Dem introduces bills to eliminate electoral college, stop presidents from pardoning themselves

Has anyone else noticed that when a right winger can`t comprehend a post from someone with a measurable IQ they rate that post as funny?
Has anyone else noticed that when a right winger can`t comprehend a post from someone with a measurable IQ they rate that post as funny?
Was laughing at your All States Rights should have died comment.

There.....cleared up the funny for you...........that was a laughable comment.
The Dems are off to a roaring start. Prediction: Trump is going to look really good by 2020

Naw, when people don't get their refund checks in a timely manner, he's not going to look all that good at all.
how many people out of work or not getting paid now? Congress gets paid What a joke--- 2020 is looking like the senate and presidency turn blue
Here’s a good example of why we need the EC. They don’t have it in the state election system, there in Illinois, Chicago runs the whole state.

Chicago runs the state because most of the people IN Illinois live in Chicago or one of the five border counties.

Most of those red counties have very few people living in them.

Bull shit, the population of Illinois is 12.8 million and the population of Chicago is 2.7 million. 10.1 million people live in those counties. Mob rule, that’s what you are advocating.
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Why do the Democrats really want to abolish the Electoral College?

The far left extremist Democrat congressman Steve Cohen has introduced a bill that would eliminate the Electoral College.

The Democrats are once again

The Electoral College is there to protect the American Citizens from corrupt oligarchies like the Dirty Democratic Party.
The Democrats are trying to destroy the balance of our representative democracy out of their pure greed for power and money.
Unlike today’s Leftist the Writers of our constitution were brilliant.
The purpose of the Electoral College is to protect the small population states from being permanently shut-out of having equal representation.
Abolishing the Electoral college would give the greed corrupt Democrats permanent political power and screw-over millions of Americans.

Senior Democrat files a bill to abolish the electoral college | Daily Mail Online

The Liberal Plan is to give the Democrats TWO (2) chances to win an election.

If the "interstate compact" for the EC were to be implemented, and the Democrats would have won the EC but lost the popular vote, I'm sure they would repeal the compact to allow the Fake Indian Warren, the Fake Mexican Beto, or the Fake Broad Chelsea Manning be elected.

Libs just don't like the results.

I remember chatting with a leftist friend in the Fall of 2000 before Dubya schlonged Al Gore. He was telling me that Bush might win the popular vote, but no way in hell would he take the EC.
Here’s a good example of why we need the EC. They don’t have it in the state election system, there in Illinois, Chicago runs the whole state.

Chicago runs the state because most of the people IN Illinois live in Chicago or one of the five border counties.

Most of those red counties have very few people living in them.

Bull shit, the population of Illinois is 12.8 million and the population of Chicago is 2.7 million. 10.1 million people live in those counties. Mob rule, that’s what you are advocating.

Greater Chicago's population is more than 9 million. The 2.7 million figure is just the number within the city limits.
One man, one vote

Not, some people votes count more than others depending where you live
Why do the Democrats really want to abolish the Electoral College?

The far left extremist Democrat congressman Steve Cohen has introduced a bill that would eliminate the Electoral College.

The Democrats are once again

The Electoral College is there to protect the American Citizens from corrupt oligarchies like the Dirty Democratic Party.
The Democrats are trying to destroy the balance of our representative democracy out of their pure greed for power and money.
Unlike today’s Leftist the Writers of our constitution were brilliant.
The purpose of the Electoral College is to protect the small population states from being permanently shut-out of having equal representation.
Abolishing the Electoral college would give the greed corrupt Democrats permanent political power and screw-over millions of Americans.

Senior Democrat files a bill to abolish the electoral college | Daily Mail Online

Currently red states get an EC advantage. They get MORE electoral college votes per capita than blue states do. Now imagine if you found out that blue states got MORE EC votes than red states!........right.....THAT is why it should be abolished.
Why do the Democrats really want to abolish the Electoral College?

The far left extremist Democrat congressman Steve Cohen has introduced a bill that would eliminate the Electoral College.

The Democrats are once again

The Electoral College is there to protect the American Citizens from corrupt oligarchies like the Dirty Democratic Party.
The Democrats are trying to destroy the balance of our representative democracy out of their pure greed for power and money.
Unlike today’s Leftist the Writers of our constitution were brilliant.
The purpose of the Electoral College is to protect the small population states from being permanently shut-out of having equal representation.
Abolishing the Electoral college would give the greed corrupt Democrats permanent political power and screw-over millions of Americans.

Senior Democrat files a bill to abolish the electoral college | Daily Mail Online

Currently red states get an EC advantage. They get MORE electoral college votes per capita than blue states do. Now imagine if you found out that blue states got MORE EC votes than red states!........right.....THAT is why it should be abolished.
The Founding Fathers gave us safeguards for keeping a Republic. We removed a couple at least with the 17th Amendment and the Federal Reserve Act. The Federal Reserve Act turned us into a Democracy from Republic. There are trade offs when these things happen. But fiat currencies do not last as we see many nations go down in flames. We are just near the bottom of the list with a strong military.
Bill Clinton never won the popular vote and the Dems never complained.

Bill Clinton won the popular vote both times. Why do you lie about things so obvious?

Not really.
In a popular vote, if no one gets more than 50%, and Clinton did not, then you have a run off between those 2 only.
And while Clinton likely would have gotten the Nader votes, the Perot votes would likely have gone to a republican.

A runoff isn’t a must. It’s a common rule for a specific election but there is no hard and fast rule that an election must have a run off if no candidate gets 50%
One man, one vote

Not, some people votes count more than others depending where you live

Soooo...does that mean you are in favor of the EC?

While I favor the EC, that is not the way it works. A person's vote in Wyoming is worth way more than a persons vote in Texas.
The Dems hold New York and California every election...........If they take Texas and Florida it's pretty much over..........why...........because of the high population and EC votes there.............

The EC isn't rigged..........this is just the libs whining for over 2 years because they lost.
The Dems hold New York and California every election...........If they take Texas and Florida it's pretty much over..........why...........because of the high population and EC votes there.............

The EC isn't rigged..........this is just the libs whining for over 2 years because they lost.

I never said the EC was rigged, I pointed out that in Wyoming one vote counts more than one vote in Texas. This is just the way the system is designed.
The Dems hold New York and California every election...........If they take Texas and Florida it's pretty much over..........why...........because of the high population and EC votes there.............

The EC isn't rigged..........this is just the libs whining for over 2 years because they lost.

I never said the EC was rigged, I pointed out that in Wyoming one vote counts more than one vote in Texas. This is just the way the system is designed.
Wyoming EC's don't outweigh anything...........that state for the overall election is insignificant........the 4 states I quoted do..............more votes on the line.
One man, one vote

Not, some people votes count more than others depending where you live

Soooo...does that mean you are in favor of the EC?

While I favor the EC, that is not the way it works. A person's vote in Wyoming is worth way more than a persons vote in Texas.

Not by much considering the difference between the two states in EC votes. 38 vs. 3 for Wyoming?

Texas has 48.85 times more people than Wyoming, but only 12.66 times as many EC votes.
The Dems hold New York and California every election...........If they take Texas and Florida it's pretty much over..........why...........because of the high population and EC votes there.............

The EC isn't rigged..........this is just the libs whining for over 2 years because they lost.

I never said the EC was rigged, I pointed out that in Wyoming one vote counts more than one vote in Texas. This is just the way the system is designed.
Wyoming EC's don't outweigh anything...........that state for the overall election is insignificant........the 4 states I quoted do..............more votes on the line.

I do not know if you are being obtuse on purpose or just dumb.

Wyoming gets 1 EC vote for every 193,000 people in their state

Texas gets 1 EC vote for every 744,737 people in their state.

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