Democrat Debate Revealed Democrat Party Has A Problem for the 2020 Presidential Race!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The Democrat Presidential debate revealed that the Democrat Party is not offering a strong and prudent agenda for the American people. On the Healthcare issue the majority of the candidate want Medicare for all and the minority want a government option on the exchanges for individual insurance. In the debate one candidate argues the administrative cost for Medicare is only three percent and for private insurance its fifteen percent. Fifteen percent is great and that is the awesome thing about the ACA law is that it fixed the medical loss ratio so that like eighty-five percent of the money taken in as premiums by insurance companies has to be paid out in medical claims. Medicare has an atrocious record at controlling cost every year there is shocking prosecutions against health care providers for Medicare fraud Medicare also isn't very effective about weeding out doctors that aren't careful about involving patients in unnecessary services; remember also Medicare is a bad design from a cost perspective it incentivizes providers to perform services they can bill over, in part, they aren't aggressive like private insurance in lumping payments which lowers costs. The government option is very short sighted the only way the government option helps is if the federal government subsidizes the insurance and the subsidy is going to grow exponentially over time leaving America with a health care problem. Democrats should be embracing the ACA it is the optimally prudent design for providing health insurance to people. The needed improvement is to subsidize insurance issuers for the claims of people with preexisting conditions which kills insurance companies doing this will drive down premiums and deductibles. The other thing is that the federal government has to stop the abusive pricing of pharmaceuticals in America; just recently I read an article where a significant number of people in America with diabetes because of the high cost of insulin have to ration it this is forcing people to essentially play Russian roulette with their health they could go into diabetic shock or ruin their organs with this rationing behavior and the facts are clear the price of insulin has skyrocketed in recent years! The Democrat Party should also offer that we are going to look at driving down costs throughout the whole system so to lower premiums and deductibles the idea is to lower the cost of medical equipment for example and for the right bill the Democrats would be willing to cap punitive damages at $3 million with an inflation index.

The Democrats in the Debate showed they are out of touch on the immigration issue. They want to decriminalize illegal immigration. This is the truth about illegal immigration and if Democrats want to be on the right side of the issue they will agree with these points. Illegal immigrants in a significant number of case take jobs from American citizens whether it be in things like construction or food preparation, they are a burden on governments budgets whether it be for things like education or crime related matters and they add to the congestion problem in many areas of America. Legal immigration is good illegal is bad. The Democrat Party should acknowledge that the impediment to getting a comprehensive immigration law through congress is that many Republicans and Independents don't think the law will permanently solve the problem that the country will be back twenty years later needing a comprehensive immigration bill. What Democrats need to do is to offer in this comprehensive bill to legalize all illegals that have been in America for five years is to offer the other side the law will mandate all illegals even families will be held in custody for the entirety of the legal process and the process will be complete within six months if the Federal government has to hire twenty thousand immigration judges to achieve this so be it, Americas justice and deportation system will work!

The Debate tonight revealed Jay Inslee should drop out. You can't be a one issue candidate, climate change, and expect to get the job of President of the U.S.. Climate change should be a top priority but you can't wreck the economy pursuing this goal. The pace of the Obama administration on this issue was a good pace. Lastly, America doesn't need a Mayor De Blasio in the Presidency; the media needs to fact check him are his claims accurate universal health care exists in New York City ?; America doesn't need another President like the current one where the American people have to always question is he telling the truth!
Dear JimofPennsylvan:

Nonprofit cooperatives can get the admin cost down to 6%
but this is based on LOCALIZING ownership of service provisions
with regionally centered chapters of 1500 members. It's enough to
pool resources and buy and build medical clinic centers so specialists
can rotate from location to location. It just takes local organizing
and not going through federal govt which doesn't allow local controls.


The advantage of cooperatives is you can have both people on federal
assistance and people choosing and accessing private providers directly.
So it is NOT true that to set up universal care "requires nationalizing it."
It only takes 1500 members in a cooperative and you already can get
the same discounted rates on services and on catastrophic insurance
and hospital indemnity as a larger group. This the route we need to take
to make medical and health care cost effective while preserving free market choices.

The Democrat Presidential debate revealed that the Democrat Party is not offering a strong and prudent agenda for the American people. On the Healthcare issue the majority of the candidate want Medicare for all and the minority want a government option on the exchanges for individual insurance. In the debate one candidate argues the administrative cost for Medicare is only three percent and for private insurance its fifteen percent. Fifteen percent is great and that is the awesome thing about the ACA law is that it fixed the medical loss ratio so that like eighty-five percent of the money taken in as premiums by insurance companies has to be paid out in medical claims. Medicare has an atrocious record at controlling cost every year there is shocking prosecutions against health care providers for Medicare fraud Medicare also isn't very effective about weeding out doctors that aren't careful about involving patients in unnecessary services; remember also Medicare is a bad design from a cost perspective it incentivizes providers to perform services they can bill over, in part, they aren't aggressive like private insurance in lumping payments which lowers costs. The government option is very short sighted the only way the government option helps is if the federal government subsidizes the insurance and the subsidy is going to grow exponentially over time leaving America with a health care problem. Democrats should be embracing the ACA it is the optimally prudent design for providing health insurance to people. The needed improvement is to subsidize insurance issuers for the claims of people with preexisting conditions which kills insurance companies doing this will drive down premiums and deductibles. The other thing is that the federal government has to stop the abusive pricing of pharmaceuticals in America; just recently I read an article where a significant number of people in America with diabetes because of the high cost of insulin have to ration it this is forcing people to essentially play Russian roulette with their health they could go into diabetic shock or ruin their organs with this rationing behavior and the facts are clear the price of insulin has skyrocketed in recent years! The Democrat Party should also offer that we are going to look at driving down costs throughout the whole system so to lower premiums and deductibles the idea is to lower the cost of medical equipment for example and for the right bill the Democrats would be willing to cap punitive damages at $3 million with an inflation index.

The Democrats in the Debate showed they are out of touch on the immigration issue. They want to decriminalize illegal immigration. This is the truth about illegal immigration and if Democrats want to be on the right side of the issue they will agree with these points. Illegal immigrants in a significant number of case take jobs from American citizens whether it be in things like construction or food preparation, they are a burden on governments budgets whether it be for things like education or crime related matters and they add to the congestion problem in many areas of America. Legal immigration is good illegal is bad. The Democrat Party should acknowledge that the impediment to getting a comprehensive immigration law through congress is that many Republicans and Independents don't think the law will permanently solve the problem that the country will be back twenty years later needing a comprehensive immigration bill. What Democrats need to do is to offer in this comprehensive bill to legalize all illegals that have been in America for five years is to offer the other side the law will mandate all illegals even families will be held in custody for the entirety of the legal process and the process will be complete within six months if the Federal government has to hire twenty thousand immigration judges to achieve this so be it, Americas justice and deportation system will work!

The Debate tonight revealed Jay Inslee should drop out. You can't be a one issue candidate, climate change, and expect to get the job of President of the U.S.. Climate change should be a top priority but you can't wreck the economy pursuing this goal. The pace of the Obama administration on this issue was a good pace. Lastly, America doesn't need a Mayor De Blasio in the Presidency; the media needs to fact check him are his claims accurate universal health care exists in New York City ?; America doesn't need another President like the current one where the American people have to always question is he telling the truth!
The Democrat Presidential debate revealed that the Democrat Party is not offering a strong and prudent agenda for the American people. On the Healthcare issue the majority of the candidate want Medicare for all and the minority want a government option on the exchanges for individual insurance. In the debate one candidate argues the administrative cost for Medicare is only three percent and for private insurance its fifteen percent. Fifteen percent is great and that is the awesome thing about the ACA law is that it fixed the medical loss ratio so that like eighty-five percent of the money taken in as premiums by insurance companies has to be paid out in medical claims. Medicare has an atrocious record at controlling cost every year there is shocking prosecutions against health care providers for Medicare fraud Medicare also isn't very effective about weeding out doctors that aren't careful about involving patients in unnecessary services; remember also Medicare is a bad design from a cost perspective it incentivizes providers to perform services they can bill over, in part, they aren't aggressive like private insurance in lumping payments which lowers costs. The government option is very short sighted the only way the government option helps is if the federal government subsidizes the insurance and the subsidy is going to grow exponentially over time leaving America with a health care problem. Democrats should be embracing the ACA it is the optimally prudent design for providing health insurance to people. The needed improvement is to subsidize insurance issuers for the claims of people with preexisting conditions which kills insurance companies doing this will drive down premiums and deductibles. The other thing is that the federal government has to stop the abusive pricing of pharmaceuticals in America; just recently I read an article where a significant number of people in America with diabetes because of the high cost of insulin have to ration it this is forcing people to essentially play Russian roulette with their health they could go into diabetic shock or ruin their organs with this rationing behavior and the facts are clear the price of insulin has skyrocketed in recent years! The Democrat Party should also offer that we are going to look at driving down costs throughout the whole system so to lower premiums and deductibles the idea is to lower the cost of medical equipment for example and for the right bill the Democrats would be willing to cap punitive damages at $3 million with an inflation index.

The Democrats in the Debate showed they are out of touch on the immigration issue. They want to decriminalize illegal immigration. This is the truth about illegal immigration and if Democrats want to be on the right side of the issue they will agree with these points. Illegal immigrants in a significant number of case take jobs from American citizens whether it be in things like construction or food preparation, they are a burden on governments budgets whether it be for things like education or crime related matters and they add to the congestion problem in many areas of America. Legal immigration is good illegal is bad. The Democrat Party should acknowledge that the impediment to getting a comprehensive immigration law through congress is that many Republicans and Independents don't think the law will permanently solve the problem that the country will be back twenty years later needing a comprehensive immigration bill. What Democrats need to do is to offer in this comprehensive bill to legalize all illegals that have been in America for five years is to offer the other side the law will mandate all illegals even families will be held in custody for the entirety of the legal process and the process will be complete within six months if the Federal government has to hire twenty thousand immigration judges to achieve this so be it, Americas justice and deportation system will work!

The Debate tonight revealed Jay Inslee should drop out. You can't be a one issue candidate, climate change, and expect to get the job of President of the U.S.. Climate change should be a top priority but you can't wreck the economy pursuing this goal. The pace of the Obama administration on this issue was a good pace. Lastly, America doesn't need a Mayor De Blasio in the Presidency; the media needs to fact check him are his claims accurate universal health care exists in New York City ?; America doesn't need another President like the current one where the American people have to always question is he telling the truth!

The "Democrat Party" is not in fact offering any agenda at all. Because there's no such thing.

... Lastly, America doesn't need a Mayor De Blasio in the Presidency; the media needs to fact check him are his claims accurate universal health care exists in New York City ?; America doesn't need another President like the current one where the American people have to always question is he telling the truth!
I must admit I don't care what the prez says but I do care about results and not 1 of the bozos currently aboard the Democrat Socialist Party Clown Car can maintain or improve on what Americans are now enjoying:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

No wonder our bitter, bitter leftards are so hysterical. Anything good for America and Americans they consider to be bad.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
A child fleeing violence should have nothing to fear from the greatest country in the world. We have to fix this.

this is what's important, no who wins the next election!
A child fleeing violence should have nothing to fear from the greatest country in the world. We have to fix this.

this is what's important, no who wins the next election!
You're in favor of BO's policy of unsanitary conditions for illegal aliens and also in favor of parents and children drowning in the Rio Grande to provide new voters for the Democrat politicians who are crooks. Get lost.
The Democrat Presidential debate revealed that the Democrat Party is not offering a strong and prudent agenda for the American people. On the Healthcare issue the majority of the candidate want Medicare for all and the minority want a government option on the exchanges for individual insurance. In the debate one candidate argues the administrative cost for Medicare is only three percent and for private insurance its fifteen percent. Fifteen percent is great and that is the awesome thing about the ACA law is that it fixed the medical loss ratio so that like eighty-five percent of the money taken in as premiums by insurance companies has to be paid out in medical claims. Medicare has an atrocious record at controlling cost every year there is shocking prosecutions against health care providers for Medicare fraud Medicare also isn't very effective about weeding out doctors that aren't careful about involving patients in unnecessary services; remember also Medicare is a bad design from a cost perspective it incentivizes providers to perform services they can bill over, in part, they aren't aggressive like private insurance in lumping payments which lowers costs. The government option is very short sighted the only way the government option helps is if the federal government subsidizes the insurance and the subsidy is going to grow exponentially over time leaving America with a health care problem. Democrats should be embracing the ACA it is the optimally prudent design for providing health insurance to people. The needed improvement is to subsidize insurance issuers for the claims of people with preexisting conditions which kills insurance companies doing this will drive down premiums and deductibles. The other thing is that the federal government has to stop the abusive pricing of pharmaceuticals in America; just recently I read an article where a significant number of people in America with diabetes because of the high cost of insulin have to ration it this is forcing people to essentially play Russian roulette with their health they could go into diabetic shock or ruin their organs with this rationing behavior and the facts are clear the price of insulin has skyrocketed in recent years! The Democrat Party should also offer that we are going to look at driving down costs throughout the whole system so to lower premiums and deductibles the idea is to lower the cost of medical equipment for example and for the right bill the Democrats would be willing to cap punitive damages at $3 million with an inflation index.

The Democrats in the Debate showed they are out of touch on the immigration issue. They want to decriminalize illegal immigration. This is the truth about illegal immigration and if Democrats want to be on the right side of the issue they will agree with these points. Illegal immigrants in a significant number of case take jobs from American citizens whether it be in things like construction or food preparation, they are a burden on governments budgets whether it be for things like education or crime related matters and they add to the congestion problem in many areas of America. Legal immigration is good illegal is bad. The Democrat Party should acknowledge that the impediment to getting a comprehensive immigration law through congress is that many Republicans and Independents don't think the law will permanently solve the problem that the country will be back twenty years later needing a comprehensive immigration bill. What Democrats need to do is to offer in this comprehensive bill to legalize all illegals that have been in America for five years is to offer the other side the law will mandate all illegals even families will be held in custody for the entirety of the legal process and the process will be complete within six months if the Federal government has to hire twenty thousand immigration judges to achieve this so be it, Americas justice and deportation system will work!

The Debate tonight revealed Jay Inslee should drop out. You can't be a one issue candidate, climate change, and expect to get the job of President of the U.S.. Climate change should be a top priority but you can't wreck the economy pursuing this goal. The pace of the Obama administration on this issue was a good pace. Lastly, America doesn't need a Mayor De Blasio in the Presidency; the media needs to fact check him are his claims accurate universal health care exists in New York City ?; America doesn't need another President like the current one where the American people have to always question is he telling the truth!

The "Democrat Party" is not in fact offering any agenda at all. Because there's no such thing.


Bullshit. The Democrat Agenda has always been to destroy America as we know it, and turn it into a third world shithole.
A child fleeing violence should have nothing to fear from the greatest country in the world. We have to fix this.

this is what's important, no who wins the next election!

Great, lets save the other BILLION kids around the world who are even worse off. Can you take 10 of them into your own home? No? Yeah thought so, so much for your faux caring.
There was a Democrat Debate? Who would even watch these clowns?:21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

Eliminationism speaks. :lalala:

What a clown act that debate was, I only watched part of it, didn't have to see the rest.

It was essentially a snowflake session, where they all agreed on lies intended to tweak people's emotions. The more ludicrous the statement the more applause they received. It demonstrates the core of today's left, they're intellectually dishonest and it's celebrated.

ILMAO at most of all Julian Castro.
Last edited:
The Democrat Presidential debate revealed that the Democrat Party is not offering a strong and prudent agenda for the American people. On the Healthcare issue the majority of the candidate want Medicare for all and the minority want a government option on the exchanges for individual insurance. In the debate one candidate argues the administrative cost for Medicare is only three percent and for private insurance its fifteen percent. Fifteen percent is great and that is the awesome thing about the ACA law is that it fixed the medical loss ratio so that like eighty-five percent of the money taken in as premiums by insurance companies has to be paid out in medical claims. Medicare has an atrocious record at controlling cost every year there is shocking prosecutions against health care providers for Medicare fraud Medicare also isn't very effective about weeding out doctors that aren't careful about involving patients in unnecessary services; remember also Medicare is a bad design from a cost perspective it incentivizes providers to perform services they can bill over, in part, they aren't aggressive like private insurance in lumping payments which lowers costs. The government option is very short sighted the only way the government option helps is if the federal government subsidizes the insurance and the subsidy is going to grow exponentially over time leaving America with a health care problem. Democrats should be embracing the ACA it is the optimally prudent design for providing health insurance to people. The needed improvement is to subsidize insurance issuers for the claims of people with preexisting conditions which kills insurance companies doing this will drive down premiums and deductibles. The other thing is that the federal government has to stop the abusive pricing of pharmaceuticals in America; just recently I read an article where a significant number of people in America with diabetes because of the high cost of insulin have to ration it this is forcing people to essentially play Russian roulette with their health they could go into diabetic shock or ruin their organs with this rationing behavior and the facts are clear the price of insulin has skyrocketed in recent years! The Democrat Party should also offer that we are going to look at driving down costs throughout the whole system so to lower premiums and deductibles the idea is to lower the cost of medical equipment for example and for the right bill the Democrats would be willing to cap punitive damages at $3 million with an inflation index.

The Democrats in the Debate showed they are out of touch on the immigration issue. They want to decriminalize illegal immigration. This is the truth about illegal immigration and if Democrats want to be on the right side of the issue they will agree with these points. Illegal immigrants in a significant number of case take jobs from American citizens whether it be in things like construction or food preparation, they are a burden on governments budgets whether it be for things like education or crime related matters and they add to the congestion problem in many areas of America. Legal immigration is good illegal is bad. The Democrat Party should acknowledge that the impediment to getting a comprehensive immigration law through congress is that many Republicans and Independents don't think the law will permanently solve the problem that the country will be back twenty years later needing a comprehensive immigration bill. What Democrats need to do is to offer in this comprehensive bill to legalize all illegals that have been in America for five years is to offer the other side the law will mandate all illegals even families will be held in custody for the entirety of the legal process and the process will be complete within six months if the Federal government has to hire twenty thousand immigration judges to achieve this so be it, Americas justice and deportation system will work!

The Debate tonight revealed Jay Inslee should drop out. You can't be a one issue candidate, climate change, and expect to get the job of President of the U.S.. Climate change should be a top priority but you can't wreck the economy pursuing this goal. The pace of the Obama administration on this issue was a good pace. Lastly, America doesn't need a Mayor De Blasio in the Presidency; the media needs to fact check him are his claims accurate universal health care exists in New York City ?; America doesn't need another President like the current one where the American people have to always question is he telling the truth!

I really did my best to ignore it, but FoxNews kept showing clips all morning long.

The stupidity displayed is beyond words.
The clowns were at a complete loss on how to address Trump's record economy / unemployment record. They had to revert to making statements that completely ignored the fact that the unemployment rate for blacks, Latinos, Asians, and women are the best seen in 50 - 60 years and best seen in recorded history for blacks.

Attempting to run on the issue / statement that we need to 'change course' in the midst of such historic success is moronic ... but it is the hand they have been dealt / what they have to try to do if they want to beat President Trump...
The Democrat Presidential debate revealed that the Democrat Party is not offering a strong and prudent agenda for the American people. On the Healthcare issue the majority of the candidate want Medicare for all and the minority want a government option on the exchanges for individual insurance. In the debate one candidate argues the administrative cost for Medicare is only three percent and for private insurance its fifteen percent. Fifteen percent is great and that is the awesome thing about the ACA law is that it fixed the medical loss ratio so that like eighty-five percent of the money taken in as premiums by insurance companies has to be paid out in medical claims. Medicare has an atrocious record at controlling cost every year there is shocking prosecutions against health care providers for Medicare fraud Medicare also isn't very effective about weeding out doctors that aren't careful about involving patients in unnecessary services; remember also Medicare is a bad design from a cost perspective it incentivizes providers to perform services they can bill over, in part, they aren't aggressive like private insurance in lumping payments which lowers costs. The government option is very short sighted the only way the government option helps is if the federal government subsidizes the insurance and the subsidy is going to grow exponentially over time leaving America with a health care problem. Democrats should be embracing the ACA it is the optimally prudent design for providing health insurance to people. The needed improvement is to subsidize insurance issuers for the claims of people with preexisting conditions which kills insurance companies doing this will drive down premiums and deductibles.

I don't know whether to applaud or laugh at this post. I agree that expanding Medicare would be an even greater financial fiasco than it already is, but the ACA has been a fraud since Day One, when it was passed as a no-cost bill (by matching 10 years of revenue against five years of expenditures).

The fraud has continued by offering "low cost" health insurance with huge deductibles and then compensating insurance companies for any losses on the back end, not to mention skyrocketing premiums for those who are not "subsidized" by the government.

Why are Democrats so opposed to real reforms like interstate competition and limits on awards for "pain and suffering?"

Follow the money.
Democrat Debate Revealed Democrat Party Has A Problem for the 2020 Presidential Race!

Yeah, they're fucking stupid
What a clown act that debate was, I only watched part of it, didn't have to see the rest.

It was essentially a snowflake session, where they all agreed on lies intended to tweak people's emotions. The more ludicrous the statement the more applause they received. It demonstrates the core of today's left, they're intellectually dishonest and it's celebrated.

ILMAO at most of all Julian Castro.

What a good lap dog you are. Your masters are pleased.
A child fleeing violence should have nothing to fear from the greatest country in the world. We have to fix this.

this is what's important, no who wins the next election!

Great, lets save the other BILLION kids around the world who are even worse off. Can you take 10 of them into your own home? No? Yeah thought so, so much for your faux caring.

They sure as shit don't mind killing them in the name of #womensrights.

By the millions

dimocraps are scum

lying scum

murdering scum
The Democrat Presidential debate revealed that the Democrat Party is not offering a strong and prudent agenda for the American people. On the Healthcare issue the majority of the candidate want Medicare for all and the minority want a government option on the exchanges for individual insurance. In the debate one candidate argues the administrative cost for Medicare is only three percent and for private insurance its fifteen percent. Fifteen percent is great and that is the awesome thing about the ACA law is that it fixed the medical loss ratio so that like eighty-five percent of the money taken in as premiums by insurance companies has to be paid out in medical claims. Medicare has an atrocious record at controlling cost every year there is shocking prosecutions against health care providers for Medicare fraud Medicare also isn't very effective about weeding out doctors that aren't careful about involving patients in unnecessary services; remember also Medicare is a bad design from a cost perspective it incentivizes providers to perform services they can bill over, in part, they aren't aggressive like private insurance in lumping payments which lowers costs. The government option is very short sighted the only way the government option helps is if the federal government subsidizes the insurance and the subsidy is going to grow exponentially over time leaving America with a health care problem. Democrats should be embracing the ACA it is the optimally prudent design for providing health insurance to people. The needed improvement is to subsidize insurance issuers for the claims of people with preexisting conditions which kills insurance companies doing this will drive down premiums and deductibles.

I don't know whether to applaud or laugh at this post. I agree that expanding Medicare would be an even greater financial fiasco than it already is, but the ACA has been a fraud since Day One, when it was passed as a no-cost bill (by matching 10 years of revenue against five years of expenditures).

The fraud has continued by offering "low cost" health insurance with huge deductibles and then compensating insurance companies for any losses on the back end, not to mention skyrocketing premiums for those who are not "subsidized" by the government.

Why are Democrats so opposed to real reforms like interstate competition and limits on awards for "pain and suffering?"

Follow the money.

You really are good at regurgitating those lobbyist talking points. Good boy!

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