Democracy vs. Authoritarianism

If our POTUS were a dictator, your side's voice of dissent would be silenced.

when you.......try to silence the media AND folks like myself who have NOT drunk the orange kool-aid,we ARE flirting with despotism.

Has Trump derided our allies while"praising" the thugs like Putin and authoritarians like XI????.......................Yes or No?

The Left hates when President Trump name calls ^^

Yes, and thankfully he did. Isn't it cool? Cool that we finally have in office a leader who will stand up to foreign leaders despite their ally status, for American needs over their own. Just because the UK is friendly for example, doesn't mean we have to agree with their immigration or intelligence gathering policies or anything else which is detrimental to US sovereignty or protection of American citizens. You're proving my point.
Both ends of the spectrum are authoritarians.

And amazingly similar in their behaviors.

Whoever came up with that is full of shit IMO. A much more reasonable linear perspective is how I view things.

Both ends of the spectrum think they have all the answers and take any electoral victory as an excuse to call it a "mandate" and try to shove their agenda down our throats.

In terms of issues, they're obviously different. In terms of behavior, they're very similar.
There is ample proof that under Trump’s 18-month regime, we have entered into a global struggle between adherence to democratic precepts and the rise of authoritarianism (coupled with hefty doses of autocracy and plutocracy.)

The blind loyalty offered Trump by his cabinet (taking timeout to pledge an “oath” to the orange buffoon)…and the lack of ANY oversight by the spineless republicans in congress, has led to a world-wide phenomenon in the rise of almost despotic rule in countries that once rejected any semblance of anti-democratic practices; we have seen the rise of right-wing sympathies in such countries as Austria, Poland, Hungary, Rumania….and even in such unlikely places as Italy and Spain.

Trump’s admiration for totalitarian rule is undisputed……His praises of undemocratic practices of the leadership in China, Russia, the Philippines, etc. are downright scary.

Luckily, in the U.S. we still have some rule of law in our politics, but the practice of bullying and stifling opposition is occurring in other countries.

Trump has shown his ANTI-democratic penchants, when he attacks the courts, attacks the media, attacks political opponents, and attacks anyone even within his own party who dares to object to his policies, offer a clear sign that this guy would love to be ruling with an iron-fist as occurred in fascist countries of the 1930s.

The hatred shown by Trump supporters toward minorities, court rulings, media reports, etc. has fueled Trump’s megalomania and has given him the feeling that he IS a cult leader who cannot do wrong and will be supported by a “loyal” base even as he leads them over a social and economic abyss.

Scary prospects that can only be curbed by sane Americans faithfully showing up at the polling booths this upcoming November.

I still haven't seen massive Trump supporters attacking minorities, like I have seen people being attacked for wearing a Trump hat, or Sanders being asked to leave, or people attacking students who wish to listen to Ben Shapiro, or other speakers at college campuses.

Evergreen College students back at it with ‘no white people’ day

I see "no white people" days, but I don't see this anti minority crap you keep talking about.

And while you claim Trump is anti-democratic, please name the media outlets he's closed down, the court justices he's forced off the bench?

As for attacking political opponents, name how many have been harmed, and where they were hospitalized.

Or do you mean he attacked them politically, like everyone, including you yourself have done on this forum? It's bad for other people, not you? Obama attacked Trump. Was he anti-democratic?

As for hatred of minorities, I'm still looking for evidence of that.
Both ends of the spectrum think they have all the answers and take any electoral victory as an excuse to call it a "mandate" and try to shove their agenda down our throats.

In terms of issues, they're obviously different. In terms of behavior, they're very similar.

If republicrats would ease off the authoritarian dickbag parts of their political agenda, ignore gay weddings, let libturds abort their genetic waste, and eliminate all federal laws regarding marijuana the libturds would never win another election again.


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