Democrat Governor Withdraws EV Mandate


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2009
Just common sense. They put the cart before the horse. The grid can't handle it, lower class can't afford it and EVs are not ready for prime time.

Dem governor withdraws electric vehicle mandate in stunning blow to environmentalists

Just common sense. They put the cart before the horse. The grid can't handle it, lower class can't afford it and EVs are not ready for prime time.

Dem governor withdraws electric vehicle mandate in stunning blow to environmentalists

I've been saying all along it wasn't going to happen. You can put the fire in your hair out now.
Electric vehicle demand falls short of manufacturer and dealership expectations

If anyone is driving less than 50 miles a day and purchased an EV, that person is not very good in arithmetic. It would be interesting to watch CA EV owners crying about the price of electricity when Jan.1st arrives. Electric rates are going up. Businesses will raise the price to offset.
Just common sense. They put the cart before the horse. The grid can't handle it, lower class can't afford it and EVs are not ready for prime time.

Dem governor withdraws electric vehicle mandate in stunning blow to environmentalists

Good news.

EVs are a MASSIVE scam.
If anyone is driving less than 50 miles a day and purchased an EV, that person is not very good in arithmetic. It would be interesting to watch CA EV owners crying about the price of electricity when Jan.1st arrives. Electric rates are going up. Businesses will raise the price to offset.
Anyone driving an EVS is a democrat and therefore bad at math.
Just common sense. They put the cart before the horse. The grid can't handle it, lower class can't afford it and EVs are not ready for prime time.

Dem governor withdraws electric vehicle mandate in stunning blow to environmentalists

All of the EV funding programs are about further enriching the Washington Establishment. They tell the suckers that it's for the environment and so taxpayer dollars are given to their friends who then kick a portion of it back to them. Then, when the boondoggle is revealed for what it is, they'll shrug their shoulders and claim their intentions were for the best while they secretly laugh and count their money.
"Green energy" is a screen for passing out $billions to the supporters of the Obama/Biden regime. In essence, it is not different from Royal patronage.

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