Democrat Jim Webb Stands Up For 'Southern White Cultures'

Webb's point is that Dems have lost the white working class vote, and if they hope to win in 2016 they must regain it.

Why is this so hard to understand?

Working class!! OMG!! Class warfare from a RWnut!!

Hey chuckles.....Dims only got 37% of the white vote in last years mid-terms. White's are 2/3 of the electorate. They only got 18% of white working class votes.

You girls will continue to lose elections until that changes. You do understand that...right?

As long as we have Presidents like Obama, your agenda is in the shitter.

I wasn't aware Obama was running for a 3rd term. Do tell.....:lol:

Democrats have won the popular vote in 5 of the last 6 presidential elections.
If Webb was endorsing this PC bullshit the left would love him they wouldn't nominate him but they would love him.
Webb's point is that Dems have lost the white working class vote, and if they hope to win in 2016 they must regain it.

Why is this so hard to understand?

Working class!! OMG!! Class warfare from a RWnut!!

Hey chuckles.....Dims only got 37% of the white vote in last years mid-terms. White's are 2/3 of the electorate. They only got 18% of white working class votes.

You girls will continue to lose elections until that changes. You do understand that...right?

As long as we have Presidents like Obama, your agenda is in the shitter.

I wasn't aware Obama was running for a 3rd term. Do tell.....:lol:

Democrats have won the popular vote in 5 of the last 6 presidential elections.

That's nice. :) The Dims dropped below 40% of the white vote in 2014. It has been slowly eroding since 2004 and is accelerating. Dims need 40% of the white vote and a large minority turnout to win elections.

Obama got 40% of the white vote and a large minority turnout. No one believes Hillary will get the same minority turnout as Obama. If she gets under 40% of the white vote she will not win. It is very simple.

Webb had the courage to address a huge problem in the Dim Party. Whites, particularly working class whites, are turning away from the Dim Party in huge numbers....and maybe forever.

So it's cool Dims want to kill the messenger in Webb and deny there is a problem. That plays right into the GOP's plans. :D
I like the guy. He's wrong on this.

LL....please see my post above. You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but I do not think Webb is wrong. Democrats need to actively seek white working class voters, just as the GOP needs to seek minority voters. Both parties have similar problems with different voting blocs.

The GOP may have lost minority voters forever. Dems may very well be in the same position with white voters....particularly working class whites. Webb is addressing the issue head on. I think it needs to be addressed.
Working class!! OMG!! Class warfare from a RWnut!!

Hey chuckles.....Dims only got 37% of the white vote in last years mid-terms. White's are 2/3 of the electorate. They only got 18% of white working class votes.

You girls will continue to lose elections until that changes. You do understand that...right?

As long as we have Presidents like Obama, your agenda is in the shitter.

I wasn't aware Obama was running for a 3rd term. Do tell.....:lol:

Democrats have won the popular vote in 5 of the last 6 presidential elections.

That's nice. :) The Dims dropped below 40% of the white vote in 2014. It has been slowly eroding since 2004 and is accelerating. Dims need 40% of the white vote and a large minority turnout to win elections.

Obama got 40% of the white vote and a large minority turnout. No one believes Hillary will get the same minority turnout as Obama. If she gets under 40% of the white vote she will not win. It is very simple.

Webb had the courage to address a huge problem in the Dim Party. Whites, particularly working class whites, are turning away from the Dim Party in huge numbers....and maybe forever.

So it's cool Dims want to kill the messenger in Webb and deny there is a problem. That plays right into the GOP's plans. :D

Hillary Clinton isn't the nominee yet.

It's being more than made up for by Democrats among Hispanics, and Trump and his fans are making it worse:

Hey chuckles.....Dims only got 37% of the white vote in last years mid-terms. White's are 2/3 of the electorate. They only got 18% of white working class votes.

You girls will continue to lose elections until that changes. You do understand that...right?

As long as we have Presidents like Obama, your agenda is in the shitter.

I wasn't aware Obama was running for a 3rd term. Do tell.....:lol:

Democrats have won the popular vote in 5 of the last 6 presidential elections.

That's nice. :) The Dims dropped below 40% of the white vote in 2014. It has been slowly eroding since 2004 and is accelerating. Dims need 40% of the white vote and a large minority turnout to win elections.

Obama got 40% of the white vote and a large minority turnout. No one believes Hillary will get the same minority turnout as Obama. If she gets under 40% of the white vote she will not win. It is very simple.

Webb had the courage to address a huge problem in the Dim Party. Whites, particularly working class whites, are turning away from the Dim Party in huge numbers....and maybe forever.

So it's cool Dims want to kill the messenger in Webb and deny there is a problem. That plays right into the GOP's plans. :D

Hillary Clinton isn't the nominee yet.

It's being more than made up for by Democrats among Hispanics, and Trump and his fans are making it worse:


No it is not. Whites are still 2/3 of the electorate and will be more than half the electorate for at least the next 35 years.

Unless you are proposing Dems concede the white vote to the GOP? Is that what you are saying?
I like the guy. He's wrong on this.

LL....please see my post above. You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but I do not think Webb is wrong. Democrats need to actively seek white working class voters, just as the GOP needs to seek minority voters. Both parties have similar problems with different voting blocs.

The GOP may have lost minority voters forever. Dems may very well be in the same position with white voters....particularly working class whites. Webb is addressing the issue head on. I think it needs to be addressed.

No. I don't agree. Dems are not losing the white vote by putting that flag in its proper place.
I like the guy. He's wrong on this.

LL....please see my post above. You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but I do not think Webb is wrong. Democrats need to actively seek white working class voters, just as the GOP needs to seek minority voters. Both parties have similar problems with different voting blocs.

The GOP may have lost minority voters forever. Dems may very well be in the same position with white voters....particularly working class whites. Webb is addressing the issue head on. I think it needs to be addressed.

No. I don't agree. Dems are not losing the white vote by putting that flag in its proper place.

I agree. But the flag issue really is pretty damn trivial. I saw Webb's entire remarks. He was not making it about the flag. He singled out both Trump and Democrats for race baiting and said it was wrong. He specifically said Democrats are alienating whites....particularly southern working class whites. He does not believe that is a good strategy, just as Trump alienating Latino voters is a poor strategy.
I saw Webb's entire remarks. He was not making it about the flag. He singled out both Trump and Democrats for race baiting and said it was wrong. He specifically said Democrats are alienating whites....particularly southern working class whites. He does not believe that is a good strategy, just as Trump alienating Latino voters is a poor strategy.
Yep, and he's gonna pay for honesty like that.

I saw Webb's entire remarks. He was not making it about the flag. He singled out both Trump and Democrats for race baiting and said it was wrong. He specifically said Democrats are alienating whites....particularly southern working class whites. He does not believe that is a good strategy, just as Trump alienating Latino voters is a poor strategy.
Yep, and he's gonna pay for honesty like that.


Yes he will, as this thread proves.
He's not accurate in making that comparison.

The white working class vote is not being lost nor is it in danger of being lost. The issue is that white working class people DO NOT VOTE.

Why Democrats Can t Figure Out White Working-Class Voters VICE United States

And....Mac......HOW IS HE GOING TO PAY???? Is he going to be PUNISHED? Is he going to be INTIMIDATED?? You broken record, ya.

Nope....deflection. I said Dems have largely lost the white vote, and particularly the white working class vote.

Per your link.

"The 2014 elections added more fuel to the argument, with a massive GOP landslide among non-college-educated white voters, the group generally referred to as the white working class. Republicans won this bloc 64 percent to 34 percent, while achieving a smaller 57-41 margin among white college graduates."

In 2014, Dems only got 37% of the white vote. This has eroded in every election since 2004.

The Dem formula for winning elections is to get 40% of the white vote and 90% of the black vote. Obama accomplished this. Hillary must do the same or better in order to win because she will not get the massive minority turnout that Obama did.

Bottom Line: Jim Webb is correct. Dems need to court white voters....particularly white working class...and fast....or they are in big trouble.
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He's not accurate in making that comparison.

The white working class vote is not being lost nor is it in danger of being lost. The issue is that white working class people DO NOT VOTE.

Why Democrats Can t Figure Out White Working-Class Voters VICE United States

And....Mac......HOW IS HE GOING TO PAY???? Is he going to be PUNISHED? Is he going to be INTIMIDATED?? You broken record, ya.

Nope....deflection. I said Dems have largely lost the white vote, and particularly the white working class vote.

Per your link.

"The 2014 elections added more fuel to the argument, with a massive GOP landslide among non-college-educated white voters, the group generally referred to as the white working class. Republicans won this bloc 64 percent to 34 percent, while achieving a smaller 57-41 margin among white college graduates."

In 2014, Dems only got 37% of the white vote. This has eroded in every election since 2004.

The Dem formula for winning elections is to get 40% of the white vote and 90% of the black vote. Obama accomplished this. Hillary must do the same or better in order to win because she will not get the massive minority turnout that Obama did.

Bottom Line: Jim Webb is correct. Dems need to court white voters....particularly white working class...and fast....or they are in big trouble.

Read the entire piece, please.

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