Democrat Cluelessness Hits New Height


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
A few days ago, former Democrat US Senator Barbara Boxer was physically assaulted, and robbed of her cell phone on the street in Oakland , CA. Then, interviewed about it on liberal-friendly CNN, the show host Erin Burnett, noted that Oakland has been experiencing a rise in crime, with robberies up 14%, assault with firearm up 58%, and homicides up 69%.

The show host then noted that the Oakland City Council just voted to move $18 Million AWAY from the Police Department, to other programs (mental health, et al). She mentioned that President Trump commented on the Boxer robbery and the defunding, saying "Our once great cities like New York, Detroit, San Francisco, and so many others, have become a paradise for criminals because of Democrats."

When the show host asked Boxer "What do you have to say to that, in the context of what is happening in Oakland ?" Not too suprisingly, Boxer DODGED the straightfoward question, and instead of confronting it, she deflected to attacking President Trump, saying that he had a "horrible record as president". She claimed that under Trump "the murder rate went way up, under Trump, crimes with guns went way up, hate crimes surged 20%."

Actually, under Trump, >>>
  • U.S. murder/homicide rate for 2018 was 4.96, a 6.77% decline from 2017.
  • U.S. murder/homicide rate for 2017 was 5.32, a 1.37% decline from 2016
These Trump declines came after large increases in murders in the previous 2 years under Obama >>

U.S. murder/homicide rate for 2016 was 5.39, a 8.91% increase from 2015.
U.S. murder/homicide rate for 2015 was 4.95, a 11.37% increase from 2014.

Interesting, how in the beginning of the interview, Boxer praises the area in Oakland where she has had a home since 2005. She says >> "We've never had a hint of any kind of problem. Jack London Square is beautiful by the Bay, wonderful restaurants, wonderful greenery, but this day was a different day for me, and so unexpected."

Well, maybe in the cloud of distortion that Democrats seem to live with daily, it was "unexpected" for Sen Boxer, but to conservatives, and probably just any average person, a street mugging like this was very much TO BE EXPECTED, after the defunding of $18 Million from the Police Dept. That's what happens when you do moronic things like defunding your police and expecting mental health programs to be a suitable revision.

So did Barbara Boxer ever answer the question that the host asked about defunding the police ? Not in the video that I saw. Click it here and see for yourself.

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A few days ago, former Democrat US Senator Barbara Boxer was physically assaulted, and robbed of her cell phone on the street in Oakland , CA. Then, interviewed about it on liberal-friendly CNN, the show host noted that Oakland has been experiencing a rise in crime, with robberies up 14%, assault with firearm up 58%, and homicides up 69%.

The show host then noted that the Oakland City Council just voted to move $18 Million AWAY from the Police Department, to other programs (mental health, et al). She mentioned that President Trump commented on the Boxer robbery and the defunding, saying "Our once great cities like New York, Detroit, San Francisco, and so many others, have become a paradise for criminals because of Democrats."

When the show host asked Boxer "What do you have to say to that, in the context of what is happening in Oakland ?" Not too suprisingly, Boxer DODGED the straightfoward question, and instead of confronting it, she deflected to attacking President Trump, saying that he had a "horrible record as president". She claimed that under Trump "the murder rate went way up, under Trump, crimes with guns went way up, hate crimes surged 20%.

Actually, under Trump, >>>
  • U.S. murder/homicide rate for 2018 was 4.96, a 6.77% decline from 2017.
  • U.S. murder/homicide rate for 2017 was 5.32, a 1.37% decline from 2016
These Trump declines came after large increases in murders in the previous 2 years under Obama >>

U.S. murder/homicide rate for 2016 was 5.39, a 8.91% increase from 2015.
U.S. murder/homicide rate for 2015 was 4.95, a 11.37% increase from 2014.

Interesting, how in the beginning of the interview, Boxer praises the area in Oakland where she has had a home since 2005. She says >> "We've never had a hint of any kind of problem. Jack London Square is beautiful by the Bay, wonderful restaurants, wonderful greenery, but this day was a different day for me, and so unexpected."

Well, maybe in the cloud of distortion that Democrats seem to live with daily, it was "unexpected" for Sen Boxer, but to conservatives, and probably just any average person, a street mugging like this was very much TO BE EXPECTED, after the defunding of $18 Million from the Police Dept. That's what happens when you do moronic things like defunding your police and expecting mental health programs to be a suitable revision.

So did Barbara Boxer ever answer the question that the host asked about defunding the police ? Not in the video that I saw. Click it here and see for yourself.

Yet, Oblama had a lower rate in 2014 then Trump in 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020.

In 2019, the estimated number of murders in the nation was 16,425. This was a 0.3 percent increase from the 2018 estimate, a 3.4 percent increase from the 2015 figure, and an 11.6 percent increase from the number in 2010.

Based on preliminary FBI data, the US's murder rate increased by 25 percent or more in 2020. That amounts to more than 20,000 murders in a year for the first time since 1995, up from about 16,000 in 2019, according to crime analyst Jeff Asher.Mar 25, 2021

I can see now why you left out Trump's last two years, tsk, tsk...

During the increase police departments were never defunded and in many case had their funding increased.. Now, say something crass and vulgar to substantiate the failure or the police and Donald Trump like you did Oblama and the Democrats.
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One might also note that Barbara Boxer could have been carrying a gun to defend herself. If so, the mugger probably would have froze at the sight of the gun, and turned and jumped in the car, as he did, but in this case, without the cell phone.

Boxer was lucky. She could have been killed. If she experiences a future attack, it could be a lot worse.
Increased funding for police has not reduced crime in Miami, Florida..A repub led city that has a high crime rate also. In fact why do you ALWAYS leave out Republican led cities?
Maybe because I happened to be talking about Barbara Boxer in Oakland, CA. Duh!
Yet, Oblama had a lower rate in 2014 then Trump in 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020.

In 2019, the estimated number of murders in the nation was 16,425. This was a 0.3 percent increase from the 2018 estimate, a 3.4 percent increase from the 2015 figure, and an 11.6 percent increase from the number in 2010.

Based on preliminary FBI data, the US's murder rate increased by 25 percent or more in 2020. That amounts to more than 20,000 murders in a year for the first time since 1995, up from about 16,000 in 2019, according to crime analyst Jeff Asher.Mar 25, 2021

I can see now why you left out Trump's last two years, tsk, tsk...

During the increase police departments were never defunded and in many case had their funding increased.. Now, say something crass and vulgar to substantiate the failure or the police and Donald Trump like you did Oblama and the Democrats.
NO, you DON'T see why I left out Trump's last 2 years. I left out 2020, because as everyone knows, that was the pandemic year, in which the economy went crazy (with Democrat lockdowns), and people finding themselves out of jobs, businesses closed, and some people even being evicted.

Obviously, 2020 has noting to do with Trump, and in fact has quite a bit to do with Democrats like Fauci funding the Wuhan lab, Pelosi refusing to allow Stimulus checks to go out for most of the year, and then the lockdowns.

Actually, the reason why 2019 and 2020 were left out, is because the link I found simply didn't have them. But there is good reason to leave them out anyway. 2020, for the reason I just noted, and 2019 had only a 0.3 percent increase from 2018. Practically no increase at all.

By including the final 2 years of Obama, the idea was to insure that somebody did not try to say that homicides were already decreasing, and Trump just got the benefit. ...Not the case.

Get it ?
You might have but not yer OP...
And he was right. Look over ALL the cities Mr Cherrypicker.

take a look at the # 1 HIGHEST murder rate city in America, Baltimore, with 58 murders per 100,000 people. Same city that DA Marilyn Mosby tried to jail 6 cops, all of whom proved to be innocent.

Same city where the mayor, Stephanie Rawlings, said ""It’s a very delicate balancing act. Because while we try to make sure that they were protected from the cars and other things that were going on, we also gave those who wished to destroy, space to do that as well. And we worked very hard to keep that balance and to put ourselves in the best position to de-escalate"
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NO, you DON'T see why I left out Trump's last 2 years. I left out 2020, because as everyone knows, that was the pandemic year, in which the economy went crazy (with Democrat lockdowns), and people finding themselves out of jobs, businesses closed, and some people even being evicted.

Obviously, 2020 has noting to do with Trump, and in fact has quite a bit to do with Democrats like Fauci funding the Wuhan lab, Pelosi refusing to allow Stimulus checks to go out for most of the year, and then the lockdowns.

Actually, the reason why 2019 and 2020 were left out, is because the link I found simply didn't have them. But there is good reason to leave them out anyway. 2020, for the reason I just noted, and 2019 had only a 0.3 percent increase from 2018. Practically no increase at all.

By including the final 2 years of Obama, the idea was to insure that somebody did not try to say that homicides were already decreasing, and Trump just got the benefit. ...Not the case.

Get it ?

And now the lib will demonstrate that he never cared about the questions he asked, by not addressing the answer at all.
Increased funding for police has not reduced crime in Miami, Florida..A repub led city that has a high crime rate also. In fact why do you ALWAYS leave out Republican led cities?
1. The OP is referring to DEcreased funding, not INcreased.

2. Maybe the reason why Republican led cities are not included in discussions of police defunding and increased crime, is because it is in just the Democrat cities where this is happening. Duh!
Obama's racist responses in St. Louis, Baltimore, Orlando, New Haven etc. was the beginning of Black power and lawlessness. Obama set race relations back 60 years and emboldened the BLM and defund police movements. Obama is the father of wokeism and cancel culture. If you feel unsafe, thank Obama and his Marxist party.

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