Democrat Jim Webb Stands Up For 'Southern White Cultures'

Too early for that. Almost anyone could beat her. She's a candidate who comes prepackaged with tons of history to defend. Why would any sane party choose a candidate with such a dubious reputation? She's an easy target.

Oh! I get it. You are afraid that her being attacked by the competition will cause her to be defeated.

That never happens. Why....Obama was warmly embraced by the GOP campaign apparatus. Hillary will be treated much more harshly.

Her "dubious reputation" is pretty much all bullshit. Her accomplishments are many and her actual....proven baggage is light. I prefer. Sanders on policy and on authenticity.....but she will do. And she won't be defeated easily by anyone that the GOP has offered up. Your fears are not warranted.
The Clintons are one of the most corrupt political dynasties in American history. Ever hear of the Clinton Foundation? It seems they've found a way to do even better for themselves than Citizens United could. They have an interesting list of foreign donors.
Foreign governments gave millions to foundation while Clinton was at State Dept. - The Washington Post

Please supply the indictments. Thanks.
Why would any legal action be necessary? The damage to her already soiled reputation is done. That's how politics works.

That's pretty stupid - especially considering that Bill Clinton could be elected again. How 'bout them apples?
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Leaving us with Hilary and certain defeat.

To who?
Too early for that. Almost anyone could beat her. She's a candidate who comes prepackaged with tons of history to defend. Why would any sane party choose a candidate with such a dubious reputation? She's an easy target.

Oh! I get it. You are afraid that her being attacked by the competition will cause her to be defeated.

That never happens. Why....Obama was warmly embraced by the GOP campaign apparatus. Hillary will be treated much more harshly.

Her "dubious reputation" is pretty much all bullshit. Her accomplishments are many and her actual....proven baggage is light. I prefer. Sanders on policy and on authenticity.....but she will do. And she won't be defeated easily by anyone that the GOP has offered up. Your fears are not warranted.
The Clintons are one of the most corrupt political dynasties in American history. Ever hear of the Clinton Foundation? It seems they've found a way to do even better for themselves than Citizens United could. They have an interesting list of foreign donors.
Foreign governments gave millions to foundation while Clinton was at State Dept. - The Washington Post

Really? Here, sparky, is some real evil shit for you to digest about the Bushes:

World Class Monster

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power - The Guardian

Did the Bushes help to kill JFK?
What the fuck does any of this have to do with the Clintons?
You aren't actually an adult.......are you.
Oh! I get it. You are afraid that her being attacked by the competition will cause her to be defeated.

That never happens. Why....Obama was warmly embraced by the GOP campaign apparatus. Hillary will be treated much more harshly.

Her "dubious reputation" is pretty much all bullshit. Her accomplishments are many and her actual....proven baggage is light. I prefer. Sanders on policy and on authenticity.....but she will do. And she won't be defeated easily by anyone that the GOP has offered up. Your fears are not warranted.
The Clintons are one of the most corrupt political dynasties in American history. Ever hear of the Clinton Foundation? It seems they've found a way to do even better for themselves than Citizens United could. They have an interesting list of foreign donors.
Foreign governments gave millions to foundation while Clinton was at State Dept. - The Washington Post

Please supply the indictments. Thanks.
Why would any legal action be necessary? The damage to her already soiled reputation is done. That's how politics works.

That's pretty stupid - especially considering that Bill Clinton could be elected again. How 'bout them apples?
What's pretty stupid? Feel free to elaborate junior.
I thought Webb would be more than just a flash in the pan. Bye bye, Jimmy...
Leaving us with Hilary and certain defeat.

Dream on...
Many Democrats simply will not vote for Hilary.
I won't, she's farther left than Oblama..But I will not vote for any repub, they stink also...
There are no politicians anywhere who represent anyone besides themselves and their wealthy friends.........Democrats included.

WASHINGTON -- Democratic presidential candidate Jim Webb on Sunday suggested that recent efforts to remove Confederate symbols from public places were as "divisive" as Donald Trump's disparaging comments about Mexican immigrants.

Without prompting from "Fox News Sunday" host Bret Baier, who had been asking questions about national security, Webb asked if he could please talk about Trump, the billionaire GOP candidate who has called Mexican immigrants rapists and criminals. Webb criticized Trump before pivoting.

"This kind of divisive, inflammatory rhetoric by people who want to be commander-in-chief is not helpful, and we have seen from the liberal side as well this kind of rhetoric as it goes to Southern white cultures," the former Virginia senator said, apparently referring to recent debates over the Confederate flag.

"We need to be inclusive and recognize that we have problems and that we can come together to solve them," Webb said. "But don't be throwing these bombs to our cultural groups."

Democrats in Congress this week pushed a resolution calling for the removal of Confederate flags from the U.S. Capitol grounds, the latest phase of a push against the Southern icon sparked by the racially motivated mass murder of nine African-Americans in a South Carolina church last month. On Friday, the Republican-controlled South Carolina state government took down the Confederate flag that had been flying at the state capitol building.

Webb has seemed eager to distinguish himself as the only Democratic candidate with a really nuanced take on the flag, in an apparent effort to win over white working-class voters who increasingly vote Republican. On Sunday, Baier asked Webb whether he thought efforts to remove Confederate symbols from public places were racial healing or political grandstanding. In response, Webb again compared the Confederate debate to Trump trashing Mexican immigrants.

"Unfortunately, I think you're seeing it from both sides, which is why I mention the situation with Donald Trump with respect to Mexican-Americans," Webb said. "We're seeing an issue which should have been resolved and now is resolved, flying the Confederate battle flag in public places, morphing into something different."

More: Jim Webb Stands Up For Southern White Cultures

How can Webb honestly compare Trump's hateful immigration rhetoric with the racist Confederate flag?
What is wrong with standing up for White Culture? After all, the founders wanted this country for free White people. See the Naturalization Act of 1790 where it is plainly written.

Whats wrong with it is last week you said Dems hate whites. This week you're applauding a guy for defending whites...and hes a democrat.

WASHINGTON -- Democratic presidential candidate Jim Webb on Sunday suggested that recent efforts to remove Confederate symbols from public places were as "divisive" as Donald Trump's disparaging comments about Mexican immigrants.

Without prompting from "Fox News Sunday" host Bret Baier, who had been asking questions about national security, Webb asked if he could please talk about Trump, the billionaire GOP candidate who has called Mexican immigrants rapists and criminals. Webb criticized Trump before pivoting.

"This kind of divisive, inflammatory rhetoric by people who want to be commander-in-chief is not helpful, and we have seen from the liberal side as well this kind of rhetoric as it goes to Southern white cultures," the former Virginia senator said, apparently referring to recent debates over the Confederate flag.

"We need to be inclusive and recognize that we have problems and that we can come together to solve them," Webb said. "But don't be throwing these bombs to our cultural groups."

Democrats in Congress this week pushed a resolution calling for the removal of Confederate flags from the U.S. Capitol grounds, the latest phase of a push against the Southern icon sparked by the racially motivated mass murder of nine African-Americans in a South Carolina church last month. On Friday, the Republican-controlled South Carolina state government took down the Confederate flag that had been flying at the state capitol building.

Webb has seemed eager to distinguish himself as the only Democratic candidate with a really nuanced take on the flag, in an apparent effort to win over white working-class voters who increasingly vote Republican. On Sunday, Baier asked Webb whether he thought efforts to remove Confederate symbols from public places were racial healing or political grandstanding. In response, Webb again compared the Confederate debate to Trump trashing Mexican immigrants.

"Unfortunately, I think you're seeing it from both sides, which is why I mention the situation with Donald Trump with respect to Mexican-Americans," Webb said. "We're seeing an issue which should have been resolved and now is resolved, flying the Confederate battle flag in public places, morphing into something different."

More: Jim Webb Stands Up For Southern White Cultures

How can Webb honestly compare Trump's hateful immigration rhetoric with the racist Confederate flag?
What is wrong with standing up for White Culture? After all, the founders wanted this country for free White people. See the Naturalization Act of 1790 where it is plainly written.

Whats wrong with it is last week you said Dems hate whites. This week you're applauding a guy for defending whites...and hes a democrat.
Trump is a republican! David Duke used to be a democrat.
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Webb's point is that Dems have lost the white working class vote, and if they hope to win in 2016 they must regain it.

Why is this so hard to understand?

WASHINGTON -- Democratic presidential candidate Jim Webb on Sunday suggested that recent efforts to remove Confederate symbols from public places were as "divisive" as Donald Trump's disparaging comments about Mexican immigrants.

Without prompting from "Fox News Sunday" host Bret Baier, who had been asking questions about national security, Webb asked if he could please talk about Trump, the billionaire GOP candidate who has called Mexican immigrants rapists and criminals. Webb criticized Trump before pivoting.

"This kind of divisive, inflammatory rhetoric by people who want to be commander-in-chief is not helpful, and we have seen from the liberal side as well this kind of rhetoric as it goes to Southern white cultures," the former Virginia senator said, apparently referring to recent debates over the Confederate flag.

"We need to be inclusive and recognize that we have problems and that we can come together to solve them," Webb said. "But don't be throwing these bombs to our cultural groups."

Democrats in Congress this week pushed a resolution calling for the removal of Confederate flags from the U.S. Capitol grounds, the latest phase of a push against the Southern icon sparked by the racially motivated mass murder of nine African-Americans in a South Carolina church last month. On Friday, the Republican-controlled South Carolina state government took down the Confederate flag that had been flying at the state capitol building.

Webb has seemed eager to distinguish himself as the only Democratic candidate with a really nuanced take on the flag, in an apparent effort to win over white working-class voters who increasingly vote Republican. On Sunday, Baier asked Webb whether he thought efforts to remove Confederate symbols from public places were racial healing or political grandstanding. In response, Webb again compared the Confederate debate to Trump trashing Mexican immigrants.

"Unfortunately, I think you're seeing it from both sides, which is why I mention the situation with Donald Trump with respect to Mexican-Americans," Webb said. "We're seeing an issue which should have been resolved and now is resolved, flying the Confederate battle flag in public places, morphing into something different."

More: Jim Webb Stands Up For Southern White Cultures

How can Webb honestly compare Trump's hateful immigration rhetoric with the racist Confederate flag?
What is wrong with standing up for White Culture? After all, the founders wanted this country for free White people. See the Naturalization Act of 1790 where it is plainly written.

Whats wrong with it is last week you said Dems hate whites. This week you're applauding a guy for defending whites...and hes a democrat.
Trump is a republican!
So's David Duke. He's been a loyal Republican for many years, seems he's found a home.
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Webb's point is that Dems have lost the white working class vote, and if they hope to win in 2016 they must regain it.

Why is this so hard to understand?

Working class!! OMG!! Class warfare from a RWnut!!

Hey chuckles.....Dims only got 37% of the white vote in last years mid-terms. White's are 2/3 of the electorate. They only got 18% of white working class votes.

You girls will continue to lose elections until that changes. You do understand that...right?

WASHINGTON -- Democratic presidential candidate Jim Webb on Sunday suggested that recent efforts to remove Confederate symbols from public places were as "divisive" as Donald Trump's disparaging comments about Mexican immigrants.

Without prompting from "Fox News Sunday" host Bret Baier, who had been asking questions about national security, Webb asked if he could please talk about Trump, the billionaire GOP candidate who has called Mexican immigrants rapists and criminals. Webb criticized Trump before pivoting.

"This kind of divisive, inflammatory rhetoric by people who want to be commander-in-chief is not helpful, and we have seen from the liberal side as well this kind of rhetoric as it goes to Southern white cultures," the former Virginia senator said, apparently referring to recent debates over the Confederate flag.

"We need to be inclusive and recognize that we have problems and that we can come together to solve them," Webb said. "But don't be throwing these bombs to our cultural groups."

Democrats in Congress this week pushed a resolution calling for the removal of Confederate flags from the U.S. Capitol grounds, the latest phase of a push against the Southern icon sparked by the racially motivated mass murder of nine African-Americans in a South Carolina church last month. On Friday, the Republican-controlled South Carolina state government took down the Confederate flag that had been flying at the state capitol building.

Webb has seemed eager to distinguish himself as the only Democratic candidate with a really nuanced take on the flag, in an apparent effort to win over white working-class voters who increasingly vote Republican. On Sunday, Baier asked Webb whether he thought efforts to remove Confederate symbols from public places were racial healing or political grandstanding. In response, Webb again compared the Confederate debate to Trump trashing Mexican immigrants.

"Unfortunately, I think you're seeing it from both sides, which is why I mention the situation with Donald Trump with respect to Mexican-Americans," Webb said. "We're seeing an issue which should have been resolved and now is resolved, flying the Confederate battle flag in public places, morphing into something different."

More: Jim Webb Stands Up For Southern White Cultures

How can Webb honestly compare Trump's hateful immigration rhetoric with the racist Confederate flag?
What is wrong with standing up for White Culture? After all, the founders wanted this country for free White people. See the Naturalization Act of 1790 where it is plainly written.

Whats wrong with it is last week you said Dems hate whites. This week you're applauding a guy for defending whites...and hes a democrat.
Trump is a republican! David Duke used to be a democrat.

Jim Webb faggot
Webb's point is that Dems have lost the white working class vote, and if they hope to win in 2016 they must regain it.

Why is this so hard to understand?

Working class!! OMG!! Class warfare from a RWnut!!

Hey chuckles.....Dims only got 37% of the white vote in last years mid-terms. White's are 2/3 of the electorate. They only got 18% of white working class votes.

You girls will continue to lose elections until that changes. You do understand that...right?

As long as we have Presidents like Obama, your agenda is in the shitter.
Webb's point is that Dems have lost the white working class vote, and if they hope to win in 2016 they must regain it.

Why is this so hard to understand?

Working class!! OMG!! Class warfare from a RWnut!!

Hey chuckles.....Dims only got 37% of the white vote in last years mid-terms. White's are 2/3 of the electorate. They only got 18% of white working class votes.

You girls will continue to lose elections until that changes. You do understand that...right?

As long as we have Presidents like Obama, your agenda is in the shitter.

I wasn't aware Obama was running for a 3rd term. Do tell.....:lol:

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