Democrat Impeachment Managers fabricate quotes. Have to withdraw from evidence.

Isn't fabricating evidence a crime? Why aren't these Dems facing charges?

There is nothing more low down, or ignorant than the dog and pony show that Senator Lee put on at the end of testimony, and here you are making a big fucking deal about that lying piece of shit, Michael Lee, instead of being concerned about the insurrection. Which is of course your whole point.

Mike Lee promoted the lie the election was stolen, and you didn't worry about that lie. Or Trump's lies, which lead to the insurrection. Why didn't you care about Donald Trump making up lies about the election being stolen?

Or the police who were injured that day. Instead, you're still here. Promoting the lies of Donald Trump.

But just to be clear about what it was that Lee was trying to cover up:

"But Lee’s objection also served to highlight a subtly vital series of events from that day. The Tuberville call — regardless of the sourcing behind it — reinforces the readily apparent idea that Trump’s focus early in the riot was much more about his own political fate than the danger faced by lawmakers and Capitol staff."
Remind me? when in January 2017 the dems all petitioned for the electoral vote to be ignored, did you call them names and call it an insurrection?

Did rioters crash through the doors and stop the process?

No, so let be clear because someone protested on the floor of the House and Senate is not insurrection but in your mind it is but when rioters did what they did on January 6th 2021 was insurrection with the blessing of Trump!
and yet the squad claimed the petition was tatamont to the riot and the bitch claimed they tried to murder her by exercising their given authority. Remind me where you were and are on that?

Again, can you show video of rioters storming the Capitol back in January of 2017 that caused the process to be stopped while chanting to hang Biden?

My bet you can not but you will try to excuse those that did insurrection on January 6th 2021 by saying some mean Democrat said something when Trump was elected, so too you that is good defense for those that followed Trump wish to stop the steal...

I mean seriously you are grasping at straws with the hope you can convince yourself there was no insurrection and Trump is innocent but reality is Trump is guilty of provoking the idiots and you are more upset it failed in my opinion!
Look you fucking retard AOC and her cohorts all claimed that every republican congressman and Senator that asked for the Electoral college challenge where the SAME as the rioters. And they CONTINUE to claim it.

That's because every Republican Congressman and Senator that asked for Electoral College challenges ARE the same as the rioters because they're all saying that the election was "stolen". By supporting and confirming Trump's Big Lie, that the election was "stolen". The House Reps and Senators repeated said that there was "massive election fraud", and that they were challenging the Electors because of that "fraud" and that was a complete lie.

So those who participated in the "stolen election" lie, and who did the President's bidding to challenge the Electors, were participating in the insurrection. There was no insurrection around the Clinton challenges to the electors, hence there was no guilt on the part of Democrats.

Every time Republicans do something illegal, immoral, or unConstitutional, especially under Donald Trump, they always try to paint Democrats as having done the very same thing, and they're lying every time they try it. In their naked pursuit for power above all, Republicans have lost all sense of morality, decency, or law. They no longer have the best interests of the American people at the heart of the operations. Not for a very long time.
4 States VIOLATED the election laws in those states you fucking retard AND that is what they were opposing. You are either amazingly stupid or just plain IGNORANT of the facts. Keep lying and painting peaceful opposition to violating LAWS with a riot.
Look you fucking retard AOC and her cohorts all claimed that every republican congressman and Senator that asked for the Electoral college challenge where the SAME as the rioters.
That's like claiming peaceful protest is the same as a riot. You'd never do that...would you?
Only minions of the Democrat Reich have ever done that, NAZI.
Look you fucking retard AOC and her cohorts all claimed that every republican congressman and Senator that asked for the Electoral college challenge where the SAME as the rioters.
That's like claiming peaceful protest is the same as a riot. You'd never do that...would you?
I have not done so, if you are referring to BLM those were not peaceful protests they were violent riots murdering and burning and looting.

Arrest records a newspaper accounts, as well as police report, have consistently painted the violence and the looting is having come from right wing anarchists and militia groups, not Black Lives Matter.

Christopher Wray repeatedly warned that right wing terrorist we are infiltrating the protest in an effort to start a racial Civil War and or to portray the Black Lives Matter protesters as violent criminals.

What has been consistently reported by both the police and civic officials throughout the summer has been that the Black Lives Matter protests have been largely peaceful. And that the damage violence and looting was largely coming from internet fringe groups infiltrating the protests for cover.
The Democrats trying to once again attempt to rely upon people being stupid enough to buy their BS.
Hopefully it will backfire on them again.
The Dems/Press have destroyed their own credibility.

If you’re stupid enough to believe the election was stolen, you will believe anything. The fact that you’re still supporting Donald Trump after all he’s done and all you’ve seen shows that you’re a complete idiot. Your posting name says it all.
Looks like today will be another day of "Look how scared we were" by the Dimwinger House Clowns.

No evidence.
It's like the Jusse Smollet prosecution strategy!

Are you saying that a police officer wasn’t murdered by that mob or that nobody died that day?

Are you really that so stupid as to try to pretend that the Capitol insurrection never happened? That the whole thing was faked?
Isn't fabricating evidence a crime? Why aren't these Dems facing charges?

There is nothing more low down, or ignorant than the dog and pony show that Senator Lee put on at the end of testimony, and here you are making a big fucking deal about that lying piece of shit, Michael Lee, instead of being concerned about the insurrection. Which is of course your whole point.

Mike Lee promoted the lie the election was stolen, and you didn't worry about that lie. Or Trump's lies, which lead to the insurrection. Why didn't you care about Donald Trump making up lies about the election being stolen?

Or the police who were injured that day. Instead, you're still here. Promoting the lies of Donald Trump.

But just to be clear about what it was that Lee was trying to cover up:

"But Lee’s objection also served to highlight a subtly vital series of events from that day. The Tuberville call — regardless of the sourcing behind it — reinforces the readily apparent idea that Trump’s focus early in the riot was much more about his own political fate than the danger faced by lawmakers and Capitol staff."
This is what happens when the only "evidence" you have is news accounts.

The House Clowns have nothing.
Looks like today will be another day of "Look how scared we were" by the Dimwinger House Clowns.

No evidence.
It's like the Jusse Smollet prosecution strategy!

Are you saying that a police officer wasn’t murdered by that mob or that nobody died that day?

Are you really that so stupid as to try to pretend that the Capitol insurrection never happened? That the whole thing was faked?
Actually the police officer has no listed cause of death. They still don't know why he died. Thje current theory is he had a reaction to tear gas and bear spray.
Isn't fabricating evidence a crime? Why aren't these Dems facing charges?

There is nothing more low down, or ignorant than the dog and pony show that Senator Lee put on at the end of testimony, and here you are making a big fucking deal about that lying piece of shit, Michael Lee, instead of being concerned about the insurrection. Which is of course your whole point.

Mike Lee promoted the lie the election was stolen, and you didn't worry about that lie. Or Trump's lies, which lead to the insurrection. Why didn't you care about Donald Trump making up lies about the election being stolen?

Or the police who were injured that day. Instead, you're still here. Promoting the lies of Donald Trump.

But just to be clear about what it was that Lee was trying to cover up:

"But Lee’s objection also served to highlight a subtly vital series of events from that day. The Tuberville call — regardless of the sourcing behind it — reinforces the readily apparent idea that Trump’s focus early in the riot was much more about his own political fate than the danger faced by lawmakers and Capitol staff."

OP cares about the failure of the insurrection and is upset that Trump and his rioters did not succeed in overthrowing the Federal Government and placing Trump as King for life...

As for Mike Lee the Democrats should have done the vote to see how many GOP would have left it on the record and my bet is Romney along with those like Collins would have kept it there...
OP cares about the failure of the insurrection and is upset that Trump and his rioters did not succeed in overthrowing the Federal Government and placing Trump as King for life...

I'm sure you can back that up with a post of mine. If not, you have nothing beyond your own made up lies.
Look you fucking retard AOC and her cohorts all claimed that every republican congressman and Senator that asked for the Electoral college challenge where the SAME as the rioters.
That's like claiming peaceful protest is the same as a riot. You'd never do that...would you?
I have not done so, if you are referring to BLM those were not peaceful protests they were violent riots murdering and burning and looting.

Arrest records a newspaper accounts, as well as police report, have consistently painted the violence and the looting is having come from right wing anarchists and militia groups, not Black Lives Matter.

Christopher Wray repeatedly warned that right wing terrorist we are infiltrating the protest in an effort to start a racial Civil War and or to portray the Black Lives Matter protesters as violent criminals.

What has been consistently reported by both the police and civic officials throughout the summer has been that the Black Lives Matter protests have been largely peaceful. And that the damage violence and looting was largely coming from internet fringe groups infiltrating the protests for cover.
Too stupid to even bother refuting.
Isn't fabricating evidence a crime? Why aren't these Dems facing charges?

There is nothing more low down, or ignorant than the dog and pony show that Senator Lee put on at the end of testimony, and here you are making a big fucking deal about that lying piece of shit, Michael Lee, instead of being concerned about the insurrection. Which is of course your whole point.

Mike Lee promoted the lie the election was stolen, and you didn't worry about that lie. Or Trump's lies, which lead to the insurrection. Why didn't you care about Donald Trump making up lies about the election being stolen?

Or the police who were injured that day. Instead, you're still here. Promoting the lies of Donald Trump.

But just to be clear about what it was that Lee was trying to cover up:

"But Lee’s objection also served to highlight a subtly vital series of events from that day. The Tuberville call — regardless of the sourcing behind it — reinforces the readily apparent idea that Trump’s focus early in the riot was much more about his own political fate than the danger faced by lawmakers and Capitol staff."
Remind me? when in January 2017 the dems all petitioned for the electoral vote to be ignored, did you call them names and call it an insurrection?

You "whataboutism" is a complete fail, because what the Democrats did was to challenge the Republicans to follow the popular vote - which Clinton won. The reps were within their rights to challenge the electoral college. But there was no months' long campaign to call the election "stolen". Hillary conceded defeat and urged the peaceful transition of power - something Trump has steadfastly refused to do.

Nobody rioted, the Capital was not stormed, and nobody died. The whole process could not have been more different. It was conducted according to the US Constitution.

Thank you for reminding us all what a loathsome piece of shit Trump really is for defying the voters, and unleashing his mob on the legally elected peoples' representative.
You "whataboutism" is a complete fail, because what the Democrats did was to challenge the Republicans to follow the popular vote - which Clinton won.

That is asking for them to illegally overthrow a duly elected President, Stupid. In America we elect a POTUS via the electoral college, not the popular vote.

You are a moron.
Looks like today will be another day of "Look how scared we were" by the Dimwinger House Clowns.

No evidence.
It's like the Jusse Smollet prosecution strategy!

Are you saying that a police officer wasn’t murdered by that mob or that nobody died that day?

Are you really that so stupid as to try to pretend that the Capitol insurrection never happened? That the whole thing was faked?
The capitol police say he wasn't murdered, you brain damaged NAZI.
Looks like today will be another day of "Look how scared we were" by the Dimwinger House Clowns.

No evidence.
It's like the Jusse Smollet prosecution strategy!

Are you saying that a police officer wasn’t murdered by that mob or that nobody died that day?

Are you really that so stupid as to try to pretend that the Capitol insurrection never happened? That the whole thing was faked?
The capitol police say he wasn't murdered, you brain damaged NAZI.
The autopsy report that is being hidden shows that he wasn't murdered.
Isn't fabricating evidence a crime? Why aren't these Dems facing charges?

There is nothing more low down, or ignorant than the dog and pony show that Senator Lee put on at the end of testimony, and here you are making a big fucking deal about that lying piece of shit, Michael Lee, instead of being concerned about the insurrection. Which is of course your whole point.

Mike Lee promoted the lie the election was stolen, and you didn't worry about that lie. Or Trump's lies, which lead to the insurrection. Why didn't you care about Donald Trump making up lies about the election being stolen?

Or the police who were injured that day. Instead, you're still here. Promoting the lies of Donald Trump.

But just to be clear about what it was that Lee was trying to cover up:

"But Lee’s objection also served to highlight a subtly vital series of events from that day. The Tuberville call — regardless of the sourcing behind it — reinforces the readily apparent idea that Trump’s focus early in the riot was much more about his own political fate than the danger faced by lawmakers and Capitol staff."
Remind me? when in January 2017 the dems all petitioned for the electoral vote to be ignored, did you call them names and call it an insurrection?

Did rioters crash through the doors and stop the process?

No, so let be clear because someone protested on the floor of the House and Senate is not insurrection but in your mind it is but when rioters did what they did on January 6th 2021 was insurrection with the blessing of Trump!
and yet the squad claimed the petition was tatamont to the riot and the bitch claimed they tried to murder her by exercising their given authority. Remind me where you were and are on that?

Again, can you show video of rioters storming the Capitol back in January of 2017 that caused the process to be stopped while chanting to hang Biden?

My bet you can not but you will try to excuse those that did insurrection on January 6th 2021 by saying some mean Democrat said something when Trump was elected, so too you that is good defense for those that followed Trump wish to stop the steal...

I mean seriously you are grasping at straws with the hope you can convince yourself there was no insurrection and Trump is innocent but reality is Trump is guilty of provoking the idiots and you are more upset it failed in my opinion!
Look you fucking retard AOC and her cohorts all claimed that every republican congressman and Senator that asked for the Electoral college challenge where the SAME as the rioters. And they CONTINUE to claim it.

That's because every Republican Congressman and Senator that asked for Electoral College challenges ARE the same as the rioters because they're all saying that the election was "stolen". By supporting and confirming Trump's Big Lie, that the election was "stolen". The House Reps and Senators repeated said that there was "massive election fraud", and that they were challenging the Electors because of that "fraud" and that was a complete lie.

So those who participated in the "stolen election" lie, and who did the President's bidding to challenge the Electors, were participating in the insurrection. There was no insurrection around the Clinton challenges to the electors, hence there was no guilt on the part of Democrats.

Every time Republicans do something illegal, immoral, or unConstitutional, especially under Donald Trump, they always try to paint Democrats as having done the very same thing, and they're lying every time they try it. In their naked pursuit for power above all, Republicans have lost all sense of morality, decency, or law. They no longer have the best interests of the American people at the heart of the operations. Not for a very long time.
So those who participated in the "stolen election" lie, and who did the President's bidding to challenge the Electors, were participating in the insurrection.

So in you post above this one you confirm in 2017 the Dimwingers participated in an insurrection by asking Republicans to challenge the Electors and hand the election to Hitlery.

You are a moron.
Isn't fabricating evidence a crime? Why aren't these Dems facing charges?

There is nothing more low down, or ignorant than the dog and pony show that Senator Lee put on at the end of testimony, and here you are making a big fucking deal about that lying piece of shit, Michael Lee, instead of being concerned about the insurrection. Which is of course your whole point.

Mike Lee promoted the lie the election was stolen, and you didn't worry about that lie. Or Trump's lies, which lead to the insurrection. Why didn't you care about Donald Trump making up lies about the election being stolen?

Or the police who were injured that day. Instead, you're still here. Promoting the lies of Donald Trump.

But just to be clear about what it was that Lee was trying to cover up:

"But Lee’s objection also served to highlight a subtly vital series of events from that day. The Tuberville call — regardless of the sourcing behind it — reinforces the readily apparent idea that Trump’s focus early in the riot was much more about his own political fate than the danger faced by lawmakers and Capitol staff."
Remind me? when in January 2017 the dems all petitioned for the electoral vote to be ignored, did you call them names and call it an insurrection?

You "whataboutism" is a complete fail, because what the Democrats did was to challenge the Republicans to follow the popular vote - which Clinton won. The reps were within their rights to challenge the electoral college. But there was no months' long campaign to call the election "stolen". Hillary conceded defeat and urged the peaceful transition of power - something Trump has steadfastly refused to do.

Nobody rioted, the Capital was not stormed, and nobody died. The whole process could not have been more different. It was conducted according to the US Constitution.

Thank you for reminding us all what a loathsome piece of shit Trump really is for defying the voters, and unleashing his mob on the legally elected peoples' representative.
You "whataboutism" is a complete fail, because what the Democrats did was to challenge the Republicans to follow the popular vote - which Clinton won.

That is asking for them to illegally overthrow a duly elected President, Stupid. In America we elect a POTUS via the electoral college, not the popular vote.

You are a moron.
She also claims that the senators and congresmen that objected to the electoral votes from the 4 states that blatantly violated their own election laws are the same as the rioters.
Looks like today will be another day of "Look how scared we were" by the Dimwinger House Clowns.

No evidence.
It's like the Jusse Smollet prosecution strategy!

Are you saying that a police officer wasn’t murdered by that mob or that nobody died that day?

Are you really that so stupid as to try to pretend that the Capitol insurrection never happened? That the whole thing was faked?
The officer's cause of death has not been released.
Look you fucking retard AOC and her cohorts all claimed that every republican congressman and Senator that asked for the Electoral college challenge where the SAME as the rioters.
That's like claiming peaceful protest is the same as a riot. You'd never do that...would you?
I have not done so, if you are referring to BLM those were not peaceful protests they were violent riots murdering and burning and looting.

Arrest records a newspaper accounts, as well as police report, have consistently painted the violence and the looting is having come from right wing anarchists and militia groups, not Black Lives Matter.

Christopher Wray repeatedly warned that right wing terrorist we are infiltrating the protest in an effort to start a racial Civil War and or to portray the Black Lives Matter protesters as violent criminals.

What has been consistently reported by both the police and civic officials throughout the summer has been that the Black Lives Matter protests have been largely peaceful. And that the damage violence and looting was largely coming from internet fringe groups infiltrating the protests for cover.
Black Lives Matter protests have been largely peaceful.

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :itsok: :itsok:




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