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Democracy: Yes or No

65% of Americans support legal weed.

How can a "democracy" still have weed "illegal?"
nice stat pulled out of your ass. I love it, there is absolutely no shame with you fks. And yet 65% are against smoking. how does that all fit your puzzle?
That is pretty close to poll numbers and it is increasing..
well which is it, not smoking or smoking? it contradicts the standing.
Idk really since I will smoke it whether it's legal or not...
been that way since it was introduced! but everyone is against smoking. can't smoke but in designated places these days. some states raising legal age to purchase them. and then, these same idiots open up the bank and say here smoke away!!!! stupid!!!
More food for thought:

Donald Trump's feud with Congress puts American democracy on the brink - CNNPolitics

For those, many who post on this message board, it seems they oppose universal suffrage and would prefer that only an elite should be eligible to vote.

For a long while some posters have denied we are a democratic republic, and prefer to use constitutional republic, some seek to overturn the 17th Amendment and some would require only property owners the right to vote.

Even the Supreme Court has watered down democracy in the two Citizen's United decisions and overturned a key provision of the Voting Rights Act to combat racial discrimination in voting.

"We have met the enemy and he is us"

What ever happened to noblesse oblige: " the inferred responsibility of privileged people to act with generosity and nobility toward those less privileged."

I propose that only those with some skin in the game be allowed to vote. But that's not bought with money, it's bought by serving your country by fulfilling a mandatory period of conscription that begins upon graduation from high school. If you're not willing to serve the nation then why should you be allowed a voice in how it's run? You'd have a choice of either two years military serve of four years non military in a CCC like outfit. Everyone that's able goes to boot camp. It applies universally to everyone regardless of gender, race, Creed, social status or wealth. No service = no vote.

Sounds like a fascist story line from Heinlein's "Starship Troopers"

I oppose mandatory conscription.
You can oppose it all you want but you don't deserve a vote if you won't serve your nation. We don't need cowards with no skin in the game. But I did offer a choice, either pick up a rifle and earn your own freedom or pick up a shovel and support those who do. If you won't do either go fuck yourself because we don't need any more cowards or deadbeats.

Opinions are like.......Good luck getting that in the Constitution, Comrade Citizen Sir.

So which are you coward, lazy or both?

Many countries have conscription as we once did.
Switzerland, Denmark, Israel, Italy just to name a few. It's not a foreign or unusual concept.
More food for thought:

Donald Trump's feud with Congress puts American democracy on the brink - CNNPolitics

For those, many who post on this message board, it seems they oppose universal suffrage and would prefer that only an elite should be eligible to vote.

For a long while some posters have denied we are a democratic republic, and prefer to use constitutional republic, some seek to overturn the 17th Amendment and some would require only property owners the right to vote.

Even the Supreme Court has watered down democracy in the two Citizen's United decisions and overturned a key provision of the Voting Rights Act to combat racial discrimination in voting.

"We have met the enemy and he is us"

What ever happened to noblesse oblige: " the inferred responsibility of privileged people to act with generosity and nobility toward those less privileged."

The problem with noblesse oblige is the noblesse. The superiors will seldom if ever support anything that keeps them from being at the top and the masses being at the bottom. In fact, more times than not, they bend over backwards to oppress the masses further if their cushy little world is in any way threatened. The American elite just have more lace on their velvet gloved iron fist.
like blacks in the US?

If you are referring to blacks as part of the masses, then yes.
More food for thought:

Donald Trump's feud with Congress puts American democracy on the brink - CNNPolitics

For those, many who post on this message board, it seems they oppose universal suffrage and would prefer that only an elite should be eligible to vote.

For a long while some posters have denied we are a democratic republic, and prefer to use constitutional republic, some seek to overturn the 17th Amendment and some would require only property owners the right to vote.

Even the Supreme Court has watered down democracy in the two Citizen's United decisions and overturned a key provision of the Voting Rights Act to combat racial discrimination in voting.

"We have met the enemy and he is us"

What ever happened to noblesse oblige: " the inferred responsibility of privileged people to act with generosity and nobility toward those less privileged."

Technically America is a compound Republic.
You have a right to contract....Your plane ticket is a contract.
no, I have an opportunity. there is no right. nope,
Yes, there is....If there is no inherent right to free travel, and you need permission to freely contract with people who wish to facilitate that travel, then you are just a meat puppet owned by The State.
no there isn't. just plain wrong. there is no right. there is a mandate to show who you are if you show up with a ticket, that's it. You have an obligation to obey the rules of the FAA or get tossed into jail. That is a choice! but there is absolutely no right to fly. If there was, it would be free.
Then you are a meat puppet owned by The State.

Comply or suffer the ire of your betters!

Poor, poor slave.
naw, now you're just acting out cause you can't get your way over what I posted. facts are just facts. every citizen has a right to have a gun, you don't have to buy one to use it. nor does one need to show IDs to use one. rights are given. Opportunities provided based on technology don't imply rights. everyone can ride a train, it's your right to ride one or not, just like a plane. do you have to show ID's to get on? nope. one can ride a metra into town everyday of your life and not need to show an ID. so? your point is irrelevant.
No, you're deliberately mischaracterizing what I said to rationalize your being a good little automaton of The State.

The airline did not make the law that I needed to show a State approved ID as a condition of consummating our contractual agreement...The State did that....They have forcefully interposed their rules and bureaucrats between me and the vendor.

The bit about riding mass transit is a deflection and an irrelevant red herring.
Q. Why attack CNN, why not respond rationally and consider the points I made with some thought and not echo Limbaugh.
American isnt a democracy,,,,

What are we than?
we are a republic. you should learn what our country is before you start supporting stupid people. just saying, you look pathetic.

Half correct, we are a democratic republic. See post #23
all wrong,,,

we are a representative republic,,,,

The Real Birth of American Democracy | At the Smithsonian | Smithsonian

Just for you, a remedial introduction to American History.
More food for thought:

Donald Trump's feud with Congress puts American democracy on the brink - CNNPolitics

For those, many who post on this message board, it seems they oppose universal suffrage and would prefer that only an elite should be eligible to vote.

For a long while some posters have denied we are a democratic republic, and prefer to use constitutional republic, some seek to overturn the 17th Amendment and some would require only property owners the right to vote.

Even the Supreme Court has watered down democracy in the two Citizen's United decisions and overturned a key provision of the Voting Rights Act to combat racial discrimination in voting.

"We have met the enemy and he is us"

What ever happened to noblesse oblige: " the inferred responsibility of privileged people to act with generosity and nobility toward those less privileged."

I propose that only those with some skin in the game be allowed to vote. But that's not bought with money, it's bought by serving your country by fulfilling a mandatory period of conscription that begins upon graduation from high school. If you're not willing to serve the nation then why should you be allowed a voice in how it's run? You'd have a choice of either two years military serve of four years non military in a CCC like outfit. Everyone that's able goes to boot camp. It applies universally to everyone regardless of gender, race, Creed, social status or wealth. No service = no vote.

Sounds like a fascist story line from Heinlein's "Starship Troopers"

I oppose mandatory conscription.
You can oppose it all you want but you don't deserve a vote if you won't serve your nation. We don't need cowards with no skin in the game. But I did offer a choice, either pick up a rifle and earn your own freedom or pick up a shovel and support those who do. If you won't do either go fuck yourself because we don't need any more cowards or deadbeats.

Opinions are like.......Good luck getting that in the Constitution, Comrade Citizen Sir.

So which are you coward, lazy or both?

Many countries have conscription as we once did.
Switzerland, Denmark, Israel, Italy just to name a few. It's not a foreign or unusual concept.

(Nice. I do love a nice insult fest to get things going) Did you grow one of those funny little Chaplin Mustaches, or do you have a pasty that you put on when you practice goose-stepping and saluting for the State?

I can understand why those tiny countries need compulsory conscription. We don't. We have in the past during wars declared and undeclared. The undeclared war in Vietnam was the last. Americans didn't take too kindly to having kids drafted and shipped off to a war of choice. Americans will volunteer by the droves if we are attacked again.
Q. Why attack CNN, why not respond rationally and consider the points I made with some thought and not echo Limbaugh.
American isnt a democracy,,,,

What are we than?
Because this is what we are dealing with. A bunch of spoiled little brats.
More food for thought:

Donald Trump's feud with Congress puts American democracy on the brink - CNNPolitics

For those, many who post on this message board, it seems they oppose universal suffrage and would prefer that only an elite should be eligible to vote.

For a long while some posters have denied we are a democratic republic, and prefer to use constitutional republic, some seek to overturn the 17th Amendment and some would require only property owners the right to vote.

Even the Supreme Court has watered down democracy in the two Citizen's United decisions and overturned a key provision of the Voting Rights Act to combat racial discrimination in voting.

"We have met the enemy and he is us"

What ever happened to noblesse oblige: " the inferred responsibility of privileged people to act with generosity and nobility toward those less privileged."

Technically America is a compound Republic.

A representative democracy.
Training Manual No. 2000-25 that was published by the then War Department, Washington, D.C., November 30, 1928.

Prepared under the direction of the Chief of Staff.


This manual supersedes Manual of Citizenship Training The use of the publication "The Constitution of the United States," by Harry Atwood, is by permission and courtesy of the author.


A government of the masses. Authority derived through mass meeting or any other form of "direct" expression. Results in mobocracy. Attitude toward property is communistic--negating property rights. Attitude toward law is that the will of the majority shall regulate, whether is be based upon deliberation or governed by passion, prejudice, and impulse, without restraint or regard to consequences. Results in demogogism, license, agitation, discontent, anarchy.


Authority is derived through the election by the people of public officials best fitted to represent them. Attitude toward law is the administration of justice in accord with fixed principles and established evidence, with a strict regard to consequences. A greater number of citizens and extent of territory may be brought within its compass. Avoids the dangerous extreme of either tyranny or mobocracy. Results in statesmanship, liberty, reason, justice, contentment, and progress. Is the "standard form" of government throughout the world. A republic is a form of government under a constitution which provides for the election of

(1) an executive and (2) a legislative body, who working together in a representative capacity, have all the power of appointment, all power of legislation, all power to raise revenue and appropriate expenditures, and are required to create (3) a judiciary to pass upon the justice and legality of their government acts and to recognize (4) certain inherent individual rights.
More food for thought:

Donald Trump's feud with Congress puts American democracy on the brink - CNNPolitics

For those, many who post on this message board, it seems they oppose universal suffrage and would prefer that only an elite should be eligible to vote.

For a long while some posters have denied we are a democratic republic, and prefer to use constitutional republic, some seek to overturn the 17th Amendment and some would require only property owners the right to vote.

Even the Supreme Court has watered down democracy in the two Citizen's United decisions and overturned a key provision of the Voting Rights Act to combat racial discrimination in voting.

"We have met the enemy and he is us"

What ever happened to noblesse oblige: " the inferred responsibility of privileged people to act with generosity and nobility toward those less privileged."
/——/ “For those, many who post on this message board, it seems they oppose universal suffrage and would prefer that only an elite should be eligible to vote.”
Sorry I can’t access my famous Strawman argument meme for your idiotic statement.

Yeah, you can't fathom much. I can fathom an idiot-gram, your's is a very good example.
no, I have an opportunity. there is no right. nope,
Yes, there is....If there is no inherent right to free travel, and you need permission to freely contract with people who wish to facilitate that travel, then you are just a meat puppet owned by The State.
no there isn't. just plain wrong. there is no right. there is a mandate to show who you are if you show up with a ticket, that's it. You have an obligation to obey the rules of the FAA or get tossed into jail. That is a choice! but there is absolutely no right to fly. If there was, it would be free.
Then you are a meat puppet owned by The State.

Comply or suffer the ire of your betters!

Poor, poor slave.
naw, now you're just acting out cause you can't get your way over what I posted. facts are just facts. every citizen has a right to have a gun, you don't have to buy one to use it. nor does one need to show IDs to use one. rights are given. Opportunities provided based on technology don't imply rights. everyone can ride a train, it's your right to ride one or not, just like a plane. do you have to show ID's to get on? nope. one can ride a metra into town everyday of your life and not need to show an ID. so? your point is irrelevant.
No, you're deliberately mischaracterizing what I said to rationalize your being a good little automaton of The State.

The airline did not make the law that I needed to show a State approved ID as a condition of consummating our contractual agreement...The State did that....They have forcefully interposed their rules and bureaucrats between me and the vendor.

The bit about riding mass transit is a deflection and an irrelevant red herring.
I never said the airlines did anything I said FAA.

Dude you should take a chill pill for sure.
Yes, there is....If there is no inherent right to free travel, and you need permission to freely contract with people who wish to facilitate that travel, then you are just a meat puppet owned by The State.
no there isn't. just plain wrong. there is no right. there is a mandate to show who you are if you show up with a ticket, that's it. You have an obligation to obey the rules of the FAA or get tossed into jail. That is a choice! but there is absolutely no right to fly. If there was, it would be free.
Then you are a meat puppet owned by The State.

Comply or suffer the ire of your betters!

Poor, poor slave.
naw, now you're just acting out cause you can't get your way over what I posted. facts are just facts. every citizen has a right to have a gun, you don't have to buy one to use it. nor does one need to show IDs to use one. rights are given. Opportunities provided based on technology don't imply rights. everyone can ride a train, it's your right to ride one or not, just like a plane. do you have to show ID's to get on? nope. one can ride a metra into town everyday of your life and not need to show an ID. so? your point is irrelevant.
No, you're deliberately mischaracterizing what I said to rationalize your being a good little automaton of The State.

The airline did not make the law that I needed to show a State approved ID as a condition of consummating our contractual agreement...The State did that....They have forcefully interposed their rules and bureaucrats between me and the vendor.

The bit about riding mass transit is a deflection and an irrelevant red herring.
I never said the airlines did anything I said FAA.

Dude you should take a chill pill for sure.
The FAA is The State....They take their orders from the ruling class.

You're talking like a liberoidal with a bad case of Stockholm syndrome.
no there isn't. just plain wrong. there is no right. there is a mandate to show who you are if you show up with a ticket, that's it. You have an obligation to obey the rules of the FAA or get tossed into jail. That is a choice! but there is absolutely no right to fly. If there was, it would be free.
Then you are a meat puppet owned by The State.

Comply or suffer the ire of your betters!

Poor, poor slave.
naw, now you're just acting out cause you can't get your way over what I posted. facts are just facts. every citizen has a right to have a gun, you don't have to buy one to use it. nor does one need to show IDs to use one. rights are given. Opportunities provided based on technology don't imply rights. everyone can ride a train, it's your right to ride one or not, just like a plane. do you have to show ID's to get on? nope. one can ride a metra into town everyday of your life and not need to show an ID. so? your point is irrelevant.
No, you're deliberately mischaracterizing what I said to rationalize your being a good little automaton of The State.

The airline did not make the law that I needed to show a State approved ID as a condition of consummating our contractual agreement...The State did that....They have forcefully interposed their rules and bureaucrats between me and the vendor.

The bit about riding mass transit is a deflection and an irrelevant red herring.
I never said the airlines did anything I said FAA.

Dude you should take a chill pill for sure.
The FAA is The State....They take their orders from the ruling class.

You're talking like a liberoidal with a bad case of Stockholm syndrome.
actually, they take their direction based on all of the airlines and how they wish their industry regulated.
Democracy: Yes or No?


Anarchist/Stateless state

Q. Where might that be?

A. If Trump is allowed to be above the law, and it seems McConnell and Barr are so intended to allow that, then it seems it can happen here.
how is he above the law? cause someone on CNN told you that?


Are you awake, or are you an example of what Plato meant in the analogy of the cave, to wit:

"Such prisoners would mistake appearance for reality. They would think the things they see on the wall (the shadows) were real; they would know nothing of the real causes of the shadows."
Allegory of the Cave

That said, what would happen to you if you were served with a subpoena and told the authority to pound sand?

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