realize that their power is SO CENTRALIZED into small voting districts, mainly in LA and NYC, that they stand a VERY UPHILL BATTLE ever getting enough EC votes now across a diversity of states in this country to win! Especially after calling all of the DEPLORABLE.

AND THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT THE FOUNDERS PUT IT THERE TO STOP. Trump represents a majority in THIRTY states nearly coast to coast to Hillary's mere twenty. And half her states are tiny ones that would all fit within Nevada. The EC ain't going anywhere.
Why do the Democrats really want to abolish the Electoral College?

The far left extremist Democrat congressman Steve Cohen has introduced a bill that would eliminate the Electoral College.

The Democrats are once again

The Electoral College is there to protect the American Citizens from corrupt oligarchies like the Dirty Democratic Party.
The Democrats are trying to destroy the balance of our representative democracy out of their pure greed for power and money.
Unlike today’s Leftist the Writers of our constitution were brilliant.
The purpose of the Electoral College is to protect the small population states from being permanently shut-out of having equal representation.
Abolishing the Electoral college would give the greed corrupt Democrats permanent political power and screw-over millions of Americans.

Senior Democrat files a bill to abolish the electoral college | Daily Mail Online
Simple, it disenfrachises large numbers of people by weighting votes in an uneventful mannor.

We are a Constitutional Republic, not a Democracy. The excellent thought was to protect us from the TYRANNICAL MOB. Today the tyrants reside in New York, and California. We will never submit to your Totalitarian rule.
It's part of the same slate of rules that used to count black men as 3/5 of a person and prohibited women voting. It's time.for it to go away like the other anachronisms.
Simple, it disenfrachises large numbers of people by weighting votes in an uneventful mannor.

FACT: Most of the cities in Texas are turning bright "blue" ....,as Bero showed us two months ago......AND, without TX's electoral college votes, the GOPers will get to visit the oval office ONLY as tourists.....LMAO
FACT: Most of the cities in Texas are turning bright "blue" ....,as Bero showed us two months ago......AND, without TX's electoral college votes, the GOPers will get to visit the oval office ONLY as tourists.....LMAO

The Texan GOPers are on their last death throes.......Go on, Trump ass kissers, tell us if a right wing moron like Trump would ever win WITHOUT Texas' 38 EC votes????

Despite overall Republican dominance in Texas, Austin, the state capital, is primarily Democrat, as are El Paso, Houston, Dallas, San Antonio and the Rio Grande Valley.
Then we have Florida.....

Florida, has 37 percent of voters registered as Democrats, 35 percent as Republicans and 28 percent not registered in a party.

Florida's EC votes: 29.
It doesn't really matter what our issues are with the EC. It's not changing. But to answer your question, it's because states aren't weighted proportionally in the EC.

Imagine we created a voting system where some people only got 1/3 of a vote. Maybe we make this distinction based on their skin color or their gender. I would think that's unfair. Well we have exactly that, but the distinction is due to the state they live in. For example, an individual in California has one third of a voting impact that an individual in Wyoming has.

It doesn't matter, however. This isn't going to change unless the states vote to reduce their own voting power, which isn't going to happen. Maybe when a Republican candidate wins the popular vote and loses the electoral college, ONLY THEN will things possibly change.
It doesn't matter, however. This isn't going to change unless the states vote to reduce their own voting power, which isn't going to happen. Maybe when a Republican candidate wins the popular vote and loses the electoral college, ONLY THEN will things possibly change.

....AND, the above bolded statement has NEVER happened, but it has happened to 4 or 5 democrat candidates.
the States ruined the electoral college by making it, WINNER TAKES ALL.... imo all of them but Maine and one other state.

as with our congress representatives, each state is given 1 elector, for around every 750,000 people living in the state... electors are allocated by population.... but ALSO the States are given 1 elector for each of their 2 senators... these 2 electors, represent the State's choice.

So electors in each state matches to the T, the exact number of US congressmen the State has plus the exact number of US Senators the state has... all states have 2 senators, no matter the population size of the State...

these 2 senators/electors are what gives the smaller states an edge, both in the Senate and with the 2 extra electors each state is equally given....

For a National Election, a vote for the President.... the electors should vote, just as they do in the Congress...the House...imo.

When the House of Representatives is voting and say Texas has 50 congress critters that represents all of the districts in the State, and 30 vote yes on a Bill, and 20 reps vote no.... the House does not change those 20 representative's votes to yes, just because the yeses in the state were more than the 20 nos, these no votes from representatives are not changed to yes and then all of Texas House member votes become 50 voting yes..... that is not how it works....

yet this is how the states set up their electors who represent each person in the state's house of representative districts.... all of those 20 who voted for a President that did not win their State, their votes of these electors are being changed to match the winner of the State and changed to make it 50 electors voting for the presidential candidate that actually on got 30....

that is simply wrong wrong wrong, on a National, US FEDERAL ELECTION.... all the electors, just like the representatives from each state, should not be forced in to voting for a president, the people they represent, did not vote for.... when they take their votes in the electoral college....

the electoral votes should go to the electoral college for a National vote tally, the way the people within the State, voted....proportionately.... imo.

THEN the State can choose to send the 2 electors to the electoral college that they get for their us senators, any way they want.... my State sends their 2 electors to the electoral college representing the winner of the State....

so in my example of Texas's 50 electors for their house of representatives/ their population, plus the 2 for their 2 senators....

30 would go to the candidate winner, 20 would go to the other candidate, and the 2 for the State, would go to the Candidate Winner of their State.... so in the electoral college, the Candidate winner would have 32 electors in the electoral college voting for him, and the other candidate would get 20 electoral votes when the college takes their vote.


this still keeps the advantage the founders gave smaller states, with the 2 extra electors each state gets representing their us senators... just like they devised as an advantage for them in the Senate part of Congress
They want to do away with the electoral college because they only reprisent big cities. If your rural they don’t care about you or your vote. As far as they are concerned the vote should be limited to nyc, la, seattle and miami. Our foundres were much more intelligent than almost all politicians now days, definitely all democrats.

Um, guy, big cities are where people ACTUALLY LIVE. Only 3% of the population is living in rural areas fucking their cousins.

I don't think that is true. In all the big cities I have lived in, the city itself was mostly commercial/industrial. The majority of the population was suburban. And the problem of big cites is all the money large company owners can use to manipulate the media. Which is extremely corrupting. Likely there should be some sort of diminished vote for anyone who wants to live in a big city. They are inherently corrupt. That is easy to show. Some of the biggest cities are in CA, NY, and FL, and they clearly are the worst as far as corruption, and have the largest crime rates. In no way do we want big cities in CA, NY, and FL to dictate elections.
I don't think that is true. In all the big cities I have lived in, the city itself was mostly commercial/industrial. The majority of the population was suburban. And the problem of big cites is all the money large company owners can use to manipulate the media. Which is extremely corrupting. Likely there should be some sort of diminished vote for anyone who wants to live in a big city. They are inherently corrupt. That is easy to show. Some of the biggest cities are in CA, NY, and FL, and they clearly are the worst as far as corruption, and have the largest crime rates. In no way do we want big cities in CA, NY, and FL to dictate elections.

Um. No. One person. One vote.

We can make all sorts of arguments about why this group or that group shouldn't be over represented.

Frankly, if everyone in Los Angeles died it would be a true disaster. If everyone in Wyoming died, we'd probably not even notice.
Steve Cohen (D) TN is who filed the ABOLISH the Electoral College bill.
He is screwing over his own TN constituents.
Tennesseans need to vote this crazy liberal creep out ASAP.

Not really. Since Tennesee hasn't voted Democratic since 1996, the EC diminishes the votes of the half of the population who vote for Democrats.

One Person. One vote.
Here’s a good example of why we need the EC. They don’t have it in the state election system, there in Illinois, Chicago runs the whole state.

Wow. Is this what your Founding Fathers wanted?

Maybe some want California and NY to determine every election.

Dem introduces bills to eliminate electoral college, stop presidents from pardoning themselves

Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tn.), a vocal critic of President Trump, on Thursday introduced two bills to eliminate the electoral college and prevent presidents from pardoning themselves or their family members.

Cohen introduced the constitutional amendments on the first night of the 116th Congress, both digs at Trump.

The Dems are off to a roaring start. Prediction: Trump is going to look really good by 2020
Here’s a good example of why we need the EC. They don’t have it in the state election system, there in Illinois, Chicago runs the whole state.

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Why should a vote in Wyoming be worth more than a vote in Illinois? The Founders had no way of knowing that very few people will ever want to live in Wyoming. In fact they never knew there would be a Wyoming. These Founders believed that women shouldn`t vote and that was rectified so this nonsense can be rectified as well. All states rights should have died at Appomattox so that we can become a real country.

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