Demnocrats Still Pushing Russian Collusion - With New Shared Talking Point Spin


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
IT NEVER STOPS: Senator Dick Durbin Pushes Scam that Trump Is a Likely Putin Target Because He Holds Debt – Such BS

At one point CIA Director Brennan - the man who had access and use of 17 US Intel agencies - declared publicly to the world that Donald Trump was a Russian / Putin agent. After Mueller and all investigations proved this was not true, Brennan reportedly said, 'What a relief'.


Today, testifying under oath, disgraced, traitorous, fired former FBI Director James Comey - while claiming he does not remember anything about the origins of the debunked Russian-authored dossier or being briefed on Hillary's plot to smear Trump by accusing him of colluding with Russia, Comey pushed the latest BS CONSPIRACY Spin to keep the false narrative / smear alive. Comey declared tht debt could lead to someone becoming a compromised asset of the Russians, inferring this might be the case with Donald Trump....and Senate Democrats picked up on it or had already received the same talking points....

If you ignore the fact that Hillary Clinton concocted the whole 'Trump colluded with the Russians to hack my server' BS plan and the fact that Mueller reported what the FBI / Comey already knew - there was never ally Trump-Russian collusion, the well-coordinated story woven today may seem plausible...all except that small little fact that shows NONE OF THEIR BS EVER HAPPENED!

IT NEVER STOPS: Senator Dick Durbin Pushes Scam that Trump Is a Likely Putin Target Because He Holds Debt – Such BS

At one point CIA Director Brennan - the man who had access and use of 17 US Intel agencies - declared publicly to the world that Donald Trump was a Russian / Putin agent. After Mueller and all investigations proved this was not true, Brennan reportedly said, 'What a relief'.


Today, testifying under oath, disgraced, traitorous, fired former FBI Director James Comey - while claiming he does not remember anything about the origins of the debunked Russian-authored dossier or being briefed on Hillary's plot to smear Trump by accusing him of colluding with Russia, Comey pushed the latest BS CONSPIRACY Spin to keep the false narrative / smear alive. Comey declared tht debt could lead to someone becoming a compromised asset of the Russians, inferring this might be the case with Donald Trump....and Senate Democrats picked up on it or had already received the same talking points....

If you ignore the fact that Hillary Clinton concocted the whole 'Trump colluded with the Russians to hack my server' BS plan and the fact that Mueller reported what the FBI / Comey already knew - there was never ally Trump-Russian collusion, the well-coordinated story woven today may seem plausible...all except that small little fact that shows NONE OF THEIR BS EVER HAPPENED!

The Russian Conspiracy Hoax is getting so very very boring. What a broken record it all is.
Oh look. The Trump cult is pushing their "No collusion" conspiracy stupidity again.

Nobody ever buys it, so why do they bother? I mean, I've lost track at how many of Trump's cronies were indicted for playing with the Russians. It's just a given now that Trump is Putin's patsy.
...meanwhile Democrats, snowflakes, and the fake news media is covering for the Bidens:

- Joe was busted for Influence Peddling. The State Department testified during the faux Impeachment hos Joe ignored warnings about meeting with Burisma and that the Bidens should be testifying under oath.

- Joe's discharged crack-head, deadbeat dad mediocre skilled son begins getting MILLIONS from the notorious criminal Ukrainian energy businessman known for doing business with Putin, from China, from wives of Russian Mayors, etc...

Let's not forget other Democrats, like Diane Feinstein who was busted for facilitating Chinese espionage for DECADES and the other Democrats suckling from China's teat.,
Oh look. The Trump cult is pushing their "No collusion" conspiracy stupidity again.
Comrade, if you can still not read English without am interpreter, have the interpreter read you the Mueller report in which NO COLLUSION was found....then get the f* out of my country. We don't need another 4 years of you trolls spreading the same / more lies.
Oh look. The Trump cult is pushing their "No collusion" conspiracy stupidity again.

Nobody ever buys it, so why do they bother? I mean, I've lost track at how many of Trump's cronies were indicted for playing with the Russians. It's just a given now that Trump is Putin's patsy.
Zero were indicted for Russian collusion, Dummy.
Snowflakes are poster children for the lefts inability to read factual, recorded, documented official records exposing Democrat lies, scandals, and crimes and accept reality.
Oh look. The Trump cult is pushing their "No collusion" conspiracy stupidity again.

Nobody ever buys it, so why do they bother? I mean, I've lost track at how many of Trump's cronies were indicted for playing with the Russians. It's just a given now that Trump is Putin's patsy.
Zero were indicted for Russian collusion, Dummy.
Collusion or asking for help from them?

I heard Biden calling our troops Stupid Bastards. So of course we must take him seriously and impeach him immediately if he wins because he hates the military.
Why does anyone want to be commander in chief if he hates our military?
Easy,......when the Chinese and Russians are paying your coke-snorting son billions of dollars.

So this hair sniffing child molester will sell us out to keep all of his dirty little secrets from being made public.
Okay so several million dollars of Russian money ends up in Biden's son's bank account and it's Trump who is colluding with Russia???
A Russian government-controlled bank deposited at least half a billion dollars into the American subsidiary of Deutsche Bank around the time that the bank lent Trump his most scrutinized loans, according to exclusively obtained confidential bank records.
Okay so several million dollars of Russian money ends up in Biden's son's bank account and it's Trump who is colluding with Russia???
A Russian government-controlled bank deposited at least half a billion dollars into the American subsidiary of Deutsche Bank around the time that the bank lent Trump his most scrutinized loans, according to exclusively obtained confidential bank records.

Not even a decent blogsite.
Oh look. The Trump cult is pushing their "No collusion" conspiracy stupidity again.

Nobody ever buys it, so why do they bother? I mean, I've lost track at how many of Trump's cronies were indicted for playing with the Russians. It's just a given now that Trump is Putin's patsy.
name one indicted for RUSSIA connections via the campaign.

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